【disabuse – 迷いを解く】


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【Disabuse – 迷いを解く】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?

  • 「Disabuse」は、「dis-」という接頭辞と、「abuse」という動詞から成り立っています。
  • 「dis-」はラテン語由来の接頭辞で、否定や反対、分離を意味します。
  • 「abuse」はラテン語の「abusus」から来ており、「悪用する」「誤用する」という意味があります。ここから英語の「abuse」に繋がり、「乱用する」「虐待する」「誤用する」といった意味合いを持つようになりました。



  • Correct – 誤りを正す。
  • Enlighten – 啓発する、理解を深めさせる。
  • Inform – 情報を与える、知らせる。
  • Clarify – 明らかにする、はっきりさせる。
  • Debunk – 誤信を暴く、偽りを暴露する。


  • Mislead – 誤解を招く、誤った方向に導く。
  • Deceive – 騙す、偽情報を与える。
  • Delude – 欺く、誤った信念に固執させる。
  • Confuse – 混乱させる、理解を難しくする。
  • Misinform – 誤った情報を与える。


  1. Disuse: 「使われなくなること」や「廃れること」を意味します。物事が長期間使用されず、忘れ去られたり、機能しなくなったりする状態を指します。「disabuse」とは全く異なる概念です。
  2. Abuse: 「悪用する」「乱用する」や「虐待する」などの意味を持ちます。「disabuse」が誤解を解く行為を意味するのに対し、「abuse」は何かを不当に扱う行為を指します。
  3. Disapprove: 「承認しない」「賛成しない」という意味で、何かに対する否定的な評価や同意しない態度を示すときに使用されます。「disabuse」と音が似ていますが、意味は異なります。
  4. Disguise: 「変装させる」「偽装する」という意味があり、本来の姿や真実を隠す行為を指します。「disabuse」とは異なり、真実を隠すことに焦点を当てています。
  5. Misuse: 「誤用する」「乱用する」という意味で、「abuse」と同様に、何かを不適切に使用することを意味します。「disabuse」とは対照的な概念であり、正しい用途から外れた使用を指します。


  1. I had to disabuse my friend of the notion that all politicians are corrupt by providing examples of honest and dedicated public servants.
  2. The teacher disabused the students of their misconceptions about history by presenting them with accurate historical evidence.
  3. The doctor disabused the patient of the belief that their illness was caused by a curse, explaining the scientific reasons behind their symptoms.
  4. The detective disabused the suspect of his mistaken assumption by presenting concrete evidence that proved his innocence.
  5. The mentor disabused the mentee of the idea that success comes overnight, emphasizing the importance of hard work and perseverance.

【disabuse – 迷いを解く】のコロケーション

  1. disabuse someone of something – 誰かを何かの誤解から解放する。
    • 「disabuse」は通常、誤解を持っている人(someone)と、その誤解の内容(something)という二つのオブジェクトを伴います。この表現は、「誰かの頭の中の誤った考えや信念を取り除く」という意味になります。
  2. disabuse the notion – 誤った考えを正す。
    • ある特定の「考え」や「信念」が誤っていると示す際に使われます。特定の誤解に焦点を当て、それを否定する意味合いを持ちます。
  3. disabuse the idea – 誤ったアイデアを正す。
    • 「disabuse the notion」と同様に、誤った「アイデア」や「概念」を正す際に用います。誤ったアイデアに対して真実を明らかにすることを意味します。
  4. disabuse oneself of something – 自分自身の誤解を解く。
    • 自分が持っている誤った信念や誤解を自ら正す行為を指します。自己啓発や自己反省の文脈で使用されることがあります。


まず、「disabuse someone of something」という表現は、特定の誤解や間違った信念を持っている人をその誤りから解放する際に用います。この場合、「someone」は誤解を持っている人、「something」はその誤った信念や考えを指します。例えば、誰かが科学的に証明されていない迷信を信じているとき、私たちはこの表現を使ってその人の誤解を解くことができます。

「disabuse the notion」や「disabuse the idea」といった表現もよく使われます。これらは、特定の「考え」や「アイデア」が誤っていると示す際に用いられ、誤った概念に対して真実を明らかにすることを意味します。これは、社会的な迷信や科学的な誤解を指摘する際に特に有用です。

また、「disabuse oneself of something」という表現は自己啓発の文脈で見られます。これは、自分自身が持っている誤った信念や誤解を、自ら正す行為を指します。自分の中にある前提や偏見を見つめ直し、真実に基づいた理解へと自分を導く過程を示しています。


The term “disabuse” is used to clarify misunderstandings or correct erroneous beliefs. It serves as a tool in our everyday life and in the academic world to expose various misconceptions and falsehoods, guiding us towards a correct understanding. To grasp how this word is utilized, let’s examine some typical collocations, that is, words that are often used together with it.

First, the expression “disabuse someone of something” is employed when freeing someone from a particular misunderstanding or erroneous belief. In this case, “someone” refers to the person holding the misunderstanding, and “something” denotes the incorrect belief or idea. For instance, if someone believes in a superstition that has not been scientifically proven, we can use this phrase to clear up their misunderstanding.

Expressions like “disabuse the notion” or “disabuse the idea” are also frequently used. They are applied when indicating that a specific “notion” or “idea” is incorrect, aiming to reveal the truth against the mistaken concept. This is particularly useful in pointing out social superstitions or scientific misconceptions.

Moreover, the phrase “disabuse oneself of something” is found in the context of self-improvement. It refers to the act of correcting one’s own misconceptions or erroneous beliefs. This demonstrates the process of reevaluating one’s own assumptions and prejudices, leading oneself towards an understanding based on truth.

Through these collocations, the way “disabuse” is used and its underlying purpose become clear. Changing the mindset based on incorrect information or beliefs, in other words, unraveling our misconceptions and leading us towards the truth, is the essential role of this word. In educational discussions or everyday conversations, we can use “disabuse” to foster a clearer and truth-based understanding.

“Disabuse in the City: Myths Unveiled” – 都会で迷いを解く:明かされた神話

In the heart of a bustling city, lived a young man named Leo, who was deeply enchanted by urban legends and myths. One evening, while wandering the ancient, cobblestone streets, he stumbled upon a mysterious bookshop, its windows fogged and the scent of old paper wafting out. The shopkeeper, a wise old man with eyes that seemed to twinkle with secrets, handed Leo a dusty tome titled “The Truths Unveiled.” Intrigued, Leo decided to delve into the book, unaware that his journey to disabuse himself of the urban legends he held dear was about to begin.


As Leo turned the pages, the first legend to be disabused was that of the Phantom Train, said to appear on foggy nights to carry away the souls of the unwary. The book revealed it was actually a tale concocted by the townsfolk to keep children indoors at night. Smiling wryly, Leo felt a mix of disappointment and enlightenment. He realized the power of stories to shape perceptions, and he was eager to see what other myths he could disabuse himself of.


Night after night, Leo continued his quest, disabusing not only himself but also his friends of the legends they had blindly accepted. From the Mirror Maiden who supposedly stole your reflection to the Whispering Woods that echoed with the voices of the past, each myth was methodically debunked. Leo’s gatherings became a place of revelation, where each story shared was a step closer to the truth.


However, the final chapter of “The Truths Unveiled” presented a legend so deeply ingrained in the city’s history that to disabuse it would mean to challenge the very identity of the city itself. It was the legend of the Guardian Angel, a benevolent spirit protecting the city from harm. The book hinted at a more mundane truth, suggesting the “angel” was merely a series of fortunate coincidences

mythologized over time. Leo was torn; could he disabuse this belief that brought hope to many?


In the end, Leo chose to disabuse the myths but preserve the essence of what they represented. He realized that while it was important to seek the truth, the hope and unity these legends inspired were equally valuable. With a newfound respect for the power of belief, Leo continued to explore the fine line between myth and reality, always ready to disabuse the former but celebrate the latter.
