Variety (October 1919)

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. t» vaudevUto OMce: in fact. It litA*e iiafionnfiiltr dona, tba main dUBenltr pn}>- '■Mnr In aeonrlng plojrora witb Tpteet whoae iBiutw' fit tb* TauderlUe fignr* for ui not oC tb« kind. Belltt hn« had to b« ooDtent wItb b«t jittto of Um Herbvrt Bcan; noat ot the tarn la 'ttat Bnt the -quartet wlUt '3* Banpy" aaA tlM alncins of tte atow*! nalk toaih gblik Uw «M vHdrlNr amAa li eaailf «• ■etnaa. ' Tliat on* dolny BIrdia abooM hi**' a saw coatnme, Tba man dotng BmUa, tba SeoicbinaB, la (trea ipaelal menlloa te tba ' MUlns and la >poUlcht«d durlns tha talapboaa 'Ut- ^« net waa liked, bat it aeema aUted for a feature on .tbe aniall time. Two hita cams with Smith and' KaafBiaa on Bart Rkaloa' MsC - to' Omit aetd. inaPa fonttae. HIa cpaalac mrnbar, "Tm Avar Ahead of tba Tiawib" luid fanltVa 'Tm LooaaoBM for Tan,** tot em ateetr, u did their dnet. "Up, Up. in th« Air." Both men haya |ood Tolcea, &ad with a group of freab asnca tfT ehoald be welcome tooat anywhere. They fiaatad a oomtdr prnttA with "Oh, la, La^ Waa mtt," '^Uk >wiht tham back far tw» ; t^ aM» ua ' K Vta'aaC Ct, «t IMiM'WIdi » «lr. "Basplpea ta fha Tranebea,'' Mmlabed twahre aihiatea of fan. X«rid aettlnga deptet a 'tmcta. 0«B abota baac tbeir wajr 'all thran«h .tb* tarn, which czplalna why thtf'm plaTlar tbe captain iboata bla lines at - all - (ivea, ftr ■one of tbem cajpe witb tbe abootlnr. ^inn gats aome buicba had^ daacea araahd a bit. S» appear* !-» M OMvaiiM^-fhaaidi with a Ufht the aliootlnt. Pbvinc the act. and Co. (ttmerlr billed an excellent t)arltaa« f>'' it n»" :aHnrtaF than any'aiieMar *p .. , - coatd. Tha llaiah baaflaa wtlh tha tespipea. the slrl aio^ tb^ *\»ptalii" with )aiaa dnima and tber (irl tboirlng aicill In the Scotch atyle of whaofflnt the drnm. The turn may get aome of tiM-biff time, and with lattcb-geltiBr dtalaft' it maid ba aon. It la perfcctlr aaf* Om .«e t»a beat laa«ha The Btonka B B wr ia the cage Wortia Van with Jbaephlne) OB toor^ Openlag with "Nobody Knowa" aa a daet, be followed with "Bead to ICaadatajr," lUa beat aSMt, tha rendition Indlcatbw ..Tka ciri appeared to be aen>e« t.lM.aiBilak aad at the Oalah. with TteHwitBB. tha rntaim be- lar *TtaK« ''Iiltlla WBBM materiatUr aU Bcrgen'a ehaneaal "Recredlt" (new acta) fumlthed ft. aarcltr ftniili. Sawn and Sawn, who haw been aoi of town for aoma time, opened tha ataow esedleatlr and eaa easily ftU tha aama «ot ia Mg liouses. Tbe nua doea tnoet of tfa* woric It leaUy caa bo termed "jaaee Jaggllnv," and dl of tba atimu aeem ta jieap in time with tbe XUa tioaiac bU, that of ■»'pi»l». f M fc> i—a Mli^ «M|nc.tho l^tBr wirito «tMS51» wnSiSi tta «tk(r ia tM «C.lka darani* •( I A^.nther ordinary layout at tlio American ' 'tto flrat halt. Bnalneaa waa off Uonday r Oolito, a«xt ta cbMliic i^^^ally n^^^ .' tbow with bta entertaining blackface apadalty. Tha wbistltng at the nnisb at the present time . Ir tto biggeat tbhig in Goldle'i routlae. Tba ttlkbig and vpcni featorea ahould bo buUt up. "Boahieaa la Boaineas," a Potaab and Perl- ■nttOT^.typ* at aviMay akatoh with a pair of ^^If.WilhK. Mtapg eboaen priaolpaUr ba-. IKW'orrihakP vtonlahl naamidanoe Alex vnir and Bantgr. Barnard, kept '«n» laagidBV throughout Tha eomadlaaa roiail^Mad. a tit Tha act wotddmalce a fljeat rata tmim^- anmbor for tba better honsca if ghrtt li ft WHar and more legitimata manner, ^altars and Waltera' ontertaloed pleaaantly .. >y_18 minutea with their novel double ventrilo- '"■Jjj'jwn. It'a a rtaadard act that contains yj wt of material which ia anra for either iy * Mf .Mia awdl ahoa fc «w tailqr cirInK ■»!«« tto toMddHB tt* **■ ITtta boy dmaaqr kadrt ftr Mlii --P^ nnd UhUanr.'Meoad, tomd IS. • ■««<» ""wM nntll' thoy KactMd ua tough danee. Tha team bare tha gooda, 'wt do not know ho« to ahow them to beat ■■|«>Uge. Thay are both talking aad trying . ■j^eomedy too mnch rtght now. The danolng gj '•? *'»"■ nnsnrtiafa, Kbre fteppfaiff had •M talk wm help (ha act dieatiy. : «• »d 8ad|a Sa Uar CallowlBg. worked •war aMmant ther 6aU tba ataga. "but wwt managod to pasa. Mlas Do U«r Is Ver- She Bfaigs (Bg Bonga, dancee and van* . a Hack wire eqnallr well. The nan jUajB » Piano accordion better than tbe average. ^ bandling einaaical stttS and laga in great jnat U, ft battar apot tha toii mach batter. Dava Qanaro and Anna OoU, ctorioc tto first half, pleased with a fontina 9t aid aitd new dancing, bnt atnmbled on tha comedy. Tto old-faahioned eato walk as dona by Geoaio » odd yaara ago polled oat the biggest applaoaa of any of tto daaeea, ,IMVit SIManv ft eenrentioaat ainginc aad ta waatMi^ tto afliet ad'ibnh a( Mm ••Mtotor.'' by tha taller gM, wta WoU handled. - 9U<a Bard and company, ground tumbling, elosid with ft xtgnlatlon aerobath) rautlna. CITY. The King ot Belgium will never band XSdgar Allen any decoratlona for the. tint half aboir at tha City thft week, whether Albert aaes K Or not. It might have kwked vaod on paper, bnt did not mcaanra of to the atandard. Navetttolcaa. It was not tto TaodevlUe which, aianagad to flU tto heatp to oaaaaity oa^ tto lowar flott tat tfa thrftft tolaenlaa, ii was tto pie- taUl *ClMton('* «IMi aceoapUatod that feaV aad VrotoHy. )to aodlaaea. with the exeeptfon ar Om tw6 or three '«raa" toathara In tbe gal- lery, •varlooiied tUf dodeieaay aad hapad fbr ' better tto laat halt . Thdae "raa" boya In the gallery got a bit an- ndy dnriac lAmbertra charaeteriaatioii ^f tlio "dea& of SVengMi" and hia portrayal of Abra- ham Lincoln. Ttot protobly may be con a triied to their Ignoranco of art and their iaabUIty to recagnize tbe linea of the famsna' Oettyaburg addieaa. Bat tbey were ^oieted down qoickly ■ aad liwt la ehaek daring Ito smI of tto Tto Three Tietora, billed aa tbe Dobaoa TIrlo, ta a band-balanelng novelty, opened tto aboi^ Their ronttne I* nie^ artaBgcd aad tto fly-away leap ftem tond to hand la an appropriate elimaz. B. 3. Moore, tto talkative magician with a few trielu aad an •overalnmdanoe of talk, waa in tto second spot Mr. Moore's Jocniar re- raafka at tto expanae. ot tto andienca netted nothing. Leonard and Wllfaffd In a eoawdy tall^ ta« akM; aatlUad 'il'iH—nay" toiga inkwhf* bbtdeta ia oewn( Msiimec* m tW "Moo.'* tto • wanMu Ja « capable eooMdlaaaa' and tto aian to a aniUble straight One of tto featurea of tbe Fox. news which was atown next waa the Fox "Newsettee." Tto current Fox Newa had* aome very inte^eating topics. LKtle Lord Robert lit "Santa In tto Noraery" nado-tto hMat finraMMa (iMwia* on tto bill. HIa ojaaar' daaaa flaiik vaa- watt lOced aad 'Jollii Kalaty haa-a, i oC -Vine" rendition was aptoidld.- and if ato ware to obtain other material ot a similar vela, hw tnm might to cenatmed aa somewhat mora pleaaittg tton it Is aa assembled at present. Lan^wrtl with his cbpraoterixatloDs of the com- poam tod rather a hard time to Impreta. Hta^ variety ot aeleetlena on tto piano, violin and* baae 'Tlola weca -w atotild tova ialtai Bioiwwrir. iHwii a finr aC'dia aBMIbr ii thal»l> 1^ tnad ta "breali"-hiai «p tji-Wtr Tilttwtii!" and Brengalt portrayals, tto aadfeoee took: iMn kindly to hha. Law Baarklna, black face, witli a monotov renovated tors and thare, waa la tto next to eieeing apot, aad had toogh aleddlng with hia aonga and stories. The Bird Cabaret, ah a»> aemblaga of vari-ootored birds, waa tto EAHZLTOV. , Sattor 1^ dan atuMCtota at tto HaaiUtoa Toeadnr amtag; It loatad a thlav, atraaiiv had toppensd, mm aidcrhic tto vaodevllla and. - Tto show waa fl^r. oil tto tegalar atandard. AUtough tto nanisa were of aome prominence on tha lobby advertiaa* menta, the bill wns tacking in every respect to Ihr as amasement was eonoemod, with tto «Br caption of tto Argonne B. The flowers la tts lobbr cmaers tors boaa .albninated. •lAMMp. Jtaftiik^ • .diSMialUTa famala, aMas' wlw dkaHl dl laaita la toteht, apoaad tba idwir with 4anea tollatlona, aimnji a ohaago oE.aop»> ttune for eadk. Tto chaaica an mada la fMD view of tto andtence by her alleged aiater, wto alao renders.oiM very good oooMdy song nun' ber Just prior to the conctaston of .tto torn. Her present ttim appears to tovo bad Its best days, aa^lt does not appeal as strongly aa before. > and Bnkin (New Acts) came on No. 3. L and JbAwy, two mon in evening dreas. aSf' Mk aad tonga, aldaMyiar' aadifw that contd class them. Their reutfna is tto drflratT two aet Leon Stanton and Co, preaeated tha first sketch la No. 4 spot Had it bean ^toed* In No. S apot tto Trilaon and MeAvoy tntt coald tove proven a little better down a pec Tto Stanton playlet entitled "The Proflteera." to aapposed to fumtob comody, aad alttottgh there is ito* aptoaty for It, the sketch lacks tto prapar ldek aa «*anl occasions, nevertto- leaa stouM pnto wartk wfcBa at tto samU tfato la kiakl. kdd down ant la trta tto <i'*t tnm of tha evening to arouae any oBtbnalasm. One of tto membera playing tto tomediaa rale Is not In fchaki, but In lien thereof is oonnmed la Wtons atyles ot clothing to aid bl| comedy talk. Tha former soldiers render a number ot songs and aome good comedy taUc' nerorttoleoi It looks aa ttough tto torn will M^ bNt ia Ha p r e s e n t ton tti ttt» m$' toclnidnv to appraoialloa D'Amonr and Donglaa^ two men. otfertnd strong am faats, closed .tto show, bnt again tto atmoaptora became dnU. Tto taftt'-ltsalt it •rery good, but tha toys OMI|W'a|t ' toadlcap ot tto svaalac; AUBUBON. night decrease in altendanoo at tto AoMkOR Monday ovaninr. Tto rApilan wars on hand. It was tto nareaerved aaotlon ot tto orchaatra that did net flil up. The ahow .proved a winner with tto bill runnhm extra smooth and glit« tarlnf with oo&edy. Rjraa aad Lea, ekiaing tto sbow, walUd •« with tto hit bonom, aUtottgh they kai HwriD maaan-api, with Mfgnaa. and Wamof aad VmmpMhi also Iwr*. Inr to work innii IHiift Wlalftod Dntoto gavo a dnt-claas esblblttoa ot Juggling to tto epeaing spot rtaaoto aad Overtoit (new act), two ax-soldlersb did not lose a minute in furbishing comedy aplenty la No. 2, followed by Jo to Q. Spar to and eom- pony, wto presented a comedy akot^h ttot aoe* caasfully huided with tto approval of all. Tto aMl.«i l>pltall>t Mik ftwi;«tart to dalik - it M « ymng «■*!• «ka tto . win dC: New Orleana, Oct ift'i^T^-^^i'iiJ^s^! Tto Palace program for the ilrst part of milt'- weak pleaaed immeasurably, hanging up a tiei*^;^ oOtoa raend for tto theatre. A wall prbdaort^'^^ip ftatom, Uudaa vmou-la-'Tto Btenal Mag*-".K^Jv^^^ Mtm," wMok'After Baihtad-dkwiM i^'.^^^-r/^.'^^^M.^ dlttrif aadMMlonnMy MSSTfo mmH ti»-W tondaaeev tat tto slww wad ttora abo. :' ■ Tto opening found Delma and Kbtb, wto lal^':~/>!t^'^^m eldahad their aorototle and daneng intatidM'' 1'^^^ la. a. 9Ntty aettlng with , tha trappings «S/sv%S]t;§. l>Iay«d enshrouded In a beflowerod trellla, • :' ife^ neat ofterlog that gathered ax«ellont retuma, Ipl^ " followed, dtoeleaing a soprano irttlli ; ^#S3 Mar of JM oaaUty. MIssAUmH ta appaa iaa to'imh poise. a« aMT . . .l,«to«d»c»te.lMr-rtiili»,to-**'l**;^^^^^^^ natorial otMV.^ Tto Murtr fnM af .har tMiM0^:-'i^-.j:.A^$^ night to .toppUatoa :irtth maMOmm: lA.-.mmy yiMm^ popular, vttn aad tka aet ^aw« vMim»A:i^'- -!^i^ adnkatnge. ■:.^iJi j..^ Hamlin and Mack began In nova) faaMoa^ ' and after ttot tha gmce aad charm of lltto ' <'-''i:i^vy\f. Mack told np tto avotago taaintalned at thf oonuaeBcsmaat Hamlin aSaots a dtoconc«(tta# pnp mU* «nt la man dMitoting tbaa kMft* Mi -TM iia'.wwa aioaly iaMtvad. Momni* Anger ihlght have attttotad • lw«Mf mai^%UkiM':K^A0if: tot tto member dolaf • JttVUk'nteiftil^ .'lBii&^r^!^}^:, lew la oSenrive and Ita nfUtia »g»* tortad area la imitkqam.^f'Wg^ iMttiiMit bmsqoa and repallant " ' •<Ckear Up." which closed, la Jnst ahtnt-ibigKii^i. ainiett tob sent thnntgh tto iSoutb ia mimm^'--^'-''^' tins.. Tto pHnclpaU ata yotithrol, magiastw^^' and poasaaiad of oodles at parw)ttaUty.. It:# If yaara. Tto playlet brlaga arottnd alt and the aketch ckises with tto off on their honeymoon. - Hlgnon followed ..Fox .Mewa Ot Cnrrent Bventa aad had aa «aay tine. Tto tittle talas-early proves her worth. Har tarn'.oemlata of over half a dosen. Imitations, olevecly oxocuted, Waina aad Vmplaton, next la- oC (» a inflnr. Mhc throngb , (ilNilug to m Byaa and Lee, ctoslBg tto nbow, t^resanUag ttoir old rontlne, t^ienlng with ttot sbua bang affair and totar with tto Kata aad proved that tto aet' te atm aoir •■' iir- audience to conceracd. - Wiiltom Ruaaell in "Sacred Slh reiaaae, llaiahed tto j^aitormance. , New Orleans. Oct 22. Lively program obtains at tto Orpbetua tliis week, but the composlts impression to bnt fair, due to an absence, ot anything approaching pre- tent]oasneaft-...fVMN«tai« with Ferahlnr* and Laragr, IkliM 'aad ' Boser dlvlda tto atollar ' ' Now <MMn)h- 9««U- iat^^- Am bUI at Loew'B Creaoaat lor tto flrat timh: day* of tbto week can to vatacktaaly ta^liiit- week. An overtlow autoaittblage watched. ai|i« moved and imreaponatvs. Sunday aftaiMottr Stoaiioy and ttooney st«fpped ohJInarny. -Ttog^ did tm*. Xally and Eally MIowad. They dbiw Jifm «a alkar: fhkHft.'Ww koe «Mk-'.(MMii> kauy.'' ' - ■ '' XdlaU ta Cm^^ la''A Mghi^^^^^ , " It te Ml. old-My%CittM df tin in^^ IMF tm yean nfeo. ZrytoU and support adaogats and'pleased. Daylo had 'Blajns, two gtrto, atep and ia tan thee. - They earry » eotton picking dtoH ftad are aetlvo and aoargitic; erehtohttei^ (41^ apptwiatlaa. 'Vto^gtrfodtoald^i■n-somo'1Mi%;.^' ":f- . . . •BW\iaa Oray.l* tk» .aiiiBk«;:^aS^fe^v^ mt ft':^«f(t..fttt:'irltk'fto'ifoawli ilt«mil»^:iififiie^i^ mr d top a a . '.jitea .Owir'It m ilium-mmy^^^^M a«t teat iMtoiiilng fcr aot •■■ - - Ko ■ • ■ -■ mien and appatontly optlmistlr ■K«Ni tlnn ia .good •ta^, , Thagr Moia Xtotaaa dU. very well la tto poaltloa, aagmentlttg tto returns with a well . chosen repertoire ot songs rontlned sdmlrably. She has a refal. drop which alda tto picture conaidembqr, Jamet "Fat" Thompaon, with hia eamottfleon; extracted ritold UOrbter, as npon bto former visit nt another theatre. Ho could fkrthar adfaaca tto torn by aaearing aonething of ft wallop, far tto IbitoK tto aet letting down I tharo. ,, Va^i.aM. Hynna bad easy aaUlag, • ac.tka. Ui'ft.aot'aa^ wUk-tto. «l*ead ta. biliiir . tlw beat ramlta. eevU faailtr tavo taken an aneoro, left tbtin apphradlnr vociferotoly. Jack Norworth evidently did not hav« to think hard to evolve "Something .witb Far« nhbig." Following tto many war ptayeto closely with khaki clad soldiers and Had Cross noma it means nothing. B. F. Bawlay tolpa with hia flawless acting, and Jacqnallnf Dnria laada Cham to tto atUMiaptora eieated, but taps baa bean soudod aa this stnS toro. Al and Fanny • HIP^ MARIETt/W • ONrAIIt ^. The I. A. T, S. EL 'hM declaiwd ^ tlwi^lSii^is* Hippodrome, :SCsirJetta, "unfair? A9 ;t|tC result of a Btrike ot Its memberB ttat ' "^^piisS iiaa been goiner on at the Tionso for tbi|' past three weeks. Unless the dlflteultlM are aetUed by Oct. 81, the I. A. wiU iastt» the official "road call," wl)lch win pi:e« vent union Atage hands ixwOio^'tmi^'i/A^U road abowe from trorking at tbe.HlfcS^^^' <VlM'Htp plays K..4}'&«|id ^beriti^^p^^^ IRENE FEN WICK IN "BELLft/^^fv Tha Selwyns bave. picked Irene-Fen*)^* vrlck tor the lead in "Weddbig Sel^S, v:::«.f f • Her appearance tor the flrat-tbB* beanal Moqdar'cavacd. MaM^'jnii^iH^ tO'the members of tbe eoiiipaiiir/«te^-flalE|7.'^^^ pected UAisaret -IdwrowM^'ViMWi'*^^ •<Tea'fiiv^Thrfer^'ia-'Caiteago..v''''' M^^itw'f:-:; ^. ..■M|«a VtmitUatB presence '^lnA'jililk^sBiM:^^ thtf-inabiiUtr fQ flBdts suitiUMiAi^iii^^^^^'M^ ' •l«iii . Uwi!(WM*.,to^^^ BE^\^ UtlOtf€ Bessie ' MeO^r./- nSastfuitfli^ to. GreenwUdi YlllagB^MM? , night, em. had beett iiKnitttijIjnoi^ sprainad aAkU^ :to;.«bfii .Vto BtUNaiF . effort' t^nny Stodman has growa bseomlagfy thinner, displays savnral Irideseant gowns aad la Bhootteg har coaedr with tto aid<thao asal aad abondaa.-- Bor laathor Is tto aatte adigd foil. vaudeville baa never properly appraised Lemjr, of Laroy, Thlma and Boaco. Among magicians ha to <»IIcd one of tho maetori, .bnt lack of atownanahlp haa militated against hia rise. His bird cage escape and his experiment with aeoreo ot dncks at tto end ham never been notavw br OhiaK Uag^ltoi. Ooa* pmf> Voinav.aiid . Bate* told tton awM to a rmmm (fc jf. SmmtA =. Ai one time there waa some disoiui->' 0lon resrardtog Mlm McCoy** Itovbiier the "FoUles" at,the Village and the manag^ent then wae prepared to sivf.;: Ottt-ik-^iprained ankle" atateniieiit*■^•'v . IMmd Ybaii0:iii-<«i«Mtefir:: ■ ■ ■ ■ ; apkhjft/-bct^'lji;^ Holaad Vraniv htf attMiMded-W^ : Bddinger In rBuddieft* «IUs 1iMite;lip^Uu the tliMd-atatf eoBibbiatloli that pi;^!ll^^ Mieoemful it for no otlieir than pre«t*! agenting purposes wtami , tite;: - dho# m