Mastery 1: SDLC – System Development Life Cycle

So let’s talk about SDLC also know as Systems Development Life Cycle. SDLC is a term used in Software engineering to describe the processes to create an information system. The life cycle is split into 6 different main phases:


Planning is the first phase in SDLC and what the purpose of this step is to figure out all the activities that are required to accomplish the goal or results that was desired.  It’s very important that the requirements are fully clear because later the software is going to base by these specific requirements.  The further into the project and the different phases we get, the more difficult it gets to make changes into the requirements.


In the second phase we analyse all the requirements and the projects goal. This involves gather facts, identify problems that may appear on the way and find a solution! In other words, what we do in this step is look over everything we gather so far and come up with a result to the project


It’s time to start designing the project!

(“Yes, finally some coding”)

Just kidding, in this step you don’t do any coding! But what are you designing then?

What you do is finding the right layout, diagrams and other important documentation.  


Now it’s time for the coding part! In this phase you as a programmer will sit all day programming meanwhile the project manager is probably out playing golf or having a nice dinner with the client.


Now when the majority of the code is written and the pieces are brought together its time to do some testing to se if the code does what it actually are suppose to do, and maybe complement the code if needed!


The last phase of SDLC is maintenance. The program is now in the stage so your client can use it and their may appear some problems what will be taken care of in this phase. This phase can be one of the most expensive ones if not the previous phases was done correctly.


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