
Is Medium a reliable source for journalism, or is it considered a "Fake News" site?

Medium is an online publishing platform that was founded in 2012 by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams. It is considered a hybrid collection of amateur and professional writers, bloggers, and publications. While Medium is not primarily a news media outlet, it does host a variety of articles and blogs on various topics, including politics and current events.

Analysis of Medium's credibility and bias reveals the following information:

  1. Ownership and Funding: Medium is owned by the A Medium Corporation, and its funding is derived from users' subscriptions, with monthly or yearly fees [3].

  2. Bias: Medium hosts a diverse range of writers with different political perspectives. However, a sampling of articles in the politics category showed that 76% leaned left, indicating a left-leaning bias in the selection of stories [3].

  3. Fact-checking and Sourcing: Medium publishes a wide variety of sources, and while most articles are scientifically sound, there are instances where fact-checking fails and some articles promote conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. It's important to note that Medium is a platform for various sources, and not all articles may be factual [3].

Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that Medium has a left-center bias in its story selection and a mixed record for factual reporting due to a lack of sourcing and the presence of articles promoting conspiracy theories and pseudoscience [3].

Learn more:

  1. Can MEDIUM be trusted as a journalistic enterprise ... - Quora
  2. Medium is Not a Reliable News Source | by Mat Ollig | Medium
  3. Medium - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check

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