Let’s mend the broken souls!

Saba Rahman
3 min readMar 4, 2022

For those who are broken yet wear beautiful smiles to make you smile in return. Let’s touch their souls with the morning dew drops resting on the petals of the roses and mend their hearts with spending some quality moments.

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One of my favourite quotes,

“Touch the shattered souls with a dew-dropped morning rose to collect them whole and mend.”

Do you have one moment to peep here? It will take a few minutes to read this such an important message. Have you seen him? Have you seen her? Have you seen them? Or you have forgotten them all in your occupied life.

Oh well, my dear friends, this is not just your story. You haven’t forgotten them, you miss him/her/them. You know better. But you have no words to express your emotions. You may not have the ways to make them realise how important they are for you. Behold, I am thinking very optimistically. But seriously, you need to spend some quality moments with them to make them alive. The sadness has crept into their hearts and now eating them up to shortened their lives. They want to live more but the swamp of bloody emotions have clutched them and not let them get rid of such disgusting bogged situations. Their cries are buried under the overwhelming expectations from their beloved ones. Consequently, they are dying sluggishly being hopeless. Their souls are fading away for they don’t find peace within the body they live. Their smile is snatched by the miserable moments that made them cry loudly but are gagged in the corner of a dark room. Their peace is stolen by their fondness of love that is still holding them to wait for someone whom they trust madly. Their consciousness is gone in want of more love and care which they truly deserve to get. Their little-little flaws were the reasons that they were separated and left them alone to live. They need to laugh in reality. They need to breath openly under the unlimited blue sky to turn their blues into pink sunset of their bad days.

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Let’s smile at each other. Let yourself feel free to talk openly and counsel to know the condition. We hide our feelings because we have fear of being judged by people wrongly. We conceal sadness with a fake smile to show that we are absolutely fine. But it’s not okay to be not okay. We deserve love, lots of care and humanity. We need to be treated very well.

This is the story of every single human being. No one is okay. Every one of us has grief. Because life is all about grief and joy. But we only focus on grief ungratefully. Because we are greedy in want of only happiness. Turn this annoyance into happiness involving yourself in mending the broken souls. This act won’t let you recall grief. Stay there where your heart energised but only in good things and humanity. No evil act, remember this! :)

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