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Let There Be Light! A Beginner’s Guide to Grow Lights

Plant perfect woman using grow lights to grow food

Ready to bring your plants inside for the winter? Have a small apartment with very little direct sunlight? Grow lights can make any space full of greenery and happiness. Granted, using grow lights as a beginner can be a little daunting!

Let us shine some light on a few common questions and their answers for all the beginner indoor plant-growers! 


What types of grow lights are there?


Fluorescent Grow Lights

These grow lights operate at a cooler (and safer!) temperature with a broad light spectrum. However, if you’re looking for a bulb that will promote flowering and fruiting, you will want to look at an LED grow light.  

Plant Perfect- A Beginners Guide to Grow Lights-led grow light

LED Grow Lights 

LED’s are the king of the hill when it comes to home growing. They are cool, long-lasting, and emit a full spectrum of light, promoting leaf growth, flowering, and fruit growth (read below for more specific LED tips). They can be costly, but if you can produce vegetables in the middle of winter or have bright blooms in a dark apartment, it might be worth it! 


Incandescent Grow Lights

Traditional, cheap, and easy to find, these lights are great for a beginner on a budget! However, the bulbs can get very hot and should not be left alone or near kids and pets. We recommend that you keep the bulbs at least 18” away from the plants to avoid burning them.

Plant Perfect A Beginners Guide to Grow Lights-herbs grow lamp

What is the best grow light for beginners?

The right choice for a beginner depends on your setup, budget, and plant needs.

For beginners on a budget, purchasing a simple grow light with a stand is a great way to start. You can even put a grow light into an existing lamp you have at home.

If you want to get a bit fancier, purchase a light system that positions closer to the plants. Some come with adjustable clips to control the direction of the light right onto areas you want to target. 

For the hardcore beginner that can’t stop, won’t stop, there are complex systems and stackable units with long bulbs attached. Imagine a whole wall dedicated to indoor growing! Have fun with it and create a masterpiece. 


Can any LED light be used as a grow light? 

You can use a regular LED bulb in a pinch, but they only emit light for illumination. The standard LED spectrum is limited to only what the human eye needs to see. On the other hand, LED grow lights will emit a larger spectrum of light which the plant needs long-term. 

Plant Perfect- A Beginners Guide to Grow Lights-simple-grow light

Can you put grow lights in a regular lamp?

If the size of the bulb and the wattage are compatible with your lamp, you can use a regular lamp. This is an excellent option for a beginner on a budget. Be sure to consider how direct the light will be for your plant and the proximity of the grow light to the plant itself. The light needs to be as close as possible, minding the heat factor if you’re using incandescent light. 

Can you use a grow light 24/7?

-timer for houseplant grow lights plant perfectIt is not a good idea to use a grow light 24/7. Plants follow a typical day/night cycle, and plants have varying light requirements for optimal growth. Consider the individual needs, and be sure to turn off the lamp at night. We recommend getting a timer to help manage the light exposure—less for you to worry about, and it makes sure your plants get consistent light exposure to keep their growing cycle regular. 

Keep in mind that plants are used to seasonal changes and will go dormant in the winter for optimal spring growth. If you’re growing indoors during the winter months, shorten the light exposure time to mimic the normal seasonal light. 

If you’re a beginner and want to try growing indoors this winter season, get yourself a grow light and visit our location in Bismarck for a variety of flowering plants and herbs that you can keep safely inside while the snow flies outside!