Justkiddingfilms “Mo Money Mo Problems”

Unco Chin and Unco Same are back once again. The Justkiddingfilms duo (Jo and Bart) are back with a new video titled “Mo Money Mo Problems.” In this video Unco Same and Unco Chin teaches their viewers how to use a credit card responsibly. Unco Chin ignores all the warnings Unco Same gives him about using his credit card and eventually ends using his credit card on everything. This then leads him to a complicated situation.  Check out the whole video to see what happens! Continue reading

Unco Same The Cock Blocker

Since many people did not like Unco Chin’s prank call to the lumber store the Uncos decided to make a new video and post it up. In this video Unco Chin brings home his girlfriend and they want some special time alone. But Unco Same continues to interrupt them. Check out the video and tell us what you think. Continue reading

Unco Chin buys lumber

Unco Chin is back again, being his funny yet deceiving self. In this new video Unco Chin prank calls a store to complain about the lumber he has just recently brought. This is not a staged video since you can tell that the worker was trying his best to help. But as the conversation continued on you can see Unco Chin trying his best to contain his laughter. Well enough said check it out below!!! Continue reading

Justkiddingfilms “Carpool” music video released

We recently posted an article about Justkiddingfilms releasing a teaser for their music video titled “Carpool.” But for all of you who have been dying to see the full music video wait no longer, earlier today [June 12, 2011] Justkiddingfilms just released the full music video. You get to see unco chin and same talk about driving in the carpool lane and all the people who “hate” because they are stuff in traffic. Check out the full video below and tell us what you think!
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