DMLC Yearbook 1978-1979

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E L s R

1979 Dr. Martin Luther College New Ulm, Minnesota




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. .

. .. . • ..

. 11 JJ

•• . 53 . . . • . . . 75



, .. . . .

ATHLETICS .. ,. .. . .. . INDEX .. . ... . . .... . . . .

93 129 152

Farewell and God's blessings to MLA


Transient collc-gc Life presents us with many ChafllU. Courws cha~ profcasors change; friends come and

go. but art long remembered. Tbe absence of Martin Luther Academy

from this campus wiJl leave an empty place in the memories of future members of the college (amily. They will not have that constant reminder or the cxubcrarict al)d grow1ng-ps1ns o( high

school life. This campus •ill

be :iit.e:red witboul the Cllipetiences of living with high school age fellow Chrillia.M, but now is the time for M LA to move to a new campus and a new name. May God shed H.i:s ri-

chest belMiJlgs oo Manin Luther P reparatory School i-n Prairie du Chien a.s it staru a new ll.(c.

thtre. is a suson ... "

E cclesiasle.s J :.1



. .....






Homecoming llomoc:omjng 1978. ahe firs• bi& began with the UJIU3!

evtnl or l bC [al)

freshn1an Initiation. HO\\-tvef. t he

3:30 1\.1\i. setenotding around cam· pus lhis year wa$ a little added touch by t he frosh men. 01hcr than 1hilt. lhc frt$.h1ncn "-'Ctc successfully initi· ttcd inlo college life at O~iLC. The Iheme this year was ..Son1C> Owr the Rainbow" tan d '"'tu

tarriOO out throu&bout lhc week pre· tteding Homccon1in3. Monday wtu dciign-altd Hat Day; Tuesday. Rain·

bow RibbOn Day; Wednesday, Dr¢$$ Up l>a)': Thursda)'. Button Day; anc.

Friday. l\1aroon and Gray Oa)'.

The \\'Omen on campus got a piece or lhe. action in the form of Po..-ide1 Puff foo1ball. AU tht e las:sc.:1 put up I good fight1 bUl Lhe fresbmet rrovcd the toughest as they ca~ ou1 in first pla«:.



Homecoming -

continued . . . 路 .

Ploally lhc blj diy arlh·cdl Tbc !'<I·

radc through New Ulm. complete

wilh noau, freshmen marchers., and band. ttnrtcd tbc da)"s ao· th..idcs. Two o'clock arrived and it WU time fo.:r l~ big ga1nc agaJnst

Northwestern of W2tcrtown, lt was htl'd·fo\lgllt ba1lle. but the ti:adt· lion held as OMLC once again lost


to NWC.

Tbc banquet was (ollo'fl:ed by cnteruiinmcnt led by MC's Guy Delancy, O.b Tcttl• ff. Mik< Pfeifer. and Jan Ncli;on. The even· ing , higl1ligh1ed b)' Phn 1and Vicki BoUeau. 1971 graduutcs or DMLC , who performed a number of

SoQngs., includina • medley of Elvis Preiley tunes.


A Curse of ao Aching Heart Aloes •nb 1.bc r.n 1ason. the dta· ma club brwabt color to lbe liva of the colkae commu.njty •itb their prod uctioia the melodrama. "Cllrac ol an Achlt1,g Heart ... All Ute


lime, entray, 111d .rron put r0t1h by

the dircc10t, Pfoduaer, cOOrdinator, ca11 •nd crew proved well worth il when it came to curtain time. At cur· Lain time, the 1udk::ncc became a part«)( the. CIAl with their boo$, bi.s;s.. ~. llrnd Chccf!l. At lhe end o( the petfa.rmanoe, cveryuoc left with a. Curie o( ltn lchin& htart, but also

whh laaona n1cmor,es.



\Vl 'ff £R

Christmas festivities The fccJlna th~I '*Inter


truly here

11trlkt11 in 1he frcnL.icd "'eeks bcrore Chr11tnu1s vacauon. !\early evcr)'-

onc conlr1bu1c11 to the jo)'Ou!i cclc·

b1111ion of our Savior·i birlh. Hand11 "ro bu11y crcAl irlM colorful dccora11{11\'• voice.~ 1&re 'tl°"d 111 "1ng• of ~ol'ld41r

ilnd pr1titc, and



to tharc In c~ptt11lU0Rll ur fclloY..•hlp ,plrilJ.. make lhcir u:ctet dcl1,,cric1. In the mid&t oC 111 of these •pc~1.d ~P'rJt1oni there i~ ;iht.ii)'S time for a le* IC4tt "''*hat ha> been ,,. .. ~cd a•li)' lft the bf111t Clft pro~c uterul before aomc of h it fataottcn \JUI

R' ..

O\'cr vacauon Th11 year. ar1cr an uplif1ing chapel Kntec 1n v.luch the members of the

campu.t fam1I)' shared the aood ncy., uf Jcau,· blnh, Oary IU1n and Cra11 Wlnkltr titr\·Cd 11 t.1C's for the col· lcge Chr111mas pany. Following the dlspl1y of 1a1ent, the line for ice crcAn1 quickly formed s.nakina its "'ll)' throuah the S1udent Union. ··~1 ~ kc rc11dy, I lo comes" 11crvcd 1111 the 1hc1no for the 111111 juln1 College· Ac.:lldc1ny Chris1m1111 Concert (which Yf:lt de... elopcd Into ti record a$ ;i last• Ing memory).




Snow Carnival 1979 The winter snows of Minnesota weren't a llowed lO make February gloomy on the DMLC campus. Even the snow and cold were put lo use in the 1979 Winter Snow Carnival. This )car. despite the far belo" zero temperatures. the abundance of while stuff was transformed into space oddities as extraterrestrial vehicles appeared 10 land at various points on can1pus. The ).Cniors showed the greatest ski ll and hardiness in completing their sculpture according to the judges. Skits transported the audience to various sections of the galuy. but the winning sophomore skit was centered around a rescue of the campus family from a bliuard b) a friendly ~Larship.

The Entertainment Night featured a number of talented, amusing. and "out-of-this-world" acts by campus members and was hosted by that charming duo. Bob and Randy Kramer. Outdoor competiuve activities included toboggan races straight down ll crman llill and an oppolluuity tu have fun while collecting bruises in the broomball games on the ice rinks.



Queen Karen Reigns Adding to tile excitem~nt or Sno'" Carniv:tl, q ueen competition spanned t'ln cntir¢ wc~k. The queen cand1dntcs were first antroducW l&I the Sadi~ litl'"''kins' movie, ••Snow-

ball E.xp1.u." Al the hllatlou. >dn;61 men V'S. professors baslcetball gnmc, the c:andjdatcs appeared as co1n1cnl 1i11Je o:>td ladies. 1-towc\•er. lbe uuc lesl c:lme with I.heir skit, 1hc1r grour talent._ candidate questioning.•ind 1h0St tricky revc.1ling l)tore.(;$(1r situations. (\Vhal were you doing, 1n the bio10$)' lab, Ruth'! ) (Jn the final night of entcrta1nmcnl c:an1c the CS· eorted W';Jlk down the center aisle

when each candid1lte could b< viewed ill s ll bet sple,ndor (wit hout 1.11pp111g) . Kar..:n Kraklow "''as 1hcn

crowned ns the. 1979 Snow C't!rn1\•al Qµeeo by Chef}I \Vrobel. 1978's queen. All the ~ndid;'ltcs enj<>>'Cd thcil unique expcricntte und were honored 10 represen1 1bc Junior Oass in the Snow Carn1\1al festt\•ities.




''Kiss Me Kate"

Cole P-0rter's 1nusiC<ll \ICl'$iOo o( S hs kespea1e·s "The Taming of lbt Shrew.. "'·as performed on D.\.1 LC's stage ~i atch 30, 31, and 1'\pril I. Un· dcl' the dircccjon of J ulie Kaib u~- director, Ste\1e Crosimke- assiSl3ni di· rector. John Kanter and 01anc Flunker- co-producers. Rando.JI KTamtr- orebCst.ra director. llnd J ulie Laehn- chorus dir«tor, the Q..l:l \\'8$ able co portray t he ever chang· ing lives of the aciors on and off stage Dave Co,•a¢h played t~ ego· centric Fred Graha1n, 'i''hile Jan Nel· ron played Fred's ex-wife Sue Roland portrayed an ambitious act.ress of fame and Dale Oppcrmann por· tr:t)'Cd t he Broadway hoofer and gambler. T he s bo"'' heightened in hu· mor wMn t he g.1,1'.'lg.slers, Jon Nass and Steve Janke, displayed t heir ac1· ing abilil)'. The a udience. as well as t he cast.. enjoyed t heir delightful and entertai ning \\'ll)' of "Brus hing Up Shakespeare...

''The Great Cross Country Race'' Th~

,-car1 sprm1 proda...U. b)

llcatc:r •U 1 iale-41ff o. \M familiar ~ o{ UK l.on.OIK ud. lbc UR. CCIUlflctt -•th a ""51 of Childrca·~

f«'Ql a._.a.. nut1\·c OOlnllDC1.. aad real~~ :l«NT). 11 t-nta\aJ.Dcd

llodmb ol c:Wdrc.n tn (onnanot.'\.



f,a1 llir "'big liilb""

W cvc.n&11.& ccbtlOll found 11 u ab1c and ,.•m11kft1 l('Ct:llltlc





Entertainment Bonanza

ColM. displa)' )'OW' u!cnt! This is the cnoouragln.g caU was ellttndcd

to coOe-ge and


!;tudencs for

IM spririg Entcruinmenl Bonanza. Wi.tb interlude pro-idod by ~CC'

Da•11 0e1 ....•eller Seth Ru~ a 't'lrit'ty of flinging. chnC1n_g, and ~-en some original socgs by Mark DcGanno were performed. Due 10 the can«llation of SC\'Cra l of the planned acts. a mystery group pre-

sented ..Samurai Uuon Plan- to everyone's enj oyme:nL

Arbor Day The chapel $Crv1c:e is O\'tr A la'11h rallli o"er t.bc stnd<nt body ou. namd arc read Sqoc:ils o( b3pplnie» tnd m\lrmun of dbappomlmcnl are

llelrd as assignmcau are

""Can N 1Pt".. you ut.. bar


ga~n .

~o. 1t·>


\lay l•lll b<pn W1lll a 1... opnAklcs

tt.:a ended •1th a tu batch o( . . .. Qine Seaaon: wtrc Msod rcw t.hc day artcr chapel. while 1hc JlrftJOn ...,r.. lfl"••JM"(I 10 faatlty mcmbc~' llotnei. fruhmcn Sophomorca cleaned up the campus.. ht aftct'IOClll t.he




lam pla)cd, .. tbc ......1 softball lf.dtt matt:a. Of' C00"1t the' ...,. took tbc ~ctOI') Tbc: oratfal da)' ended •U a ptCsUC (Of

tlric 1tudenb a.nd f.acahy.


Spring Banquet


eboa.rd )'our flighl to the Pol)'llt?l)j"'n Pttr:Jdisc. feast on tbc-

domcstH: v.·ild bonr and cooked jun·

gtc vegetation as you lii 11?n U) 1hc nolive music and enjoy the sccncr)'.'' This oouJd h:t\'C bei:n :~ 01es.1:.1se

broadcasiedal the 1979 Spring Ban• quet on ,._in)' 19th. After the feast in

tbe PoJynesinn seulog. complete with o \'O]eano and punch Stnod. the action moved to I.he auditorium. The $eitior athl-ttes of the )C~r "''tr¢ an· nounccd: Rac hel Kne.s:me)'Cr a nd

r aul Bauer Ttu~ new Collegiate Council o(ficer.s Y.'cre presented "'·ith leis, and P~ul O.,nu.,'\Cr he;ldcd 11~ ~vtni ng's c:n ter tai nmcnL This was 1tn cspe-cially beautiful and enjoyable

day for all involyed.

' r



,. ,.I




• ~




l t\

Spring Activity

Each •pnn1 as 1hc at1~s tur111 gtetn and lhC no\l/Cfl llllft tO bloam, StU· dcnlJ yearn 10 (or1e1 llCUdia and do thi~ outdooo One \uc:h acuvity dtsignc:d 10 1e1 1be 11ude11:ts out ilod

cnJOY spnna d 1hc. Spr1n1 . \ctirity

Th" )elf a picnw: $11ppcr •--as srfVCd

m lv.tbct. Holk>w r°' lM ~t\ldcnl bod) aDd (ac•ll)' member,. Games arid 1n.~1tiet followed 1fllc: wpper





Wintenngoot their fmaJ }t:ar a1 OJi.tLC. seniors survi."-e the last shi~-ering blasu and coUege joys in anticipation of the 80\--el e.xpericrliee a.head

f~n; L111non,






o. 61 ttilff



N llaJda•r

South l-hl\"Cn. Ml C1111ed 10• BtlhaAy; Mailuw0-c:, Wt


911:rbora 1< &um-.1111

Or•ftQn, \":F.

&etltice A, Bcd.n S.illttllC!I, \\'I

C11lled 10:

Ctlkd Ull

W lkd tO!

Tnn11y: Hoei.Uar;, Ne

Salem; l?dmondir., \\'A

1-" A aocrnc\.c Nn LRm, MN Called 10: Lhing ~fi$QOn. \'itjO,


Zion; Colwl'lbllfri. \\.'I


• Paul A. &uer Two River, WI


Oc.no11. \VJ

Colvnv., WI Call~ to:

Cdkd tu:


Jame• A. ~k,k.m

Citity M Bnin

P~nieb: J. A~I !1-1MJl.SQn, \\II

St. l\\uJ; Pbtti::vUhi. WI

C1rol f. Boe~b Faltmn111, ~I N Calxd to St. Lnb: ~1Jicld, \\' I

Don"" ~1 . Durc:b.anh Jtffc;r.1t1n,. Yt' I ~fiaycar




t..~nh R. B<JW, WI

Killin. R.. lfn.dcm11

Joseph \t. 8nn\-11W.n


C.Ded 10: A.t.:'c11i00n.:. ~. CA

Calicd we Si JOlw.

O!I.. f'tcd. WI C;i.llcit t«

'--*"· WJ




C11tol C 8-low

1-J;&n ron!. '411

Mat0miicu FtJlr.. \\' I Called 10 er- ol Clln•; C'OOlt

ra;ec! Gru•. l'J


Ltwrcl'l« J C1lC'f !lolcAlkn. T'< Called to: C hr6t 0.• Redcc:ma: lk:ftd..


Tn.ity; )lanh£..:ld. Vtl


Jak £. <'•m'f!bdl Wni:q,lla. 1l Called us; f--=d. Tempe. AL

t Calht')'n A ~ Colwmks. WI C.lkd 10

Cdl<d ..


C. Jeallfle e.ctiilnlz



0... M. Broob Oda.-u. .......

, --

ltidatd A. l:>fFrakl Ft. t...dadok. fL

CAW t•:

M-1r. Mtlwadcc. "'' I

Di:i nne C Oropp Weil,. II. Called 1a:

C..rui E. ~~:r 911t-n11 P1rk. CA

Oiannt M. Oc@1'Q'

Jdfct5('ofl, WI O..llcd 10! lkt~l; f\icnuha. '\\' I

C-ltc.S to• ~fl.S:



Pl:ggy R.. ~kh:y Tv.u Rh-en. WI

Glen• J. Ebeling Mvibcl, WI Citied so: Ci.lvary; Thicn•'Y111t-.. WI

01u S•vior: Zion. IL

Jody L EM11d

Joo.ti £. Entel New Ulm. fi.IN

SL Pll.111 Pl.. ~JN Called IOJ Samvcl Scbolll or Clulit: ~tarshal1.

Rlloda R. &:s1na1t11 Wett:rlllO, \\'I

k im R. fiKbbo@ &c.1\U O!un. WJ MidJtat Orad1u.1c

KcnAtth P. Fogcbw:in.ger

811)· Co,y, Ml


Duihc A.. Fritkc Eau Cl~itt. ~fl

Calkd 10: Rive~;

Applctll4, \\II


M•ry A. Ftollinaiclu Ssult S1e. "14.nt. \If Can«! to: Cma11111C1: A11a Ml

Mo.k:i R. (iqlftlef'

Sall)· J GI*

ftainl¥fld, WI

hmp.ino lkatb. ft. C.llcd U) Orut: S11pna•. \II

~ E. Gil tll)C:r ~r.C.1\

Ca-Wt« 0.,- Sanuf'• Api.c.hc \t~ ~-AZ

K.a)'"L)"lln S. Ouu!loa Vnur. Ml

Se... t.t. 01kp:erl:f'Gf Mrorrison V.' I


~iillg (If Ki~:;

I\_ ......

'lo'alerloo, WI

C'dcillto MJ.itbad. f l

Sc. hvl: R11pid Cit). SO

Ka.rcon D. Hadla

a,tu. Ari.l.l.ln:i

8rdid -.1 Hllfcrrna•1t QI'~

<;..,.,. 10

R:i.pidli, WI

to.lL c.i•aq: Kunbcrfy. ...,.,

Judith A U ~tb:ugen. P11Ko. \\'A

Unib. K.. t l Mli'!argm

C-tlkd la

Called t<>: Tniuty: WI


J><.tvl~ S1evi:emvilk,



R1clw.1d P Huebner Manil...,11t'OC, \\' I C::illed 10: lmlllilnuel: Appleton, WI

Mnry L Jllh11c Ti111:h.1ur", J11111i. t'alled tu tkavtifu.I Sa'rilnr, Gro•'t City,



J H¢.t1Si«


Kr!Minc K HCrKI!





Callod ~o. St. JQlin, fl.11111o11<i,,,~1t. WI

fl;u1(!«, W I

r.11111<.y f<it. J ;irrcO Fore« Grl)'tc, OR

~l li:d UK

C..Uc6 1.0:

Jclfff')' P Huio tXea. Of : Pon~fllna Rca(:ll.

t.l c~11ori11t:

WillU.IMIOll. o\!J


Ooti• R. Jobfl.'ICln C>Mlask•. WI Calkd tO'. Trlni1y; Aber.~. SO

Cher,'\ L J1Joengd B1uixnl11voe. '<.(N C111led •O. $1 .\ndrcw: Chictii'). IL

Rathel A ,


Sngt11;ur, t-11 Called 10:

Ml...PS. PClliric du C hien.. \\' I



Rv1ll p_ Kipf..UU 8Ay Cny, ~1 Called ta: Fini. PfU<1"' • 7

Holk E. k11-(5¢t

Kay Kuei.a "ho RiRB. C.alkd to.


I loly T

Orcdlblc. \\'I

""""' ... SL HM:

ti•sr- 'ill')'Qm"IJ· .MI

Jc!!'er.w.. Yt I

Madi R. l(rnu'

llWd L Kod Rlllndlndct. \tr S \f l

Cdei 10·


Calkd to::

Cr...,.e of Ufti H..,.,.,, v.·1

JMoOC £_ K.artll 8ca'IU Dam. \lrl filled to; 5t. M.a1li.11. Vt1u:rwvtfl, ~0


C>ebc:ftll J_ Kin.lo:

gq:m... Ml

c;,11cd wt ... .ltk, Drat•• ""

Llune J_ Lambcn

£"a.c-. OR Called t.:

'IJ.' .-.,-flC 1lru_1 AOI.. u.·1


Muy R t.ancn. Gnn &}, WI


t.. ""·.."' '·~"' '......< .,.." "' ~.· I ·!.

Uatbatl) J. Laubl:ltil~11

Poimelll A l ciJu ~illl!litowuc. WI

MeQOmUQC:e F.alb. WI C11lled 1a. lrn.mavv.cj; McdJurd, WI


C.lkd to:

Judy A. Loht Wa1crU)Wn., \\' I

Ocbru ;.. Loos

C.'allell to

Cotled 10.

St. l"cla: $chl)(ttld., \Vt

~t .


K l:l\lkl:IUM, WI

Cal k-<! to: Good Shepherd: Sl'Ou,t. fall~


or ur~ fm11m..·ood.

J IM I), t.1 &~

Sktpt e~-e. Calk>d to: ~tN

Kathryn D.


Celled 1a:


Ra.e uu:. WI

"'' N

J>eod\11 Aflatho t.l i~iOll.

Pc11dot, A'/.


0 11nWka, WI

S.. Paull Pl11nnu1h, ""E


k:11y i... L111.:e Mti11:itOwut, WI C&lkd 10::

Si Jol\11. Lcwl~1on,

Appk:1e111. \lo' I

Je1 C. Min1i11n'

Call~ 10:

r..•eli111 r..1. !'>lc.)'n \lo'8\IPQ.N, WI Cal1od to:

K('toaj.'\::11n10 WI Called so:

St. Joh111: W<HJd Lake. t>1N

OctMti11•1u: AP't:hc Mi,W o.

81 t.t111hcw: Nlk !o. IL

Robit1 M. Mcert Chcikio, MN

Cibctuc.. AZ


• O..rol t-L Montblt

Micli\llk. Y. t.tuclkr S~••:11ce,



Called l(l:

l.Qri It. Ne-ii• Si.. htcr, >.1 N C.&Ucd 10; Zion. £fJ; lfubor, WI


C'.alkd lO S L Ptu1I; 811111:o.Y, WI

SL ~{111111..!w; CkO«lfOOWOC,

Lori E. Neujahr 8loaming1M, MN Ce.tied to; Gtiud S!Kphc.rd: ttdah, V.' 1



ll:Jmona M.

!Xbr& L. OIO<eflt Marikato. MN

C11tol ;.. Nev.'fNl.11 Uu('}la~n.



T :l0011'1l, WA

0.Jkd to:

S1 I.lie•'- Kcwuln11n, WI

J1lla R. Pa11nl1111 Toledo, Oil C...ltcd tn: $ 1 Lui«:~ U u 'c C~tt;, WI


6mdlc> J. Ptdcrsoq

RM;hcl A. Pdu

MON .1.. l"lni-\c

"'l•nblO, to.IN

Jt Qf.l'.a, OH

Arlinti,tno, MN

C'il.lkd tu:

Zl°"': Veknll~ NB.

Ciilltd 10· Fil'll: l.tkc C-tn1:v11. \VI

• WUll:1111 k l'b1n1nn

C)-nlhb S Pl1m11nn s~.


"ppkum, WI

•\pplCl (lB, \\'I

C11Jl1;d LJ> J(lb.n').; fl,fU\:WfOJg<), \\' I

Lu;ua C. Pun.kc Br•xtnckt, w1

lccn11td A. Punkc


C..lkd ux:

CiJlcd II). SL Alldrew: $1- P.11111 P41k,

LSA: Cochno1c. Y.' 1


P.n:baltl:i~ ~ht.(ld•, WI

Kay \A.

('11llt4 10; S1. P~nJ: Stcvc11~1·iUc, }.11

Cca_I N. Punnttll•n H ob~ N r.tr1tko D ike! toe Oood Sltcph<'r.I: W~t Send, WI

Llltd11 J ,

Qu ~nt

WI C:;,lltd 1<1: SL J-ulnt·);l.rl~ WI M~lwaukcc,


.,J .. ~--"'


' Sho:lro. K. Rckh;:I Mlldi"""n. \YI

$ 11):).11 A. R 11tl:M;lri

Nccn11h. Y.' I C'.11lk:d 10. Sc Paul; Whcon>h1 WI


Kay p_


Mll111J.1cc. MI

II.fully A Rlq New Ubt.. MN

C•lled 10: St. ~l ~r\; 1.111coln. NI: A , Rola1'1d

Ced1ulll:ltg. WI

C:3JlcJ to:

Fai1h; Rh-.:r FalU. WI

U ncb $, R OM Winona. ~I N Colled 10: ~ tladford. WI

Sllll1n K. Sdi1p:bhm

Ne.. Ulni., t<.tN

Muy E, $,. ,._II

Cuikd 10:

C.Hcd 1n:

lmm:n111d: W111k~n. II.

SL l'etet: t'l~mio1111l, M I

ff lkbra S.. Scllm·okf;\;y Fond du lac, WJ

011.ry I... Scllcimmct 1\.pp~1on.

>ot.a.rilyn R. SCbrimpl Goodbuc, MN C.llo:d to: SL Jllhn: >-t•n\1(1" 0C. Wl


Called to:

SL Jolln: Whkcwatct. \li'I

Cyelhia A. Scllultx Chicago. IL <Alkd 10: St. Paul: C<>l¥l'Obl&$, OU


K<!ecn A. Sdiu.llt. M.:r11i~n. \VI Calkd 10: S1 P1ul; 1-lopbnL ~I I


1-1. Sthuhx


JOdic: E. S1:bm1ehcl

.Arlina.toa. VA

(;i11a C. Sehuwu1n OuJuti.. MN Called to: Ui•~ P• 1k.;

R1c11<11<1 { Selfwaur

l,ind1 G. Scckk 11dtr

C)lllhia S. Sec•'US

ToQ'lab., \\' I

l:luuha11. NO Culled 10.

(.'uJltd tO!

Cnllcd 1«.

Oeu nu., M l

/'cb:.lfllb. ~lii•>lUk:tc. WI

Alu.n J. &lb.j OwotK'. M l C11Ucd tc;: St J iJl\O~ 1•~0tt. Ml

Rk h11td R Sicg.itt

New Utm. t.I N CeU«:d to )1. Pau~ Sod11~

Ot\I ~ ()tllkoo;b,

K11t<"" A Sell h .(1110, WI

Denise V. Si.lcl Ncv..1on, WI

W•u~bu. V.' I

lmnunuJ: W•P.*"· II..


M:uil)·n J :S!c_$1cf Nfw Ulm, MN

N11ncy J. S!clli~ t..fUlvillc, MN caned UK


Owir S11•tt11: J ;acl:tor1v1Ue, f l.

kn"W M . U ngcrn111:h K-ba. WI Calkd ux Si. John; \\'riJh1•10..-., WI

llohari$nnc C'llllcd 10:

fl.t:aoe. Gr«e lJt.k(I. WI

.. B. Vodti Rccd ~vlllc, WI Calkd lo: ~I ts;



Jali.11 f\! WlllC1

Cheryl K. Weber

P', AZ

ln~cr Gl'O>'C' I-lg~.• ~I N

Kew lll1n, \.tN

Calltd 10' lmm.&niul: Wdtuia.1, Ml'

Cull«! tO:

e. WtS~c1lw111

?>l«ju(ln. WI

ValcnG J. "'inccm Ndll\•illc, WI C.lkd lfl M11ni:n t111bc:1; Nccllo'lh " ' I

JWcy W , Wc,.lflh.iJ FWld du Lllc. \VI Called 10· St l\:ttr~ <.1iilton. WI

lames A. Witclc

\lo'1ucnown. WI Q.Ucd 10:

S<. J ob11;

'Princctnn. \\' I

J ohn 0. Wclmct

Si- P.tu.ll U11k:$ Cornen, WI

R11i.d11D L. Wi llmi

Cnlg. C. Wi.nkltt

011\: Creek. WI

Gl't'.c111¢1r. "-'I

Calkid 10'

Bctftlehcm: Hortan.<rtlh:. \lo'I

C11Jltd 10: Kin£ or Kin!~




1.orl L \,l,'fMdl·:u1kc.:. WI

Vicki L Wondr:u.:h Gtee:n &.ly. WI Calkod lat

Jq, R.. \\'ood

li:nm11A-Ud , Sa.11h S it- ,_fane.,


Chcl"}i L \\'rnbel Lt C rou.e. WI


C1Uod tuc. T y; & ngor,

~t I

"°' plc.n•red: P11mch1 C'. B«dtnbe-nd<:f

,_taria T. Cr~ Alic.ii A. Crts~lul¢r J11bn 11 t l11mn11d

Robc:rt J . ttui:bner Cyir1hi11 L Kodpia



e. Ltl11~c l>. N•kt1

Richa.rd A. Rdibotii Robo:n L. Sil•11ll P!i11I Q.' . SnamlW Ronakl C :lilnnx.r ..\ppkton. WI C11l\od 10: Sbcphcrd uf tllt Valley; frC='no., CA

IU:t.hryn A. Zimnie-tma1u1 Mc.Mmoncc F11Jb•• WI Cal1od 10 Clul" Our Redeemer Sa...,r:. l'knvcr, CO




.:. t..


May 27t.h 'i\'llS the date of the S r. Ratiquct this )'ear. 1\s in previous yearll tbi~ faou hy sponsored banquet was held at the-Orchid lnn. Remarks fi tting to the occ.isiQJl were made and entertainment ~·as provided by

Senior Banquet

tbc facu lty. The evening proved to be enjoyable for faculty and SenioD alike.



J -





Call Night or

Afltt four )'tar5 work and a.:itfci· patkln. lb~ big day rmall)' amvcd on whjch most of the St:n!ors' ftnuru lo the U:acbin.g minmry wen: dttermincd. On June IJl 111 g.radutes :..waited patient.I)' as Pres. F'rq· presented 1be calls Fuaally tht antiapalibD was over and the Senior; kneoA• at tut •·here tbty were tatted 10






I' .











f' .;;/




Graduation The OnAle of 1hcir )C3rs llt O~tl C' (J01t ror c•t:h Sensor on 111duotlon dJy. Jun• A1h At. the four )'fllrt co1no lo a cl<M1c, the gr11duotc1 could fo111Jly rencct back on their )ear•"' DMLC. Mony s1rong and Hfcluntt rrie.nd11hipa were formed. F.xpcr-. lencu, bolh 5ad 1nd joyous. were 1 ptn of their college da)'$ And all had UM p1 '" m~nd up0n cntcrins OM I C·to a.rr~e their Lord '"d cnltf lhc lt14.'.lllHI Dlilmll) Upon QJCnplCI•

1n1 l1'c de.11-natcd coonct 1111 •'Ith· OUI dolabl thc&c )UtS :ti 0\1LC •1U hold a jptclat pta« in ea<h 1•adu· iite'• bean.


• ............. ...~ ~..:..:: ~

--- '

- \


1 be \l lC\lo Al 11\c end of t h(· IU 11'l~·) ~<.<>Int.•" <.:lt.'.th,::1 I<' 1wn1"1~ A• lh C\ rr,111rc"' 1hrou fth 1hc1r 1hud \C:ir f .d...c 1dc.1s J.rc sh ed hkc tulumn lc.t•c' .1nJ t~"t \oun~ ~,,pie rn.ilurc 1n kn••,.'cdf:' undt· r ...l <ln1t 1r~ J!'J.d r..11ti 1n ,1rdcr 1,~ •co1l hcr "UI ·l'H: J:-'Pl\\Jlh l Ofl' "11.l~ '. C' ~! .. rm'>

r .• -,~~·""··•' .. !·-•,..,,,,..,, •. _, •..• ,, ....... '--'r'°

1r ' '


,_.•;{,,.... • • I


".•,:" l~L ~-·•


'" '


In the spring of their campus life. fre,hmen arc like tender young bloS>oms whose talents and personalities bring net< •ariet) to the campus landscape


Administration Wbai ~ tlunk of ~tlOll 111 our tdklol. wbo comes to mind - Praadcnt Frey. Although he's not ucn daily by many or lhc studentJ. v.·c know hc·!I busy With administrative duoa t.nd has dooc much ror the •el(are or our school.


Who ek comes to mind with the word -Ad.nuni!Lratia...


)-luc.bMr. Dean Hur. Dean $chelu., and Or. Gnuns. Tltc:se teachers arc


htrt to ll<lp per5l)ll] ud - . dcmoc pn>bkms. They always i.,. an uDdcntuding car &O &end. \\"llerc: ,.o.W D\•LC be wubout its Adm.istra~


-. .--,



Prol Dclm11r C. Ind. "IS

R«rwt~ttt Dlr«*· JtdlgiOlt

0rr A. Kwi orviu.. eo


Rqisuar. FJcm.. EdlllC:at•



M. Hur. f.tS


{)can of \\'OS!ett. Ekm.. f..duatioa

Deiui ~ O. Hltdll\U, ,\ttm l)c11n ot Si.....,,, Reh111<111

Prof. John. E. Ola'"ttld, BA f1tiaiacul Aiiclf Offltct, ,\f1111wmniia


Religion Social Studies The OOUI'\!~ "hich (1ll ln10 the Reh• a,iOO tJ'U .tre Of'tCtt>d lO rurlher CllCh

11t1.1d~nl'• 1ol\Owlcd1c ot hia rcllg~ri and prcp:rc hi1n for lhe: teaching miniitry Some or the ofrcred courses "re New Test. Epistles. Cbri»llu.n Doctrine I, 11: and Luth·

Ou• A.11hur J. Sfhull, MS

A.."8!de•nlc lk1111, I lcm fduaihon

cran Conrcs&ion1


t.cltoy "" Rnerotb:, Ph D R~lttlOfl, $<)(Vil Stud.les

Prill Joh.ii f. 8nt$. Religioa


i'\~ '

II-fur ThtlJlll1'ft I. II u1wl1.. ~1 1)1\' $Qtitl ~hid!l!I

11rul Oeo1111 II Ur<\1N 1tJ1, MS ~l.ltll"l S111dl'•




Religion Social Studies '4.t S1epbt9 C tt.u. BA Religion. Social S111dies

King Tu1 , , , Julivs C3esar ~lartin Luther . . . Civil Wnr Geography . . America . Fede,..I Govcmmcnt . _. Russia . Cbuu

Europe - a look a.1 the

lhrougb the



is pnlY!dcd by the

Social SiudiC$ J:>ep..nment.

Prof R*r'I H Krwser. t.IDtv Rcli1h111, SocMI Stlld~

Prol. L)lc \J.'


laJJci. MDiv

Religion Social Studies Prnr, Lc:Rll') I"- I C'o'llfW(lll., r..tA SIXtitJ S1ildlc• t 1111-! 1tlt


• l'Nr Marvin l ,.t,IMck. r..1s Sclt:i.i I S111dlc•


PTor 1·"dc11(11. 11 Wulll, M~ S..X..I St11o1bc.


Pmr. Doi.twin H. fbdbl~ Ml>lv Rt:l!aki1i. SociAI S1~dic&:

l11vr ""'tlli:t.1n D Afft..\, MA l!.k1n. f.duc.uann

Education Lo.toOn rl:in~ .. lcammg the prupcr

way to write a.nd print rc.:1d1n1 ctukS.rtn•1 boob ~ . karnlng tM ciuc:a and ~Dk Jl)iUlJOO!I co dasw'oon'I i:ond~"'t. and yes. the •P-

by me. II\ ol at9dc:ftl tta<iiiltl - ti.esc .all aK .. ,w r.nctaam o1 the: EdtK:l.tNG [)e. ptiatlOll ol wlut is k:aJaed



l'fot G"'- R

& i ncf..

ED D Pr.t G.rtiafll C Bauer. MS tole• U.0hoit

fl'fal N9W f Gbk " "

Eac. E+- ,-


., Education

ho!'. Mavtn J



Elem. Ftloutim

Prof. Gciotac E.. laGtOW. F..dix.:a-tioe

Pni. J.ohn R. n. 0

Elce Ed11ca1ic.lll


I ...... ,...


Prof. Eridi Jl Siroat. M.A Eltm. EchK'Jolioil 11

Ptol. L \lo'cssd. )IA eo.c.11o11





Prof. Gary L. Dal1mann. MS Elem. Education. Ph~~l Educaiior

Prof. Dennis 0. Go~linc.. BS PhysicaJ Educalion

Mis< Barbara L. Leopold. BS

Physical Education

). !

Mis.s Judith A. Wade, BS Physical Education

Prof. Paul R. Boehlke. MS \iST Science 83

Mathematics Science o1.,.

Who docs no1 remember rrab. man )Uf Ph)"i.ical Scieocc (commoftly lno-• as P'h)'SK:Sot Ph1.sci)l SophCHnorc: )ear bring1> .such mtngu 1n1 cla~'u flJ Biol4)gical Science and Ph)•ical Geography \lobich opcm u11 up 10 1hc "real "'-Orld.'' 4

To 1tccompli~h Lhc task or n1ak1ng sure prntpccdve teachers know n1orc

about 1na1h than t.hc:ir Jtu.denls do. Introduction 10 Number Systcn1$ and ~\tnd1mcnta1s of Cootc.mporllfy M ~thcmatics are required coorstS for C\cry 'ludcot. Conc~n1ratc COUt$C ire also offered i• bot.Iii arc:al.

P1ot Joh11 W P'.!uh1ieii, MA t.I• •hcmalks.

rror. Johll H ~l i<lhtcl. r..ts



PNf J~tt ......._ ftiO


Mathematics Music


I l



Music V."kt_,


~ ""!ltttil h) tbt

studal - aoL Clck .radenl ~ at lat& MWne ( orm ol 1nus;c instn1euon al O\flC T•o atidiu: ot ;.,.. stnalllClllAI muste art ttq01ttd aad

Bute \i•t.iciint'hip alld Pcrccptioa of t.inic •rt COUl'1d Uk.en b) Cvt'r} s:tudtflt \.tany 1tudn1~ tef'ld to fwthcr tk•r 1ns1rucuoa b)' conecnua1-

"4.u J•11I• R Jldler l...,.IMlll.AI .r.1 ..


i0& "' llm •re• or ll•dying

on tbc


or orpn.

--==,_____, 1.llM. l<rt.saika. 8 \lu• f'Wll Roen " Mtii<"

l l(rina...., BA

l'rol 0 - . II I MdlU. '4f"A.

"" t.luuc

1'Y11r E.._..11 t.l iG)'U. \fC:"d '4


Prof. Waldemar H 'ohc. \I \1"' ~.tasic

.. Mrs. Gcrtrvdc r 'loltc, Insuvmcnta 1 i\1 u:. ic

Prof, Otto H Scbtol. \iA ~Cuik

Mn. Lilis E. &brooder la.tJUm<ntal M u<ic

Prof. Francis L &bubkcgcl, \1 \!us \ftUtc


..t r., Jl'1)'ft C. Sclui~CfCI . ~t "'"" Mw\I(

f'rot Roni.Id I SlllUlna. M

PYor W•yrc I Wa1ncr, D.'; M\1¥1111

"'h• ~

-- -'--·

..1rt, 0.t11

e \l.'kf11t'8.IUI

l111J,111iw;ntat Mu.Me

P1oit Rldlaitd L E.gli!lh

p.,,._ f.I Div

English ComPo$11jon, Pott.I) and Dtam3. EQglisb Lango3gc. and Speech

ProC. Gct11ti1 J J~ \fA \it A. &.th•b. Libniria•

some of the OOUl'M$ studen t~ ht:ft.: :11 D~iLC are fcquircd w lake, \Vbat department do tbcsie he in - nont

otkt' than El'lgli::sh. ..,iany concenUllte cours~ Ille also o(fered lO





P(of. n-u.a A




Pto<. MJint. 0 Sclitocdtt. MA Ena.IWI

P1ot. M<W"• A Schroodet. 8S Elf.Sli.'sh


Special Services ~ lul do sll lbr: rcork ~~ 1ficd un· dcr 1ht ti\Je of ~~-wl .crvico h&vc tn commoo' Thty'N: Jll here to care 101 1he s1udcnt$ and 1b ~ needs of lhe

<:••npus Whether h b( ~~r; . Sic3lct lhc dor1u ftlOthcr. Mr (lrann lhc brulutore. ~1r. Rina o' the prtntcfl •hop. Ot ll libtar) ;1--.1..u.n1. these: peopk here 10 tMCI • Mlptog lwlod


Mrt. Vtrll Su:Q1tt Ourft '4olbcr


... ....

Prn( f0ffltl·11·1 I r1llflt'. M l>iv ,

t.11 Yt'oh« Cii•IM i11){1..1.1Mc M~r'l•£Cr

\IA- 0-,a' 1• • Ldniy ,.....,,..

Studious Students DMLC would not be able to runction

without students SiPce. tbe'f main purpose is to t.rain men 1tnd \lo'Otnt1\ ror lhe. IC:>U:hinS, fOinii;try fn WE.LS. This is the reaiOn so n1.any :ica~.cmic cour.sC\ are offered. Long.

and 1cdious hours are spent prepar路 ing for these courses ln hopes of a t~ taining that certain grade. So it can be seen 1hal 1hc teachers, courses. and 1he !itudi:nts 1lJI l\r~ <\ pan or the school's academics.






g ... "


Band This year proved to be very enLert11.1ning ror 1he campus as the band program presented its nany aspects

of music. This fa ll the band took on a AC\\' dimel'lSion and look as they marched for the Hom:coming Pa· rade. Many or us were deligh1ed to

hear the V.'ind E.nserrble and the Symphonic Concert f..and present

their '"''0 annual conc.erts in November and March. F'eslUrcd in the tl.farch concert progtal'l was Prof.

Otto Schenk perforrring Gersch·

~-inn's masterpiece "Rhapsody in

Blue" on lht- piano. T•e Cbristmai; and June Night Conccru '-''Crc also

accented by mu5ic or ti» bafldS. This spring ti fuJI eoneert of Jan Music was presented by 1hc Jnu. Ensemble and Dixieland Combo. It WllS anoth~,-

t ruly enjoyable fc>ar (or 'bQ

band under the very fi;ie and often fun direction of Prof. Rog,cr Hermanson .



D~t tC A1u1J I ·R firu R1111 ~ llr11111', I \l.'hltby. ( . R(tt111ll)l1h fl ~'l,allou, M . U"1111M h, It lun1ny, l'Wpra~. J W•t~lwr, M Wc,1t1b,1u,, S Jtcilb, I R\\'I•. R J ;o1c1, l:.. Pll\fel, S l).1111 $11~·111',11f RQw' R. llc1u1cu, C' Sd\1111., (' 1<:111tatr, l (J"ub, I• S@ucr, (' f\lclt;lltr, 0 . t1t-111•~. O. Obkl J P11pr, C. ftOl"Alh ~llll , C', P1•1h, fJ Sol\ncnbcra, M Rrucr, 8 fJM1k~, I..: :;...11Jn1~c . .. IJ11.11o(I 'lltird Ht•w I• (l ticpcfllfllf, 0 Sch4tf1C11, I Pvnle, O r 11cn1Cll•v. L C1a\c1. L l~rc,gruu.:, J, llu:l11\, C. Mvs~l'I. A Oufl. A. 't111t11'4J11. K Knxgcr, It I l c:n1un~. J J:ii:,..mcr, (', ~t clt'lll11ff, J I l !ld~bt.t11dl. S Kem. F""nh R-0w:C, St(IUl, t. ,\.111111Chc; P. lk1cn-, R Sdu1lt1, ~I. llio;hi:ng. O. Sc:-hr11mm, R, l(ranto:r, L. "-111~. T, J'S1th. f\t ~hkrcobeck, 0 . K~1«. tl Kc\«. 8 t'edctSOll, S. Ct0t.Jo ~\I . S ~t ier1 t.H Fl/U1 R1>11 rt, Br<itldl. I' Br~t, J Rt:Nt, l' D11r.1uct. r--. &eel. K 1'Aktt, K. ltusc!i, M ~1.aA1h,

Pror. llcnn;nw n.

Treble Choir


me111·, cilolr• •aec• aod 1l.lllllcr lltc dtm:tioa ol \tr, Jo)ce Sc-hobtc· Treble: Chott is aa 1.ll ••

. , , to au


Thl$ cho~r •u broken down into &wo smaller choin F~ch choir pnc· tittd lwicc 11 •~ck. one group prac· lK:ed on Monda)' •nd Wodncsds). tM othet Oft TM*il) •nd Thu.rsda} They appear t. .her 11 COftCttU.

Oapd S<nim. ud LCJ1tcn cbw<I Sen-.=. The) both uacd ud


ttt'lllar numben,

T...... 0.-- , .. r.,. · - I f .......... . r - D .......... "' ..... . ac-..o llckf-S..$dlanrt' I ••\LL...._..... 0--.' ,.,..._, L..dilt. 8 Gata. ._ vt' c lad"'>& ~ · - L. 'e:.~. , ...... k · - c '4..a. ~ ~rcb- l ~ f J...n&. 0 D.bkou1.11.S rc.m.a.I'> fl•n.kcr.8.",.. '~-J Sdktrow.·_o "-'- ., O ....... Ll.d1lc, ~ """ Tlw4k- \f~S..•....._P .....~1'11• •n. c ll:rwpr, t ll•llll, P' Og. T .,.,_ .. /1fl'lfllUlllilM.. . . 'f«'·- .. ~11..11l. c \bn:a.lll, J "''""") • "bn.#.. IL s...11•. B ~"- L ~hllCk'.111.J. lb, f..,..t lt.,w• R e.,,n~t. \> /qk1. ~ V.'1cbu..._L kl~!. \4 '\.o.llrr•np( 8 8t..-wr, J R_1.,,._ ll ~ 8 1.nllm•llcr. '\ "'&....-. R Scbulu,, K. ti.a... t i:ckcl'bi:rt- l \t~n11 I i'f111 R.,.--0 lfaip, K ....dl'k. L '~ l " S..hut.r.\ 11~' Slclll"I• V \4.-llu. J ....ldt J <\piqc:lllag L O.lltrik:)¢t, r.. s.:i.t.1. It llt11\c. l ..._.... \t l))1ud ,,.t~t/t It•• D Drr..c1k1, (' l 1,,cll. R lkd11lc ('. kwel•tcf'. S Te.n. I. L.u~n"1', C 'Ch11h1. k. :s?cscnctt t R!•lltult. R J,,r,k• a u..., t• .'\br•'-1n ~,. R,.,., f) la~B a.'.l11lu, T. J_,_ULJ "---*' J... Kutt. S Ii"""" 0 Ike.let. L &.nil."'- \.I·«- \t Paa.S \.t-•. '>i1c11. 8 G-*1. 14Jirlt R1>1t \. s.tiert. \I Nnltdio, I I i11n. N .,., k.kU:r.S r.1.._' c.-.. • 1t1,_1._..,,, 1 S...1- \I t.. •._.., 1 ~l ttu. '~•It- L ,.._,.,., J ti-.., o I







'Si:W...l ia-..,. 1 ,_,., .... ._. L '

•I> .. 1JC..I IUMlr... \ ..... (' 1--.,0

~ \t


College Chorale I :iu voices wctc r:nged in worstilp a nd pr<\ist l}t musical cnjoymenl when the College: Chorale n1~n1bc'11

gl1thcrU 1011lng. Under the dlre1,:tlon lhe c111>abtc fll'ld often h•tadooJ


Prof. Herman.son. the Chorale per· form¢d a1 •be C hri!itmns conoerl. .Sa· crcd Choral Service. and JuflC Night co11ccri'l 1111 well l\J In campu~ chapel 11crvic:ct 1tnd ~omc local c:ongrcg11·


t •It 1111~t R-0111 C, .~~1111urtr, O. Sc.1!~111. T. /.ut,lltt, 0 ~.:li.IAft'lltl, 0 B.cir, ~ flcn11mt. h. ._,, J f•.i,f!O, ~1 fl~IW\tl, I) U11'(!p. i1111111y. c: l'la1li. D Wutruct 1'.Scbul11, K l>iera11111, K K1111pU11, I) 8~h11hr , \\' S~hn1 ..1t Sri.wJ1t Rvi.. I lh•~Un«. t> l~ufl.J Rll) ti f>h:y111. II.I Sp.111dc, K S..:l1n'llcl1, C. Weber. O. [Juilm~t1n. R . o....:l'I\. C) l~1011~11.. {_ l(u&d1, L. Albr~~h1. IJ. \\'i-nltlllll. ~t 8J11~r. J . Luu.c, J NaJJ.. S ,._ell, l Sf)(lwJc. I'. <.iaug<r, l . l'c11:grioc. \\'. Dorn. Third R<>11':'D Lo.n~. J. Oib11m. C \\'ilU11ms. F. Pi.t.1h. R Ri.:l\srubel. ( Reuer. M. Oc.:11.lci. (. Mdi.:hc1, I!.., P Oitl, D. M~ni n, C, Sdiult. A 1'<n1phn, I 0 •11n1. D. f\oct\.tCllllll I. C'rak~. N S1rc11iJ~. C. ~1;wm;a11. P Abel F<Juflb Row· P1ol f-lc1ma'"Olll• ti 9t1111d, I'. lkfltCt. C. Sch\ltf, T tl.utl:Ck T Kni~ll~r r \foll L Kh1t•'· D. lt:111sc:h. ~t Lcittkc, J•. flou1cr, J . Fniil, J) T~1l11rf R :t.<.11nc•,<.' Z1J11~ld, K O•JoU11(kc, K Kr~klow. 1'1flh It,.., t< R"•ch. K Yah11, \lo' Stocfct,<I .:;nt1ncn1>cta1 ( , l1•(1't, 0 OhMnd, ' ' (:1lcrcn110,., 'f Ou~JMn , L. r;icr. P, Tboc.tcldt, S Oro, , 0 fl.ill, t} ltll~n ~llffl ~VII l Kt.lrif,11(1(1 fol Kll~r. N >-t•1•b•ll, (, M..v.1111•, 1> Sn.i11\itkll C.'1lflt.·~c C.:lu.w;al11;



Chapel Choir The members l.)f the Chapel Choir,

under the direclion of Ptofessor RooaJd Shilling. exerc:lsed ·1tie-ir vocal chards together in harmony every Thursday in Ctt.,'lpel, far tbe RefQr· matjon Scr\•icc. the Chri:ltnlM Cl.)n•

cert, Choral Vespers, and June

Night. Theil pe:rforn\anoes



limited to t he cam~ui only. During Lent they sang :it St. P<lUI'$ 3nd ~1

St. John's. Tra\•eling 10 Litchfield in April was nlso on the itinerary. /\ public :'ppcarancc "''ith com1nu11it)'

singers. such as the Concord Singer$, was made.

Clul.pel Cboir. J..R Firll Row; 0. Lcio;\c, J. Beeler. II. ~f.akbuw, R. CordCJ.. J . k•lbus. E. Rucgc, C. Slo,11. D. Kock. &ct1rtt! R1?1t': S. M11cttx, S. Rcicbcl, Q. K~n.. h. Ocw•ld, Q.S1ic...e, LS..-cltllu'Cler, ,\,, 8. 811119-11, 8.1-1.•fctmann. Thjrd Ri>rrr.C. \\'ir<h, P. Aroch, M. Ftt1hm11&r, 8. &k:huff, S. V~uu, K. Ste:I~, C. $.:c~i;~ () Flo:b!a-:r. A e.-pek, Prof. Sl!-tlllng. f<011nb Rdw' .I ~tiller, A. Goo>dtn<*J!), K. Proxbe1, N. Wilw<iflll. Cllehr3ll, ~Ill~. J, SeltnCCk. Si1iefrli~ E. Vudu. /:1/1/1 ki)11 . 0 Kti;.0<, l.1:•• •4 f'u~I.,·, (i Pftl(e:r. (} 0-Jhlbera:. J li"t:O. J , \l+'llimtr, I> ko>bt1L111n.. J. Balkan.




College Choir College Choir nlc1nbel'$ could truly bc3r the title of mc.ssenacrf of 1he O()ljpel OootHjng four hOllUI or J>rA.ctlcc per '°''ce.k, numerous "'·oekcnd~ . and semester break. these talented singers traveled to share the beauty of Ood's Mc.'>~ac in liong. 1>ror, hn~

gt-I 11crvcd 111• their director and Pror. aric.k fulfilled 1na n1t~dna duties. Cotlcg.c Choi!': L·R Firsl R.(Jw• 6. BrJ.ndl, 0 Scb.nloO!e~. L WOfdt, fl Gctiicb., 1 imnn Punkc, J, M c11.gcf, J. Ncbcm, La1U1 f'Unl.e. J_ Wal~cr. I 7.a•uov.\S, Rol11.od. L Lunlbcn, IL ltcwe1, K. K11blt111111n Se; w1d R1>M·,(', \\'t<>bcl, J Sorell.Mn. J, llcUer, June \V11dc, L. Cnrmlch11~1. D lkd,111:u1n., 1'l . VnMtili., \.t, W~1 e1lu 111, S, Clari, r. Snucr, J. fl1111cl . R 7impkn,1nn, K Or.:i11bnc1 11J/td ~uw 0 N1ct!ll, \\ , f'<-\nil , 0 . Op()'ltm11r1n 1- ~trchltr, R,

1111131, ll anJ11\I K111n111r,S. J.1-111'*, U 11i....11. K. llcycr, I), C.:1,l\·.1~h. I r Au~''"' f.1wt1il f/,(lw •J N11M, lh•tkt l K'"''"''• T. PLt1h, M. Pfeifer, M ,.l•1tU111, I>. Wqci, I>. llak"'· ,_l ,.ltytr. I> Koo"tr. I 1-:onttt, J.._111ittr W19d.:


Collegiate Council -rbe meeting will oow come to Or· dtf!" declares Pr«. Sob Kra..,.,.. Thus be.gins anot.bcr weekly mctting of ColJegiatc.: Coonc:il. Muc.h u( UR:' student body is unaware of just '*hat Council does. They know lhey elect· eel the officers and elected mcmbtrs rrom 1heir class to represent them 00 this go,·erning body. but that's abou1 the extent of it. Each mcniber is oo at least one committee which works throughout the year on such things u missions. bus service, and fy· ccums. What else is Council involved in? Snow Carnival Christmas preparations., s.tudent directory, bus &er· 'rice, mission fair, Eater1airunent ~ nanza, drcs.1 code. aid to organjza· lions, and much mQrt, Coll~gjat' Council is a very orga_oized body of leaders who are constant!)' busy trying to make our campus Jifc more

c:ajoyable and lively.


Col!cgia1e C~ L.R Firt1 Rork -......... N". J '-tcl..on, GciiM..S- '4'•111b11. 8 Y.-l<:r, P Abet. 8 IA•befls1c11L S...'\!IMllll R..,11 K. Ko11lll. ~obnl Kratntr. I'. 11uc:tlddl. 0. Dt«itr, R. Ritltcrv.btr. K. SP"'.;clbtT11. M. M.udk~ ,.1. WiJd.:. L f..-once.. Tlliffl RAw: W, Dorn, L. Rom;u,. C. Pblll,. K. \\<lliUICT, 0 \l~d:t. D, l)ah.lboJ, R.. Pft-i!.:r

t.R. R Diener. \<'~~. IC Kn1J1h,. T~:Robcn Kra-r. Sttm.d',


Prufdcltc ft 1'Kh.tt11bct.


Student Union Board

Pool tti.bles . , ping pong . . fuill• ball . . m1111ic , loun~1n1 c:holra II place IO 80ll:ier with friends .. tlmc to rclllX , .. n1cmoriCJ or some wild and crniy times - 11IC$C arc the provisi(.)nS or the S1udenl Union Board. The Student Union Boord is milde up or two elec1ed represen1a· tivcll from ciich class und elected of-


Sti'd11111 Union H1111rd Mkirn.: I ·R 0 &alt1. Vice Pn."ldClll, 0 Sei.tnnir.r:r, ~1; C V.'rvb:l, &f:rrt•I'). Absc11L J. P11.111ung, Trr•~uru. Studc111 Urrioa Board: From · a..·1 FirJJ Rmr.S ,Toll. f\f. ~r-~. G 6 ~lt1 Sc:«1fftf R1tll''C,. Pfeil R., R. Gctb.cb, C. Wrobd. 0 . ~hom..m«. Al!Knt: S f-lc11o;wil- D ()fi~c


Phlogistons Contrary to student nmor, the Phlo-

g.is1ons this )'ear ""'ere DOt in,•olvcd in bat tle with t he ChilCrcn of Israel. The Phlogistons or science club proved to be quite an active group.

They sponsored a Science Fair, an aluminum recycling progr.u.n, a trip to the .seienoe museum i.n St. Paul, and the \•ie'i\'ings of a d o~cn short They even had !heir own mov. ie night which includ:d a premiere showing of slides and movie sho1s of 1he solar eclipse. The club's presi· dent was Mark vice prcsi· dent "'as Oreg Boll, and the sccrctary·t reasurer "·as Cir.dy fl.tcl nturrf. T he club's advi:ror is Prof. Boehlke.



in.g. C.

L·R Cf)JJt1!« Cfo.:-k11o·ik:T. &kpan..1>. Robcruo.n, F, i~mer. K R\ISeh. M D~"Ch· S. G~ii::ske.


I •






- ;y

--路w. Junto 11le current evcncs discussion group on 垄illnpus is Junlo. This group met-ti: frtqucntly and i1 is studenl led. Prof. Levorson is the advisor for thii group.




The studcnt-kd Bibk study/cliscu:ss.ioo group which mtl <in Tl.ltSCby ~tniogs

was Forucss. An)


swdent is rn:c to atttnd forue5)'.. Mal\)' portions ot Scriplure :snd religious topi"~ oot ¢0\•cred in depth tn cl.ass arc studied a nd discussed Ad· \'tstln: this fear •"'e-11! Oc:ua Hadrur:J and Mr. Him.z..


• Chapel Committee

' l'he du1tc11 or caring ror 1hc ch.-.1"10I rurnl•hln~·· pothna h)'mri•. lltdihnl' candles. bringing Oo•·cr• 11'111.'1 the tanCtlil&f")', a.nd ma.kin& bsnMl'S (all to the Chapel Committoc Thi1

&r<MIP ecru.inly racilit.atcS I nkJfC tneaninaful •on.hap ror tht camru• family LuKia Pe.rc1r1nc: ••• thit thapcl Committee coord1natot and Carla Naumann served as the sccre1ary•trc1111urer thi'i year.

ll1•f1tl(10111•nll .. I ltl'1rt(R""·(" flo1111Nnt1,( (i•llM11l11,I> \1.1111.~ loedct.t f'1·1t1td10C ~ R- ),4 ~11ck. I:.. l•n«Le.. l111nl lt1•M J llwM:i•'.. lll. { 1.-Mw, L .\J!llulk'. 0 I IUO .


Harmony Seekers The group rornletly known as the AcoliaJ\.S was renamed the Harmony Seekers this year. This club's 1ntm· bcri;hip consisted of women who like lO sing. This year after a few perfor• manecs this club's membership be· gan to 'drop 1tnd a prominent l.ack or interest dc..·cloped. C-0n.sequcntly this group linally agreed to d isb3n for the year.

•l•n'l'IOGY S«.ket\ 1.·H Fm.t Ruw: S M~cbfl. P ~us., S. B~nneu, 8.. GJ.-·u. Seootld R-0w- S. lt,outh. K·. llao.g, N. 1111""8, D flua ke:r . Third Row: S. Kct'Q, T G.1ub, S. NcD, 0 . D. W«111ll. T-011nll R•'lltr. J . lt~nncr. J :kblcn'OJI' • A. Dofr Fifib RllW". I> Lig.b-1fu$i. I>. M.:CO), ll. V0111kt:r. Sj•lb /(1)10 \ . Ra.nk. C l~b, 0 AJt~. L. tl le:11~ J Htldclbr,u1ch, J L1111clv1111 u , ~tlr ff-OW'. L Muchow. 0. 8at'ISC:b. C. l.adw~

Handbell Club A new addition to the 0~1 t C musi· cal groupii is 1he Handbell Club. Formulated in January. the club had Sl mc1nbers this )'ear. or which 48 were nngers jn handbell choirs. The member'$ learned aboul English handbells and the techni4ues in· vol..·-od in bandbetl ringing. The club'$ firsl concert ¥.·as 1\ptil ltd nnd

in May h h0$.led the Silu:ah Lutheran School Handbell Choir from Mil· waukee. \\' L


(\ .D. .~


• '

' r


Organ Club

Orpll fl.ib I It fJf'l4 /IQw S Br.tdlle. D f.i11:b1,(·, ~ ti.Cftl, f) U.t.@.t'ft- S«1Jl/lll Ra"1 I Renl'C'f,0 \...lnN91bcfl&. It Tunny, Prof. E. Mcyiei, N/1·i'"' Tla•rd IW.,. I) 11tll1f11~ I) P1lmbae:h. E f'ln'1e'- Iii f\!nat'll r.-wJtth R()11 J R<llS.. Q i.tq<tt, f' (>o;,tn,, ~ ~lallthf-, C. Mc-lnt11.dT Fdlb Ro11. Cl. J-1 i,, N b ltt•np ll Kllo.'•1ct. 0. Rob«~ 0. &hm"""~v

Aiptrin,a organists join rnr<'tlt in lltis c.:1ul> tit pur~ ttlefr common musical

1nlctt.I by tneati o( infomutivc lcctUIU dcabnJ wtth the worbftJ') or the orpn, Otpn lilttalure and conpmcn. 1ftd the mmistt)' or mlUic Tbc1r favontt place 10 \isit u 1hc 1-itndrit:.l..iOJl Otpn Company in St 1>ct~ /\ spring (cstl\·st. fcalurins mu1.c (or 1hc l~"h~ft season, "'al performed b)' club members. ~·ere: Cind)' Seevcri ·prcsident, Gary Sonnenberg- Yitt-pre~d ­ dent~ l~11chacl Turann)'•$t<Rlaf}'·



Recorder Club Recorder Club (011crs and develops an inlerbl and op1)rcciation or lhe

art a nd ullC of 1hc recorder and related instruments. This year's annual concert was aiven in thesprinj'. ' f'h cy



in 1he EARLY

MUSIC FllSTIVAL in the ·rwin

Cities and In warJhip scr1t•loe,, Thi~ • group ccr1~lnly lt ill'I ll¢Ccnl t<> our campu11.


,,..•.'t~ - ---,.C ... , ~

flc..:urdcr C h1b: /. .R lirtl Ri>w. 1-: ftto..,::l, R tkonntll, I> Ifcup .!ii:l'lltld Jtu.,... ~1 . Dc011nno, l.an11 Punkc, t.t. S1cinbnck, D Ok~t. 0 Arndt Third Ro.... 0. rl nlr, t.t Sch1imp(, J lllhkb111111, S 11)(111~, I), ~~)ic!, IJ Bp1ft$c11 /';Juflb Ruw· J , lfu91>, f\tlu J. k~i.:nilrA, l\lhl#llr' J Alll~cli, 0 ~t!lkr



Excelsior The members of the yearbook staff under 1he guidance of Kathy Spie· gclberg, "'ere the almos1 unnoticed

magiciat1.1 who performed the yearly miracle of producing t his book. the Excelsior. By combining into a fasting potion their varied talent$ and s ustained c(forts in the areas of photography. copy. layout, and pl.anning, they hope to provide DMLC students with a unique reminder and

Vi\lrm niemorics days.


their college

E.ditor-in..Chic! , , •. , •• _. . • . ~ . • . . • . . . • . , . • Kathy Spic.gelberg Assis1ant Ediu1r • , .. .. • . •, • , S.irafl Kern SecretaryfTretsurer ··· · ·- · ··-- ·· ··~· ·- .. . ... . . . LaurlcSctiopf Copy Staff , . , . , . , , . . , , •. .. •. . , ... .. . , , , . .. .. . .. G:cgory Doll EJ)~fl Jaoecke J1lle K!llbus 8:11y Ji..f-eycr Robin Or,•is &l'b S1eh¢t l..a) 0ut. Staff , .. • .. ~ • .. ... .. . . •. .. •.. .. . . ........ Barb Gass Alb<M ()Q(ldcnnugh Lori O'Connet BeLh Slater . Julie Laehn ' '' 1


Laurie lvloshcr

Rist tl.3bcnbcr8

Typillts. .

Ptiu1 R<tkos . ... .. . . .. ... .. .. ... . , .. .. ... .. .. .... Dianrte fiebigcr

Ar,jsts • . . .• •• ..• • ... • ... • .•. • ••• • ..••..

Julie Ross Rist Rabenberg Karrie Zietlow

Advisor .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Prof. f. \Vul(f



Et..iel"10f'S1;1.U· l·R fi6l RV'lt ~ S1*,eclbt•tt. J I act.n, I) o~,.1, I , Q'Cont1et Sectmd R,,w:S. Kern., (l Boll,«. 8. Mt)':f, D. Stelter. Third Raw: R. Otwi>. A Ooodcn~t&.

~cb.lp(, fl J •ncel~ I. Schw.1ni,



Messenger Where do )Oii go to read up on th la1ei,l happenings on cmnpus" Whcr c~ bu1 10 t he Dtl.1LC ).1cssengl!I 'ftlis 1non1hly publie3Lon, cdi1ed b•

6eth R1,1cgc, i8 of in1crcs1 noc onl)' ,; people on campus, •vi 10 1uan• ahunnl, pro11pcc1ivc 0,..1LC siu'

:~:it~~~·;.~~:·n:.nd many d(l\llntow \.1w;1cal 11M1 drama

~~tits. •poets,

l> ..•111>. cd11orilb, and ..nous mis-

c:tllancow;: •rt1des art incl!ilded in lbc: \1~ftJ.ct to help carry out it1 purpoK of Lecpmg ~pie in 1ouch with OM IC and DMLC in touch w11h people. "it•ff: L R nr.·1 Rew- K t.. ~lck. J Splc11i:lbt111-. t. lli1b«•, C Sluun, C I l.111.:1. Sc~'1111J N.11'"' I 1.i.tlift.. I' ll<1111h 0 . lkiU. 0 f 11<inlU11i11 I R""' A R11q.c, I) llrwU.. 0 r;cbif1:r. -;





Art Club

'' I

1 he Of\1 LC Arl Club is a very aclivc a nd popular group on our c;ampus It 11 ll ch1b ora,anized by $l udcnts. and open to all students interested in learning more about 1be fminallAI ttU of an. 'T\c club is opco to <1in)'• one., from berJnntt tot~ scriou" .tn •

m. ,o\moag ttk avtl'nacsof artstwdJcd

,.car -.en: U c1clung. 1''a1tt col· on. calbgnpb)'. Wtng crafu. •nd lhd

r'"' "--

"" Cl.,:b l " "oJ s~ •- ,~. ~.. ltCN F ......... c $tU10t11 ,~,., R'"" D 41uf'1u., R tliierfddc1. S ~'


·== .. •


The a rt club sponsoo o Chr111t1na1 card tonle In De<:cmbcr, the unique lhlng being thst the ~rds arc de· &i,ncd by DMLC .studenu. Jn lht s prh\Q: the club S(l()nsors o ChUdrcn'• Ari f'air for area grade school chil· drtR. Anot her event sponsortd by Art Club is the College and Academy Ari Fair which ~vcs our student~ t chaDCe to show tbtir u.lent Cate• p'ICS JUdgcd are skctchin&. paull· '"'· .,.,,., uc1 pbotognpbi Officers of the An Club were Ru1h Thicrfeldcr..presideru . El.ainc Brown • vioe president. and Becky Hafc· n1ci111cr. $CCtCl3r')'·trcasurer. Prof. Averbeck is 1he advisor :ind instruc· tor of the chosen a rt proiccts.


Audio-Visual Organization

AV Crew: L. R Fln.1 RqirC. Mcln1u1U, K Ku}l;tct, J, K111•nct, (', N1.1ll, \f fl.rscll:lltt, S Br(llJ:1*'11n, ~11W/ /(:.ii. • L, N~ IU. S. S~h0tn1t111C'(. f( •\fC)it!f', C. ,\faf'f.ahl, (;. $dlltef'. Th11'1f RilW J, l.11:;1;1i'ICI, T, Bal.1111\o R, C0<:llr;,1l, \> VaHCC', 0 H11iu-1t, 8 Slicfd, K Pfdfi:r. FIJurtb R~• f)rol C.rm!cti11<:I. K M 111:t, \i ~-rud. ~ (Jw-1i.iu:kc. 0 \\'iirc, A TM i n.

Ruben,_, B

Rehind lhe seen« of every chapel :\cr,•icc. campus mo,ie. pl<'.'ly, musiCll,I, con~rl, vidcc-tnpcd 11port.s e"en1, rootbaU gamt, bnnquct, or

lighted and amplifie<I s1age produo· lion~ -:t ere"'' [rom the Audio · Visual Organiutioo. V.'hile do11ating their lime, 1ne 1nbcr~ valuable e-,cpcrienec Ln opc:mtina technical

equipment. f\.1c1nbers also use their Ood·gi,·en talents to :1:rveothcr!) 11nd ~·orlc- together as s l!'.tm under the gu.idancc of ... Fa1hcr Physics... Officers are Ste,•c G·o~in$kc·d1rcc:· ic.'Jr. ,,.lichcUe Dyruc!-vioe-dircctor.

nnd Marie Birsc.hing - u:crctary·,rea· $UrcT.


Camera Club

A rcl11tlvely 11cw organi~l\tlon on thi•

c._.....o.~ L. R



'"'*' •o•· R bbmbas, D 1k1-1rr. c· \trltt "«olll41fo., J


~il•J , Plot

c..1n111u1 I• thc O~iLC C11ncr1t ('luh. rtil~ t.roup wa.s ora.ini:tcd "'hh lhe lhree·f61d pur~ of auo..·1n1 1tu dcnu; to learn more about r"<>1oar•· pby. tead•ria tM:rn the: COf'rec.1 ••y to take ptaWC1 ud deve)op film. ind at the .ante time pt<n"ldt 1 "•n· Cl)' of j'lictur• that ma) be uiCCI b) the D~ttC Mc.cnicr and f,~~t,i •


Member• norm:tlly use a roll or fill'I\ "'etk They dcvclllp their film and out of bll lhe pictures taken b)' c011n· crn cl11b mi:111ber11, a picture or the nH>nth i1 cb011Cn


Torie. c~tttd durina 1hc )car In~ duckd how 10 take act.on •hott.. •in·


1cr Kt.Kl. portrail.J, karn1J\& ud how to del;dop film and enl•• prin~


Officer• (or the 197fC..79 )'t<'r •.:re 1 1nda Ro.. prcs1d.:n1. C.trol Meier V•{C prClldcnt.tnd D.own Oc1"'c1lcr • •ccrcttry/1rc1t1111rcr•


Children's Theater

Cbildu:n's lbcalc~ L·R Fiot R01r 8. 81·~m11)Cr, L. O 'Cwi11..:r. l. ~btpl. 8 (i;U.<. D. lql1tfu1'S. J , lto:1!111e1 S«ood Ro1t, 0 l~e. S \'11khlnttr, l Kniltel.S. Pel«, K. fl.fe)·cr. J .Schkl'lv<lj;t. S r>facrl..(, ti fber Third H.J11' K SpkKdbe•i- P. G~ut,cr, I), lb.;u~h. ,., 1\<111di, l..5'h1K.lc111. 0 . He11p. 8 ll«lncu. rrNrtb Row: D D. f lia:nkc r, P. 0$g. I:. Br~l'I. C. Lu:nr<h. Fifih R,,11:· 6. WorjrJ.11. 0 . Kllyo:. I\. 01~is.. (:, $clurd111. C: Sclw.I~ D


Children's Theater is: a group on campus llal dcaJi; \\'hh ti \'Cr)' spcclul group people - kids1 They pcr-


forin..,d a a:; p lay


t he

physically and n1cntally handicapped and a bi.8 production was presented in spring for 3rC3 children. Mem~

enjoy the glowing sn>ilcs :and bois1er~ OU$ lllugt ter which result from lht-ir

etforcs. Officers this year "''c::rc president· Heidi Baer. vice prcsidti\1·

D.a\·c Dalli, and sc:cretary/treasurcrOianc FI Jnker.


- - - -·...;·__ •. . \11:.J 116

Drama Club Or•m• Club offcrt r.llildenlA tbe OP" ~tunlt)' to m.tlle use oftlleu Latent~ •nd fulfill their interests in drama

In the (1111. thi\ club staged the 1nc1<>dn1nu1 "Tht Cu"" of 11.n Achl111 Ite11.rf'. Nol 011ly did 1M oud1encc11 enjoy tht \\'Ork done by Oircctrcu Carrie Melcher and Producer M1~e Dieter, but they al&o got a chance to boo Rtftdy Kramer.

The club'' main e\'tnl this spr1n1


to pratnt Cole: POJtcr'• m"' ,cr· -.,on ol a Shakc3patcu corm:d) ..KW Me Kate... proved to be: J Jue· CHI 11 It Wli Y-it"ed b)' over 1000


Pom-poo Squad

•·n. DMLC Pom-Poo "I'™' " •· - • sroup"' l&btcd snd -w,g girls. ne.. <rCall•• ..,..


10 come sp wub a ac... •od aatmg rootiac for C\Ct> bomt

pmc_ E 'i'C.l'J ro.tiae ibowed a lfUI deal of crea.tiYit) a&d dedu.~tcd practice. The: Pom-Pon squad ptt· forms ll ha.If-time ror bo1h rl)()tbatl and ba~kctbaU, as •ell as pcrromun1 at l4thi:r pep fesu. T bc Potn · P\11'1 11rh abo help C*t at \·trious athletic Kt1\ities htld OD Ollr campus. l"b• &&Jancd grocpof girls ttrQinJ)' •dd. • tollc..b or claa &ad • boost of lf'I nt IO OMr tchool.·s squd •ere l..ladl Romas ud \iou Peta

J\nn flll9 So.j..t l .•R· Jlll ._.~~. M '-bil.i11r. S '-'•*"- It (ir1mbo• F.. Sdi.d1Tr. t. Srevd". L L~i~ .\9tt !!'- S ll•'M&a. S Dlo.:\, Cl 11"""""'"'


M ..._., ~ ttoer~i.c. ( 1-•her, L ll.1t•lld. ..




Color Guard Pc.rformina ta1c111cd routines at lfomecomin& and Soc- Cami~I half limes. pr~n1jng lhe nag •t home and pulling in bour~ of dedicated practice: time an: but a fc• of the activities of 1hc 0;\1 LC Color


Gutrd. The Col0< Guard ii 1 group of lS girls that help to add some interesting routil\e:S to half time at home basketball games.

The offictn of this ta lented group were president - Nancy Stremlow, vice president· Ka th)' Kuhln1:in, ond

aecretaty / treasurer .. Monjca \Vic· bush.

ColarGwaf'd I ·ff l~ -8.,il. rynii., ~11 ..11. J \'"JI, I Sicbn&n&. \I WIK, 'V. Wa...._ I Ct)J" ._ lt•l>il K klMkl R Jpit-~ L kliMli, ' ~ D ~•ft l!t. tr. kctl!l•1t11 P "-,, h <> Jtoellb. Doriii5 kfib.. M. V.•""-di. D J lladiooit 11! HM\r. ,._ 11.ek~. k . S-. D 7...a.....,,.



Pep Club

Pep Cbab Of(t«N: L.R, T, f'!111• . Wat l'r<Sldl.'nl, L HuOOtw;n. Sccti;.t.t,Y/ Tmt.$11.rt:r, ~t. Lattl~


The organization in which stu· dent tll Dr.1LC ii a member is Pep Club. Jt.s function is to sponsor 1hc Homeco1nit1g activities. in the fall. These from planning a P3· radc to an e rtcr-the·gtfl'le celebr.'I• tion. Throughout the year Pep Club Is always lherc. to raise I.he school spirit.



L-Club Contrary to the 1nakc up or the L· Club. the \Vomcn'a L..Club h1 ror ull the v..01ncn letter winners parliciP0l· ing in interscholastic athletics. They are active as a n individual group but they also coopeNlte with the L· Club on mnny projects.

L-Club Who is responsible for such things as concessions at alhlehc cvcnis., lhe sponsoring of the annual ,,.iN District WF.l.S volleyball 1ourna1nen1, ond donations to oid the othlctic pN· gram1 The &roup i• the L·Club. Thi~ group has a fol of support as ii is 30

organization established by and for all the male varsity letter winners in DMLC's interscholastic athletic pro· gnin1.

L-011b Ofl!ccl'$: l.-R L.. f:>\\l11t¢. \Vl1Jtt·l'Cll.liltlfMl1t;'r f.ltrins. JW:iJ!knr. O. l\i(ir11. &o1:1atr/ 1'rcilj&tfl:(.


Bowling E"try Monday aigh1 ill 9:00p.m .W

b~i LC students 3nd professoN dropped their bome\t.•ork and headed out to the C1o"erleaf Entertairunent

Center. Why'? It's the OM LC ~·J­ ing Le.1gue. Tk league was composed of S teams, each with five

team 1nembers. This )'ear the Bowling Organization became. an official club at Ol\fLC as a constitution was drawn up and v.·crc elected. Everyone who parlicipated in dais 0rganitation (Ollnd bowling to be 2 wery relaxing and run



Track Club

Tr.11!.. Club L·H t-1nf HQll" J.> Nlf!nli, fl l'u11, I . l 1u·1irllc-. ,\t:i.xmd R(Jtt· C:w~h lhn tt. I ' P~tc.rm.11ln, S. Wc.mSocl. C:t'<.u~b \\1a<lc.

C'ollcgc 1ncn ond wo1ncn ln1crc11icd In con1pctin5 in ll'tu:ik tind Oc:ld ci.ltn· pri.M: Track Club·s rOt1tcr. Some of its members also ll&Si$1 lbe Academy with its 1rack program. This year aome or the 11 1 embcr.~ competed in 1ncc111 and did quit~ "'CU Ilo~fully ncAt ye:ir lhis group y,·ill bccorne an lntcr&eholaslie tru1::k tcan1.


Intramural Sports Associations is n grca1 "'":ty to rnee• new people, enj oy a spo:rt, and run

oil' all that exot$S enotgy siltin& around studying can g:ivc. While

winning may not be the g.reatest Share Of playing, playing [s the gre:U¡

est share

or fun.





Eac:~ )UJ. to get the prh out

of the

dorms aM into pbylical tcti\'il). 1bc Wocnen"s latnmtua.I Sporu A)$0Cl• ation gOCi to wort wnh YOlk)blll. ba\i e.tbar, badminton. ar1d j.0{1ball tournamt:lb. Added c-xtns include 1rchcry, tennis, ttnd headache~ Through coooentr0ttd e.ffor1 t1nd tome Confusion, lhrcc f~shmcn nu1n11gcd 10 schedule l hc :tc1ivhlc11 PruldcntSarah Kern. vict prtsidt!nl Sonnie ~hlcnker, and secretary Ka1hy P~sow all agree 1ha1 i1 "'~ run now chat it'$ over.


\\.,...\ ,....._.... Spirtlo A--.~ Oflittft_ IR • Se:'*-br. ..a~~


. I.













Football - Cheerleaders

foo1b•tt CbwlcildcH· L·k. ftOf'll rll',. C 5.':h1l'1;.,,, ft Sch•ltt.


P l!ekky. K. Sdl 8.1.i:k row; D. Lcu..k¢. W

\'onity f oolb1U T~m; l.•R Fi~·r Rull''0 B:.oneh, (> \\'c!.ltt, £. Vutltl'!. A.. 0 taitltncr. K Ttthlin. J. H11hn., G . lbh1:, C, \\'inkie-t, f', Rt111:f'. ,s·~ /l.(I,.'' R. t.M..-oro, J, Krolut.,J. Ray, T. 8.1.uhollll'ntw,S. J:111kc. ~I floi1C$ll, J, Wo>1:dt, () Neu,ph.t. (•oacb. 0 , Gllr5'iM. Thud ffow: D. Uhkllbr.111ck, T, lkoee.._ P S 1c,11bath. 6. &hvh. L Fu.wiri~. (i. P(c:ifcr. J t:iJttC. I) Juln1so11. D. Mo:ibck. >-I. Etcmil:k. Rouch R. Knqcr. Ft)(frtfl R1Jw' R. llunl. S. Huebner. tYI. Oobl:<n.trin. M. 8.1n1~ M. R<1h,kk. R. ft\lbin. 0. bbdlq,, 0 . Timmcnru11m, T. lk,11~$. l-lctrc"j.. SludClll Coodi 8 Plarrn1an Finh Rcrr t.tan11icr P. Wcn1~cl. D KaetOt, \ol:uilltt.n F L~bnng. J. Kula.nckt, f\t 911.1..,;.w, F Ro~1u, K'.. Y.11hn, J Ku.nh:si.:, 0 . ~l.7<d110n. J .S1ing, J Fu.withe.


Lons bcrore the dOOfs of 1be Ac.· ckmic Center \lo'Ctt opened, Luther tfollow rc1ourded w11h tbie l!ri~ or the 1918 VootbaUSeason. Thal kind o( dcdiea1lon I ~ st mined n1uscie1 :and i•ChlnK bones pmid off ln 11 se.u.son of both pcr11onat and team exccJlcncc

l>':"ir fOOTll\11 \I \-.Cl'

""' .." "'"' °'-• " °'' "'' 1






Nov ..


"W.:l"I 11



r>v t c



,,"• 1



'\\ t~llliil


I t ....~llfJlll ~l 11.1-..1 ha

1'\\ t V.' I) M1 \tt1$ftll 1•.11...1M,1y



" 0

·"" "

Wi1h an cndla:s progrtss:ion of play pa11em1. c-.crtiscs, grunls. and lurd •Of"\. ""'C cmctgod ""ith • .a..4 rtt01d Some. o( tht pmcs .-ere decni'°e '¥'.C· 1oncs.. Otkrs. \ICte heanbrcsting dcratJ b) a (cw pOIDts.. Soll othcn "ere sound dtfcats. But through u all, l.IRC:Cr pride ran hi.ah a~ Lu· thcr t-lollow WlS never quiet until the .,cry final pr.:.ctice ""'3.S ovcr. Only people who l o~·e the llpOrt. respect the people they '<''Ork under, and cnJOY 1he reel int of accomplishmcn1 of 11 '<''Cll done lh ng can ttul)' (inish oul 11. season like our Of\.flC l.anccrs. We ctn all be proud or our Lanccri lx<aU>Cl OM l C hu a tradition



Cross Country CfOM Country is a recognized spor1 at 0~\.1.LC nod \\'ilh 1his. se.1$(Ht's te~ cord chey b"vt good reason lo be

prf;)ud or tba1 fn.ct, Cross country be the most grueling of all sports both to 1)3rti<:ipalc and t<> prepare (or. Hours arc spent each day, ~n·1. 8u1 <~Sk {11'1)' of them and you'll l'ind t hat it pays.

running until you

The n1cn's ream captured lirs1 plnct in the NLCCA Northern Dist rict, second nt 1he !\tRCC/ TRCC run

;)Od Lbe team'.s rank a t the season's close among a.II N LC1\A schools ln 1he n.ation •·as chird, Individuals did ouutanding ..-.·ark t his season also as Jon Willit7. '"" the best 5 1nile run and set the .'K:bool record at 26:47.





i,.k; f . RaB~, N Ebcrha1d1.


L1...l.lkf.. Rolxr1 Kramer, 1 Rudt'uW.11, l'

R. Kocppd. U 1'11:1ul. J. Wil!11r.. l. Wcflc. J . &:~-.:r. fl.Ir. tlinu+

" uronlff •ome•'s crc>ss COU:fllf) 1cam took the racld llus rau as sixttt• lncd out G<eftetDll)' 1ht compttilion 11l10 1mptovcd with St. Otar. The Un1vc:ts;hy of Mmncsota, and Gol· dent Valle:)' Lutheran domi;i;nung the Stille. Led by Kathy J-li™=h Ill, t-f11ry Schuh• I. and Lasea Riuorf IV, 1hc team bcut St. Mary's of \\'in· onl'I, \<loorhcad St:1tc, a nd Rochester

Commun1I)' College a1 \·ariou~ 1ln1ei. durina 1hc i:cason Also sconng p01n1 .. (Of th<e Llnttrcttes were Dia·

tun" Ame» II. Ctndy Solofra Ill. Rllot Rabcnbcrg Ill, ~f scbcltc Hor· otbcr II, Jud) Ktnl II, and 5)1\'d Btc•cr I. ~•thy Hirsch Kt a nc"I" 0\1 l C' tte0td a1 1hc Carleton ID\i· 1111ion1I c:ovet1n1 the SOOO rne1t"~ (). I m1lc:t) In 20 minuta Ra1.

ll!Of\c' "-1M.I t..ilk L·lt f1.- ...,. ..,....l.11tWU.. C Wra." lkw~r. 't '-.W1 O "•-. D a....yc--..,.er .v..:u..t ,_ I. ~• . l> 8cclrr. 1t bbc:mb.".tf. "" u .r-:11


Women's Volleyball \o -'ASlfl

RlSl t TS

I tNi Ctt ...._. v. oriitlC al\. tkai.:1" I "' I I l

DMLC - . j Carle-tea ltMl( w S(.. ~ ...... ft.~- ~4

0 -.CLC DMlC



0 \11 (' .... \lubto \Ii- D"flC .,. Sl Paul tl·bl.. l D"'41LC - . C...-..rd1:a·SI ......_ I CWllC .,._ 5l. OIJ

... _

"wiri"-'" ,.

.. ()Ml(

l D'llLC l UMLC l a ""

a~ .\~

s.:.&he11 "-1- '-'•

"-t,.,M~ ''"~

\.t:iW:.w ~ .... " ' "'-""

!ii " - · , . .

..... )rd~

't;o&o..• .e.c..:!u • :11.f:t".'

1 •• • ..--~ -: ~1


J"V k f!>l' LJS

"*'""il lfoiM L·Kt,.,,,, Rc ..·. K. Knm ..... l"(.-.rr.. , ~ "''"""""'. 8i~C W•lck'lo;:.... ~"OINll'l)IO A ~.8 K~.• f"-'r"'\11. R t'ltu. C~ R«mh1ldL k!.•~· Vio o4.; I tl,.iJ, flwd Coach l~ k, f,,._,.nicicr, l... 9 4 •o R >- -~ r, l. ........... "" n. r~ a rm t a~ J l'-'1 c. ·"'



Suddenly 18 ~cmingl)' sophis1icntcd college '4'omcn become 18 \\'ild .ind winning player'S of the. vigorous g.an1c o( voUe)•balL The 1978 OMl.C Girls' Volleyball team was con1• prised l11f1:!,ely of fresh1nen who \l>·crc aided and by 1 talen1ed uppcrclass "''Omen. Throughout the season the t'reshmCll pro,•ed 1ht.11 lht) wilJ be 1hc ~ckbone of a .strong D~1LC Volleyball 1ean1 in 1hc Cu10~.

Volleyball lnv-ol\•es a lot of 1in1c ~nd dcdic:i1ion. Prnclices arc C\'erynigh1 and sometimes very tarl)' in t he morning. Homework is often shoved 1t.sidc and thert ~ liu lc free lime for leisure activities. .But the girls will ;1f$O remember the good 1imei.. sing.. ing llappy Birihday to Carol al Rurgcr Chef, the pink cal 1nask escapade at Gust;Ivus Adolphus, and the often long bus ride$ made intc.t(sttng with Singing {OD CB.s). joking, and making new friends. AhblM1j.h the tc::tm didn't have a cbampion5hip rec:ord, 1hey played wiih dctcrn1ination and gave t heir all. 'They plai.'Cd thitd in 1hc- f\iorris l nvitt\tional nnd claimed 11 fo11r1h place finish a\ the Macnlc:ster Staie Tournament_



Basketball - Cheerleaders

M(.N'S BASK·EltlAU S(!4SON Pilkb!Jry

DMlC 67

DMLC SI c~.-

ft' DMU:- K) ..N


("!N) DlrtU.: 74 ~

~l hwtS1ern

"i\V IS~

0.MLO 10 Mar.tout ' DMLC 7l ~lli;b~ DML~


l>M~Q 1_2

OML~ 10 DMLC ti-S

0'41 c S6 O~LC 92

V'i.1crl)u '

No1th C'¢tl~r:I Ci.lllt e ()ic ·inion Dordt f\.1i~llUI Bible

l-l•'l: SfIt

DMLC $() fl.ii, $tnAril). DMl.C 64 SL P11llil .Bible

DMl.C (;6 1'ion~1un (MN) "O~~l..C:-72 Vlte1bo O.\tLC. -J Norlh Ccmn.1 ~ DMLC- '» Ml1111~11 lb1*. OMLC & DMLC ?1 Coooardi11 OMl..C flJ ML S«larki 0).41.<: S1. Bibk

" ••



...," ..,. 10




.,... ..." "i" 12





91u;l:c1baU C~llcr11:


f'rtmt I>. 1>;i.lbn11n11 Sect~ /({JW' J Sm.11h, C. llnlo:. T Zuclltt

Tliitd R11tt, S Pcttr0!1, TIJp: L Muck.

It waJ :1 good )1:i11 f.:ir OOSl.tl00.11 raas al Dr..fl.C. A tciugh b.l.~krtl»U team a nd :wme ~ti') cxdunt 83mc' hdped 10 r)\oe balkeiball Mlpp(lrterS ~\:lhu11}. 1.:i reaUy ehcct abou1.

The 1978-71) l)<l,;kc1boll 1c11m hnd (jullc a \lndereltiS fllctl'lbcl'S. player' who will pn:n~ v11lv11bk 1n OOmi~ ) r..t:trl K11rnilx n11r1rd llJ « ntrr £or many g;unrJ a nd played 'iCI')' '<tell for a £r~hm11n. Sophomor~ Dan K.c:hl. l'llul Kais;:r. a~ C'rais \4011;1u·1 Wtf\' then" to add ll(tded twkrtJ whrn lhc: pre.swre WM Ofl, Tral\Sfcr Jim Unke nddtd hill bo:ighl and Uhi~ to thll")' i;3ll10. A11d b(ll)C· fuUy Junl(lr D11ry:I Weber ...111 be bilck for uf!MM:f 1\ll'ld •co1~111 ~olllf't 11h11 pl11ycd !lie &a.u of Lhel1 e0Ucth11c b:J,1.c•li<.•ll 1hl~ <;ct\..w'I were Paul Bi.UCT, D•~k tleubne~. alld P1uJ


SMmiW. TM OMLC I.JI~ ended tbt"ir 71t·79sc:uon ._,lh • \.&-1) ICCQfd They I~ MJITIC dti•t pme111~itu1I M.lmc: lv11,sh «i111p!:litkin II ~~ a sood year, gup;.. ..( llf'e. looting ftrrw• td 111 •11~h¢-1

g.ooij (lllC Ill 1il.tl0

Fr.Mt· t.taiu.scr G. Boll l.·R Fint RO'lt~ M &b•IU, 0. Yo cho:r. D. llocbl!>Ct, S. l(cn:w111, D l..:hktlboock, T Tar~cn<111 ~ Ro11~ R. Or.r1tr. S. Llutb., D. r..<11chco, P. Tbonfcldt,. D Kctbl. P. Ulo:.,fc!dl, 0 kucbl, I'. &1cr Third R.,11 ·Co1th D. C.un.'iil:!IC.. P. Kn~. C. f!.futpn• .M K:imi1r. J

Un\e. ~ Koq1peL


Cooch J





Women's Basketball

A 6~ 1 2 win loss record mny not up-

pear impressive, bu1 lht Lan«t¢11c11



fourth in 1hc Suu1hcrn

District and provided their fans witb

a number


excltin,g unc!I heart·

brcaking,ly ctose games-.


Kaes1neyer made 'he season cx1r3

special by rolhng up a career total or

l060 points, n ne\\' record for indl· viduat seorlng;. Thanks to the Lo.n· cc.rc1tc11 for- a nother sea.son of dcdi·

C.'\ttd "''Omeo'.s basket.ball 3c•ion

JV 'fellffl T411 IU 8Mtum. f_ f'l'lC'rtnaM, R . Putt, M l> Sc:b11;1mtn, N. Sd111h7., B. Lohmiller. K.

1111;1g, W RidUw, P l'Tie1n , l·R Ffr~r /(ow•

wl)>.IEN'S Dl\$KE.'J8ALL

or.1t.C Dt.fLC Ot.fLC

Dt<otLC Dt.lLC

or.tLC DtoflC


D1ollC Ot.t•.C



D~U~ b LC







" ,," "' ,."'' 10

so 5.)

.,,. 74

Mt nkt1,10

St, Tltomu Northwt1Jtrn S1. There 11 l:ktbcl Col. or

S• 8cAei<lccl S<:luth•<tt St. c~1hcrinc. ;\11~bli,tjt

GuAa•11' St. Olaf St. ~ary

e..Pa111 Sciutli"''Ht'

f.tanbu1 WI""

.Cone. Sc. Pau.J Aupbcsrg


"•• 61

"•• so " ""s• 8) ""


"' 5'

V11r.dl)' Tc1n:a: 14JJ> to &irl<>m' L 1.-odry, R., Kat\!;mc)"'tr, K. Hin:ii:li. L·R Fir.n midt. JI. Jl.1•kbo,.:, L. Thnm.p.illO, C. 8 11-t}uw, 1> lk~oi..

R0t0~ C. li\'idddt-


Wrestling Ten men Slll'ri\'ed the endurance test of anothe-r D~LC season to cam a kiter in the sport. Led by their captai.o Emil Schuh ud Coach Paulsen. they dedicated t.bc:mscl\'CS to grueling prac1iccs, rrequient trips. and a seaSOQ that may not k>ok im· pressi\'C by the: team scores. Howcv· er, lhe team continued its efforts and produced two conference champions - Arnold list at l 42 in tl:ac: TRCC and Tim Bcn1t it 190 io lbe TRCC 1..od the NLCA1\.



l'>"LC' Y• lktMI

DYLC .,.~ N'tl~ R~·ilk 0\.t l.C w 9t1 ~itv 1-.kf1.n 0)4LC vt N\\'C .,-.·~n OYLC w \1 J.taiutb Jbp1i" 9ible C.iiqr l>\.fLC' Yi Pilbbotr) 8-p~ SitM C~ C»ILC "'-' Conc:Of'dA St hul

D\tU' vs 1k1tiel



"-'• ,,-1(,

1$·H (,...$~



0'1LC "$ Gu»ta~ r,.. )') D'tl C '"' Rcch:i~ t ehttJ.n ()\llC" \'S f>ilb.ti.t) lbt'I >I 811* ('°*J'c: I l·J6 l~J4 O\ILC '"' COQCOr& ~ P:iv.I TRCC CGM"Ol'di11 50. Pilhbar) 1'.al., O~t lC' -'"- '-trtb11.1:1>t.:rn R~• 4~11 0'41LC CHA \1Pi0'"S 1"1 TRCC: Al"Mlkl Li1>t :..1 IJ' •llld Tim 8e1111 ~ I~

O\ILC C HAJ.I Pl0' '" ~I ('AA'. r- Bt1ll~ .lt 190



"-'renting Tum: L•R rirt.r Row: Alt~t. C011ch W, rhun:iM. E. $(:b11b, Couch J. Paul\en. Si!!:l'll!ld llllW T lb,nccl.Sl11\k'flt f\t111!a,t;1tt J !\<:. T. Bc11tr., P, ~dct. J to:-11~. J SchJ1CCk, A, 1.llil P. Hou.;gh. 0 P11in1in1:1.

• .~· ......







S1. hnl Bi.hie




The All·Amcrtcan sport of baseball


comes to OMLC tarly every spring.


The nets go up, the batting m;ichine is stt1rted. and 1he SC.'lsoni begins with a single to le.ft field. The pl<l)'Cl"S put a lot of time and energy into thcjr game. bul 1hey go1 o do1,1blc on the bcncl'its - exercise plus team <:00ptration combined ror a 5e~son or 11-1. This left (nns a nd p1a~rS alike with cnthuiiiaiim and pride which led their team t¢ a ll1ple hit. '' 311 added up to a home run sea.son.

•• l2

1 l>t<.fLC l l 1 l)/\ttc


l)~f ~







Nonh Centru.1 tllblc

5" P-11ul I.II* Cone<lcdia


12 I



N<lti··~n:i Nunl\ ~ntnil


'0. 1

B1tct»l1 Teflll'I: l ·R Fl~ Row· Rich:u'CI UiKbMr.S~ l lern:wig, D. Eicktneytr. D. B11rteb. S. Hoeban, 0. Mad•. J, W0old1 S~Ro11~D.;ker,G. PfciJN, J. t.'.t1tblt.. 0 Eum11tt11. P. D11a11Jo:r. L Selin.,., T llcring.. Tmrd R(1<11· L. C:n~. R li111rJt. Jolm lt.ay, J' fh~fddr, P. ~11*'1, K. B11wo., D. NClllJahr, 0. S!i:llkk. ~l. Colla., Cnne11 M, r.leih.ic\,



"'" ....,..,.. ...... .1;~J1

"""' 1 "" 2

,,... "' ,,..


l>'l.ILC O\llC P\llC ll\llC

,,...... DMI(


'40ME!\'S SC>fTBe\ll st.\!ol.011\, l





• u



tilJ) l

l )M It.

• • Ill

~t11lr 1oum1n1r1n

" ••• •• '




A1>1il JO


'' Ullf


\\ 1llW!I

j l?

After much Mrd wOf"k Jong pr1ct1CC$, 1he Laooerettes cn1cred the r•eld wi1h 01Himism. They facod tou&h c0<1npchhon and gave ii lfltir bc:11 try. The short sea::.on ended with IL ovcmll rticord of 2 wins and 11 IOSKS. ln the 1t1te tournament the team nni:she:d 2 and 2.


Golf \\'11b 1hou11 of-rare.. and sw.._.ngs ui 1he M1ndp1tt. 0\4LC lau11<:bed an other 101( ~· C.apturing lhe coo· rcrence ch1m~ionship and a ~son re<:<>rd of S.l mado 1eam ',; "'' ork "''Orlhwhile. All conference plii)'Ctt; "''er~ Tirn Torgtr:son, Juhn 1-lormtod,

a nd Jlnl \Vndc, 'These three plus Potul Edn1ut1dson, p,11.11 S Rlitni~ka, Ra.tidy Koeppel. Gene J aeger. a nd Randy P11hl were lcttct winncri 0 \1 LC can l.tlr.c pride in lhtir golf team'• •ho-inp. After ~cb a good wa'<ln 1he team i.' read) to 1tt up

and do it cncr aptn next JUr


'4.llM..110 ~.. w l l9W411'"'""*1 .\1 \tal'l•te o..I ~t .tl.h 11 l bn

' "'°' f rortt M •1t·h. &I St.. hul


CnllCOl'CI.. r...11r1tl•t•Qlef'll

,.1RC'C t.I ~cw LJlm


TRf(· "' Jllt'Wr Ulll' Ou.11

"'1 ~ 1 . 1111 11>1




... ,,. "'' "'' '" ;-41






- _,. '"





rc.•r .... -



•.~· d

路 ~



A .\\el. Pa.W. )j,. '11, 100, t•l Abralwlfl. 8rh1• 61 ...............


... l!I,

i'\«. P.:5'3' '' Albt«•l. Cy1u•ia o1, 91

" ...... o.ahtlm




Ollf. -'• M H .... 1ta. owrt. C)•thi' S5

t)yflld. "'-c:bdk ... %.. 114

E EbdiJlt,. Glofl. J1 ' JO I lxthtrdt. N11hllA !IS. JOO, l)l

8ftC.t. Prof 0 11

1Jnnlr;1t111•• .t~ )ii

LbM.. J111d .a. %. 1 SJ,. I.I>

1)1ook,_ Ociw~ }6 9.5, 97, 111




U..clit1. P1ut B. •S a.~ tQ,., fbtt, H~~l 12. ''· 116

&..i.. O:ut )S. IOI. 110

aur"- n--• ~- "· u:n. 11• &..\ ktll. J11P1lel J,, 98. HW .wa.t sa.- )~

c• a hlll •'· 1.1\ I kk mt)Cf, Dofl•ld ,S. IA?

9"1e1M. ).l.:lwd . , !'rs.. pm( J 1& Bn:iti. Mary 60

l .li.Mtf. 6-ilic S-5. ~

r mn•ndl.. Vi 11._._ "


Pl!:dc1lc. ~t •r&;uci1 ill>.6 1 [apt.,,.. J l i l'ngd, J~ n )"/, 99


frke'*"'b. Okan c-t fcun11an, o a...ld ~~. 1.ll f . - . , \4ddc ti. .. f..11m•m1, lt hoda J 'J E1e.tnkk. '-'""~k 6J, I Vt f"Dlll. M.ollilto M


E.-J . .kid.,

~" 'io\:blld ti, I lO


& HK.., R1cN.r4 {IO

C.ldrr, li.<.11) lill

lktnet. Prvf G •1

C.a.....-u. Jue

l:411c.1, P1ut F 11~ aantl. '---" • 7. "'

&ritk, B1cnd1 M• &nd,. 0.•>4 ~ l)Q. 1-'2 th1nt1t1... '411rp.1n 6J. '6, 11• ~

°"......"•., .. ,... ,,. !J.,


9tU11, f.1ii;h.&d f)T, tll) &-. PUti(b 61. l).i


Ba.n. 0 11 8:;•1. Kar~a 60. llS. 14J


llaM"r, P.ul A .,.., }~. IJO, l}i a.-.. Psul M '-1, 9i' 81•'111&l18- .._,.,. ll

Cro-. M••&O Cat. u

fk<\:c1, 8yh•111 07, Ill fkd.~11"- U11NI 61

fknncU. ltcbecle<l 6J, 9'5, %. IOfi \(18 11)19,


&1111.• 11nwlh} 67, llD. I.ti

""'· ndlN 60..t'S, " ,, lkrJt:i, p,111 S-4, Ddbit, Mul.h ~r. lc')u. JJ. sa, 111 thrkbnl1. Clnd) 14, %

u.\oll ~60 8<t.te:b:ina.. M11f\ .s.t, ts, 9,., 10!. 114 lf..ttotL JCMlllf S.

.......... '!I..••) ltJ11g.u_11, H11rti1ra b7, IJll. 109 l!Md. MicM&lc 60 ~ • .t-1•60 P1ot P. ll. lJJ

aoo-.u. i.•Mc:ca "·...,. 1 lt Ooel"flt\11, lllC 15 IL-lil. P1tl l Tt 1}1111.~ll, A tll!IW ~1 l\•Jelt'-. C'1r•JI '' " ..... 'lAf\ tl, l>O

Fic\t11, Sh•mn etl, 9111 ..~.'ill lOil. Ill RW,P.-btl f\nl., 9rcfld11 61 ........ Glofw. 61. IOf#. IOI. 10' FmlL, M•I') i i i Fuu•(f. Robdt 61 f'..,:ilio~ lktla SJ. 9S. IN r.-~hcr, Chc')i n. !IS. 111 fiMMI'. 0 &1 f'1Cmmdl.. !Sll! btlra bl Fh1•ke:r. P i;t.M OI. 90. 106. I It.

)6, ql. l°'l



a.ct.... ()dllon.b " ~

fc..-n. •,.,_ 6L .,_

0 ~,..n 61,


f :;a¥(1t11t:. Jutln ~. lllJ f1.., U•TU(ll: 61. 'OQ. 1lt ll). IJO F'e))l.flt. C11 i'herlN1 61

(;u¥11Cb, 0,.1-id {o(J, 9!1 C,.Mf. \.,... ~· te ~.I tS. Y1. 10\

Sett.ct. lkatt,.• ~s

INC\er, J~111:1 fll). 9'I\ k\CI. ~ .a.,.

Fafi.c•bcra· SS, ,.


Campbell. Jin S• c.rc•. o.."Wliu (Ill Ytt c.e... C..1'-li:i ,. c..mi1cil1•I. Prof Co.•~ 11.t ~I. Vo.a to. VIJ Cocllr•n. ll•-'> 61. 9 I, 11 ~ Cull1, Mu;luicl I .I? ~ """' 12. k ...

Bov.1npua11cr. (')'!Ullol1 0:1 fk,.l ,..., • .,. 9S. •' Boclecr, D11Jilal'll S4 !klCLtt, J>Ms



&uit•:k. ~ 4. 9'1, llO. 141

l:1;1r1l11ilamc... Tod

"""'l'C} t1.,.

l'~kft). f'l:U Y )1. IJO

Btt11t11. Ehon1167, \)!>, 9~. 113, 116

_.....,,C JCUlll M QQ<hM.11,. 1<11hocf"1no t-11 8'l;edlkt. C 6tl c.~, lti, 1'.\.t.. 11• tlotu.t. ·1'111d1 "'· '1'1 . . . . . 51~61 fkuh. R1111dotph tiS



O-h1111ye1, LllKl;a 6 1 96

ftri:&.;.11. 1t11rm l6 Utchc11(cld1, Karl& 1'10

&row.-. s-.oroa .o.

(lridH ,,_

O.C.blmt•tr. Mn. 90

Rri:ndcn. Pc~u 60. 9ti

"'°· '))

V.cbc .. S

On1c:i«. Ron11kl 6!, 1~7


Al'ldct'llCIR. Pror A 115 Ar.... •1bt11 tt, .... , .. Arndt. Plliil11 fl(), 911. I IQ Amis. trot \\ 80 "~ (hl~.rt Ml As .... ~.I o\~\. ,.,.. It. l l

la'olcc'. S.-11

Oollo&Jti, JUI 61

1kild1., J111ot" 61, 9b, I J..I llial Gtcllf') t1, 9' 1 It. 11?. l \1 Bon.:Nrdl, 0...11:1 35 luwc.. K.-.lli Jot.. t•l Bl•d'lle. ~i.e.. ).I, t08 D111muw.r, HU'*nic 5-1. '96. J 16 . . . . . lldicco S&. •S. ,. ~unt. 1nnid 111 .,,.... lt'.1«11 '"'· ..,

f~Ff.~~ti)i f O\l Cf, ('.h11loul!C 6 1

f>ilw.,J; )' llP 1 ?ft

ts KMl 14-

O.lllbcrt, Oii.•.i 61l. ~ll. HM)

i: 1•n.l>en~e1•, lkbot•li ti& t'rticr. ~1cbd 61. 90

~KMu ..

o.i.1.. ~Canl)n )ti•. bf•• 61 4Jll.

,.,.,.. ~"' ... 1>•



F11i:y. Pft1. C 1ti tr.U. \)t' )1

l,....,, ~.,,. ""'


Pro! Ci. ,,

lknb~ fl I n.-wt ..... ~ ... t!>.

1.a1 l)ty, E:b1.1.bcth 611 OebaNll ta . . . DcfBlfl, t\•f'lt 3" l)c(ier1110. Mu1k 109

1 tlli\e, DcG1111 SS. 99 frh;(. J:; •1

t>c-lancy, 011)' 6$

,.....,.. 01-~

___ ..

lrvil, Johu 6 1, 97 f . . . ~., r 11cnl(Mll. ()llwn

~.Oo.-11 l)acm..

h__,. 6&. ts, %, t Of,. 1Cl8 O...,• ~'- <i6. 11 ..

Oct-ilcr. ~ Plo;.L

Punc. SS. f'

I 1t

n ...

ti•. 9). 91. 111


Dtt:ner. Riclw.rd :?J. SS. 100, 10 1 CM:tct. MidlMI •l OldL C•relt ) "I

<iM6. ..tborl ~5..... t(lo. 11 l, 110 Giel>. T~ 69, ''-· 106 011u1cr. Ptll) 6!1,;'J, 114

Oldu. LiodJ 411



J.-, SS

Dobbcftlcin, lkbn. SS. 90 o.»toenwO•. ,_, ,,, tl I !O ()t.ti"', A lltl' til

IMn Wen<lv 5~. "' 100•tl

ae..,. O...C••·

Oehl. Lru:.bc1h 6 1

(',.1~ ,,

l11t11M'lh 01. "'· 100 C'HpMI, MOtlk• J•, 'fJ (tat-" auw ''· "· 101

G~ Nancy 61, ~. Giese.., Sally :It Gillmer. 8~lb 3il Oi.lmorc. 1'1.ark li'1 Gletdc,. Pro! A. ti (iocde, JM j,S Ooodcno11gb, A l_bcu 69, 93, 111 Goaline, Pnir. 0. Sl, 1)(1-. I)' Gon~S11sanJ&,'>9. lli', loll Graham. Ehu.h<lh Sj Onunb!iw, Helene Ill, l lK GrMn~ Or A K_ 77 O r&ms.. W. 90

Gr1111bou, Kay.J.yn,_ 33. 9~

Gro:r. t.tll") 2J. jS

O ri:enmckr. Jny 69. I) ~ Gr""-nmdcr, Regina .SS (lre(ollllM!, Alk:fl tlO

Ori1:pu11.r111. P1111I 69, 9S. 97, IJl Grkp:nlrng. S ulOln lS Grocrnnj, SLC\'Cfl $$-, IOJ C t<>C$Chd, i)cui~ 6\1

Hl11ll, Mr S. 1', Ill. Ill

lli.nt, K.41h!cc1:1 7.i Hlf'Scll, K:u h!et:n SS. l!J., 119 l-lir1ch. Krl\lltlt 3'1 H,Jnnb, Sluri 69. 106. 0? H«.noclle, /\nN 6.1

NaPC)' 69


1-loffmann.. R:'ltid)' 62 1-lon~ud. Jnlln l•S

HClplr.Jns, Sl.lWI SS. ~ HorQC.bcr. t.litba<C"l


f-t or•bct. Mkbclle 62, Ill HUsOach. Oet'$hl s' S.la1.1;gh, P:'l111169, 112, 1-*1

Claudio >8. JOS

G)Ji. J ;a.nls fil. I 19

Koc\, Belly 56. 98 Kot.lier, PJl~n 10

Koclpon, P1nl. A. 19 K«plin. Ka rin 7(1 Koepp. Usn 70, <>6 Koepfd. R.ffldcll 61.. I ll, 111, 14S Koeslu, C>.a."ld 11). 9.S. 'J9, IM

l l11ebnet. Ri<hllrd J9, ll?, 142

K qlu~ K~ti1t 61 Kr:U.l~. l)e11ot1b

H~.go-, J clffey

39', 93., 109

1-f11r>1., Ru-1 69, 99. IJO, 1.a1 lf-'Cn\liln. J ail<' 69, 105

I lb!enfctdt, Sall}' St. lnacbrit-., Prof. t.I. 112 J!i¢h, E'(~ J, 3'2



56 Kr11l.IU'9, Kflrt11 21. $6, \I), I ll, l.$4 Kr11mcr, R1u1dttll 62, 95, 99, 107


Ktamct, SO, 95. 99, 100. Ill Knu1,,_ t.iiriam 62:, 96

Ktl! U\$o:, M11rl11 40 Krcsoieb.. MISS J 1:16". 109 k roc.ser, Kelly 70. 95. I lt t;. robti, Joq' (,2., llO Kr11eaer. C1ndr ,)(,, '9~. 911 Kr11eg,er. Pl:nlbp TO K1ueger, Pror. R. 19. 110, l•S Kt11CF, Thotn11~ <rl. 91 Xudtk, K:a\ht)•n 70. %, 112. I 19 Kuelll. T.4nicl 62. I ).7 C'a1herine JS Hqa,. ~!al}' '19. I.JS Haamng. JiJI 61, 96. 11'1 f-t•ar, Dc11• 8 . 11 fl •·~ loll 69, % llabo:t, Cb&rii 69. I ll He.dlo, Karen 38 llatlkt, Tanuru 6 1 Hir~~ia, Re~ SS.%. I IJ H ar~rma1u1, !kthd >ti, 98 H.agen., ()Qrid 61. 97, 10&, 11• H•h11, 'C>Ayn11 $$ t-1•1111, Ja rneb IJO 11.altn, K.atbk cn SS, 9!6. 119 H<1iM, Chrilolina 09, 96, 11l Hammet. Cr•lhl:i 6l t-1 ~11J'1~-. April 69 H1n1nan.. s ...c:ie 61 H11lwlJ. Jol'ln 6? Hartwig., Ptor. T. 78 Malb1rgce, Jlld01b J4, )9 tl-aib•r&i.'tl. Llocla .J.?, 1 1 ~ HM~ flt'cnd:i 6l. 96 llius. K11hy 6,, 106 Ha11t. Nr.1n~y 69. I~ Hawkms. Amy 69

Hudt1cl., Kellie bl Hoc1'm•1111, l>1ot G 78 l leld.. Dcbl!ruh 69 Heller, fo.tiu J. 811, 99 Hcnb., llcbt«;i 62·. <.16-, 119 1-lcna ing. Reb«a SS. 95. q.7

Henrich, Amy SS l-lc.11~, Vf¢).i 351 11.erbc:d. Jl:J)· 69. 90 llerbiil.. Sherry 69, 96, 106

Heri111, Thonw ??, $.S, 121, l.l? • tcntitll. k t bc«a

Kuei:, Bethel .$-0

1111.:bnet, R111h 56 H16C'llnet, Scnu II,, 69, llO, l.t2

Orndn.U.., S •<'t11 61, 9~. •i'?, l01. J12, I I• Grou,. Cyndtill 61 0-..11.:~l.

KAitl ol, lyna 70, 116, 1 18 K1t1111\, K11rcn 56, 96, 100

K~tlcr. Prof A. 89 K<11311d«, J~n .SO, 6~. 97, 110 Kol;urda, Li~ 70 Knllmcycr, }.(~ry .ao

Howell, &IAA 69 t lw.:.t'ln1:r. oeaa L 1?

Groff. T1unnii~ 69

Gwi~. Am11~11 6 1 Godc:x., &• 69. ~S. 96

Kh:rkas. Larry 62. '7 l<l-~cyer, S6 Kncsiu. Holllc .&ll


tlemu~n.. Prof. R. 86. 9S, 91 lfertewig,SC-Ot• 69. IJ(l, Jl?. 142

Heu!«, C•rol 69 l leup, DonJU 62. 96, 109. 116 Heyer, Kur1 SS. 99

ltlklebf.a111. J11iJe 6~. 9$, 'If,, 106. 11)') lliks, Nancy S.S l li Mlcrcr. 1i9

tlltn. laurel 69, (/(), 1Cl6

J aoob. ltum:ll 62 J acob, S11Uy 10, 9S, 9(\ 1 19'

J toob:soa. J>tol. (i 39

J acc.llel, t.tane 6?. J11eckcl, T11-11Ulra 62', 'X J11t8,t{. 0~ )()..Sil. It~ Jaell'-'.t· M11wrccn 62

Joord:e, Elltx1 S~ 96, IDS, t 11

J11rit;e, Steven 13. !16. 419. 130 J;i.nko...~ki., Roeidyn '?fl. 119

J11rrelt., NDDC)' 39 Ja~1cr. Rebc«11 iO. 'JS. 96. IJ-4 Jcn)OUI, Mr. R. 79 Johne. t.1~ry J9 J~1150n . l>ctin 62. 130 Jolin..:rn. Oum J9 Jucngd , C htt)i :19 J11.ntcl\. Soon $6. •OJ Ju.tilR', Cbcryl 62

K Kn~t, D.avl4' 10, !#8, l}lt Ka*tlt:ycr. R11tbcl J9. l3•. IJ9

Kaiser, P..Jul tll, 97, I ll, t•l

K11IM. Jallie 7(t, ?8


Tod<! T<I

Kuehn. Tbcodlft 70

K11el:sll_c1 8tl'tl1r11 $6 Kuhhnar.n, Kat~ 6!. 9'), 1t9 K111bb:, Jeffn:y 62, l •I. 142 Kun h, J ani« "6 KijS~e, f>t;bonh J .$0, 96 Klllkt. Deob<nh S 71). 96 K~l:e, Don:11 70. 110 K'"ICf, Pfo(, T. 39 Kutt.. Carla 70. 96. 143

L ~clwig,

Chris1ioc 70. 96., 106

Luhn.. JuJIC '10, 9.), %, 11 1. 1ll LiGrow, hot G. 82 L.a.u:ik t1. Levrle 4{1, 99 Landry. l;u11ie 62. 139 l.andYaner, Joh1111,nn '}(), 96. I()6

Unp. ())nmi, 7Q. 77 LaAge. John CiG. 62. 130 UllJ:c, P<-<if. L, 7'9

L11rkn, t.Jar)' 40 Laubenstd:n. D111b11ru ti. 100 l,a1nh, Stev~n 'X>. llJ

JIMlith 62, %, il3 K:.lt11et, Jolin 62. 51?, n•

L«ker, O&vkl 7(1, l•l lcbm1111, Sviian 70 l.cibl, ~l1r1 10, 96. 119

Kun11.t.. ~iaril 7D, 137 K'.rt, Sl:lPt1 70 Kaeo, 1-lotOJN, 74, 96

l.ciuJr:c. r.1art 97, 120, lll


J1mt.'ll 70, 13(!


Kaye-. 1Xm1111 10. 96., I ~. 109. J 16, Ill Kcek, Kriuie S6 Kebrcn, Allee 10, 'J4, t9 JCeml)llt~ Bcthd 70, IJI Kcrnml7., Pc~gy 111 l(emAill. Pen11y ~l Kem, Sllrah 'T(t. 95. 96. lU6. IO!J, l 11. 12S Kkhkc, A1111eue 62

Kipf1nitlcr, Llpda 70 ICJf!(ll'llUcr. Ruth •o Kirchnn, Kav .SO KUain. (kch '12. 98 Ktllli~c. IA11r• 70. Y6, ll9 Kli11k11, Snndn 40 ktuk"<i~, lk4r 611 %

Leifer. fl11Mela -'! Leitd:c. Oebn. 62, 93, I JO'lkc.. Dcb«ah i 1. 116 Lemke.. t!laJn;.-. f-2 l~"'P(lld, .>.11ts B. 33. Ill. IJ-1. I.fl l,c'f~Ull. Pmr. 1,.. 110 Lc.wls. f>cbrt ~l Ugb-lfl.W. Dt'butab 71. 96. 106, IOS. I IJ.


Ldl. Arnold 71. 141 Lobe6, Jolene 61 l,.QcrAch, <:h,c~1 7t, 106, 116 loc,.'c:tt., Ric.Ly llt> Lohmiller~ Beth 66, 96, 12l. I ll, 14J l.ahr, 41 Loot. Ocibh 41, 10!1

1ued1l.. rwr c. u.

lttedt~t. t.i..11" 61, Ho, I It l>11&. fr.itl ~.•I. J30




"'-c"'--· , ......... °''"Ml

lwt"" ,... ,.

1-Ml'-t, lacld ., l•IR , _ tJ. f1

..... ,..., ., _

,.. ...Q, ' " " ' ' ' ·


Mu(IOlf.. S.-- S6 \1 ....... "4tli~ ~ ·~. " · 100 "la•!lilc. ~ +l. 9'. 100. IOl M•,,.Wt.\7. R-.n' 11 Ma,...,.. 0..111 ,._ IOI Mln191, ..........7 M..lm..._ a..i.. ~ M;at111•. Bco;l \ '6. 96 \4.uue., l)Qf'<'I il'l, 119 '4 ~,u~ l.01w11 71 "1 ~1?.tih1, (.'1tQI J6, %, 11" '4 ~11riC'hl, l llldn 71,9S, 111 " C(..•ln, t.h11) 't i '4.:.C0y, 0.nllll 11. 96. 106 McC11lloutll. 1:4i De 71 Mcl11111tfl ()·1Ullil• t), 9). 47, 102.. 105.,


'" l••t•



11, Ill 1t•11 •I _tr(,


Cu.I 6J. llS I~

M•~ o-.ttJI

M'"'"· ~- °' MtlTfff,~'-J.cltlh ,.t," t..1m 1.i.

lkll) Sfl. 97. Ultl, lll, ll!J G. 3', l<HI Keul 11. 116 M111l tJ, 66, 99

~- ~'· l~rof. ~t cya, ~l cyc.1, ~t i;yc:1,

MC'l11.ti 41 Mtttlf\.hkk, I Ind• 7 1 Michc:cl. llrof J _I-', 1)7 Mk~clh, l)fb.orah 6) ~ .,... Oea1.c t}. 109

M>li., krTrq ~l. Mwwkt,~'4


\tllllllff. l"J .. .

Mocltt. ~. . . •.:

w.en......... ''· ..

.....,,...,. ,_,_,,.... 71 '4oll. ~ 6). f l \IOfllilt&. (',,. 4l "'IOOft, CMryl 6l llJ

Moore, S-.at1 ~- ~6. I Ui M0t1•-. ( ralj "'· .rJ, 111 M~he:1, l.C1•1I¢ 71 Mllfl, C~11 ~h1• 6.l, 9'1 Mlldir;w, I Ull Alt (,J, ll)b

N Nal:tt, ICevi• 9''h._..,, ltll 6), 91. Ill ""-.J..,lMeM



°' -


h a -... (' '4 IM ,..,,..... Lon~- 17

l..lm&4 4.J. fl

R Sl•11bt:, t.dw1rd 6-i, 9'&. I\,? R1benlicra, It.•'~ $1. 115, 13l. 1.iJ k •dtl11rt, Prof. D 10 R11k11111n, J11m_C$ '1.t 132 Ri k•:.., 1•11.111 9'11 k1111\. A11"" 7l. lilt.

L1tlda ,6. ',16

... ,,'*,... lt.11111111.h. D11vut 72. 97 S\IU!fl 4J

O'Co11w, Lo0n Sii.. 111. 11'

72. 9' R1,. J,•h• &4. 1JO. 142

OC'~Wn. Mt11t t,). 97


Ptm i'I, 9',


ow.... t'.>wN' u. ~. '6. 9't OW.... k_._., ?I owr...., "'"' 1 n


- . '11, ''·ts. l•llot Ohb. 0 ~ Oppr111.u11: Dilk ~J. ~ Orv.._ Rotlhtlt, 111, 11• On•-..ld, A•11ttk 2J_ S4 St.. 911 Oo' WUl.o.11n \60.111&, lkbra 42 Owen~. R11tnon• 41, ~i' Orb1ufl, JV11.hlh '6. 'l7



Mcklilt. Ca.r• •'· t'-. t1



1'tlt11f. f'111l v.·, I? 1'lrll«•y, Robcn . \_

°"""· ''· .,, "

rt.... 11 "'· 1•s 11'.1 ....., !> ,_ 10!


MciriML. "111 '4 10.

,._la. R1u 61. 12.. 12J. ll4. Ill

pr,,oa, a.,1 ~. ''" 1'•. ~' ''° G 3'1

t.l •cl , I 1911)I, 1)6 -.1.&.dw111. 0 11uel ll, ljl). 137. 142 t.t K lll, IAu™ 6J. 96 h-t lf11 1~ f.;h11h:cii 71.911. 11 1, ttfl Ml h;lwiw, llclai 11 1.1111, I J9 M• lf'IM, \'II• ttooit• 1' 1. 119 M•m"*- k.l lhf}'fl 41, 91 M al'l'md, To"" 6}

1'-lt l'ltf,


............ Cu.. •l.97 ,,.,., O.v.; 61 "'· 121, l!J, IJ! ,..,,Jail~•. l>tMa.t 71


\l'"'-ri.. .\l#'t


"•II. ~n4r• 6). 97. JO& "<llllWI. ''" ''" ... 1(11) \t•rprct 6}.111 Sl. l)Q. 1.#.) 'nplw, ,_., "'· ~

-................ .,, h•·•J••l ,....._ k..&li) .,,

, .. . . ""' J I'. Ill

Pl-ta••- 0.. .... 6J. 141 hd""'°" 8rudk:J 42. 9' Ptlr!lll, 'l.'itli•m )?, 't9 f'ftt1ru111, I 11141 )l, JS. 97. 103 Pfltr ,t.fu. ,1, 116, I IR l~ti:r . M11chcl 4l l"fcor, S..1J1nfl0 11. 9(>. I IG htt1ft'lann, l ill11be:1h 11, ~. 12J. Jl4, 1 lt l't •erM&. SUMn 11, %, 136 Pfa", nc. 11. 97 Ptc1ft'1, Q.toe 61. Qi, 101, :3(1. 1•2



P'r~r". ~"-h•cl 41. 111 Holn, K<1i111WI ll, IOCl. 114 Hain, ....,.11. 1)4

...)'. Jui1111r

llt1eW.. s;._,_ •l. ill ...... C'.-.c ..... " lttmet. J.- "12, 'f. 1°'- Ulll 11 •

l.eMt. a - SJ, 9i. t9 ........_ Ghotlk "4 ·~·~'t4J lt-.;flo. L01'1


hllfnibtt, R lloodii !11. 91, 1Oil Rina. Mr L oO R1n1o r..1u11y 41 RJ.1<iw, A11nd)" (>ol Jl,1t1111w, \\'tllll)' 12, Ill, 14) Rh1c1. R11dr ~ M01)co1u, Yr1111k 72. IJO lllobtr!Mlll, o. ..'ld S1, 98. 102. Hl8. 116 lllocmluhh. CryK1I S7, SIS. l:U Roe1t1h•ld,, Cynlhaa M. ts ll1~ _,.Kb.w.I 7l. I\0


llollM. S..11 4'. 9'. I 11

R-............... 100. Ill

R-..c,-... 1t4

a.,... 11- -.a_ l4S

..... J.a. i). '»....... R·lM. l...W.. ..... ts ll11b<n. CGna• 71

l•b.n RI) Sl-, I'°

Rwed!j<tr, Curol 64, 96 ti. KAO, l·Jb!l.h S7, 9!, 11)

R•gcn. Vlvl ~n 64 k114th, <.«1111111 S7, !IS. 97 llw h. IC11ith 71. 9S. 97. 10?

RllMOW, I un ;:1 !iii.ow, TittlOtby S7, 99 l)'dcr. r.. ..1 ,?.

.............. ,.... ,,.,


....... M 1•6J.9) ,...I lA1flo fl. 9). M.. 1..-. ICW Pwb,. ,1.1.._ I), l4j ftt!MM-. ()Ill. . 43, IJO

Plo1mo11111. \\·111w..m •J. IJO. l•I Pb 1)1, C)athl11 11, 9'. 97.100 Plilt•. tolieoii Sl. 97 Pl•tll. Ti1ncith) S?, t$, '"· 120

Po119, J>.iyld Ci) 1\-lllt nlcr, Mtt) S7 l~ttli. Allllit C.l Pew $1. 13! Pr.Ol>t", l.11\il)' )7

Proebc-r. l\f""'" (11. '18

P1111l~. I •1111 64, IJl. 99. 109 P11alr.~ •



f'wdrilil.rle. .... ., 4J

,._,,...-,, C:eal I) "911. i\latt lJ

~-.... ,.,·"·"· 107 S<t.,........, s ... 4"- 96 &:11.i-l'd•ll. (Ol'I,,.. t2.. 96. II),


Sclwrpc11o. Oiayk 11.. 9~

Schtdle1, ~11• SJ. 96

Sthc••· P'rot 0.17. l l S s~hctfnc:r, Judy 1:

Sclhl1~11bccl, \.t.11k 12. '"· IA5 S.:.hl~\t, ~t.1 i1 11

72. QS

Sctll•wla, M111bc:,. 61

Sc"1oer. c11~111e1 n. 97, 103. 11:1


$ct,le•l~. & 11ita 72. 96. 115 Sdik11'.-0f1, , • • 11,. %.. I lfl 11Mlfl"t, R~ 6' !kW..Cf l.t'C'O)' ?l ~·-. "• ...... » .•,. ~u............ $ · - . \h.ry .u "" ......... k ........,


Schmidt, W1nd11 ~i'. 97, 110 Scbmolesk;. txln. 4.i, 99, 1011 S¢h~. Jumc~ 11. 911. 141 St:hncidct., Jaai\- $.1 Sch*CtCll. l\cnaci« 6>1 Scbombe~ Scali 71 Scbo1l\J'l'lcr, Gury -1-', 1(11 Sthopf. L11u-ric 64, 111, I to Scltl:1mm, Dunc ?), 9S, <n, 13~ Si:bfimp(. r.1.an11.. .&4, 96.. 1D9 Scbtoedcr. ~l rt. l..oif $"7 Sc~cr,

l'rof M . A go

Prof. r-.t. 0 , 39 Schr(ledcr, Rcb«ca 66 Schttblcp.1. l'tof. P. 117 Schvbkegtl. >tlu. J . II&,% l;;elu~cr.

Sclult.lci", Sch~h.

J,yn ~

'12, 96.. 116

Emil l7. t lO. 14l Scb1:1lmcis.tcr, Victoria. 66 Sd1t1h1. Cet l 7J (._'kfyl .Si. 96 Cya1hi11 4-1, 9~ l>reb(lrah 72 l)(.brn 64, 97 Scht1hlt, (>e.fll~ $.,, 91 Sch111IU:, Gay!..: 17 S<·hi*llt, Ka1h1c,cR1 •.i Schulti, Linda ~. j1 S<:hl.lll1., {"(ark 04, 131 Sehult·t.., N~l1J.lic 6-C, 9<., l lll Schul11., R::i.-.'hcl 12. 9l. <16 Sclt1dlt., Rcbc«::i. .C4, IJO Sthulx, Pror A, 16 Sohulz, CllKI>· Lo.JU 64, '15, 116 Schuli, Cy111hin J c.ln M, 97, l l(i.. 119 &111111~ Mil'Y 72, IJJ Sdiumadli:r, Jodie ...i Sdiurnncber, Pclcr 72 Sdu1maAn, Gina 4!'1 $.:tt"';.lnJI. Trudy 64 Sch11~n.,;, Judllh ?l, %, 11 1 Sctlw.Jfl"l, Kctu1C(b 71 $('h\llt.t, Sc:li.c1h1, Sehell.t, Scht1h%.

Scts..·.ut1, Rkh11td 4S

Sukbndtr, 1,ladii .&~'. ~8

SeC'-'tli. l)·n\lna 45. 98 S<idcl, su,:ui 6.& Sclblt. Alan 4$ S1:U. Karen •j, 130, 143 Sdlnow. L•ny 37. 14! Scrwe, M,1y S1. LOI Sbtntbt:111l. K~y 51, 134, l4J Shilling, Pfof. R ll3., 93 Sk-\:!U:anft, lAun J }7, 96, I Ii> Si<'l11Unll. Pcm ti.t, 9io Sict:M:n, \'{l)eric 96 Sk&lcr, ~t~nlyn .&S Siegler, Richard .i.s


Sic&ie.r. Mn. Vern. !'O Slcv1;rt, P1ol. E. 82 Sievcn, K11tlllttn :S8, ~SC 45 S!attr. 9.,.,b. Sil, 96.. 11 1 5101.n. C111QI' 12. 95. 98, I I l S1nlth.. Janel 13, 136 Smith.. Rcbec:cu 6CI, 9S, 96 Soamti"k;1, P&11-I ')7, 14S S<Mfrt . Cind)' SS.. I ll SUllllClllbt-lf. Garr 6~. 9S. 91, IOi S11rcmMn, Julie 64, 99 $j)llldt. kat«t 67. 71, 1111 SJ)*u<lc. 1.W 6·1, ',17, 105 Spaudc, M"-,rptti S8. 97. H>.S ~udc, ~'°" 1-;\ Spici;~lbcirg. Jane< 13, %, 111 .Sf*!C:lbcra. 1<.11b~ne 58, %, 1(11). I 11,


Sprinpt, t)lnifl 7J

St~)'. UuJlc. JJ, 96 Stlen. Kad:decn 1l. 9'>, 119 S ieinbKh. r.fario 109 Stciub:tc:h. P1u:J 13, 13-0 S scftid, Dccisc 7 l S1etli..:k, 1.>o:.11~• )$:, 14:! S~UIA$. ""11QC) <lS. 96. I m . Ill

SicO}cs., \Vcady (,t

Std•u, &t1tia1& JS. 111 Stf}lhelldtln.. Rcb«.:a 64 S ntfd, Wllli11M 7l. ~. 114 Sti~ Brenda 93 S1ing, J1mi:' ll. SS, 11S. 1)0 S1oltc<1burx. Ste\'e/I 7:\ Slnu:kbci11. f lc.ither 73 S1.rchltt, Lyle 73, 99 S1ttflllo"', Nlllo;:y \II. 91, t 19 Stvcd<:mllQn, ~l t.r) A nii 6ol S !ucnr, Lynft Ellen St Sv.'JRll. Ptof, R \14


Wade, J a~ 46, 99, 145 W-4c. J11.n.: S8, 99, J Clruioe 7). JJ4, 141 W.Wclon. Robe::rl S!! Wa~p.u. Pror. \\1 18, 107 W:al&chmk:l1. Cattle 71, ll4. JJ9. l.&l Wal k~. JWl:1 46. 99 Walworth, Na1h11a ~II.. 9li \\'a11dascc,, f'r.:iL J, 3.4 Wnng.erin, Judith 6S \\'ate, D.1.11ettc 6~. % _105. 114. I JlJ \\'1trrnal., Cun.nie 65 \\'aM:her. Judi1h 58. 9S \\'uuack, Ooaiifl 6,, ~1 \\'cbcr, Cb«yl Mi, 91 Weber, 1»1yl 'll. SA, 110, I Jl

w*, 03-tii )8. 99

Wc1111<!. John "'6, 98 V.'dke, Joel 6S, 99, 112 We&Jorf, Su.*111 6S, 123, 114 Went~I, J111t! 6S W'enud. Pc1er 7J, I~ WcS!ICI, rrur. H Bl We.;:1crh11~. ,\'

Tuoio. Lin 6.& TcchJI", )( iin (;4-. I J(I Te111plin.. "m.t Os. 9S. 91 Tcuin. All« nS, 114 T«~1n, S:ltld"ra tlS, % Tc»mcr, Ka.rnu 6S T~~lt1 ff. Oebo!.th. 60. 65. 91 Tcutcbc1g. ~"11~<111 6S Thierfeldtr, RJJth {rj. 11 3 Tblt~Cldt. P.Jul 71. 97, 10!).. IJ7, 14l Tlinm, M:.i.rln 13 Tbom1)6(1n, l«i 7). I :\4. 119 Thllmp!l>On. S'llntl)' 58 Timmcnn11t1n, Da1nel 7J, 13() Toll, S-bel1a 6~ 11>1 Tondi:t. S nx;ennc 58, 105 Torgerwn, Timl)lb)' 'tJ, 1}1, l.1$ To..-11. Kcik~• J.& Tr.unmelJ, Eba 1l Trnflp, Pt»f C . YO

Trapp. KllfC'11 7l Tru~. Gu1chcn 45 Tuhbin, S1e•CI) 7J iulltia11. M;,.r~<l 21. 511 Tll.f111y. R11cbc.l Iii, 95, 91, 10$

u U~ni.uih. Kr1'li1111 ff). Uetcll'l$t h. r>l t~tc;I ~$. 96 Uakt, C1athiu 13. IJ6 Ut1kc. JJmei tiS, 1)1 U11111111Cb, Mary ~. ')~. Q9 lJ phoU. Chcl)f !IS



L}lldil 7J

Wilde~ ~ficlue-1 6.5, 100 ~'ilban'l.'i, Cad~erlGC , J, ~7

Wilbtt.. J0ti;al.h11t1 6}. IJ2 Willms. R1uK111JI 46, IOU Wln);"ler, A•~Y 1:1 W1n\lt1. 46. JJO. 14) Winkler, lir.iily 6S \\'ltclt., CyB1hl:1 ~. 98 Wcldt. JllCI JJ, IJO, l •:! Wold1, l.01i •1. 99 W<111d111~h. \'.cl.I "7 Won<nki., P111rici1 7.l Wood. J11li3na 4'/, % Wood, K!i)ten {l:'i. 96 Wariull, Beth 7), 91. 106, t i t. Wrot:icl. C~yl .&'?, t>9, UH Wul/I. PNI. F. 30

YaJ1n.. kcvui n . '11, 110 Yunx, Su.un 6S Ycckit. 8arbt1«. ~3. ~ft Yonke: . Rebc«'.a 74, 100. 106 Youu, Pror. ff. is

z ZAl!.•Nlu, Cbuyl 58, q.1

\'flichin{l.ct. Sw.;w 13, 116 Y11nce, Vldi 6S, 114 \!$(1tt. Si.sli• 6j. 93 \'inc.,.nt. Valene 46

9l;.. I ~

VO@l. Ell& Si Vogt, J2ni$ 6S. I 19 'YO"- ~Olltcn l j


95, ~


t}l)Jonbu11.;t:, DJ le 'j, I JO. t)? C lrich. Co1111ic 6S, % Ulrich. nmoth:; 65 Umne;. !Awo }8

Voelt~. Edwl11 4~.


WC$Lpha1. R1le-f 46 Whilby, Laurie 65. 9-5, % Whilby, C»nld. Sii Whlllic:f, K3tl!l¢tn 73, 96, 1000 Wichm1ul, Mrs. C. 88 \\'k~c. R.111h $8. % \\'fekc1l, ROtcr 6S \\'~b~h . ~f(IQloCJ ss. 9(\, ' ~9

ZAMtOW. Jane 6$, 99 Zc..1nc1. R1114'.l\ 6,. 91. 102 Zenun. Sandra SS 7.kgler, Vw:\;11•, 96 Ziesemer. Jon 74. 95. 11~ 7.ic1J.ciw. Carrie 65, JQS

2ic.11<lw, Oeb1a 51. ll9 Zimmer. Rot1nld 47 Ziounermao11, K1nllryo 41. 'IG,.rnann, Ru th 58. 99 Zink, S11w11 6$

Zottltr. lor1! 14, 11, 1;t1 l«!lcit-cr. U.11 6S

Su1nkc, """' 1• S1111k. Oun.:co 7J, loll


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