SQL Basics

At the end of this week, you will be able to:

Let’s start with defining the basics.


A database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software that is used to manage databases.

Data Science

In order to work with data that are stored in databases we need a language. SQL is a standard computer language for relational database management systems (RDBMS). It is used for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.

SQL has various dialects such as PL/SQL (Oracle), T-SQL (Microsoft), and others.

In this course, we will use SQL Server Management Studio hosted at UWF servers. We will use the fictional company Adventure Works data.

Information about accessing the SQL Server is posted on Canvas.

Basic concepts

When dealing with databases we will need to know what is:

  • Entity: is any thing the data represents in a database. For example, Students, Employees, Schools, Departments, etc. There are given as tables.

  • Data Type: We need to pick a data type for each column when creating a table. There are common data types including INTEGER, FLOAT, CURRENCY, DATE, BOOLEAN, and etc.

  • Data Definition Language (DDL): DDL commands are used to create or modify database structures. CREATE, ALTER, and DROP are examples of DDL commands.

  • Data Manipulation Language (DML): DML commands are used to insert, retrieve, or modify data. INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE are examples of DML commands.

  • Data Control Language (DCL): DCL commands are used to create rights and permission. GRANT and REVOKE are examples of DCL commands.

  • Query: Data scientists use a query to get data or information from database tables.

Data Language

Now that we have access to SQL server system, we are ready to manipulate some data and execute SQL queries. SQL statements are divided into 3 categories: DDL, DML, and DCL. We can execute SQL queries using SQL Command or using Graphic User Interface (GUI). We shall present next common statements for DDL and DML.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

The DDL statements are used to create databases and tables. Here is a list of some of the statements:

  • SQL commands to create a database:

CREATE DATABASEdatabase_name;

  • SQL commands to delete a database:

DROP DATABASEdatabase_name;

⚠️ be very careful to drop databases or tables!

  • SQL commands to create a Table:

CREATE TABLEtable_name;

  • SQL commands to create a Table from an existing table:

SELECT... INTOtable_name
FROM Orginal_table

  • SQL commands to drop a Table:

DROP TABLEtable_name;

  • SQL commands to truncating (remove all records from a table) a Table:


Data Maniplulation Language (DML)

The DDL statements are used to insert data, update records, and delete records. Data Manipulation Language is used to manipulate data. Here is a list of the main statements:

  • SQL commands to insert one or more records into a Table:

INSERT INTOtable_name(col1,col2,...)

INSERT INTOtable_name

⚠️ Make sure you insert data in the same order as that in the table for the second syntax.

  • SQL commands to select records from one or more Tables:

WHEREconditions (optional)
ORDER BY column(s)ASC | DESC; (optional)

  • DISTINCT clause to eliminate duplicates:


  • WHERE clause to filter if the condition is true:


  • Arithmetic operators

SELECTcolumn_name1, column_name2, column_name2*2 AS 'twicecolumn2'

Basic arithmetic operators include: %modulo, /division, *multiplication, +addition, and -substraction.

Basic comparison operators include: =equal to, <>not equal to, >greater than, >=greater than equal to, and more.

Basic condition operators include: ANDall conditions must be true to get true, ORAny one of the conditions must be true to get true, INtest if an expression matches any value in a list of VALUES, BETWEENcheck if an experession is within a range of VALUES, and more.

  • ORDER BY clause to sort the records:

ORDER BYexpression (by default ASC);

  • UPDATE statement to update records:

SETcol1 = value1, col2 = value2, ...
WHEREconditions [optional];

  • DELETE statement to delete records:

WHEREconditions [optional];

Functions and GROUP BY

Often you will be asked to answer questions that involve writing queries for summaries using aggregate function and GROUP BY clause.

  • SQL commands for Aggregate statements:

SELECT Aggregate Functioncolumn_name

Below are the main aggregate functions:

Function Action
AVG() average values
COUNT() count the number of rows in a table
MAX() select the highest value
select the latest date
select the last record for a character
MIN() select the lowest value
select the earliest date
select the first record for a character
SUM() return the total for a numeric column
ROUND() round a number to specific decimal

In addition to aggregate functions, there are other type of functions:

-The number functions take a numeric as an input and return a numeric value. The common number functions include CEILING(), FLOOR(), %, POWER(m,n) [\(m^n\)], SQRT(), and ROUND().

-The string functions. The common string functions include CONCAT(), LEFT(), LEN(), LOWER(), REPLACE(), RIGHT(), UPPER(), and SUBSTRING().

-The Date and Time functions. The common date and time functions include CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), DATEADD(), DATEPART(), GETDATE(), DATEDIFF(), and SYSDATETIME().

-The Conversion functions. The common conversion functions include CAST() and CONVERT().

  • GROUP BY and HAVING Clause:

The GROUP BY statement is used to group data from a column. HAVING clause is used with a GROUP BY to add conditions on groups.

SELECT Aggregate Functioncolumn_name
WHEREconditions - optional
GROUP BYcolumn_name
HAVINGconditions - optional
ORDER BYcolumn(s) [ASC | DESC] - optional;

πŸ›Ž πŸŽ™οΈ Recordings on Canvas will cover more details and examples! Have fun learning and coding πŸ˜ƒ! Let me know how I can help!

πŸ“š πŸ‘ˆ Assignments - SQL basics

Instructions are posted on Canvas.