have nothing to do

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have nothing to do

To have no tasks or actions that one must complete or undertake; to have nothing with which to occupy one's time. A: "Do you want to come to a party at our house this Saturday?" B: "Sure, I have nothing else to do!" Mom, we're always so bored at grandma's house. We have nothing to do there!
See also: have, nothing, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Some artists or critics have their politics and their problems and are very enthusiastic about these things that have nothing to do with painting.
Egalitarian pronouns and exclusion of violent images have nothing to do with the question, and evade the real insight that feminism could offer to theology if it would: that our lives are haunted by God, that we will risk any misery to have him, that we cannot let him alone.
"There's nothing wrong with the fetus," he says, "and so you don't want to be involved in ending pregnancies for reasons that have nothing to do with your medical skills."
Oasis's, Definitely Maybe (Sony) is not the worst (because there's a world of bad records out there that we have nothing to do with) but the most flawed record, the one we would have wished had been sensational.
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