Has China Just Found An Alien Base On The Moon?

Is this the reason no one has set foot on the moon in forty years?

Conspiracy theory fans believe that there’s an alien base on the moon - and not only that, but Earth governments are in contact with it.

Photos from China’s Chang’e-2 orbiter seem to show mysterious buildings - and there’s more to come, Mysterious Earth reports.

Of course! Why didn’t we think of it before?

More sober observers might, of course, favour the explanation that the Chinese photographs shows some perfectly ordinary rocks.

Mysterious Earth claims that multiple ‘experts’ such as UFO fan Michael Sallia suggest that there are busy alien cities on the moon.

Salia says, ‘I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moon’s surface.


Also stoking the fire are Chinese UFO fans - who believe that in 2012, aliens attacked the Jade Rabbit lander and destroyed it to conceal the existence of an alien city.

Nigel Watson, author of The Haynes UFO Investigations Manual says that the thousands of Chinese UFO enthusiasts believe that Jade Rabbit ‘was either nobbled by aliens or the USA. This would be to prevent the robot from discovering bases and other secret technology on the surface of the Moon.’

‘There has been a huge interest in this topic in China since the 1980s and the launch of the Jade Rabbit inspired a renewed interest in all space-related topics. At the moment China has 60 UFO researchers scattered throughout the country ready to investigate any alien encounters.

‘In the Western World the United States Airforce (USAF) sponsored Project Bluebook to collect UFO reports and debunk them as known phenomena such as misidentifications of stars, meteors or aircraft. In China any information about UFOs was suppressed so when they had the opportunity they were keen to study the subject scientifically and find out as much as possible.’