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Published on Sep 01,2023
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Ladue Horton Watkins High chool

'20' South War n Rood

So1'1t Louis, Mo 631 24

www lhwhs lodueschools ne1

Phone 314 993 6447

Fox 314 994 1467

F •esi'Jrne'l 3 16

Soprorr1ores. 297

Junia's: 358

Se'liOrs 315

Faculty ord Stoff 167



If yov see o p1c. Jre e •ne one above that soy

the bot o:-r~ left c.or'ler 11 meo'ls •1-te proto cor d sp oy o

v1deo Here ore •he ~'eps to v ew 11

I. :::>ow'llood l>e opp \"t-iP Reveo or o p one loblet etc

2. Cr o e on occovnt •I-ter follow @toduepubltcoltO'lS

3. C c he b Je frorre bJ ton ol the bottom of '\\Je opp

ord \"to d your p one over ne ptclure

4. Wotcl> t~e pl>oto c.ome to I lei


10,000,000 colors exist in the world today. From the outside,

Ladue may seem to only use two of those: blue and white.

However, our variety sinks deeper into the heart of our school:

the students. Ladue consists of nearly 1,300 students. 1,300

backgrounds. 1,300 personalities. 1,300 colors embodied.

These students grew up .n d1verse communities, from the isolated

countrysides of Europe, to the big cities of China, to the quiet

suburbs of St. Louis, but came together at Ladue. Together, our

colors blend to bring diversity to our community. At the football

state championships, Ladue colors flourished throughout the

crowd. At coaches vs cancer, our pink popped as we raised

$ 1,500. At the completion of the renovation, our bold and

bright identities painted the new hallways. Our diverse students

make Ladue a vibrant place to remember. We no longer live in

a black and white world; Ladue students ...


New Features COLOR Ladue

Fresh School,


New leodersh1p, flew organization and 11ew enthLslasm, oh

my! The onn,JOI onentotion fo• freshman th s year was based on

C0'1S1rLction as a posittve element of the school rather than

so'Tleth ng to cause '10v•got1onol fea•

\"We trred to wol them

program n order 1o i\"telp the fres~men be successfLI.

\"We always hove a goal of making the nex• year ever

more enthustosttc tro'l •he lost • a For L said

Freshmen ore going to feed off of the atlttude and energy that

around as rruc.h as we coLid

wht e po rting OLt specific

~a lwoys or areas of the burld1<19

and label rg ·~em • So

e a 2 sod \"It's always

'' We always have a goal of

making the next year even more

they see from the r lrn eoders, so

havrng great !tn eoders mo es a

huge difference •

Bo•~ the n leaders and

sponsors agreed t!-rot •f.e ey to

success at orierJ1

otion 1s to brrrg

freshf'len nto the h1gh school They

need to adapt to a fresh environfT1en•

and be open to fresh ideas

cha lenging because you never

now what the kids ore gorng to

be li e, so t~ere's a lot of

adopting the octiv•ties to best s~,;it

the r needs·

enthusiastic than the last. ''

-J u 1 , c; 1 a 1 n 1 e 1 1 1 L 1

As1de from '10v1gottor lin crew me'Tlbers and the rew

sponsors M eo a and M \"l \")ey wo·ked to creole or

enVIronment of enthusiasm i'1 orde• •o break the freshmen out of

the r shel s Both the lin eoders and sponsors hod to adopt their

\"Freshman oriertotion can be

cholleng1ng because 1t's such a big trors1t1on for ·~e f•eshme'l,\"

Former so d \"Tt,ey ore all glued to ti\"teir fr ends, and wf.et!Jer

they oct scored or not, they ore It can be a c~o enge •o get

them to break out of •he r shells and partie pate, bLot once you

do 1t's extrerrely gratifying.\"


Ready, Set,

Here's what students thmk is the best

trait for starting the year off right.

Ope'l M nd 14%

Positivity l 3%




I. HIGH HOPES. Wa <mg mro the gym, Doro r 9 ~fl.lim the ~r or onentur . Onentol1011 tool:

pluce on Mondoy, Aug 14 m rhe mom gym. 2. SPRI 61 G I TO ACTION Fmdmg the r groups, freshmen le e t e gym

after the open ng speeches After speeches, students gotmto groups to ploy games 3. GH SOiOOL 101 Chatting

W1 h the heshmen, e~ E 2 and F ed I d sh the best ps and me ro survmng high

school 'My group was amozmg, • E~~enmon sord. 'We hod greor conversations and the heshmen cheered each other on.'

4. NEW CONNECTIONS Through a!lrvrties and rntroductrons, freshmen occlrmore to he S(hool and theu fellow

students. 'One thrng rhot went really well at o11entation was mrxmg up the f11end groups; A aSp to (I sord

'(It lets] everyone moke cannechans wrth new people.' 5. BREAKING ICE. Lrstenmg to the rules of the actrvrtres,

freshmen and lrnk leoders prepare to meet each other through games and challenges. 'The hardest thrng was

keeprng all the freshman engoged rn the atrrvrtres; Ab e Haef ('I sord ·11·s hard or lust o get freshman to

speak up, but usual~ by the end everyone rs supertalkatrve and pumped to be there· (all photos by Al Wcrd)

G 0 Ide n G 0 a Is Students share their personal goals in hopes of starting the year oH right.

beco ] ho ulwoys bee



Four new social studies teachers shore what

they ore looking forward to ot Ladue.


Out of this World

7 years n I e next

toto so or ec pse

the u •ed Stoles

T oro 'Y sto ted at

1 : 1 0 p m n St lou s

3 8 years

s 'lee a to•ol solar

ec pse ost occ ·reo

the l.. ed Stat s


m., tes the

o y :~sled

~op -lv lie

el'l ~ y

T~e sun's d omet

larger and f ther

• on • oon

I. WORlD ON FIRE: Wrth liretrucks nearby to ensure sotety,

and odmue the solar

ecfipse. '(The solar eclrpse J was o huge moment, and rt happened to be

<rossmg nght by our school, • Trou said. (photo by A. Yearout) 2. PHOTO

READY Gen ng out hrs phone, to es o p1cture w1th

and to remember thts moment 'It was cool,· Sto er

sord. (photo by M. Kemer) 3. SUN lOVE· Holdmg on to each other, th1.1

group of guys toke m the beauty of the solar eclipse. 'My favoute pert of

the ecltpse was genmg to expenence night m the afternoon ond bemg able

to be wrth my fnends, • sa rd. (photo by 0. Foloko) 4.

SHINING BRIGHT: Almost 600 yeors smce the lost solar eclipse, another one

occurs over St. louis. The moon blocks the sun so only the outline con be

seen. (photo by C. Alisro) 5. SUN BATHING: loymg on the porkmg lot,

S and find o unique woy to vrew

totalrty. 'Seemg the eclrpse was on omozmg expenence.' Horne sard. 'liard

my flannel on the hot blacktop and played songs about the sun and moan •

(photo by A. Yearout) 6. SMiliNG WIDE. Glanong at the ~ky,

prepares for thrs once-trHI·Iifellme event. 'I reoltzed just how rare of on

expenence 11.1,' N1 olovo sord. 'It only lasted less than o mmute, but II w1

beautiful and I think everyone I• ed rt.' (photo by A Yearout


Students view the total solar eclipse.

c pc a E.

and specla ors across I

s~.;r dtsappea· ng eh '1

ftrst total solar ecli

Students rusred OJ t c a

IIJ s phe'lOI\"'lenon in t e Ch

\"I felt hono•ed tro' this is

only time I'll be able to wtlness

sat d.

Although a mo1onty of s'u s

schoo to view the eclipse, rr>ony ols

'raveled h,rther south and west to sea

other spots drove

lat.rreier Sculpture Par to 1ry to get a

onge• viewmg

\"I was glad to m ss school tn order to

see th s event: Yon satd \"My fovonte part

was when shadow bonds were moving

across the grot.nd as I hod never seen thts


Regardless of where students observed

the eclipse, they entered on o herworld y

Lntverse as t.,e sun created a llalo behind the

moo'l In 41 seconds th1s toto solar eel pse

le1t on il\"'lprint or stt.derts' ves

\"I wil lao bac at th s whe'l orr rruch

older: Yon said \"I am very gratefL to

experience this orce in a fetirre opporluntty •

THIS COLOR de$C bes me beca :se t • a awe


Morning BLUES

Based an 416 students voluntarily polled, here's haw much time students spend

doing various morning adivities as they ad;ust from their summer schedules.


11. 8 minutes

spent wo mg up

12.9 mmutes

spent showeung

8. 7 mmutes

spent grooming

7.4 minutes

spent p1c mg outfit


1. VIVAlA VOCE Rose Coughlin ('I), Me eo Kefolov (I ). Rebecca Cu gho (11) and

Clore Go den {I 1) stand at theu booth lor the all female A Cappello group, Vrva Voce.

\"We've all become great lrrends because of the musrc we make together; Golden sard

\"We're like a lamr~y • (p/Joto by M. Ward) 2. RE-POTS. Haldmg a srgn. Scph e Sac s ( 12)

ad•ertrses the return of Club Mud. a club where students make pottery from different

mediums. (photo by L lriX) 3. RISE UP Forma Sherrff ('2) and Kaycee L nle (12) work

toget er to od.ertrse lor RISE. \"RISErs a ot He other school dubs, • Sheriff sard ·we want

to ,mprove aur school cammunrty, but we also locus on empawerrng the Black communrty of

Lodue • (photo by M Ward) 4. \"L. \"-ERATURE. Em ly Lesorogal (12) ond • e Merrr (12)

explain Ladue's literary magazrne \"The Catalyst\" ra Aleesha Shr (12) \"[The Catalyst]

signed up for the fair because we really wonted to build up the numbers rn our club ond get

more students ow ore thor we exrst, • Lesoragol said. (photo by M. Ward) 5. BLOWN AWAY

Blowrng bubbles, Joe Gould (12) catches the ottentron of some freshmen. \"My foyorrte

port of the ochYrtres !au wos gettrng people to srgn up for my dub, rt was a lot ol fun to try

and get people's ottentron, • Gould said (photo by L Nrx) 6. RA-RA-ROBOIICS Abhoy

Cos kar (' 2) ond Joel Wi c ( 11) leod a chant for the Robotics Club. \"I represented how

energetrc and enthusraslic members of the Robatrcs ream get durrng compehtrons at the

!au; Willi! I: said (photobyM Ward) 7. MAO FOR MATH. See a Pot (II) and~ rry

Chen (10) help Wes ey L (II) and lac e Ze g (II) frll up the srgn up sheet lor Moth

Club. \"Moth Club actually is a lot of fun ·from trying out new contests to uoc rng tokes

wrth each other, we really hove a great hme, • Potrl soid. (photo by M. Ward)

RISE serves the African American community at Ladue.

Reach ng Inside Seeking

Excellence was one of the many ciJbs

and organ zotions set up at the

octivrties fair on Aug 3' It is on

orgonizot on for righ achieving African

American upperclassmen that offers

IJtor ng servrces for African

American freshman

\"In [RISE], we focus a lot on

burlding community,\" CoJ'VOJ\"l

~idl : 11 said \"Through that

communi'y we try to make a change

•ho• wil better the ives of everyone •

lost year, Un fying the journey

with nsprrotron o\"ld Mo ding the

Aspmng was formed as a srster

organization. Thrs program serves as a

study and support group for African

Ame11con students rn a I grades

\"L.,JIMA is simr or to RISE except

UJIMA is a safe pta e where African

Ame11con students con to k obour

drfferent problems that occu• n the r

l•ves, whether it deals wrth everyday

word problems or personal issues,·

Arrrro Rob son ( 1 OJ said.

Orgonrzolions like RISE and

UJIMA matter because they give

studen1s a voce and allow them to

connect with each other. With grOl .. ps

rke thrs in place, the hope rs that

sll .. dents wr! be able to rmprove their

c.ommJntties m and out of school

\"ll's rmportontto hove on outlet

for block students to disct.ss •he social

injustices occurring rn the world and

how to overcome them,\" ~0 1 MO

S'le11f• 121 said. \"We re all hrgh

och evrng students. and it's good to

hove a support groJp.\"

Students are GREEN with Glee for Clubs

Students answer which dubs they are the most interested in and why they are ready for them to start.

bel\"\"ouse- ~e

eo ov do g morh

p b speo ng M ty R ey

~e oy l a :;I

\"THIS COLOR descr bes e because s my ho r color


Living in

Students and staff share their

experiences with newly opened

classrooms after summer updates.

ThrolJghout August, students walked the

ho ways see•rg he many new changes

Implemented such as new classrooms, offices and

conference rooms. In the front hallway on c~pdoted

col ege counse ing office IS one of the newest

additions to the high schoo~. Inside the office

students are mtroduced to space 'ro' is more open

and readily available tron I' prev•oJs years

College counselor Ke'l ~ox appreciates the positive

effect the new office has on studen+s and v1sitors.

\"The area is opering and invit rg to a!

students. The col ege visitors now hove enough

space to make their presentations. The new offices

hove collabo•otion spaces, which encourage

productive meet ngs with families.\" !=ox said.

Not o'lly have college off1ces mode a mo1or

1mpoc' on our schoo, but the new classrooms hove

as well During lost school year, construction

c OJ sed certain spaces to be unavailable fo•

c los<•oom use specifically the ceramics classroom

W'thout the space to wor , s•t..dents could not toke

the c ass The new cerom1cs classroom reopened

this year, complete w1th a large• kiln

\"My favor1te port IS the •nd•viduol creot·vity 11

offers and all the new space and equipmen'.\" • y

Ropp ' ) SOld.

The classrooms were c~pdoted as quickly as

possible SO OS not to rinder the education Or

discovery of students. New classrooms created

over the summer allowed students e \\1\\itc'lcll

lof\"lar 12 to continue their passion

\"I never took on art c ass after elementary

school and I was accidentally put n the cerom cs

•oom for seminar sophomore yeo• and it was really

fun.\" Lamar so1d. • like mok ng pol ery because it 1<

peaceful and creative. It's the only reason I come

to sctjool.\"




• cttve

game, hung c~ • with

f•iends and caught up

on homework •

M yM

\"I played a foo•ball

game, hung out wi h

my fr ends and

barbecved •


\"I went to unch w•th

my grandparents and

rearrarged furriture rn

my house.\"


1. A HELPING HAND: Student Stephen Bowen (11) wor s wrth dossmote Mrt<h lamer (12) in room 15D7, the new mom1ts

room. Bowen ts helping lomor spin his ueotron on the pottery wheel (photo by M. M1l on) 2. LOCK DOWN The ho twoy

next to the gym has o new update. All throughout the oreo brand new lockers were added. replo<mg old ones. (photo by J.

Ganzer) 3. PSYCH! THEY ARE STUDYING: Psychology teacher Bob Weslerholt uses room 2124 for his seminar. The room IS o

model for the new rooms post construction. (photo by M. Mrlton) 4. COLLEGE CONFERENCES: The new college and career

office mokes rts debut. The bigger open space in the office is used for college appointments and meetrngs. (photo by C.

Englander) 5. PRill HAPPY Sophre To~ or (11 ) uses o dnll to mix the gloze m order for 11 to be reedy to brush on her

protect. ·u is really exotmg to see how the gloze affects my protect when 11 ts fmished; To or so1d. (photo by C

Englander) 6. TALKING POTIER\\' In room 15D7, Ans Mccurdy (1 2), Charlotte Fox (12), Bowen and Ropp talk wrth <erom1cs

teacher Jonathon Robbins. The students <onsult wrlh Robbms about upcommg project ideas. (photo by M. Mrlton) 7 IN THE

KILN Mc<Urdy pulls her just finished proje<l out of the brand new k1ln. Mccurdy, who took ceromrcs her freshmen year, look

it ogom thrs year os o senior durmg eighth blo<k. (photo by C. Englander)

de bes 'ne beco se I po ve


Dancers )ONATE

Ar: an (11) helps out

Dimensions Dance Center with their

fundraiser for hurricane victims.

What d d you ao •o help t'le

VICtims oflec•ed by hurncones?

Annie Morgan: My stud o [reid] a parents

n1ght out •o •aise money lor the Red Cross to

he p hJr•1c a'le viet ms

R What d1d yoJ do ol the lundr01ser?

AM: We played balloon volleybol , wo•cred

a movie, ate so'Tle sroc s, played board

garres ord ~Jod a donee party.

R What was yot.r lovon•e part of tre night?

AM: [I loved watching: a'! the kids dance

oroJnd to music and just hove fun.

R Why d d you decide •o volunteer to help

at the lundra•ser?

AM: I vo t.nleered to he p w1th th s event

becat.se over the summer I read a book that

talked about the devosto ion caused by

Hurr•cane Ko•nno and the lac of first

response and med1col 01d I warted •o

he p er.sure that •re v ctims of this natural

d1saster [would be] ob1e to ge' the help that

•hey need and begm to recover from this

•ragedy as soon as poss1ble

A r Start

Wilder .,s dJb 1r r.

I , tells all about the dub's

second meeting of the year on Sept. 14.

At•he age of l '2 Ladue studerts em bar 0'1 a

two day t• p 1o S1xth Grade Camp, on overr1gf>t

endeavor complete w1th team oclivil es, line doncmg

and campfire songs. >-lowever, lor three campers who

only speak Chnese, these two days were filled w1th

coniJs1on and frustrat 0'1, h1ndenng the1r abd1ty to

connect w1th fe low campers. Th1s IS when h1g1J school

counselors l and

stepped r to oss1s' and act as translators lor the

studen•s, so they were able to experierce and en1oy

caMp 1ust as much as 1re1· peers.

\"It was 1mpo•tonllor me to help those s udents

because would hove been very d1Jficult lor therr> to

coMmJnicote du•.rg oct vi'ies and have fur w1th the

ot~Jer 1ds [without a translator]; Dong said. \"It felt

mce [to know] that [could] be there •o help them.\"

Over the course of camp, the two lrons,ators

ercoJraged ord helped the compe•s step ot.ts1de of

their comlo·• zones and communicate w•th the1r

c ossmotes. A.l high sd·ool helpers and campers on

the students' team were w1 ling to put 1'1 the work to

get to know their peers better. The g1rls also grew to

bond with their counselors that helped them establish

th1s connection w•!h thelf peers.

\"[The girls ltrorsla•ed lor] referred to me OS 1heir

olde• s1ster, wh1ch mode me a Itt e emol1ona , • l1u

said. ·:s1xth-Grode; camp should be on en1oyoble

'iMe [ond]1• mode me feel happy [to know] that they

er1oyed camp to the max •



I. HAV!hG A BAll In an effort ro w n the reachers vs

counselors volleyball game, scrence teacher

drves for the ball as hrs team member, coach

• watches gets nro paslflon to

bl01k the ball {p/roto by 0. Folcko) 2. HARD AI WORK

Dunng a ream actrVJty, helps her campers

strotegrze about the best way to complete the r task 'I

real~ rked warchmg the krds from my ream learn lo war

w r each ather; sord 'I wasvery

proud of I e progress they made rn communrcar ng wrth

and supportmg each other.· (photo provided by 0 A/imoyu)

3. COLOR RUN· Wrrh lots of hrgfl.frves and cheenng,

2 and Song welcome Sixth·

graders to camp • As soon os the krds got off the bus I

was there ro make a runnel and cheer for rhem to moke

them feel welcome,· said. (phcro

provided by 0 1111C'fV) 4. UFE Of THE PARTY leadrng the

campers rn the nrghr~ dance party,

grooves ro the musrc ·My favonle part of s11th-trode

camp was rhe dance panres we had wrth the whale camp

every nrghr; A sard. 'I was a great

way for rhe counselors to have fun and also gerrhe s xrh

graders our of theu shells a lrtrle brr. • (photo by 0. Folck a)

5. YEE·HAW followrng the rnslructor, 12 ,

12 and Saxton learn ro square donee. The

donee too place Sept IS rn the even mg. {photo by 0.

Folclo) 6. POOLING AROUND Ounng rheu free lrme,

and Song ploy pool in the lodge Hsreh Ickes

r:::::==~or:::m,~pre::: pormg Ia hrr the cue boll. (photo by 0. falo o)

e t Fest in ou

Students from all grades attend Lou Fest Sept. 9 and 10 to listen to

live music from Weezer, Snoop Dogg, Cage the Elephant and other artists.


'J ;i e

e be<.o se


1. ROCKET SCIENCE: Conducting on experiment,

ond pump their bottle rockets.

'launching wos my lovonte port of mokmg bottle rockets: Wong soid.

'We oil got rered our bottles of nrtrogen gos rn front of the school:

(photo by K. Xu) 2. LAUNCHING BOITLES: Preponng lor toke off,

and put the bottle rocket mto place. ·we used

o chemical reaction that created hydrogen gos: Ross soid. 'Then we

lrt the gos on lire.' (photo IJy D. Lettau) 3. FUN IN CHEMISTRY: Rinsing

her project, hos fun wrth her lob. 'We hod to do o

chemical reaction: Alisio smd. 'It wos really cool to launch them ond

see how high they went: (photo by K. Xu)

Teacher Alyson Levine explains haw AP

Chemistry students made bottle rackets.

Rambler: How do bottle rockets work?

Alyson levine: The students used therr

knowledge of the gas ows to colcJ ate the

omOJ'lt of hydrogen gas needed for the

combustion of hydrogen gas.

R: What step is token before launching?

Al: The stL.dents conducted another chemtcal

reaction that generated the hydrogen gas.

R: What else d d your s'L.dents do?

Al: The students used the combustion of

hydrogen gas to propel a two li•er bottle

roc et nto the air. Once the students

collected he gas n therr two liter bottles we

went o.J'side and launched the rockets.

R: How d d the ounch go?

Al: Some rocke s went as htgh as

two stor esl

1. PARTNERING UP· Workmg together, ond partner up to dissect. 'It is always cool when you get to

apply and relay what you learn m doss to the outsrde world, • Kennedy said. 2. EXAMINING PARTS: Concentrating on the dissection,

ond study the mside of some brains. 'It wos fun to examine the different ports of the brain ond learn about the·

lunctrons, • Xiong so rd. 3. WORKING TOGETHER: En1oying the activity, and partner up to dissect a

sheep brain. 'To be able to look ot oil the different components in layers of on onrmol's brom wos really mterestrng: Hortman said. 4. GROUP

EXPERIMENT: Focusing os o team, and toke aport some brains together Owolobr

and Toxmon watched os Payne dissected. 5. CONSTRUCTIVE CHATIING Helping each other out, ond

communicate across the lob. 'We learned how different animals develop different ports of the brorn based on what they used most For example

o human brain has much larger frontal lobes than o sheep because people need to do more complex thinking: lorenz said. 6. DISSECTING

CAREFULLY: Concentrating on the lob, cautiously tokes aport her sheep brom. 'It was on interestrng woy to learn the

material: Ewald sord. 7. BUDDYING UP ond partner together to complete the lob. (oil photos by K.Xu)

Sketching with Color ..~ruuvllr.J ~11urc:: \"'c::\" fav01 ot the llvume process in drawing class Sept 19.

• My favorite port about my

drow;ng class ts the

inc rusive atmosphere.

I hove always en oyed

drowrng as a way lo

express myself •

\"I en1oy a I art forms, I like

drawing abstract pieces

wtth ink.\"


Working with GRAY Matter

AP Psychology students travel to SLU in order to

perform experiments on sheep brains Sept 18.

AP Psyc~o ogy stude'lts earn about the brain and t



h .. ncttons on a do ly basis For many kids, get1

ing a hands on

fietd trtp expertence ~ondlmg the po•ts of a bro.'l s ;~.ost

what they need to demonstrate the class content.

\"11 is one thmg to learn obo~.ot the brotn and the

structures and a that stJff ndependently: teacher

sod \"But if you con oc1uo y see them and ~ow

they're connec•ed in terms of the proxif\"''i'y o'ld location, I

tfJm yoJ get a rruch better understord ng of how all !'lese

systems r eroct wtth one onothe• •

At Somt loJ s U'l ve·s ty, i'1S1ruc1 ors show presentot ons

1o htgh school classes. ~hese presentot O'lS llustrote

s1ructL.res and diseases of the brain and provtde ~onds or

exper ments wtth reo1 ommo1 brains

I• was really cool. so f rst the rstructor IS show.ng a

~urron brom, and he's got '~e camera: Westerholt sotd

\"He o'er showed a ~umofl brain t~ot hod sdfered o stroke

w + 0 zretmer s disease so ~0 1 you coL.id see how 0

dtseose prys co y a !ers st•Jc1t..res of the 1--uf\"''or b•oi'l

AP Psyci'Jology student was a so on

the trtp. She er1oys drowmg para' els be'ween 011tside

presento•ions and class.

• t was coot to see •he different ports of the bra n that we

were .eorntng class· Honts so d Also to see how the

d fferent ports ore connected •


Students share thoughts

on the Jason Stockley

case released Sept. 15.


mo e then voiCes heord

went down! wn t~e day I

verd • was re eased <Jnd

pea ef y p otested PeoFC e

hod a '1\\ x f emol s




SEA LION SCOU.ING Resting in Seo loon Sound.

watches seo lions swim above her Seo lions ore directly rmpocted by

Stoll's fbyetobogs campaign. \"It's hard to choose o favorite animal at

the zoo because they ore oil omozmg, • Stoll soid. (photo by K. Xu)

Trc$1\"' J•l • ,crf'c

1h< t.0 ,t l'\">O, ~ •re J) occ orC'Ilfl

•c, L \";A T odJy ard. ion no

S•r 'L of''~ to ~re~d n pt •1

1r, 1

• • r'lf C'V\"ry !'1'\">'1'\" vol J'l\"'< • r a

r • ')~ ~ ~ elp\" ou• ~ a varretr

c i wuy·

I do arythi'lg 1roM h< p no

c onpc ~~ I) we r \"J w1+

t\" -lonoe·cC' ~r\"c: f'~ ~l c r c~

Arre• _or B ,•y r:::! Beelt ~ Stu'

c; d Wf U ' I C r y C'fO f v'

~ E' l') • qe• In w ,• w tor •r-pr~

In 1 :Jni' n,.. to V l '\"'E'f\"fi'HJ ('f

'~'\".'<>O S•, ~c-~ okC'nt·rs

>c r~c ed by thE zc • n we

Sbe ,.,., r!ly we· ' to Po,..~rr~ ror

'wr WPE! 1 vo:.. Lf It e

We -·~yea fl' a resc'J r10 11<lf I •1--e ,.,. :j J 0 (>f

for C' (( r e dc.ys a natrve

v1 OJ f >' >·1 a\"d •re'1 at Bocas

D I c rc, f > a few, Stol s::> d *We

<r l'K E eel S'JW a bu'1Ct-r ::>' ar1Mals

J l d1d soMe beac cl J'1JP I•

WCJS OWE\"'~C<re

S• > has a rra or p J'' 1n 1'1e

zc ~\"''T'rrL n11y Sre was o'le o! ·~e

r<>unue·s o• t 1t.. v J ec' #bye•obags

I hot 1 )jJE'S •o c..,.. ... vn< e people •o

•e rt sob.=: bo1s r ~~ Jd of p ns•1c

( reS tn J' r 0.- ~ ] T '1 IT OIS.

·AI y' J '1 Jve t > de' 1s SIJ1 a

F edC)c ;;tol s l J We re •ryrng to

qe• t Hj out <)I lhf r ,or lecouse

f ·~ e Jt 'r e olu 1 ul'ld ge1'1'1f.l rrJ of

p OS! r O<JQS W J J -J C lp

t c f''1VIror fTit:r t



SERV CE An in-depth look at the volunteer-oriented

students who color our school.

The G1rl ScoL.ts Go'd Award s

tt)e highest och1everrent ., Girl

ScoL.Is. Th1s year Kat e

E senr1or (9) created a cor1m Jmty

serv1ce p·o1ect fo· 'ler Gold Awo•d

·My serv1ce p·o1ect •s called

Chess Thoug'l •he Ages· E•serrro'1

so1d \"I brmg d·ess-play•rg

volunteers to the B•entmoor

Re•1remert Cornrru'l ty tw ce a

month to ploy c 'less witt) some o~

the •esidents ·~ere

Corrb o rg C.J lure w1th

corrpass•on, jason Lee :' 2) tutors

k ds at a Korean ca•holic c.hurch

each wee '1e r1oved •o

A~er~co f•eshr1or year and was

1'11 oduced to the churc~ by

his COUSinS

·o.,e day, two co lege

st.Jden1s were voiJnlee· ng •o

c ~ B1b e stor1es a~ter c~1...rc~

I loll owed +ern,· Lee so d

[S 'lee the'l] ~ave he ped teach

E1senr,an has been m G rl

Sc ou1s smce kmderga•ten and has

played c~ess he ert1re l1fe She 11ad

seve•al t)opes fo• •hs pro eel

\"Tt) s pro1ect seemed II e ti'Je

pe•lec t opportun1ty •o combme the

two th '195 love • E1serrra'l said

\"Sor1e of my goals were •o connec'

people of d1fferent ge'lero•1ons,

rsp e 1ds •o do r1ore cof'1mJ'li'Y

serv ce ord •o L.SI le• peop e hove ~un

play1'1g chess •

as wei

On top o~ teoc~ .,g ch1 d er

about +e B1ble Lee tutors •hem n

moth T utor1'1g has laL.g~' hr1

respors1b l1ty and ~as 'lelped ~lf'1

go r l1fe s Is

I he p •f.err1 w th s1mple rna·~

Lee sa1d \"[T uto· ng] l'los he ped me

expla1n th1'1gs bet•er to different

people because I have •o make

I •tie k ds understand who I'm



HIS COLOR d e bec..J se rna he block and weo blo




Ro u• A

o'fect yo.Jr !e?

Dole Chesson ( 1 1 ): FCA

ol ects ny l1fe by be1rg

bold m my fa •h oro.Jrd

schoo I hove on outle

[where] I con to oboJt

rry fo\"•h

R W r-y d1d you en1oy See

You At The Pole?

DC A lot of people we·e

able to get •oge1'1er and

pray for our scr-ool,

fo·•uhes and commun • es


at the Spoede STEAM

snare their love of science.

Two students talk about FCA event,

See You At The Pole, Sept. 27. Rambler Why was See

You At The Pole 1mportort

to yo;J?

Trey Fruend ( 11) I• was

rnpor•on• to me because t

was cool to see l\"lory

st!.deP.'s and teachers

col\"le •oget.,er •o pray w1 h

one orother

R What was •he best part?

TF T.,ere were more

people the·e tr.or

expected there ':) be so

tr.e •;.~rnout was o pleosor'



1. STICKING TOGETHER Shanng theu book,

explam how magnets war The pou worked together to go through the oveiSized

boo 2. GET LOW Squott ng nert to Spoede students, A teaches the

duldren about her lavonte ports of chem1stry The AP chem1stry students entoved theu

presentat1an w1th the young learners. 3. PART ERS IN (HEM Parntrng to theu

experiment, S and 1 show the krds how dry ICe

sublrmotes. Krng ond Morgen are lob partners •n class and love wor ng together to

get through theulobs. 4. THE HIGHEST !EVIL Demonstrating the drllerent densrties of

lrqurds, H pours m the lust substance. Henderson loves dorng 'abs

alongs1de other chem1stry students. 5. TEAM: Workmg hard, A y W 12,

A l and share theu work 6. SILLY WITH CYUNDE RS:

Pounng t eu chem1cals, and demonstrate how

to measure chemrcals wrth graduated cylmders The team en1oyed wor mg together to

get the rds engaged n s< ence. 7. A DIFFERENT LOOK. listenrng close~. Kovolo

assesses the student's answer to h1s quest1on. ·rhey look at the world so d11ferent~

ond genumely wont to learn,· Kovolc sa1d. (aH photos by K Xu)

Raking in the

45 8%

Ch ldcore

4 2%

Ret a

4 2%

ForT' y Bu sness


Me Peppy

Pep band players describe what song they

love playing the most during games.

·My lovonte pep

bond song rs Seve'l

at or Army because

1t sooJnds really good

when we pray 1t.\"

\"My fovorrte rs 'Hey,

Baby because 1t's

the fT'Iost fun to



\"My favor •e song 1s

Bu1ld Me Up

Bu• ·cup becou~e on

bal\"d bps we oil s1rg

t •ogetre• •

\"My fovorrte song rs

Afrrco It's 1ust •he

dopest song\"


Ladue in Some of Ladue's most spirited shore their

S PI R IT favorite Blue and White day experiences.

\"lthoJg~J• the

c.heerleaders afld

Spar les


wee grea• and I

l1 ed the I\"''USICal

d·a1rs contest. •

Ash n Car• (9:

• My favonte pa·•

of the pep ra y

was see r>g the

hol\"''ecommg court

wa k out.\"


Cy•ror (11)

I 1· ed seeing

everyone d•essed

up In a bunch of

d1fferent ou•fits

and cost1...mes I

always en1oy a

good lo.Jgh •


Buchannor ( 12)

WRAPPING UP the Competition

STUCO plays new 'Mummy' game dunng the Homecommg Pep Ral~ Oct. 4.

I. Ounng the Mummy game at the Pep Rally 0 4

Isaac East d (12), 6 useppe 01 Cera (10) and

chael We e (10) wrap cey Goldste n (12). T ey

came m t rd place. (photo by A Hoe.et) 2. The wmn ng

team, made oiGrace Hens ey (9) Macy Kerner (9) ond

Dav no Lenau (II). celebrate They were chosen by the

crowd as the best mummy team. (photo by J.lt\\ann)

3. Durmg the compet1!1on, Groce (roc en (12) ond

Kathryn Xu 112) wrap An'f11 Tullmon (II). ·1 thought 11

was lun o way to Involve STUCO m the enlertamment

and 11 had an en,ayoble element of compet1fan, •

uoc en satd. (photo by J. Ganz )



UNDERNEATH the Big, Bright Sky

Homecoming Pep Rally Changes Location from Gym to Football Field.

I. nJMP ON n. Outing Blue mid v.1tite N gh! ~t Oct. 6. Olivm Sduode1 (12) and OeMonn Martin (12) show the

sdlOOI then hondshoke before emceemg the event The two cl them old handshoKe to a Guns mid Roses song.

(photo by C Aii9o} 2. All SMJIIS FOR SPARKlfS. h the Spar les go up to perlll!lll, Eizobeth Mmi!ie (12) to

about the team's swess. 1 thank we haw a group of guls and boys the! me more cJose.knit !his 1'01 tim ewr

before: Mmilie soid (photo by M Ward) 3. CHEER UP' Dumg the Pep Rally Oct. 3, the cheeJ team perlorms to hype

up the aowd of studenn for the commg weekend. They did their rounne to a mash up of diftmnt songs. ({i!oto by M.

Lochmoeller) 4.lfT'S TAIX ABOUT SOfTBAll AI Blue and te iGflt, sohball cnptains Madyson Espinosa (11 ). Lft

llllsen {' 1) and Ale a lhomos (12) to about their season. El'el'/ sports teom htld the dlonce to shme about their

season. (photo by M Ward) 5. WE GOT SPIRIT, YlS WE DO: Blue Crew membelS Josh HofWitz (12) and Trent

Sleibler ( 11) teodllhe IChoal new cheers for ljlOrting events. Cheers range hom the roftm0011811D Do It (photo by A

Hoefer) 6. YOU OOZE. YOU LOSt. In o sp ad round of musKol drolrs,lrrb M.nklet (11) and Hona Scxloff (12) roce

to the last choir as the musK ltops. Mm er won the gmne mid a grh cord ({i!oto by C fng/arrief) 7 . lADUE ROYALTY.

AI the end of the pep rally, Homeaxmng Court!lrun down the true !he Court COOlisted of Kelechi Ar:Mefu (12), lJy

Uockelt (12},lrstin Chen (12). Ope Falo o {'2), Dee cilols (12), Kathryn Xu (12), PJ Hensley (12) mid Aluceno

Molino (12) (photo by M. Wcrd) 8. DA~O G OUHNS: The lcduenes to e the field to perlonn the new donee Ide

LOOue students. ·Pep es me always so nwdr fun to perlonn 01 and I the hip hop donee we did; Ashley

8yer ( 11 ) soid ({i!oto by A Hoefet)

The sd·oor-wrde pep rally was \"ou•srde\"

tre comfo<• zone, taking p oce O<J the

foo•bol I eld Oct. 3 Due to the •enovo ion

berg J'lder budget the odr!'unrstrohor

dec ded to tes1 OJ' a new soLond systerr for a

new stodrJm

\"We hod the need to conduct a

sound/norse level onolysrs, SII'Tlulotmg wtJot

wo~.ld occu• at a horr1e foo•bor game,\"

oc•rvr!ies d rector G•eg Babe< said. \"We

tho1.ght it bereftcralto conduct thrs dunl\"g the

pep assembly •

\"'he s•uderts felt a shrft 1n tt'ierr norma

sp riled ways Several students were not

exerted about the change but were wr mg to

give rt o try

• prefer the pep ra y mside, but I didn't

drsl:ke r! oLotside,\" Pardes .yo'ls Warren 112)

so d \"I was my most pepp est rh s year but

that t'ios more to do w•th rr1e be rg o sen o•

than rt bemg outsrde •

Wh le the locotron crange rroy seerr1

I ke a m no< rrove, rt too •re work of several

teachers and stLodents to pu'l it off smoothly

\"I thrnk the Pep Assembly went very

well\" Bober sod \"S•Lodert co1.nc I and jr'Tl

Go dwosser did on outstanding job of

planning It'! s with •re assrstarce of Scott

f-lo« s or sound and Ch• s Soxtor and M· e

J-ldl as emcees.\"

I. At the bonfire Oct 6, Alex

leory ( 11) dunks one of his teachers.

Donee Marathon used o dunk tonk for

Ch ldren's M1rr le Network. (photo by

M Wnrd) 2 Our g the bonfire. the OJ

keP.p L. grom (9), (othenne

l oo (9) and Allrson Reo (10) doncrng

(phoro by l Weier) 3. The bonfue s

burstrng wrth sprrtt and wood. •t

enjoyed watchrng 11 burn, rt was so

prettyt•tauren Pesce (9) sord

(photo by c. A/isio)


Annual bonfire fires up the crowd.


I. WORK I 1i IGHT ~ 0 DAY. Voluntffilllg f01 Habitat far Humoni!y, shnlen~ help 01 lle sMes, coat;

and puBeS far the coot chec \"Everyone got th r stuff rn on elf10ent and qmck way.· Moggre Ayres {11)

said (photo by ll'ti ) 2. SICX MOVES Emllloang rt: great mUSic, Courvoun Hill {11) shawl off hrs

moves m o donee ard . Other student; watched hun tn the aowd (p/Joto by l W ) 3. Ail GHTY

Worling l01the homecorrung court results. Andrew luoer (12) grves Ooue Roidde (12) o red rose. \"It felt

oiTlOllng to be on COUll.\" Rorchlt soid. (photo by l W et) 4. GROOVY BEATS Donong dunng the nrght,

Ida Chen (11) 8IIJOY'l her third homecomrng \"My I\"\" r ., pert of homecomrng was bemg With my

lnends otthe donee, • Chen so1d (photo by L M. 5. FLASHING THOSE PEARLY WHffiS: Smiling ot

h lnend, Sophro Bauers (10) 8IIJOY'l the mUSic or wr the aowd. Blue light; streamed on her

os she danced. (photo by l. Wi ) 6. BRIGHT UGHTS TAKE TilE flOOR Slow donong Wl ladue alum

olo Amofd. Matthew Butz ( 11) roo ough the bright tolors that beam ogomst the floor.

The OJ pWyed only a lew slow songs this year. (photo by ll'ti er) 7. GO WITH TilE BEAT· M.xng mUSIC lor

his post school OJ Crucial sprns his d Cnrciollelt honored to !rove the apportunlly o DJ

homeconung (photo by l I'll )



'' I have had a lot of support. There were a lot of people screaming, and

walking over [to accept the crown) was

slightly cary but quite fun, too. ''

'' I felt excited and overwhelmed to

win. I really wanted to win, and I

really appreciate everyone who voted

for me. ''


Upperclassmen continue to enjoy their homecoming

day with fun traditions ond enthusiastic activities.

\"I o•e

watermelon. •

• wore a st.o t, so I

loa ed super

fresr also hod a

F.ve Guys burger

for dmner.\"

\"[I took] p ctures and

[wen' Ia] dinner w•th

my friends.·

\"I went to the

football game

[desprte] ·~e rorn and

the cod·


Living the DREAM

Homecoming disc ;ockey, DJ Rob Crucial, shares his experience working

for his past high school and describes how his passion for music started.

cogrrze t.\"


,., lt:fl\"h...,....~t-tl'1 e donee.

d his style.

e D played rea' y c.ool mus c, •

--! rey (1 1) said • t was

n what I -.~sually I sten o, bu1

Despite the 3RA

Rambler sits down with wide receiver Dale Chesson (II) about the hamecommg game and the positive experience.

Dole Chesson ( 11) and hrs teo:'lmo es won ago 'lSI

U'lrversrty Crty 1he day of ho'Tlec.omrr g Oct 7 Sco•rng a

to;.rc'ldowl' Chesser celebrated and s ppor ed I> s teOrT'\"'lO es

\"B1 Buchoro'lon ( 12) go• h sf ·st touchdow.,· Chesson sod

\"(And rl>e'l) DeMon11 Marlin (12) scored h sf ·st•ouchdow'l

and we drd o.H spec a ho'ldsho e •

'\"irgh sprrrted ord ready fo• the donee •I-re football tearT'

d dcr • let the •orn drs•·oct tl>e'Tl. l'lstead trey Jsed the weo\"1er

to tl-rerr advantage

\"Mo~' football p ::rye·s ge• exerted wf-rer rl s rorr ng

Chesson sord \"lr br 'l9S ou• o d;iferent person wrthrn •hefT' •



I really like

this project



have to think

critically and

creatively to

solve the '' problem.




Engineering SfUUf:III.J HVI rllge ner Ofi.JIIII/)Iti nlul.lllllti

projed during teacher Hannah Behr's class Od. 12.

I. EN1.INEIRIN6 FUN f11mg then model. od,ust a srmple

mochme that w II llft a buc et. Students 01e war ng rn groups to mo e the best mochrne lor

contest 2. GREAT GEARS: Smrlrng, Ay K w 2 end R work wrth gear rototrons

to burtd the most effellrve compound mochrne The Simple mocbrne pro,ectletsstudents put then

knowledge of gear rototrons rnto pracfl(e 3. FAIITASTIC FOCUS. Concentrating on her project,

cuts string to odd to her srmple mochrne. Every student uses the same matenols

bu all of e mochrnes ore different ·stan ng W1t a simple 1deo and berng able to expand

upon rt end octuolrze llrs such an omazmg feelrng.• Hoty sard. \"It felt like we were dorng

samethrng real, whrch rsn't a feelrng I typrcal y gel from any of my other classes • (oR photos

by J Ganzer)


A cappella groups bring new

type of singing to the halls.

Ram bler: What n pr ed y Ju ou ..... eate a .. a

appella gro1..p al LadLoe?

Annie McNutt ( 11 ): have had a passion far

music for years, after earning ~rom Leah A.r~..tz

was able to discover my .ave for a cappella

mus1c Prev101..sly there had beer 011 y one group

therefore we dec1ded to make 01..r own

William Carr ( 11 ): It was rust an idea 1o me

l was tre one who made it a

realr•y, but Sl'lCe we both share a passiofl for

musrc, 11 was defrn tely a 1opic of conversation

betweer LoS

R: How have yoJ bonded as a vocal group?

AM: We love havrng sacra events o sperd 1ime

as a group. Recen•ly, I was able to host a

bonding bonfr1e or \"bo'ldfire\" to ge1 a I of the new

members acqJalnted w•th the older members

WC: Basically how your average group of guys

bond· throLogh a shared poss1on and jokes, lots of


R: What is your favorite prece to perform?

My ~avorr e pieces are O>~r two new

corrpelttron p1eces \"Greedy\" by Aroana Gra'lde

a'ld \"Whe'l We Were Young· by Adele, bot'l of

OJ< solo sts are obso ute y OL.Istanding, and they

a•e a bros• to sing w•th

WC: An 1rr1prov piece we haven't worked on o

lot, co' ed \"Tha•'s What We're Thrn rng W~en

We're Singing\"




MCAT club members practice suturing skills on

various fruits in monthly club meeting Oct. 10.



for the ~~AilnT


Low impact P.E. takes a

field trip to learn jiu jitsu

Oct. 11 to find a new way

to exercise and have fun.

• e

srng •Kolerdoscope

Heart.\" \"re Vrvos pro!lrce on Thursday mornrngs

for upcomrng performonm (photo by C.

fngfonder} 3. MAlES MAKE MUSIC All mole

group, the .oOudes proctrce then prece wrlh

expressrve matrons. Thrs rs the LoOudes' lust

year bung ng the bear to the halls of Ladue

Hrgh Schaal. (photo by l W e1}

I. FLIPPIN' FUN Mokmg her moves count, 0 flips P e Pe 2 duung 1ru trlsu doss for low rmpoct P E 2. SMILING A 0 SAFETY: Bemg careful, A proctrces defense

moves on S p e F 0 • •tlike leornrng how to defend myself m dangerous slluohor.s, • e S 10 s01d 3. PRAatCE MAKES PERFECT: Wormmg up, R e and C

Oy prepare foro mp by proctrcrng the frrsl step. Jiu 1rtsu rs o Japanese mortrol ort that uses no weapon {aN photos by C. fngfonde~}

TH S COLO de be \">e beco weo a do


Stats about GR4B BAGS

Facts about how the Spanish Honor Sooety grab bogs come to surface.

7 of~icers spent

Around 1 0 0 g ob bags

w• e 1d

3 s1L.dents who participaled

•ecerved 1re pr1ze of

$ '0 grft cards

2 wee s


lhrs event

Spanrs'l 1-<oror Soc ely

rrembers so d for 1 wee

durt'lg IJ'lches $2 Oo was ra1sed all

fo• hJ\" cane relie~

COINS for a Cause

UNICEF President Giuseppe Oi

Cera (1 0) elaborates on Trickor-Treat for UNICEF.

Rambler: Why d1d you :;Iori


Giuseppe Oi Cera: We wonted to grow

U ICE~ at school ard ge a lot of sL.pport

o ec•mg do'lal ons

R: Wl,at rave you 9LYS done this yea·?

GO: Our f rst big event IS T• ck or Treat for

U ICEF We rave oeen placing boxes m

seminars ord we hod our members wal

around the school w1th boxes to

eel donations.

R: Wl,at s the goal of Tr c or Treat


GO: We wan• Ia collect dora1ions to help

ds 1n other co.Jn'rres and spread

oworeress fo• •hose tf.Jat don t hove what

we have 1n l'le L, S such as good

l' or nut• l1an ord rred1cal focil•t•es

R: w SJccessfJ has this club beer?

GO: Ne 'lave beer overwhelmed by the

amount of do'lol ons we've received and

tre awareness we've spread Any loose

cl,ange or just a penny, mo es o

d,~fere'lce Overall we've seen a very

good start, and we wont to conlinue Ia

expand and col eel even more

I. \"lAS>ROOM CATALYST Pausmg auts1de the claSIIaom door, Conme Dong(' 1) reads,

\"You hove every ught to hve a beaut•lull,fe ·\"Just seemg the notecards around the

schc felt •ke somethmg was bemg done to help others, • Dong soid. \"It has a b1g

1mpact 2. liFE OF LAUGHTER: Smilmg ot Madd e Olson (9), Caroline Powell (9) shores

the quote life 11 better when you're loughmg ·\"My friends probably make me Iough

the most; Powell so1d. 3. LOCKER LOVE: lao rng ot o quote on a locker, Drew

Olson ( 12) gems mot•valion to begm hrs day \"Samethmg that makes me happy •s

etfl•x: Olson said. 4. HAllWAY HOPE Pausmg before head ng to class, Rebecca

opl (10) ond Konno Mea ey (10) read o natecard say ng, \"H.O.P.E Hong On, Pain

Ends: \"I hope lor good grades; Knoplsard 5. MIRROR MIRROR. Topmg \"Just breathe\"

on the hallway cobmet, Josm ne I (12) hopes to brighten students' days as they walk

past theu reflectiOn. \"Thrs has brought a lot of ottentron to o lot of d•Herentstudents, •

Neals01d. 6. Glancmg ot o natecard, aurotou Bance (1' ), E eno Bachert (II) and

Toymae M aum (10) tc em the paSJhve saymg. \"I wanted to be a part of thrs dub

because 1t's rmpartont to help ather people that suffer.· Bonce scud (o6 phctos by K. Xu}

Helpful Hands Students explain their role at

parent teacher conferences Oct. 19.


\"Mental heath matters, too.\" Natecards Ike this scattered the

hallways doors and bathrooms. Lodue Students Helprng Students

spent hours writ ng these quotes, promot·ng positivity in a stressful

time of year

A PIZZA Our Hearts o ceMororhonsel/sp111o 20 to raise money.

We didn't really get permission from

the administration for selling pizza;

we decided to ask for forgiveness

instead of permission, but Mr. Griffith

came to buy pizza so we considered

that approval enough. We ultimately

raised over $1 ,000 wh ich will all go

directly to Children's Miracle

etwork of Greater t. Louis.

LSHS creates notecards with

... motivational quotes for students to see.

g one ng at 11 makes me feel better, and 1 wanted to do that for other

people, too •

As K.1ngert and other members of LSHS hoped, the notecards

mpacted many students. T oymae Mirrtouni : 0) expressed how

\"We were look ng at the Act ve

Minds Project, which spreads awareness

around the US to end st gmos about

mental health, and decided to bring that to

our schoo LSHS Presiden• ,asmrne

1\\.eal'' 2) so1d \"So, we searched up oc~r

favorite quotes that wou d get people


mportant she belteves mental health IS

These notecards give \"Depress1on 1s Lst as damogrng as a

motivation to a lot of bra en onk e: M moum sod \"Even today,

people perceive men•a health as not as

people, including me. '' 1mporta1t as phys cal health These notecards

-:-aymae M.m un ( 1 O) give motivation to a ot of people, includ1ng


•hrough the stress of life and put them around he school.\"

This deo not only came from a natrona' campaign, but from

club members as we . Vice president of LSHS, Monssa

Kl ngert ( • ·) took nsp ration from her personal! fe for th,s project

\"I've always strugg'ed w;th se f esteem, so each night, I tope a

mot·votional quote on my bathroom mirror for me to see the next

morning,\" Kl ngert said. \"Even though I put t there myself just

LSHS will continue to encourage students to thrive They wonted

th s project to promote awareness for mental health and hove

received pos live feedback from students.

\"People hove been very open about the pro ect: Neal sod \"I

hope that others w;JI learn to be more positive, more aware and not

be afraid to speak about mental health, they shouldn't be afro d to

ask for help.\"

THIS COLOR deso bes \"'e beco se I s be \"'Y tovo: e e was o

d I per dar bU: you con I red and !:- a I


Solving the COLORS K~le Gyowolr to es fifth rloce m the Renaissance Rub1 's Cube Compet1tion.

I like solving

Rubik' cubes

becau e it's


that my mind

and hands '' enjoy doing.

G ,~._.-L.---..~


This year's ultimate frisbee team reflects on their off season.

1. RIGHI 0 TRACK. Ounng the expenment, Max Bawe (9 Ia~ out

toot p1cks to model the Ira n d1lemma he as atrempflng to sa ve. He

uses the toothpi! 1 as a Yiluol to help h1m ligu1e out the hneo1

lunct1on 2. DO 1 GEl SIDE· TRACKED eeding a litrle boost, E e

Ke p 9, and I res (9 listen to moth teacher M e F e

explam the problem. Kemp reac•s by smrlmg ond laughmg at hrs

explanalion. 3. CONOUGING AN EXPERIMENT: Ounng the octiv,ty,

Le~a K adze (9) and yle Wh ted ' 9) ask Fanell quest1ons they

hove. W rle they tned theu hardest, farrell wouldn't g've them o

delm1te answer because he wonted the •students to realize that

undmtandmg theu own thmkmg ond p1oblem solvmg rs the most

lmpoilant part of the problem. • 4. THE CHUG LIFE: Focusmg on the

problem, lode T o as (9) ond Holde ,evan Ross (10) thmk about

how to slioleglcally complete the acliv1ty Tl ey hod then eye on the

p111e: limshmg the expenment conectly 5. TRAIN OF THOUGHT:

Whlle tc mg port rn the \"Building Tro • moth activity, le e o

Dwver (10) th1n s about the reosanmg he w1ll use to solve the

p1oblem. He wor ed hard on the ossrgnment to complete the classes

common goal: to lrnrsh the acliv1ty w1th the conectreosomng (All

photos by K.Xu)


6. BHN TRAINING FOR THIS: Wbrle wor mg. A ex s

Pow 9) ond Viet r Lopez 8 co (9) put then

lrnear functron sknls to the test. \"ll,ked how

CreOfiV8 the OCfiVIfy WOS, but II WOI hard frying tO

budd wllh such smolllrttle thmgs, • Powell sord

7. E GINIOUS: About to start the next phose of the

train ochvity, Bowen keeps frock of hrs toothprcks,

while Anyra Bnsby (9) wntes out her logrc.


After thmking rt through, 0 r AI Husse nr (9, and

Aode Maynard (9) wnte down then logrcal

answers to the problem. \"!Irked how II was more

mteraclive than a lecture would hove been, • AI

Hussernr said. 9. A HELPING HAND Dunng the

octrvrty, Kemp helps !homos through o port of the

experrment that he has questions about. They

helped each other to put then best attempts ond

work forword {All photos by K.Xu)

Mot!'! teacher t.i eo Fa took meor fJ'lC1tors to rew

he gil's on Oct 24 Ferre 1.sed or oc1rv•ty c a ed \"B1.rlding

Tro rs· •o teach hrs A,gebro s'udents to JSe reoso'l ng and log c

to solve a rneor fuflc1ron equolron The octrvr'Y co\"esponded

w !h the ~.>n t t~ey we•e leornr'lg

• Burldrng Tro ns' and moth activit es lrKe ths force students

to evoiLote !herr th nkrng and analyze the processes they Jsed to

come to a conclusion they can use r learning experrences and

gene•al reasonrng lhro.Jghout ther• rves: ~arrell sard

-:-he \"Bur d ng Trains\" activity wos a mathematical prob em

that uses dr~ferent visuals ard pat•erns to develop or a gebro c

formula lha• desc rrbes the potterll that they see Students tended

to lr e the experiment

·, liked how it was a visual, so ! he ped 'T'e understand the

p•oblem: E e eMp 9 said.

Whrle students enjoyed the oc•rv'ty, hey o so hod

cho enges and struggles T'1ey used thetr own logrc and

reason rg rslead of memorrzrng a se• formula

\"It was a lit le c'1ol engrng because you hod •o •hrn outs de

the box •o comple e the proble'T' 0 or A e 9 sod

Overo , the expewnent was en1oyed by 'T'ony of •re

st~.>dents . Fror1 1'1e experrment, students too time to analyze the

problem and truly understand the concept

\"Students did a wonderfJ job accepting the chol enge of a

drff c~.>lt probrem that reqwed trem to do use t'1err reasoning

s dis n a m.Jc'1 different way • for•ell said \"I did ro• teach tile

students a process •o use; rather, 1re st.Jderts Lsed the r own

expe• ences now'edge and observatrons to solve the p•oblem

and d ow co'lclc~s O'lS •


FEMCO ploys iconic feminist

Kohoot Oct. 22 to teach about

d s me ':>eco se I ery on ffy <e a


Using a LIGHT Hand

Rose Coughltn ( 1 explains how to work the lights.

The steps of lighting

[are] hanging lights,

patching the lights

to the board,

grouping the lights

into submasters and

then creating cues.

-ROSe '-'VU~tttlll

.tghtmg in theot•e IS mporton because it

•el s the audience where to d rec• their ot•ention.

For the fall ploy, \"Too MJch l ght Mo es the

Baby Go Bli'ld • l1g~ mg was ur1que because 1!

with witr people I would not hove met otherw se;

Coughlin said \"I decided to work Ire :1ghts after

wor ng on the props for the ploy Mr Pecka

asked me, 'Wont •o do the ltghts?' I decided to

depended on wh1ch of

•he p oys hod been

selected by the '' Lights are what give

to e a rtsk and try

someth ng new •

t Sw1ft ,10

assisted Coughli'l

with operating the

oJd ence certain actors the attention

\"For tfJ s p oy t~e

ligh•s were c hollergmg,

as •hey were different ~or

eocfJ show • Rose

on stage [so] the audience I ghts Ths is h s f,rst

yeo• 1n .odue

heot•e The mos•

Co g n 1 so1d

focuses primarily on them. ''

-[~~SvVI ,101 reword ng po•t of

\"Whi e runn rg the ltghts •heotre ~or Sw ft IS

I hod to pay close ottent on during the show to

row which CLte to col and when to col t •

CougHm has been port c1potmg tn theatre

smce her freshiT'O'l yeo•. She dec1ded to try a

di~ferent aspect of c.rew after work1ng w1th props.

·My fovonte port of wor ng m ttteoter IS

bemg able to f11eet, wor with o'ld mo e fnends

seemg the f1nol product on stage wilt'! the ights

wor mg proper y. t-ie feels prope• ligh•ing not

orly boosts the prodt..clton qual ty of the ploy but

also boosts the confidence of •he actors

\"l ghts ore what g ve ce•toin octo•s the

ottent or on stage so tre audience focuses

pr1mo•ly on thef11, • Sw1~ so1d


e EARLY Applicant Gets the Worm

Here is the typical timeline seniors follow to make

the early action or early decision deadlines Nov. 1.

August: Ask your

teachers lor letters of

'When I look ot o college. I

look ot pictures of the campus

ond what classes they hove.'

'Make sure you talk to tile

teacher before you send the

request vro family Connection.'

October: Creole your

Common Applrcotion

account ond wrrte your


October IS: Send

your Aa scores

'Remember to get your

tronscrrpts ond ACT scores two

weeks before the deodlrne. • ond tronsmpts.

'[Supplements] ore o porn to

wrrte but they grve colleges o

lot of rnsrght about you.'

'It wos o relief to get oil

my applications out of the

woy so early •

Living in

______:__: M EM 0 RIA M

·we hod to make on oltor to remember the artists

that passed owoy My mom got the Pon de los

Muertos from o bakery rn the city •

·we brought in o lot of props that were ort themed

to decorate the project. We researched the ortrsts

ond therr hrstory ond it wos rnteresting.·

I. A SHOT IN THE LIGHT: Pointing o lo e gun ot Lll on Sheley (10). Ton Compos {10) asks he~ oprnion on

gun control rn the show 'Shot Two: (photo by B. Howe) 2. liGHT READING: AnnounCing the number

of the show, emcees Abrgorl Yearout (11) ond Rr \\'\" ss (9) reod the nome of the ploy that the

cost members will perform. (photo by J Ganzer) 3. A LIGHT POWDERING: U~ng o makeup brush,

loreler Gebhard (1' ), the head of mo eup crew, applies o hght Ioyer of foundo ron on Antonro Amore

'1) loce os oo Hahn ( 11) watches before the show begrns. (photo by J. Gonzer)

4. LIGHTHEARTIO: Perlormrng the show 'Foo~Heorty', Weiss asks Sheley vorrous queshons tow ich she

responds posihve~. (photo by B. Howe) 5. TOYING WITH WilL Qil(ussing free will, Bradford Srwo (10).

Oovrd ~te ner {' 1 ). Compos ond € · · '. ·k : perform the show ·oo Wbot You Will.' {photo by B

Howe, 6. LIGHT SlHPERS S!Hmg on the stage, cost memben mimic the 0<1 of lolling asleep. {photo by

B. Howe, 7. SHOUTING 'TOUT: Preponng lor the neXl show. the crowd shouts out numbers m hopes the

emcees w111 choose it. (photo by B. Howe) 8. LIGHT ON THEIR FEET: Holding the Warrior pose, Steiner ond

Will Cart (11) dil(uss Carr's new haircut in the 1he Men's Movement.• (photo by J Gonze1)

\"THIS COLOR descr be$ me becoure rem :\"d$ me ollhe oceo whteh

$ eoxng


Fr .. :'>•• \"~ ..... . . . I.. , j

~ . . ..

~-\"\"\"\"C<Y\"i!\"'::\"~ 11 _. I I ~ *

.. ·.., .....

- - . ,. . . '

. ' . ' -, ~ _.... . ~ ·-~

- ~~


'. - . ~ ... ..... Ji.


An in-depth look at the talented

students who color our school.

desct bes m beeou sa ch oned und


VJsttmg the Jeffelson Bono(ks Cemetery,

explore dunng the f1eld tnp


\"My fovonte par of t'le

tnp was the art rrJSe;.Jrr

We were ob e to see

dep1ct ons of what we

leo•ned tr·oug'l

ortwo•k •

·:My favor •e port was]

tf-.e or• '11useu-n, I l1 ed

go og o•ourd and

looking at •he art I• was

a different way to •eoc~.

and I tr nk each pont ng

espectol y told o story

about r story •

Students perform in fall choir conce

conducted by umu) tuw~ry.

I ne cho ... a. g m the perform1ng arts

center or the n ght of Nov 9, rro• mg ft)e

first concert of the year. Af•er s1ng ng her

whole ·fe, explained row

she felt when she performed

·At ~irst I felt a little b1t ne•vot.s, Crews

so1d \"B-.~• as the concert went on, I fe! rrore

conf dent·

Many of Ire choir 'Tlembe•s hove beer

si'lg ng the r whole lives, mcluding w\"lo

stor•ed in ele'Tlentory school Alexo'lder enjoys be ng I\" era r, OS sre

feels performing IS a great opporiJn ty for her

\"I ave bemg able to learn new songs and then be1'1g able to

per~orm therr1 m concerts.\" Alexander sod ·Hearing row for we hove

come o'ld the beauty of the song s my favor te port of chon.\"

Afte• performtng a• her lost fol cone ert Crews described a more

in depth pori o' choir for her She talked about t'le avera 1mportonce

of chat•· the mus1c

\"I love when 11 a I comes loget~Jer.\" Crews said • t IJS' SO<J'lds

so beautiful.\"



and stand m the front row of the concert. They reod the mustcal

~rrcs tn rherr hand to the audience. (photo br C legal) 2. HOLDING THE NOTE Keepmg a

steady rhythm, and hold the boc ground note

whrle a duetrs performed (photo by C Alrsro) 3. GOING SOLO: For her lost loll

performance, smgs o solo to the audience. Davrs sung the sang ·wade

10 the Water: (photo by C Al'ISIO) 4. READING THEM BACK ew to the chou,

and stands wrth music in theu hands. The two were port of

the group of boys who read therr muSIC wrth the guls sectron. (photo by C Alisto) 5. LET

THE FRESHMEN DUE'IT. performs a duet wrth Taylor. Falconer was

o new member to the chou ond thts was hrs first duet. {photo by C. Altsto) 6. ALLIN THIS

TOGETHER Smgrng loud,

ond perform dunng then concert in on ol~

guls song. (photo by C Alillo) 7. FRESH SOUND Alongside of Falconer, duet partnerloylor

smgs then duel. Falconer ond Taylor sung the song ·change the World.· (photo by C


Trial Tribulations

Rambler· What was the moe

t• a about?

Talia Warticov~chi: lr our moe

t• 0 ' we addressed wrether or rot

Wtl om Me tnley should go •o 10 I

fo• hts foul ocltorrs as U.S.


R: What role did yoJ ploy t'l tre

mock trial?

TW: I was on otto•'ley for the

defenstve s de regarding his threat

to he U S notional secu· ty

R: What was your favorite port of

t~Je moe tr~ol?

TW: I loved how hands-or it was

We were able to put curse ves in

the post and understord ~Jow

people fel a the trme. I a so feel

li e it was easter to learn ttJe

informotron oboul each chorocler

as we related them boc to the

McKmley tnol.



Welcome to LADUE'S House

I. GRAND E TRANCE. As his music ploys, Jo~en Sykes ( 12) comes out during his

senior entrance ot the pep rally. \"[Walking out during the pep roily]! felt

energized ond on oil around great support from the student body; PJ

He sley (12) s01d. (photo byM. Lodrmoelle!) 2. BRING IT IN Huddling up, the

football team celebrates the11 success thrsseoson at the end of the pep rally.

\"[Aher everyone hod come out] we huddled up so we could jump around. It just

felt like a real teom bonding moment; Andrew Hunt ( 11) said. (photo by M.

Lodunoellet) 3. BlUE AND WHITE NOISE: Rushing out, the freshman, sophomores

and 1unrors of the football team en1oy their moment m the limelight. \"[Coming

out through the tunnel]! was excited because we were making a really strong

playoff run; Josh lhomecze (11) said. It's like we were real pros enterrng a

stadium wrth a ton of Ions.\" (photo by A HOI!fer 4. SHIMMY AND SHAKE: Smiling

at the crowd, •nbol Borzrloy (10), Kothe D) and Yeronrco ZopromLuno ( 12) donee at the pep roily. \"I really en1oyed performing because it helped

me become more excited lor the game that nrght, • lauren Yondlondmghom ( 11)

said. (photo by A Yearout) 5. REDDY, OKAY. Wailing for their cue, touryn

Bommer (12). louro Ewald (12) and E• n lohr ('2) prepare to perform. \"My

fovorrte port about performrng wos that I got to be o port of the rood to state;

Bommersord. \"I loved supporting the football players in all the hard work they

did.\" (photo by A Yearout}

Members of the leadership team tell all about the \"Welcome t~

the White House\" themed debate tournament at Ladue Nov. 17



Showing off their True C 0 L 0 R

C ·e1 Y' 1pl1om L, 1d 1g wit! pw 1on show whot they have been learning ot the fall concert. . ......,...

' 0

,.. .

L TAKE A BOW At the end of theu song, , y

H p 1ey (11), D p e levy '9), Ha a

Ha der ' lOl and S h E1 e n (12) stand up

to 1ece\"' •• , se. The band concert was an

- ·'-


Follw•gt1mm,A M e(ll) ploys

the v1braphone ·•1 e percussion because 1.'s

funny ro tell people lspeCiahze m ploymg the

tnangle, • Malone so1d. 3. THE SOU D Of

MUSIC. Concentratmg, leet C (9 ond

V:cto a e (I 0) me e sure to ploy thecorrect

notes Concert band performed f1ve songs at

the fall concert (aD photos by (Duncan}




117 • d '\\to e

o chest•o


o d on er



8 T~Je lo'1gest pte p eces ot

the r foil

perlorl\"ed wo 1 3 :3 3 coftcer•

lh ••• ,64


b 'weer symphomc

end cancer! orc~estro

TtJe fa II

p oce on


.Ladue throws a pep rally out of the blue to hype the school up for football semi-finals.

The norl\"\"'ollt'e of o student on a ral\"\"' day is flied with

seve., 50 mt'lJie class perrods Yet, on Nov 17 classes

followtng the qJorlerf ro vic'ory over f-til sboro H gh

SciJool 1., •re end, the chaos of orgonrzrng lhe pep rally

were shortened by bui t school morale a• the t\"l•ee 'l'tnutes

,., o•der to 1\"10 e trrne fo• a pep

rally at IIJe end o' the day

\"TIJe wro e goo of :•he]

pep ·ally was to 1\"10 e the

school exerted about the team

gotng to state • M qo

'' The pep rally cau ed more people to

come out to the game and more fans


\"The pep rally cat-sed

rrore people to come out •o

the gol\"\"'e ard rno•e fans

means l\"\"'ore ene•gy for the

team· L O'T M ... rqan [ 11 I

mean more energy for the team. ' '

B r e ) so1d • t :has] 0'1 y

happened once befo•e in school histo•y •

Adl\"\"'tnls•ra•o·s Greg Babe• N G a ., , o'ld J fer

St o be bega'l to plan lhe pep rally on Nov 1 1,

sotd \"Tro• was crucial wren

we were down 14-• 0 at ho ftime BecaJse the fans stuck

w·!h us, we scored to rna e i' 17-14 It was on

e ect• c feelr'lg •

I HISCOLOR d m Deco se s o ppy and vibr I


Taking Action


W,. Meghnn Hubel (11) ond

E 'Ul oub (9) poy dose

G1len 1011 o the d'ISCUSSIOI1. 'We

letmerl different stra ll1l es !01 how

we con end bullymg ot our school,·

ecl said. (photos submrtted)

I. ROCKING OUT: Ployrng his gurtor. Ryan Men c (10) expresses h11 school

spu t&n I e bond section Wll h1s boss gu1tor. \"It was def1R1tely a d1fferent

feel ploymg otthe state game tust because I ere were so many people,·

Melmc so1d. (photo by .4l Lochmoellel) 2. EXCITING THE STUDENT SECTION.

Oomg the rollercooster, hrstory teacher Jrm Goldwasser momtoms student

enthUSiasm w1th the trod1tronol cheer. \"I wore my blue ond wh1te ond cheered

on my Roms.\" Goldwasser sord. (photo by M. Lochmoellet) 3. DANCING FOR THE

TEAM: Showmg off h11 moves &n the bond, Oo 1e So g C2l gets o lot of

laughs. \"It wos o really un que opportun1ty because none of the bonds hCI\\'1

really gone &n he post 15 years,· Song sord. (pho o by M Will

Eat, Drink and Take a Selfie!

Students share moments from their Thanksgiving dinners.

Sophie Sachs (12) oOO her

family hold up CUioUts of

Sachs's (10) head ot


Celeste Llu (I O) and

S1mone Lu (10) strike

o pose on Turkey day.


Grief Awareness COLO

OUTStDE IHE CAFETERIA: Sporsored by•he co -119 ,,.,n\"\"\"\"\"\"'

Gr ef Awareness ::>oy recogn zed as a day •o s pport

the death of a loved one Students p~t up cards o~ts de tt

one they have lost or to show support for others who ~avdiE!J<oerriell4~ed

nre Counsel ~9 Depar•~ent be reves I IS

mpa•ta~! for students to k~ow tho we as odu •s

~rd ·stand that death o~d dymg and gr el ond

ef'lotrono hurt ore exper ences that cor be

srared and -Ppo•ted • y J a sard

4. DANCING WITH SPIRIT: Moving to the bond, Kate Huber '10) shows her sp11it by

porficipotmg in the Laduettes. \"It was so cool being able to donee on Faurot Field;

Huber said. (photo by M. Wotd) 5. PERFORMING WITH SPIRIT: Stuntrng for the crowd,

Rebecca Knopf (10), Monrko Onofrey (11), Comrie ~rbbler (11) and Lauro Ewald (12)

show off the11 cheer skills. (photo byM Wotd) 6. CHEERING ON THEIR TEAM: Towering

over the crowd, Kathryn Xu (!2). Emma Zoe lner (12) and Ann LJ (12) perform the

holltrme show. •It was pretty overwhelming; Zoellner said, \"but really cool to be able

to stunt rn o college stadium.· (photo by M.. Wotd)

Blue Crew shows support

throughout the season.

Rambler: How do you show support for

footbat games?

Josh Horwitz: I show support by coming to all

the games and getting other people to be loud.

R: What would you say to those who don't

show school spirt?

BLUE Friday

JH: I thtnk you are missmg out an a great

opportuntty to have fun with your classmates,

cheering on yo\"Jr school A.so don't be womed

what others th n of you, the games are more fun

if you truly enjoy them to the fv lest capability

Students travel to Mizzou to support football team in Show Me bowl Nov 24.

Normally, the Friday after Thanksgtvmg is coined \"Black

Fr day • the day to ick off the hotiday shopptng season

Similarly, Mo lory Word 19) loves to support the players

at faatba games. Ward is excited to see what her freshman

However, thts year Ladue students

saw a much d fferent k nd of k ck

off· one with a football at the

Show Me Bowl on Faurot F eld in

Columbra, M ssouri

'' The biggest thing that

surprised me was the size of

class has n store ior the future after

witnessing the Show Me bowl game

\"Something that surpr sed me was

that we could hold back the other

team for so long even though they

\"I en,oyed seeing how many were ext•emely good:

people were n Ladue's sect on: the crowd. '' Ward said

Zac'l Bernste n [ 121 soid \"The

brggest •h ng that svrpr.sed me

was the stze of the crowd •

-Zach Berns,e,n ( 12) Ward 1s proud of the team for

Bernstetn eves to demonstrate school sptrit at athletic

events. He always tries to support the team by getting the

entire fan section as excited as possible

hod ng their own ag01nst o talented

group She tr es her best to show her pride at every game and

wants to continve to do so throughoc.t high school.

\"I showed school spirit by weer ng my state sweatshir•:

Ward said • wos happy to support my team.\"





choose whott ey th k 1 most tmportont lot

•he po el •o p•ove •hroug out the Khool !he

•hree o a often ltvely tn •he group d scuss ons

rnin J1e< 24 s -::sent 3 8 p r e~t of I e

po , ore

Sl de ~ f

Puff Gets TUFF

Junior and senior girls compete in a HOP sponsored game of

flag football to raise funds for the Jewish Food Pantry Dec 1.

HOP sponsored the annJal Powder Puff game Dec. 1

to raise money and co lect can goods for the Jewish Food

Pantry A.most 50 girls from all grade !eves port1cipated 1n

the friendly compe itton The senior grade scraped out a 7-0

referees Kyle Schilt ng ( 12) was a referee for the third ye

and also cheered on his friends

\"It's fun watching my teammates get into [coach rg:

and the g1rls get invested in a fag football game Sci--

win over the junior class. Desp,te

the loss, juniors I e

st·ll fe t a sense of

occompl shment since they got to

bond durmg th1s expertence.

'' It's fun watching my

teammates get in to [coaching]


HOP club sponsor, Lauro

Berns also he ped out at the

event She I ked see ng her

students get involved with the

event from the planning to the

playing as wei as coming o

to Sl>pport the r peers

\"I thought 11 would be o fun

way to grow closer to some girls

1n my grade that I don I

necessar1 y tal to often: Burke

and the girls get invested in a

flag football game.

sa1d \"We all had to wor

together and help each other understand the plays in order

to Sl>cceed os a team •

The g rls weren't the only ones to get nvolved. Senior

and j • .m or football p1ayers also pitched in as coaches and

\"I enjoyed see ng the rl

stLodents come together to

organ ze the event, and t was fun to watch the fr endly

competition on the field: Berns sad \"We had a good

turnout at the game, and col ected a lot of cans •o dona'e

to the Jewish Food Pantry.\"


I. GROWliNG GIRl: Cradling the boll, ey t 11 runs down the field Chflllspnnted postthe

semor srdehne towards the end zone. (phcto by J. Gonier) 2. RUNNING HARD· Dodgmg her opponent, K

k runs around K Buckner scored the wmnmg touchdown lor the semors. (phcto by

M Ward) 3. NEW BAll H 1 mo es o run for the end zone. (ytron played soccer smre

elementary school and decrded to toke an powder puff to try out a drfferent sport. (photo by AI. Wan!)

4. B1'1£R E D Cheermg, the tumor team breo stherr huddle. The coaches told them ~ot to worry s nee they

get to ploy agam next yeor (phcta by J Gonzet) 5. PUlliNG AWAY Frghtmg keep gomg,

tnes to break away whfle II. B 1 pulls off her flog. Cook wos one of the semors who ron the

most yards. (photo by J. Gonier) 6. U DEFEATED. The semor team cheers alter bemg told that they ~O'<e won

The grrls won therr 2016 game ogomst the doss of 2017 as well. {phcto by M Ward) 7. BLOCKING: Gnpprng

eoch other, and M 'II 2 try to keep each other from progressmg. The parr

faced off muhrple limes throughout the game {photo by J. Gorrier} 8. CELEBRATION Huggmg, Bur ner and

Cook celebrate therr touchdown Thrs was the on~ touchdown the entrre game (phcto by AI. Ward}


on the

Hot Cocoa for lUMANI fY

helps out at

the Habitat for Humanity Hot

Chocolate fundraiser, Dec 1.

Rambler: W't-y d d you choose to 101n the

Habrta' fo~ ~iuMan 'y ch .. b?

Bndget Ayres: I sounded I e a good

cause and soMelhi'lg h,r to do wt•h My

frte'lds and aide· s sle•,

R: Why did you choose •o par•tcrpote tn the

hoi chaco ole fundrotse•?

BA: I thought tl would be a good expe• ence

to be there and help ro se money for the

organize! on

R: Wrot was your fovortte port of •he


BA: [I really er1oyed] IJSI see ng all t\"te k ds

•he•e ord the S!'rtit'lg faces wren t~ey dron

the hot chocolate and searched for their

chrtstmos trees.

R: Was there anything trot stood oJ' to yot.?

BA: It was real y cod so Ira• was hard and

ro• a lot of people come bJ' I •eolly en1oyed

the experience still

R: Would you do the evert ago rtf you


BA: Yes, I wot. d [portictpote ago n:

because I was really fun to do thts everrt w•th

all the differe'l' grot.ps of ds who came

togethe· •o he p peop e in need

CE Team sports gym classes go ice skating

Nov. 30 to celebrate the start of winter.

\"II ed roctng :my frtends] and

ge I rg to see row good everyo'le

was [at ska•ing] was fun.\"

\"It was a good way to to e a

breo from schoo and spe'ld t me

witr wt•h f• ends.\"

e e.s r


l. BALL GAME· When the toddlers come

to ploy, S one Do ey (11) ron the boll

gome It wos coiled Doggy Boll, where you

put oil of the colored bolls into the dog's


Show1ng the toddlers the bogs they

created for them, Mora M1 er ( 1 0), A ysho

Joclso ('OJ ond Ooley help them wtth

the gome. The goal wos to match eoch

color block to the corresponding color of

the bog. 3. HAVING FUN: While ploymg

the Child Development homemade gome,

Ooley exploms 1t to the kids. She teaches

them how to ploy the go me ond whot the


After o long hour of ploy, one of the

toddlers coz1es up in the lop of loltfo

M om mod ( 11 1. While Muhommod wos

busy, Aloyno Rowe ( 1 1) smiled os she

looked ot oil of the happy kids ploymg

games. 5. PLAYTIME: Throughout the

peuod, Groce Ste boc ( 0) ploys ot the

sensory boo rd. \"It wos really cool to see

how the ktddos interacted w1th eoch other

ond the board, • Steinbock soid. (all photos

by 1. Ganzer)

Into the FUTURE Child Development students reflect on

experiences playing with toddlers Dec. 7.

Child Development teacher Kimberly Boyles mode the goo!

of her class a real ty on Dec 7. The class hod toddlers come 1n to

The students hod been ok ng f, 'rword t th day the wh

year They have been preparing for the toddlers since the

ploy with them in order to put what thEjt''

hod been learning into a real W I

life experience

\"1 liked how we got to watch k1ds

learn and interact with them,· Mara

Md er ('0, said

learned how to apply first

aid, about different

trimesters of pregnancy,

beginn ng of he semester.

•, learned about how to deal w·th

bod and good sitc~otions w ith children.

G•ace Sternbac k (I 0) said \"I learned

how to apply first aid, oboul d fferen•

trimesters of pregnancy, and so much

Not only d d the class gel to play more.·

with the k.ds, bul !hey got to make then and so much more. ''

Overall, everyone seemed to enjoy

own personalized games. They planned '-'' '··\"--=- v 1

and researched to ensure the eormng of the toddlers

\"I researched d fferent pro1ects online unt I I found one I

really liked: e a Gold I 0) said, \"I hod to go to Michaels to

buy sc~ppl es and make the pro eel, which took several hours.\"

In U v \\.., I I J I the exper·ence. The students took more

than 1ust memones from the octiv•ty.

\"I learned that a I the 1

'1 le [children] grow and develop rn

their own ways and that they oct a ceria n way when others ore

around them: Cha• otle ~iuMphrey (9) said


Baking a SWEET Life

Students toke port in a gingerbread house making contest sponsored by German Honor Society Dec. 6.

1. FINE FOCUS: During the

contest, W rom ~orr (12) ices his

bose. He uses premron ond

occurocy 2. PLANNING IT OUT

While discussing the building pion,

A rce Bretern tz(' I), Eleanor

~~neon(' 1), Ehzo Mor!·n (10,

ond Elena Welc~ :11) brainstorm

how to put their bose together. 3.


together, .rom Dougan ( 0),

~onovon Moore ( I), Sophre

Se del (9), ond Joshua Thomeczek

'11) build the house. Each person

hod o role. (photos by J Gonzer)

Build Students build the stage for

\"The Addams Family.\"

• en1oy tech theatre

because' 'sa

hands on c ass

w here I con interact

wrth friends a nd still

learn somethrng

new every day

io So vr• (9

THIS COLOR desc bes 'Tle because try to be sweet ol'd Is b rghr because I fee everythrng n e sely


H oliday SPARKLE

am celebrate tne ena or the sef'l1ester w th a holrday party

e olidoy season was f.., l of exerting ocl'vrfies for

I e Spa k e eom A•t r careful planning, the team come together

e b e to en oy some sweet treo s and arts and crofts.

g e o idoy season, we try to do activ•ties that nsp•re

ess, said. \"Once, we sol 1n a brg c•rcle

and gave campi ments to each o her •

The team has bonded during several port,es th s year. In fact,

the captains hove been abre to plan a party for most major hoi day•


several paper snowman's, A

sm1ley face and o brighlly colored hot onto her sn

She concentrates while drowmg. (all photos by C frrgblf


reo y en1oyed

th hot

chaco ate and

the o aunt ol

fresrmon •rot

• needed •o study

-.,,.,,.. for mo• and ot

he ped to be able

to s t a d to k W'

my teac'ler •

\"I loved beong

able to ask

teachers o d

fro ends que•' ons

to he p ~e

underst:~rd •

0 q


t~;~~~~; o~ C~~oa and F I R S T

Cram before final exams.

No Room for the T aktng a break and relax ng from

finals 1s the reason stt .. dents partie pated in

the first Destress Day Sensory tab1es,

meditation and therapy dogs flooded the

PAC and other classrooms for student use

\"I d dn't work O\"l any wor dunng

Destress Day: said.

\"It was a time to real y take a break from

stl.ldymg far f no s.

In additton to betng a nice break,

he short seminar re axallan helped

students when they were actually taking

the1r finals. StL.dents agreed remov'ng the

stress for a short pertod of time improved

their final grades.

\"I was able to stop stresstng for finals

which he ped me focL.s more later on

when I was studying: levine said \"I

real y took time to recharge so that I

woJtd be product;ve later on \"

In add it on to the stress free

atmosphere, Destress Day also provided

rare opportuntttes that many enjoyed. One

of the most popular acltvires were the

therapy dogs brought by •he Ladue

Students Helping Students cub

\"The stress reliev'ng dogs were the

most popL.Iar station,· said

\"It was helpful for students because they

were able to spend time wtth fr ends and

take their m nd off of finals while dotng

stress reliev'ng activities •

Overall, students were impressed

with the day. Several left prepared for

thetr f;na s

• t rea ly improved my B o ogy final

sonc.e I was able to foclis on s•Ldying after

Destress Day,\" sa d

Taking on the


Sophie Kras (1 0) speaks on her

experience winning first place in

nature dub's rock climbing competition.

5. HAPPY DOG DAYS Being 1umped on by one of the therapy dogs, hugs the dog

while smilmg. Many of the therapy dogs usually licked the students or snuggled ogomst them. \"I did

Destress Doy because I thought 11 would (Oim me down, • Jo(kson 101d. \"II helped be(ouse I wasn'tso

tense durmg fmals. I wos relaxed ond really prepared.\"6. SWEET SLEEP· laymg down on the floor,

' and enjoy o reloxmg meditation woth o worm towel against theor fo(es. \"I

helped run the meditation slatoon, \"lett sood. \"A yogo mslru(tor come m and students were oble to loy

own ond listen to (almong music· (photos by Z. WeYer)

Sophie Kras: Winntng wasn't who made

me so happy it was the fact tho• I had

worked hard and my effo•ts payed off

H 'W d d yoJ prepare?

SK: wou d climb every Wednesday with

the c rb and [practice]during my free time.

\"THIS COLOR descr bes fl'e because t $ br ght and t-old


fAII[NTLY PRAY! G· Sining next to her family's shnne, Jah hot o {91 prepares

to pray Vishnubhotlo reads the Bhagovod Gita, a book tontaining Hindu phrlosophy \"I

tame to Amerita wben I wos 8 and If rs strll so surreal to me to see things I don't normally

see, • Vishnubotla sa rd. (Ptroto by R Rhoads) Living in




An in-depth look at the multilingual

students who color our school.

bes e beca se s <I and e and


Living in the

escapes St. Louis to spend winter break in Floudo

My family and I went

to Florida to celebrate

Chri tmas with my

cou ins. It was very

relaxing and it felt

really good to

get away.

\"I too study breo~s and

spaced out my study' <l •

\"I d dn • get stressed for

I ~ols. I we. d to<e deep

breolhs and try Pot wo•ry

abo the test too mud• •

• stud1ed every day ond

I mode s.·e I asKed my

teotiJers quest o s

about 1~ g, I d dn 1

understo d •

\"I •eroo1ned co ~ O!ld

stayed focused •

\"I went over my post work

froM over •he year ond ,

mode study gutdes\"

__ _;:,_WEEK 19

1. FASHIONABLE FRIENDS: front hollway teo(hets , , pose foro festive

the lost spint week for the hont hallway before renovation. Teo(hers got into the holiday sptrtl by weonng their holiday sweoters for one of the spill

which wos started by airbrush teodier 2. TACKY TUESDAY: Tuesday gets uozy when and

mlors ond bold patterns. They sttike o pose for the mmero. 3. SOLO SASS: Child Development tea(her

for the mmeto. She weors o holidoy·themed sweater. 4. SOCKS AND SANDALS Scien(e teo(her

teo(her sp111t week. He stands rn front of h1s dossroom door in the tro1lers. 5. SPIRIT SMILES While standing rn her dossroom, moth teo(her

wears o grngerbreod hol1doy sweater. Monday was ugly sweeter doy, Tuesday wos To(ky Tuesday, Wednesday wos Jersey doy ond Thull::

lodue sp1111, or blue ond white. (all photos submmed




culty dress up for a spirit week during finals to create a fun environment for students.

Wh 'e students stressed for their finols.

fact. ty members decided to hove o spirit

wee to ligr•en the mood of l10ols week.

Teachers broke out 'heir ugly holiday

teacher spir 1 wee was gettirg to wear my

fanny pack every day, even if it didn t

necessanly ~it with the thefTie But rea••y, I jt.sl

enjoy ge'\"ng to do sofTieth10g a li tie fur> and

sweaters, their tacky

clothes and the•

Ladue apparel and

surpnsed stt.dents day

after day

\"I thought twas

funny that the teachers

decided to dress up, •


' I just enjoy getting

to do something a

little fun and silly

during finals week,

which can be

stressful for kids.

S• y dunng fmals wee ,

whicr can be stressful for

kids • said

Not only dd ' e

spirit week ligrten the

mood of finals for

students, • helped the


faculty bond as a staff.

Fac~..o ty members posed

for photos throughout the

From s,'•y outf,ts to Ladue Blue, the

teacllers did not disappornt. s·~dents could

walk 10to almost any classroom rn the bu1lding

and expect a teacher 10 a s,'ly outfit day

week to document the fun fest•v••·es.

\"My favo~ite part of teacher spir;t week

was the 25 reply-all emarls corsisting of

pictves of our staff dressed up.\" Primcipol

said \"Bt.t most importantly, [

en1oyed] havr'lg ~t.n as a staff·

after day

·My favor;te part abo~t particrpatrng rn

Freshman's Finals

shares what her first high school finals were like.

Hvw were y· r f.r .... Ligh ... ~L~. f nos?

They were different from eighth

grade ones because the tests were harder.

R What was the most difficu t part of finals for you?

The most difficult part was balancing al the different

studying for all the different c asses.

R If you could to e finals over ago n, what would yo\"

do differently?

' wou d like to do more fJn things during the wee

so I wasn't so stressed

\"THIS COLOR d sc s e beu e s od B e.., d



I. A COLO BREAK En1oytng the slopes m Colorado, A ge a

l u (l 0) embraces the fresh snow brought on Chnstmos

morning 'Wokmg up to the S!enery of snow-copped mountoms

and trees felt surreal; Liu sard. 'Everyth tg JboJt Colorado

felt so relreshmg • (pho o courtesy of A 2. DRINK UP:

Posmg m front of huge Coco-Colo ornamer t ( 1)

entovs hrs tnp to Atlanta. 'I en1oyed my break 1n Atlanta,· Yue

said. 'My favonte part was visrtmg the Coco-Cola factory •

(p/JQto courtesy of M Yue) 3. HAWAIIAN COLORS: Embracmg the

sunshme, e ech Ach efu (12) relaxes m the Howauan water.

• My favonte part was gomg to the ocean every day of th

tnp, • Achr1efu said. (photo courtesy of ( Achrlefu) 2 ~~=:=:::::::!I::JI ~:::::::=




red and


COLORING the Holiday Seasot

Students from all grades share their favorite holiday light e


white and


40.4% 30.1%




4. SUNNY-SIDE UP; Visiting her grandparents in

Flondo, Toho Wortrcovschr (10) appreciates the

great weather \"I was able to practice Spomsh

since all of my relatives speak rt, • Worticovschi

sord. (photo courtesy ofT. Wartrcovschi) 5. CIRCUS

FUN. Performrng her jugglrng oct on New Year's

Eve rn Vermont, 'sobe a MoJzun ( 1') entertorns

many \"It was pretty exhausting because I was

really sick the day before: Moz1un said. ·we

listened to people sing rn different venues around

town ond we got rnlo everything lor free: (photo

courtesy of/. Marzun)

TIME for a Break

Students share nreir thoughts on tne .1gtl of wr rler break. .ey bo ed H ()/ de

Joo long e JuSt rrght e too sho·t

Taking Break to the


Students share their favorite memories from winter

break and how it will help them academically and

emotionally heading into second semester.

As,de from J·ovehng throughout the

Unrted States over break, students hod ihe

opportunr•y to earn abot.t some new

sur•ot.ndings. Students planned ahead and

Jsed break as •eloxrng time to plan how

•hey wr s..rcceed rn the next semester.

Many sludents forget aboJt school

over break

Winter break has a' owed me Jo

reflect on my first semester grades.\"

T'l<' as ~'•one. s 1 so d. • hod a toik wrth

some fr,ends from college, and I realized I

need to try mJch harder to get where I

wonl to go·

Hov•ng a lot of free t me has helped


wh1le they

binge watch

etflix se•res

or spend time

with relatives

However Amo

Ro \"10'1 ( 1

''Winter break has allowed


become more

orgon1zed for


semester. After


loume1er par

s lpr

me to reflect on my first

semester grades.

cher shed her

time wthout

schoo1 and

-Thomas Franc1s ( l l) ''

Toylo· 1'

used • as a time to bu.1d mohvotion for the

next semester

• it wasn t for my reloxrng t me, I

don't thrnk I would be ob1e to do we next

semester· Rohmer said

Other stt.de~ts hove s,mrlo· feet ngs

towards break In foe• many pron to LSe

second semester as a chance to turn

around f om f •st semester.


organizing her brnde•s and notebooks. In

addition, she mode a promise to spend

more t''Tle on homewor and stay

organized th•oJghou• the lost semester.

Other students shored her mot votion

•w·nter break has rnspired me to

eep do ng well n school so can do what

I wont n life.\" fVo es B • € tt ( 0) said \"I

won' to do somethng d fferent •


St 1dents share their

fr vorite moments

frr m break.

We got to taste different

sodas from aroLond the

world made by coke and

•earned how coke is

manufactured and sod •

Amsha Ravi (12)

\"The warr ors game was

incredible O.Jr sea's

[were] about four or live

rows from the co.Jrt.\"

·Zubrn Mathew (9)

\"I am a huge Harry Potter

fan I was thri led to see

Diagon Alley Hogsmeade

and, ol course, Hogwarts •

·Elena Bachert ( 11:

deS<. bes \"le bec.o se 1 goves me o worm fee ng


Practically Preparing


In order to strengthen classwork, engineering teacher Hannah Behr organized a practical

arts career expo on Jan. 12 to show students possible career paths for their future. Engmeers, des1gners octuones and Many

ot\"ler ertreprene~..ors all gathered toge•he• tn the

cafeteria on Friday, jo'l l 2 T~ey corre as port of

t~e career expo l~ot

explor,rg O'ld also represented the types of

careers we teach oboL.II'l our prochcol arts

classes here at t~e h1gh sc~oo •

ergmeeri'lg 'eocher '

put toge•her I think learning how to ask

meaningful questions to an

important person was my biggest

to e pose stJder>ts to

proct col arts careers

ofte< high school

\"Our goal in '~e

proct1col arts deportme'll

is 1o provide studen's w•th

takeaway from the expo. ''

I' I

The career expo was

des1gned to g1ve studen1s

o hords O'l exper ence

tal ing to profess1onols.

o 9 enJoyed

that nsteod of s1 1t1ng boc

or>d 1slenmg he was

encouraged to lead the


elec•ive courses ord opporiJ'l t1es ~a' allow for

explorot or,· Behr said \"Ou• goal was to br rg tn

a diverse group of profess1onols that represerted

careers trot bo h st<.~dents e pressed 1nterest in

\"I '~m th1s was a great deo ord shoL.Id be

done ogotn.\" Cobin said. \"I thin eornt'lg row to

as meonmgful ques1ions to on impor•ont perso'l

was my b1ggest takeaway from •he expo.\"

Making Memories at t I , ... rl I t\\1\\S

Youth Leadership St.

uis students take a

S•. Louis s a c L.b composed of

e tre future leaders of their

ed for high sc roo juniors, the regional

ides opportu'l ttes for S1L.denls to learn




Thesptan rroupe 1109 members talk

about the circus sktlls workshop they

took while attending the Ma State

T~esp10n Conventton Jan. 11-13.

3. DIUGENT DISCUSSIONS: lolkrng wrth VJsitmg entrepreneur Jrm

MrKetq, oe Wr k 1 I , P ck Kovo (II ond 8 ke Beg II)

learn about the venous sknls you need to get o career in proctiml orts. \"I

would lo~e to attend another career expo like this,· Wr!Ock smd. 1he best

thing thot I learned was thot ~en rf you ore going rnto moth or bu~ness

you strll need people sk1lls.\" (photo by l Weller)

I. LISTEN AND LEARN Discove11ng somethrng new, s e e (1 2) 1istens closely

to the entrepreneur. She attended the pract1<0I orts lou held on Jon. 12 during 81

10 the cofete11o. 2. LINE Of SUCCESS: At the start of the c01eer expo, oil the

entrepreneurs l10ed up to Introduce themselves and prepare to talk with the

students. Among the attendees were engrneers. octuo11es. finoncrol adVISers ond

busrness owr ers 4. MAKING CONNECTIONS: Srttrng among his fellow students. Be

C 1 1 1011 about possible career paths for his future. 5. ONE ON ONE: Woitrng

to ask his next question, H e M 1 gorns some rndiv1duo1 ottentron from

one of the entrepreneu1s. \"I talked to two guys involved rn web des1gn, o person

who does electroniC morketrng ond on environmental engrneer, • Mosokr smd. \"I om

reo!~ rnterested 10 how humans rnteroct wrth the envuonment so getting to tolk to

o professronol in thor field wos really interesting.· (off photos by l Weller)

\"I •eally aved c c us

sk Is because oil of

the drfferent ocfvrtres

were so fur ond

tiii\\U PDA TE

Winter break was no break for school renovation. While

canstrudian is ongoing, two floors of the new wing

opened for second semester, including the new library.

\"The workshop was

my I st workshop I

took at Thescon ond

one of my favor tes

There were a var ety

of dill ent skrlls you

could learn that were

a !lots of fun '

I. LIBRARY LIFE The new brory

media center opens to students ofte1

W1nter break along w1th se~erol new

classrooms. (photo by 0. Foloko)


Gettrng help from then teacher

T e , M tA e

(II ond Mary Ge g II ut11ze the

new S(lence spaces. 1he new space

has mode 11 herder for me to get from

doss to doss: Gerdrng said.

\"Howe~er, the new rooms allow us to

do much more thon we could m the old

rooms.\" (photo by C Englander) 3.

NEW YEAR, NEW SCHOOL: Workrng on o

lob togethe1, Jo We e 1 ond

Do e r ('2; shore o lob table.

(photo by C Eng/onder)

4. CLEAN SLATE· Usrng her new

wh1teboord. Mo c Bow teaches

rn her new classroom. (photo by l.



\"I loved tokrng the

c rc s s Is wor shop

because • was so

much I m ro lear

about row to do

coor th gs n •~e

~ rc~s o:1d ~ow you

get \"'o the c reus

THIS COLOR deSC' bes Me beco se I s I 'Y e e and m not a ad

lo SPeO \"'Y \"' nd


Living through SfD\\IICE

Members of RISE spend their Martin Luther King Jr. Day

volunteering in the community.

sweeps the stons. 3. FOR THE GREATER

GOOD: C , y

and Adams pose fo1 a piCtu•e m between

cleaning. They cleaned at the Hope House

Jon. 15. \"I entoyed rece ng the opportunity

to help the c1ty and otheiS; Adams so1d. (of

photos fry 0 Fak o,

Crafting the 3

New Type of

) 1 UCO school officers work to create a pep rally that is more interactive. W~elrer twas ce ebrat ng t'le football tea'll's advancemert The officers wor ed •ogetrer 10 and 01..1 of school to create a

to state or wo ch ng the ladJe 1

es perforl\"'l the school's pep ralites script They contacted teachers to help run •he pep rally

hove fol owed the same format for the ·we had meetings du< ng se'Ptro

ast few years. However, the STUCO After a bunch of conferences and c.omr1Un cated with eacr ather n

o'f ce•s wi h the help of their sponsor, order to wrt!e a scnpt, • STU CO v·ce

• mode the Coaches and work, we were finally able Pres dent ~ d sad

versus Cancer pep •a ly more The sophorr1ore class off cers \\Jsed

i'l'eractive by tmplemerting to show Our progress to pep rally •o annat-nee the deta Is of ·~e

new games the school. ' w·rrer Dance. They wor ed c osely w

\"STUCO has rr1ee1

ings whe•e we the school offtcers to max rr11ze exctterspea Wll'l class offtcers n order to -Ar no Lnvl ':::l I I 0) around the dance, whtch was 10 be the

come up wtt'l tdeas \"STUCO firs' w nter dance r years

Prestdent sa1d \"HJ'lgry Hungry Hippos was • Af•e• a bu'1ch of corferences and war we were finally abe

foc~rded by Mr Go dwasser. Spl t or stea was coped from a show our progress to the schoo, • STUCO class of 2020 Secretor

game show • A said


I.BRI Gl G THE MORAlE Perlonrung th dloreogrophed don<e, members of the Morale Team

lor Oon<e Morothon dleer or the Pep Rally \"I 10ined Morale bemuse I reclly love the cause of

Bry I 0 sard. (photo by M

lavortte pon about the pep rol~ was thor we were gomg to be allowed to speo to the entue

S£hool about a daoce we devoted so much hme and dedlcatron to,· Or Cera said. (photo by J.

Monn) 5. CHEERING ON THE TEAM. The uowd cheers on the boys' and g rls' bolketball teom at

Clayton H gh Schoollodue roiled S 1,500 (photo by R Houser) 6. SPAR G RAMS: Spc e

Effect does a k1t fine or the pep rof~ The leaders stand at the hont (photo by M Ward) 7. AN

AO Of E COURAGEMENl Stondmg up hom the bleadlers, W 2 meers on the

Loduettes. \"I real~ t\\ed the loduettes' perlormooce, ·Wesley sard. 'The songs and dloreography

are as up to dote as passable.· (phota by M. Ward)

Serving some >PIRIT Studt~nts tell tn ·avorite s111fit day du;,ng KISS

week and what school s~irit means to them.

\"I e'l oyed l~e cost.o ness of

POJOr'lO day. School sprrrl

means occeptmg 1hose

around you even rl you

hove different v ews o'ld

holdrrrg out hope

tf.o• we con othreve

tf.rngs together •


• t' s reo y ful\" to dress

up. I con express

myself and rove 0 fun

trme choosrng to dress

up for school.\"

• t's entertoinrng to see a I

the creative ways people

wear our colo<s. School

sptrt l\"'leons berng proud

of where you s1t.dy and

supporting the school •

• e'l eyed berng able to

wear ski ot•ire o'ld

reminrsce on the days I

was on a ski team

School spir.t means

berng obre •o express

your uniqueness with

ott-ters in order to

support our school. •


Shaking it Up with

Sunny Lu ( 10) talks about placing second at the regional monologue competition.

As a performer, being able to present

one of Shakespeare's monologues and

sonnets to a panel of people who are

also huge Shakespeare nerds was such

an incredible opportunity just

by itself. ''




Living in TUNE

Band and Or· ~estra students .alk about

what they are looking forward to at state.

Playing the Viola has

allowed me to be 1n more

prest gtous programs and

I am oOO mg forward to

hav1ng a ol of fun.\"

Joe ob Sheldon 11 0)

•, am loa ing fo·ward to

reun1tmg ond performing

w1th my fr1ends It's li e a

vacation from school.\"

-Arra Zhorg ( 1 0)

\"I am look ng forward to

meeting new people

mak ng music and the

happiness I feel whi1



Rebecca Lang (9]

\"I am most look ng

forward to throwtng

together an enti•e mustca

program tn just a matter

of days.·

-Groce C·ocke't :12:

Saturday, Jan. 20, thousands of

people from al around the nat'on walked

for the Women's Rights March With n the

crowd of people stood Ladue students,

one of whom was Gabby Levme ( 1 0)

\"I chose to march because I thmk tis

important lo votce my opmion on things I

am passronate about; Levme sod

Lev1ne talked aboL.t the experience

of seeing people come together for one

cause She liked how the march was

1nsp1ring for people of all ages or beliefs.

\"I enjoyed seemg so many people

that I knew and enjoyed having the

experience to walk with them.\" Lev1ne

said • My favorite part was when I wa

behmd these two little g1rls who were

holding hands and jumping aroL.nd ~

probably had no idea what was go1rg

on, but hey jUSt looked so happy to be

walkmg With so many people.\"

Wh11e Levine stayed in St. Lou s

M1tchell La'T1ar : 1 2) traveled to

Washington D.C. for the march. Lamar

enjoyed the experience as wei

·My favonte part was the

togetherness. hope and love that

consumed the march.\" Lamar said.

1. GOING THE DISTANCE: Traveling o lor distance, M1tch lomor (12) attends the

march in Washington, D.C. w1th his youth group. \"I loved seerng tens of

thousands of people coming together lor one co use, • lomor said. (photo courtesy

of M. Lamar) 2. STANDING STRAIGHT: Protestrng, (orolrno Ahsro (11) shows

support ot the Women's Rights March Alisio attended the march in downtown St.

louis. (photo courtesy of C A/isio) 3. BLEEDING PRIDE: Walking through the streets

of downtown St.louis, Gabby cev•· e (10) holds o sign.levine attended the

Women's Rights March on Saturday, Jon. 20. (photo courtesy of G. Levine)

4. COMPLICITY KILLS: Holding her sign h1gh, Soroh Eisenman (12) walked the

streets of St. louis olongs1de family ond friends. \"To me, feminism includes not

just rights for women, but lor people of color, trongender people ond ony other

morg1nolized groups in our country: Eisenman so1d. \"I wonted to show up ond

demonstrate with my presence what I stand lor.\" (photo courtesy of S Eisenman}

5. GIRL POWER Smiling hard duong the march, Anyo lull man (11) showcases

her s1gn. \"I thrnk it IS 1mportont to support girls everywhere: Tullmon said

(photo courtesy of C A/isio,


[E ~ • • I





Q&A with Spamsh club member Isabelle Shepard {10).

Rambler: What IS Spon1sh club?

Isabelle Shepard: A c ub that offers a more 1n

dept~ understanding of the Spo'l sf. cdtu•e.

R: What d1d you do at the Span sr club meetmg on Jon. 24?

IS: We ate h1sponic food and ImMersed ourselves in tre cu lure We

also d•ew p1ctures of Spo'l sh fogs; I drew the Mexican flog

R: What s your fovori'e port of Span sh ciJb?

IS: I li e eating the food and leorn1ng obo1.t the cul+ure

beco $El rro !Y1e do



I. PONDER! G PICTURES: Coto~t members and

look at a picture on lesorogol's phone of a photo dealing With cultural oppropuot,on. ·rhe biggest topic we've tackled

has been cultural oppropuot on We put a great deal of effort mto adding accurate tnlormot,on mto our diSCUSSIOn, •

so1d. (phc by ( Eng/onder) 2. STRIKE A POSE: found ng members lesorogol and Overton stand

next to their webs1 e's nome The webs1te was named the Catalyst because the members wont ilia be a catalyst for

change. (p/wto VIO the Catalyst websi e) 3. NEW liBRARY, NEW IDEAS: Silting on o lobrory booth, lesorogol potches on

Ideo. Meetongs usually cons1st of members pitchmg theu ideas and getting peer feedback. (phcto by C Eng/onder)

I. SMilEY RilEY: Shoung a smOe Wllh a morae e kod,

embodies her rob as a member of morale.

Morale's job 1s to boost the spiut of muode lam hes and

students porlletpo ong m the event (pho o by C JIO) 2. All

DM DAY Aher hours of danCing, the execut1ve board reveals

the grand rota! lor 2018. An additional S 12,000 donotoon

post reveal mode the octuol total S81,143.0S. (photo by C

A/islo) 3. MAKE NOISE FOR MIRAClES: With mocrophones m

hand, students and get

rhe crowd pumped up lor more doncmg. Berg and former

were In charge of choreography (p/wto by ( Alisio)

4. SWEET SMILES. In her potomo weor, student

posses worh o morode kod •fhe money

we raise w II help local kods r,ke the morode families at the

event; Vonlondonghom sao d. (phcto by ( AlishJ)

5. TEAMWORK TUNNElS. As he morode fomiloes orrove,

everyone at the dance oeotes a tunnel for r em to go

through. The tunnel helped ro breo the 1ce for all guests.

(phcto by R Houser) 6. MVP AWARD: Posmg lor a photo,

students and toke

a breo from rvnnmg Donee Marathon. (phcro by R. Houser)

Coloring • tn

Seniors get certified in CPR

for new Missouri mandated

graduation requirement.


toke turns

practicing hands only CPR. Hands only

CPR allows anyone to give CPR without

mouth to mouth.

Using on AED (outomoted external

defibrillator). students

ond woit for the

signal thot tells them whether or not their

dummy will need o shock to sove its life.

Practicing on o CPR dummy in the uppe

fitness center, performs

compressions while fellow students cot

to the sound of muSIC.


Dance Marathon raises a total of $81, 143.05

with the help of a lost minute donation.

Year af•er yea• Dance Marathon has

r01sed trelf fundraiSI'lg goal, and each year,

they reach ! w th the help of the comrrurity

201 8 was no excep•ion, but this year a ast

minute donation rrcreased •re grand total by

$ 1 2,000, rna mg the f ra do'lallor to

Ch1 dren's M1·ade Ne'wor ave• $81,000.

\"I was m total d sbeilef and rea ly didr'•

now haw to react •

sa1d \"I told the rest of the board [aboJ1 the

ast l\"ll'lJte donal on; and ~ortunately almost

a! of •rem were stdl with me I'm still very

mLocr in disbelief·

This year's fundraisi'lg goal was

$50 000, a $ 1 0,000 i'lc'ease from last

year Students and board merr1be•s rvolved

witi'J the event reached out to fam y, frierds

and local busmesses •o help support the


\"We had the biggest board yet th1s

yea ard that's beca..rse there were so mary

good ca'ld da•es: Mm1f1e sa1d \"Everyore

pulled theH we1gi'J' ar>d brought someti'J rg

differe'l1 to tre table.\"

WithoJ1 the relp of the cammun1'y,

Dance Marathon coJ dn't have ra1sed

$81 143.05. :twas a for •he 1ds through

the Cl, ldrer's M1rac e Ne'wor

\"I• was so movmg to see tl:lat the•e are

so many generoLos people r the S+ .OLoiS

area,· said

Snack Attack

Students share their favorite Superbowl snack.

d s ...., beo se 1 ond

pre bO


HARD WORK PAYS Off· St1rring a solut1on man Erlenmeyer flask.

shows her love for uren(e. \"I love <onstontly leornmg about

how our umverse wo · s, ond the rdeo of d1uovenng somethmg that no

one else hos before seems really <ool, • Wang so1d (photo by 1. Ganze1)

ege'leron ...,._ •v u •

he Rege.,eron Talent Search

5 co.,stde·ed \"•re rotio.,'s o des•

or.a Mas• prestig ot..s scrence and

Motr compel lio'1 for ., gh sc\"lool

se\" ors • Eve·y year 300 students

ore onro1..nced as scholo•s ord

rece ve 2 000 for ti'Jemselves ora

t'ler· school Ths year, ]1..lro Wo'lg

( • 2) created a devrce trot cou d

prov de early worn rg rnforf'1o1 on

obo1.. co•d ovoscJ or drseose t'le

umber one leoa ng coJse of aeo•h

n •he wo· d earnrng her •he ti'le of

Regenero'l Sc ere e T oiE>nl Seorc'l


'v\\y •e rrque 1..se~ op• co

M CfO OV lies OS S'TlOII OS 0 1 and at

hurr>o'l orr o cant ruously o rto•

blood pulse shape, Wo'lg sord.

Thrs 'lew se'lsrng tech'lO ogy con


help us run real 1rme pulse-wovE'

O'lO ysrs for t'1e oredrc•ron of

co•drovosc .. lor ns s

Her success corre lrorT' f'lony

'1ours of rora WO' Wong sto· ed

thiS P'O eC I OVer 0 year 0g0 Wll'1 re•

ob a• Wosh,ngton Jn versrly in S•.


\"I• was owesof'le to know that

OJ' lob's hard war was poyr'lg olf,\"

Wo.,g ad

Wong has war ed at •re ob

for fo r yeo•s. Thro-.~ghal.t •hs trme,

s'1e has go red s r is that she w II

eep for t'1e rest o1 her I fe.

Do ng reseo·< has loJght me

o I about dedrto' on po'r nc

and •eorr.wo Wong so d

[Tt>ese] ore irrportont ~ Is lor any

co•eer tho' I end uP PU'~u·ng •

• • tng 1



An in-depth look at the award winning

and outstanding students at Ladue.


e MANY Colors of Success

Debaters daf''t always

coMpete agat'lS' oppo'lenls st!l rg

across f•orr them, Hole Masa 1

11 ') 01 via Ltu ( 1 1) and Srelet

Par (9) deba•ed teaMs from 17

d fferent co1..1rtnes to la'ld a spot t'l

the top 32 .r the l'l•er'lahonal Poltcy

P~,bltc ForuM compel !ton

\"The IPPF board dec des on o

•esolu•ton fo• the year, and schools

rrom al across the world can sJbm I

an essay arfnM rg o· r.ega!i'lg the

•esolut on.\" Masak satd \"It's kind

of hi<e subiT'i11

tng an app tcalio'l


Ar~ ts o way to express oneself

ard Xuarlon Nmg s crea1tv ty

earned 1->er a place al the Yourg

Ar1tsls Showcase fealu• ng 1->tgh

school st.Jderls She was one of

125 stt..dents accepted to d splay

then arlwor

\"I drew I!Jts ptclu•e fo• a c ass

·o,ecl • ing said \"I spe.,, three or

ur wee s tn doss on 11 and too tl

!Jo'T'e whe'l I hod ext•a 1tMe •

Ning spe., most of he• time

Once yoi.J qJal fy, you're pt..l t'l1o a

debate wtlt) onot!'!er school and use

sources to support your argumerl

Masa 1 L u and Par a•e proud

of !->ow far they advarc ed They

plan to do ,~ ago r rexl yea• USt'lg

this year s expe• ence to further


\"We dtdn 1 now we would

qJalify and wt)en we did, we 1usl

wonted to ge as fa as we cou d

Mosakt satd T!Jts 1s lt)e fi.Jrthest any

Ladue teo~ !->as gone and 11 was

·eal y coo to know tho'.

pe•fectmg tl->e Itt e de•a Is tho went

mto this ptc•ure lr ad i

1ton to her

ow'l deas, she exphns tho• he•

mom 'lad sor1e mflue'lce

\"fvery class I had a d ffe•enl

dea I I e to odd d rre•enl styles

rto one tht<Jg ng sad I

·emembered my mom told Me that a

g rl should have mner beauty as

well as o beaut lui face ard I

tl->ought abat..l ft)a' wh e draw ng

1'1Stde my face

\"THIS COLOR de ebeo ts he


Signing Off on aStudents share their alternative activities due to the cancellation of Winter Formal Feb. 10.


and strll get

toget er weanng therr dresses and corsages (phc o

CDIIIfeSy of O'u} 2. UTE I GilTS ACK. A group of

students gather lor droner rosteod of gorog to the

formal lhe nrght was fun because we all dressed up

and made the best of rt, • so d (phcto

courtesy of N Walr e) 3. NEO LIGHTS

and pose rn theu dresses ot droner.

• o concellotron could stop us from hovrog o goo

hme; Tyrell sotd. (photo courtesy of D Kennedy!

__ __;,c.;:::.:.:'--'WEEK 24F£ tro

'1&1-.L!--•-- 11-: •• __ : ....


UTURE Students who signed on for college athletics share

the personal significance of the signing ceremony.

Adding a sport or octiv1ty on top of

rigorous covrses, parent expectations and

the ever loom ng future may sound

dountmg, but for the students signing for

athletics n college, sports were the step

they needed to propel them into the

fJture The athletic srgning ceremony Feb.

7 ce ebroted these students.

\"The ceremony was important to me

because it was a culm notion of all my

hard work.\" said.

\"[I was] tokrng my next step towards my goal.\"

\"Lots of people come, ke parents,

grandparents, friends, oil to support us.\"

Present said. \"What was really cool was

that each coach hod a speech they gave

about every athlete s1gning.\"

The coaches reflected on how the

students hove grown from sports at Lodve

Athlete , who s gned for

football, IS 1mmensely grateful for this


Gunther was one of the senior

othle•es at the s1gn ng ceremony along

with . Both en1oyed

the ceremony and the s1..pport from friends

and family who attended

\"Going to high school at Ladue will

always be the most mpocting, eye

opemng and avera! omoztng experience

of my I fe, • Hensley so d. \"It has allowed

me to surround myself with people who

hove morphed me mto the student athlete

I om today.\"

1. IT\"S A SIGN All the senior athletes sign their contracts to play

sports m college The srgnmg ceremony look place Feb. 7 ·on the

sigmng day I felt complete; said. ·From workmg

out, to practicing, to studying, it makes me so grateful lor oil the

opporlumties I hove been grven.' 2. ON TRACK TO COLLEGE: Pen

ready, prepares to sign his contract lor cross country

wrth Washington Unrversity. •[The signing] wos special because rl

wos the first lime it really dawned on me thatthrs is really

happening; Cobin said 3. SPEAK UP Tolkmg about the graduating

athletes, shores his gratitude lor their lime of

Ladue. Several coaches come to support their athletes ond wish

them farewell wrth o speech. 4. BRIGHT FUTURES: Listenmg to

speeches from the11 coaches, , Hensley ond

porlicipote in the signing ceremony ·one thing

l'lltoke owoy from sports of Ladue is ony chance you gelrn lrfe you

galla toke, because [rt] might not come back oround agam;

Gunther said. 5. LIVING TH ROUGH LAUGHTER: Watching his lnends

complete their signing ceremony, stands to

show his congratulalions. 6. SERVING FOR SCHOOLS: Smrling

toward the audience. signs a contract wrth Case

Western University ·u was realty nice Ia see my friends and coach

come out to watch me commit to playmg college athletics; Umen

sord. 7. ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE Cheering lor their football

teammates, ond gel

excited for the11 hrend's future. •t went to support my teammates,

we ore like family; Meeks said. ·with srgning day being as big of a

deal as it is, it wos only right for me to go support my guys.' (a\"

photos by M. Ward)

Living la

A ynrr::-

President describes her

emotion when her a capella group won /CHSA.

Wl.ot was you n a •eoc• on

when they f sf on·oun~ed you wrnner?

Annie McNutt I was such shoe'

be reve \" my grr I 00% b\"l new we

were up agar nsf sOI'le other On'OZ rg

9 vups was so proud w en I heard

o r oome a ed

Before the per o \"lance w ot wos

the avera en gye

AM Tho energy rr •he group wos

omoz ng We were there not ustto

s g b Ito 9 ve on exc I ·g

perfc>r'Tlon e and •ee I <e our ene gy

s what ~e ped s w n

Wl.ot s yo favor e pc\"1 c 1 V vo?

AM: My fovorr e pmt rs ber g surrounded

by such suppo I ve .:md I:Jiented lodes

The bond we hove c•eorerl thr:> gh

reh so ond ol .:>f ou hard wor eo y

s ows on ood off the stage ord •hot s l'lV

l,vor te par f tf>e group

HIS COLOR de\"' bes bee.;, se 1 rna es rT'e feel worm


Varied JIUU\"'\") ),are haw they spent Valentine's Day.

Wo rg through tf.e hal s '' is

unsurpr1s ng to see studerts of d f~e•enl

races, speo mg fo•e1g'l a'lgJages or

proudly d splaymg relig1ous symbols This

nd o~ cultural

•1 performed w1th

Spar le at a

bas etboll ga'Tle and

tf-.e., got ce cream

w •h the other Spa k e


and cultures w•thout ac'L.ally trove ng to

other countries:


w~ le 0 ot of students par1icipoted

to celebrate

dtvers1ty was

ce ebrated

dL.ring t~Je week

of Feb. l l also

Since I can't travel right now,

international week is a good way

for me to learn about other

tiJei• own

culture some

partie pated to

showc ose the

cui 1L.res they

were taught

'lown as


Wee In

odd lion, the



countries, languages, and cultures

without actually traveling to about.

other countries. ' Members of

German Horor

teacf>ers foci! toted various everts such as

he Parade of Not ors and 1re

C.J mary Sample•

·s rc.e I cant trove right 'lOw,


ionol Wee sa good way for rre

to learn aboJ1 other counlnes, torguages

Society, I e

took pa•t in

the celebrol1on m order to spread ti-Jeir

ove o~ Gerrna'l culture

• t ts a •eally good way to get

nvolved and teoc f. more people about

Germer cultJ•e, • Cunm'lg'lam so d


I. OVEN OVERlOAD: Tummg on lhe OYel, e

gel ready to cook theu food. The grrls pllriJOPOted rn the culinary som~er for therr

longuoge honor soaety (p/!Gto by 0 Folaka) 2. COOl CUlTURE Posmg lor o

prcture, multrple students show off then E1h10p10n hentage. Students from vonous

boc grounds portlapoted. (photo by N Kafishmon) 3. GERMAN GALS Working

together, and e Go wor on German

cu111ne Cunnrnghom IS a boord member of German Honor Sorely and spent the

summe1 111 germany 1he culinary sampler IS my favonte bemuse all the honol

soaetres get to work together; Cunnrnghom sood. (photo by O.Fa/c o} 4 FRE CH

FRIENDS: Cooperotmg, F e 11 and So 12 war on therr French

food. • My lovonte port of cook1ng wos mo mg the crepes,· li sood. 'I md of

exploded the buner m lhe miUowave, but other than thot, It went preny well. •

(photo by 0 Faloko] 5. PROJEG POSE Showing off theirS tzerllrnd di~oy,

and onend mternolionof day. Students m

each language doss made a d'rsploy. (pho o by N Kolishmon) 6. FU~NY ANO

FRl CH: loughmg, and E 11 finish st10ng fruit. The

fruit wos topprngs for aepes. (photo by 0 folo o)


explaws h1s experience

winning first at the annual

Brain Bee.

Rambler: What 1s the Bra~ Bee?

A B•oin Bee IS

just ike a spelling or geog•ophy

bee, except t!'!e subject molter is

the bran. It's mode up of a writ•en

ord oro! round witi'J the lop 1 0

f•o'T' the former odvonc rg to

the Iotter

R: 1-iow do you prepare?

I study textbooks. They hove

recommended one •hot I read a

lot called \"Brain Facts\"

R: What is yot..r favorite port?

My fovorr e po<~ was

exomin rg real human and sheep

brains, and the food of course.

R: What was the hardest port?

The hordes• port was trying

not to foil It's rorder than peopre

thin 1+ is

R: What d d I feel I! e wi'Jen

yot.. won?

It felt g•eot I go' second

place ost year, sort's always

good to rmprove


Dosu uu11u~r shares why he

donated blood to the Red Cross Feb 13

de ibe$ me beco $1! 1

\"I wonted to do

ol least once It

real y helps

the comMuni•y •

of and


Turning the

Performers reflect on how they handled the pit flooding the day before opening the musical.

The show m<.~s• go on become the motto

odop•ed for those involved w1th the spnng

r\"'USicol when Ire orcl)eslro p11 flooded Feb.

2' the day before

The p11 hod flooded before, so they new how to

clean il ord trust that everytl) ng wo.J d wo• out

\"The p t flooding was a Sllrprise but i was not

the f1•sl I me thiS rod

opemrg night.

S uderts wor ed ''The pit flooding was a urprise, but it wa

hard to recover from not the first time this had happened to u

the issue, and

f oppened to us so we

ere pretty well

p epa red • Tori


though they d d not o we were pretty well prepared.''

hove a f nol dress -Tori Campo (10)

Despite the

setboc . Ire actors felt

good obov the r rel)eorsol, pvltre

show on the next mgH.

\"Ovr f nol rehearsal was canceled;

Bradford Siwo ( l 0) so d \"That was st•essfvl,

w1th most of •he stress folmg on [technicians] •

Most students hove expenenced a cris1s

before a show and were ready to rand e it


1. BRUSHI~G UP Fmtshmg her pro1ec1, Rt &f

0 rtmo (9) uses purple pamt to fill tn the stencil

The stencil murors different types ofluongles and

the r forms when they come toget er. 2. A PAl liNG

HAND Askmg for help on her protect, Li ton

Sheley (10) shows her wor to her teocher, Charles

Hamson. 'I like makmg sure I am on trark and domg

the prorec correctly,' Sheley satd. 3. SHHR FOCUS:

Holding hts slencil m place, Wosihun Gemo (10)

wor s on brush ng ' m usmg orange pomt He us •

the some slencil as Obertma, but to es a dtfferer t

approach to rl (all photos by J Gonz81

pre parol or. Due to th1s, open1ng mgrt was st1ll o

success for •hem.

\"I a•tended rerearsol almost everyday unt

5:00, • L1 lion Sheley ( l 0) sad • also practiced a

lot outside o{ school and lr ed to get to row my

character thro.Jgh research and tal ing •o Pee a.\"

Airbrush students

work on their recent

project Feb. 23.


2. UNCONVENIIO Al LOVE SONG Serenodmg the moon, Fesler,

played by Gobe Deck (12) srls wrlh ancestors. The ancestors ore

played by Rebecca Cunmnghom (11 ), Elena Bochert (I'), Isabelle

Edwards (10), Madalyn Abady (10) and R•ley Mo zun (12) (photo

courtesy of Sue ltsrh photography)

I. TERRIFIC TANGO Al!er fmrshmg then donee, Ton Compos (10) and Ron

Werss (9) strike a pose Compos portrayed Mortrcio, whrle Ron ployed

Gomez, MochCio's husband. 3. CRAZY IN LOVE Algumg over who IS crozrer,

Wednesday Addams, played by U 1 Sheley (10), argues wllh Lucas Berne e,

played by Dov•d Ste ner (

1 1 ). 4. FAMILY BONDING The entue fomrly gathers

outs•de to smg the openmg number about whorrl means to be on Addams.

Deck, Compos. Werss, Sheley, Luke Mrnkler (11), Bra \"'' 10) and

Allrson Reo (1 0) were all pori of the mom Addams I ani y 5. Of' TO THE

ADDAMS HOUSE: On then woy lo dinner w rh the Addr Sle<<er 11 s hrs

~~li~ parents lor a normal drnner w•lh hrs w le to be, Wednesday H•s mol er, Alrce

~ Beneke was played by Korre Bohnert (12), and hrs lather, Mol Bemeke was

all!.itjlillli.i played by Will Carr (11). (al/phctoscourtesyoiSue!eslhphotography)


Students discuss why they

participated in the gun

control protest Feb. 23.

wa the

com~ 1y Ia come

together a1d usl

core fa each olrer

so ro one ever fe

pushed or b~l ed o

o po rl w~ere they

ro anger lee! safe a•


V ctor a Neal ( 10)


Megan Present (12) competes

with Catering Connections to make

S'mores against Clayton Feb. 19.

Ramb How d rd you get involved wtth

Co e ng Connectrons?

Megan Present: I got rnvolved this year.

Cf e Do on said she was storttng a new club

and as ed rre j( I wonted to jot'l I q11 c y

repled yes, which led to her osstgn ng me

presrdent of the club.

R What ingredients did you use?

MP: The f rst one O'l Jox news we used

chocolate and caramel to mo e a s Mores

CLp fi ed with the chaco ale and graharT'

c rae er crumbs Then we topped II WI r fresh

raspberr es. l=or the second event we made

French S' more macaroons

What do you en1oy abou coo ng and


MP: love to coo and ba e and I figured

would be a great opportunity to earn more

about ba rng and what Ita es to plan and

orgonrze events to feed 1 000 peop e. I love

1o volunteer ard g vi'lg bac and he prng OLI

the Rur ard Run S'rT'ore orgorrzotron

Have you volunteered for thrs before?

MP: I rave not volunteered for this before

however Chef Dalto'l and her culinary class

with some volunteers drd thrs last year

t pa cpa ed t e

prot s beca e I

wanted to be aparl

of •he change tho•

we need o se :1

;;).. dec ded beca se I

~ · lee! stro g y about

•re top•c and a\"e of

My be • fr erds was

offec'ed by e

~lor do sroo rg

pa t c ored beca .e

ad ts ore roo nove

to rea ze how to I x

rh p obem

Dylan Stern (9)

se eo whee


Freshman travel to Mizzou and Jefferson City to gain

information about college and the overall process.

Touring college campuses o!ld

becoming now edgeoble of the

opplica•ion process becof'les a ce~trol

aspect of upperclassmen s I ves Th1s

year tre odministrohon rourneyed the

fresf.men O'l a doy-lo'lg 1rip to •he

U'11vers1ty of M1ssou• ord Jefferson

City tn hopes of teaching !rem more

about these processes

• went to MIZZO\\J where we

lo!.lred the bas etbol arena and the

campus !self.\" om'Ror Jones !9) satd

\"I learned about how good of a schoo

Mizzou is and wrot steps to to e to

get accepted he<e.\"

The trip proved to be extremely

edJcotionol and l'llormotional for

students, mch,d ng Jones In odd lion,

Jones en oyed the Itt e things IIJe

school :.~, lt rio lhei• schedule

for omuseme'l1

e go• o loo a• the new

arena on s sod We also got •o

wa 0'11

0 t e bas e ball co<.~•l

Wol ng on l!'!e bas elba c our!

and ~ee1'lg whe e s'~.odent o•hlet s ploy


e CO'Ttng

y e t g pa of he

e mg ti'J

oro sy bol

• I

Prepping, Taking CING I 0~ ~you IO


very '19 wh e

nder a • m 1 ~o

1 ~ prelly hard



I. LAUGHING AT SCHOOL Enjoymg the nice weather,

Clayton Koons (9), Mrtchell Holtrop (9) and Donrelle

Budner (9) srt outsrde on Mrzzou's com pus. Ourmg the

tup, students were able to walk along campus ond v1ew

buildings such os Cornell Hall. (photo by M. Kerner) 2. TIME

TO PLAY BAll: After taking o group picture m the

unrversrty's gymnos1um, Lauren Pesce (9), {orolrne

Powell (9) ond Sydney Cl100on (9) Iough. According to

Kom'Ron Jones (9), seerng the gym allowed students to

grasp o feel of what 11 would feell1ke to be o student ot

Mmou. (phDto by M Kerner) 3. COLlEGE BOUND Holdmg

up her rnformot1onol pocket given duung a seminar, Taira

Warticovschi (9) sm1les ond shores her jOy for the school.

Touung the campus was o pos1trve expeuence for

Warhcovsch1 because 11 taught her how seuous college is

ond how she con begm prepoung os o freshmen. (photo by

Mo//01y Word)

A Note-Worthy

l~ri I

is a trumpet

player n the

jazz band and

en1oys the

overall effort

everyone has

put into this



Students invol'led in the jazz

band performed an annual

winter concert March I

\"I enjoy

jazz out of all

the stuff we play

[because] yoll

can add yollr own

style to jazz,·

Gales sord. \"There

is a lot of pr de

that 1s put nto our

1azz concert.·


4. YOUNG RECORDER Loughrng rn

o re<arding room, Dorothy

Lochmoeller (9) looks over to her

fuends. Students were oble to

look ot where reporters osk

athletes questions ond witness

where the coverage of games

occurs. (photo by M. Kerner)


Wolkrng towards the columns, o

group of freshmen begin sitting on

the bottom ond enjoyrng the

weather. \"The columns gave off o

great vi be; Worhcovsch1 said.

(photo by M. Kerner)

You Make This?

UHOP CHOP· Wor rng on the

leg of o table. Somuel

Gallemore (9) cuts creases into

the bottom. (photo by 0 Lettau)

2. SAND DOWN Sanding the

foot of o table. Maxwell

Rendleman (9) perfects o p1ece

of furn1ture . (phDto by D. Lettau)

3. CARVE AWAY: Corvrng rnto

the leg, Lev1 Dyson (12} lightly

creates creases. (phDto by

f. fweH)

e of blue ond green ond


------'-'---i DIVIDER



STANDING STRONG In t eu ready pasrhons, the football team prepares far the hamecamrng

game on Oct. 7. \"Our teom is very close,· soid. \"We yell for each

other on the s1delrne and make sure everyone has theu heads up if we are down. We always

make sure there rs a 'next play' mentality to keep each other gorng • (photo by B. Hut;e)


Living in the


JV player Mel

Woodson (9) gets

put in varsity games.


1. RAIN WO 'I STOP US Guordmg Andrew H (11) from of Untverstly City,

Jordan Joe n (12) toes to tat le hrs opponent Event though 11 was rammg throughout the

game, Ladue defeated he other teom wrt a score of 4~. (phQto by B. Howe) 2. SOARING PlAY

Eymg t e bo I that PJ He ey ( 12) throW\\, Jason Garland ( 11) tues to catch rt before

from Webster Groves mtercepts. Hensley rs Ladue's ktcker (photo by Nt Ward)

3. LEADING US TO IHE PROMISED lAND. After then wm agamst Hrllsborough, BtBuchannon ( 12)

congratulates Moses 0 palo (11) on o JOb well done Thts w n advanced Ladue to the semifinals.

(p/rotobyM Ward) 4. ll·STRONG AI er the stole game, Matt AI en (12), along wtth the rest of

the teom, comforts 8 the loss This wos Ladue's second trme at the stole

chompronshrps. (photo by AI. 1'1 rdJ 5. RAM PRIDE. The vo~tly team emerges from then locker

room, wav ng a \"Ladue Roms· f tg At t ~ g nnrng of every run through, DeMonn Martm (12)

drd a hac flrp. (photo by AI. Word) 6. READY, SET, HIKE· Wotttng for the whtstle that rndicates the

stort oft e ploy, vorsrty members get set dunng the game ogamst SLUH. In the end, Lodue won

agomst SLUH wrtb o score of 24-14. \"Our wm ogomst SLUH was a great motivator lor the rest of

the season,· Lombte sa rd. \"It he ped us believe we con go far.· (photo by Nt. Ward) 7. PUSH 'EM

BAC Push ng hrs opponent from Webster Groves, Cameron Mee s (12)

strengthens defense. Thrs game wos Sept. 1 (photo by AI. Ward)

Dale Chesson (11) scored three

touchdowns to secure Ladue's

first win against SLUH Aug. 26.

Rambler: Who u;:, gotr.g gh fJu

mmd as you scored tre loJcrdowns?

Dale Chesson: Fa• the fr•st touchdown, I

was happy •hat we were now two scores up

On tre second ore I was even more

confrdent bJI I new that we shouldr't be

sol sf ed because onyth Pg gore wrong i'l

our favor cou'd crange morreniLrm.

R: What happe'led next?

DC: Sure enot..gh they scored two

toucrdowns Then, I sco•ed in the fourth

quarter I was re ieved bJI also alert that they

could come bac , so I wos!'l'l satislied fully

u'l1il •he game was over.


n hrs fi·s• year of high school football, Me Woodson (9) p 0

alo'lgs de ,.,., ors and sen ors in varsrty football games Thrs year

Woodson played as a runrmg bac

• I rs on O'TIOZing e penence to play football at [ti-re va•~ ty;

revel • Woodso'l sord. • I ras grven me an idea on what varsr'y

football s li e and who• to expect these nex• th•ee years.\"

Altl-ro<Jgh Woodson ts one olthe youngest players or the teo

he does not feel overwhelmed H s teammates and coaches supp

h m th•oJghoJt the seaso\"

\"Our coaches always prepare us to the best of thetr abtl Ire

Woodson sa·d \"[Playing O'l varsrty]ts •he rpost ft..n I've tJod \"my

A KIC~ of Color

P He y '12. shores hrs Ill'S on krckmg the ball.

''When kicking,

always, keep

your head down

and swing fast ''

with your leg.

-PJ Hen ey( 12,


Football makes it to state for

the first time since 2003.

The buzzer signaling halftime blasted, with game the capta1ns and coaches made s1.1re

LadL.e ahead of Parkway Central at the everyone was prepared to to e on thei• h ghlysemlfinals game, 10-8. The crowd erupted 1nto seated competitor

cheer, chant ng \"I be'1eve that we wi I w•nl I . \"We studied, stud ed stud1ed and then

bel1eve that we will win! I bel eve tho• we wi I studied some mare,· Corter LaMbie ( 12) said.

wm!\" And that s exactly '' \"We pract1ced our game

what we did-win 31- I felt proud that the plans, and come Fnday

14, advanctng to the 1 · 1 · we executed the

state finals for the first team was eavtng a asttng gameplan far the victory.

time since 2003 Even legacy on the school.'' The team was

though th~ team lost -M tt All ( l 2) confident throughout the

14-0 aga1nst Webb O en game, but especially after

C1ty at the state game, the •eal v·ctory wast e halftime. Came•o'1 Meeks ( 1 2) scored a

team work1ng together to ma e 11 that far. touchdown 1n the fo~,;rth quarter, sec • .n ng

\"I knew we came together as a team and their wm.

played to OL.r potential.\" Mat• AI en (' 2) sad \"It lei great to finally take that last step we

\"I fe t proud that the team was leaving a lasting had been soc ose to getting three of the post

legacy on the school.\" four years.\" Meeks sad \"It was an even better

The team pract1ced for hours after school feeling to see the sm1 es on my teammates' and

each day to carry out a vic ory Prior to the coaches faces.\"

d sc. bes me bec..:z se I s a good color f

!I pages


And the .

lS ...

Even Cheerleaders


Vars·ty chee capta·ns discuss their evo v·ng role as leaders in the seaso

Do'lc ng chee• rg sturting and

pvmpmg up the crowd ore all in day s

wor for a chee•leode• but fans only see

the po shed port of th s wor Vars1ty

cheer cap ams and

were ollo•ted more mf vence

over the team th1s year and wor ed 1n and

o.J• of proct ce to perfect every cho'l•, toss

and I f•.

My fovon•e port of bemg vors1ty

co pta r! ~as been creal rg and performmg

the pep •ally routines.\" lohr said \"It to es a

lol of lime and a lot of teomwor •o put

t~em togetl,er, and I r1 groteft..! to be O'l a

team tho• was ded coted enoug~ to put 1n

lt'!e many hours 11 too to be able to pull off

our performances. •

lohr and Bommer to e 1nsp1rot 0'1 from

post donees and popular music and work

together to l\"losh up songs and formations.

T~ey try to choose moves •o compliment

the1r campi coted s•Lnt roullnes T~en l~ey

spend a h,ll rehearsal •eochn•g the res

I e team. However, Bo'T'mer feels tho•

one of he• most lrT'por•ort jobs 1s mora

especiOIIy around h1gh s•ress •imes

pep roll es

·My favor te port about be1ng a

coplom IS all the d fferenl relot o'ls•ups

I ve bud• w•th eoc~ me'T'ber of the •eo

Boml\"ler sod \"We a e'lco-.~•oged eo

o•her to eep gomg o'ld I of\"l consto

•em nd ng them to hove ft,r •


I. POM POWER: Holdmg her arms m o hrgh V, smrles toward

her ream She per'ormed or the game vs SLUH Aug 26. (plwto by M Word}

2. LOUD AND PROUD· Haldmg our then hands,

and Instruct the freshman ro 'Due It They taught cheers

rhe homecammg pep ra ly (photo by J Gonzet} 3. A BALANCI~G ACT Comrng o

lrfr. falls rnro the wortrng arms of her ream members.

performed rhrs stunt ar the Stare game or the Unrversrty of Mrssouu, Colu

(plroto courtesy of S t ksey} 4. TOGEtHER WE RISE Before the game vs

Groves begrns, cheer proctrces theu new lrfr to show off io be mor

team loves to compere ogarnst eoch ather,·

contests on who could be the loudest, have the best fa exQr ,

routmes, or who could be the sharpest.\" (photo by lrl Wr

to hype up the uowd, cheer performs theu bestlrft orr 1ecor r

Ocr 6. \"We set hrgh stuntmg goals by grvrng the groups more compl

that always seem cholleng ng ot first. but eventually mollvote the guls 1

to hrtthem for the performance; lohr soid. (plwto by J Gonzer} 6. GETTI~G IN

FORMATION Showrng off then new donee routme, cheer performs ot Blue and Whrte

Nrght Oct 6. The cheerleaders try ond bnng a new stunt or routrne to every drllerent

pep rally or spmt even: (p/wto by M. Ward}

Spotlight o

JV captain G

reveals the best parts and challenges

of being team captain.

Rambl How do you 1nsp re spin•?

Grace St inback: On my team I a ways try

to tnclude everyone if I wont to odd or

charge somethi'lg •o any c'leers or chants. I

really value my eo<r's rnput dt..ring the

season, tl rna es us more co~es ve and we

bond more as a team

R Whol was yo.;r fovorrle port about be ng

capto n of JV?

GS: I loved getting to really know all of lhe

g rls on the team ord gett rg to leor'l so

rrlich f·om them.

R What was a c11ollenge you hod to

overcome as a leader?

GS: It was really hard fo• rre to swrtch from

being a friend to berng a copto n. During the

season I some1imes hod to be more strrct

and choose the bettermenl of the team versus

goofing around with my friends. This mode us

stronger overall ord I m glad to soy that we

ore stil very close after this season

Bow Down 'Cheer members explain the sigmficance of a few of

To their many bows, accumulating at least eight by senior year.

o es

' Ral\\\\5


G for New Records

o ecou se



'n 7tr grade 101ned the lodJe Middle

School ooss country teorr1, the Mtddle School Milers Al'llost

three years later Clor is rJnn ng sub seventeen m nt.le 5 's,

mo ing h1m one of the fostes' boys on the Ladue cross count·y


• never thought I wo1.ld be one of the top runners or the

team as a sopf>omore • Clor so1d.

Cor s the orly person O'l the cross co~;ntry teorr1 'o go

be ow 17 minutes A so h1s eornmotes ore owed by h1s good

nature and dedicot1on to tl,e sport

\"He is very hc~mble and even though he is our fastest

runner, he neve• brags about 11 or 1ries to put anyone down,\"


T a reach success, Clor to es proc•ice very se• ously and

partie po'es •n st.mmer wor outs to improve befo•e the season

In odd11

ion to t-a s hard wor , Cia• leans on his family fne'lds

and coocf>es for suppo•t to becorr1e on even better runner.

\"My fom ly and fr ends ore always •he·e to ct-aeer me on

and l1f me up: Clor so1d. \"They hove been really suppo•ltve

and I t-aove great coaches.\"

Getting the

Ladue athletes receive awards at the district me

for placing individually and as a team Oct.l

ladue uoss country athletes ond wool pa11ently to tecem

owo1ds lot d1stmts. Mortm Je(eoved 29th ploce ond Wosse1st1am too 25th place (photo fly


Working at the -- AR /\\/ A~H

Cross country athletes work at annual cor wash Aug. 26 to raise money for their season.

1. TEAMWORK IS THE DREAMWORK. Workmg hord, ond wosh o red Jeep for the ClOSS country cor wosh

Adg 26. \"'he best po~ of cross country rs the brotherhood thot the team forms rhroughout the seoson, • Fro110 so rd. 2. SOAPING IN SHADES:

With sunglasses an, woshes o customer's wrndshield. Both the boys ond girls teems hand woshed cors for the event. •My

fcvorrte port of the cor wash wos probably oil the bonding the teom did during the doy os we grew closer.· Kittner soid. (all photos by M.Ward)

1. READY SET RACE: Running post therr competrtron, ond

toke off for o roce ot the Border Wors meet Od.

'3.lodue raced ogornst teoms such os Chominode ond Undbergh. (photo

prov;ded by R. Witt) 2. HUNGRY FOR AJR: With his honds above his head.

tokes a breather after o roce. Jokrelo pushed herd to

break his personal Sk record of 21 :16. ·1 cool down after o big race by

tokr g o quick jog wrth the teem end listenrng to mu11c.· Jokielo sord.

3. STRIDING TO TilE FINISH With motrvotron, pushes

hrmself os he comes to to the condusron of the roce Oct. 13 ot the Border

Wors meet. With Uberty student coming up behrnd

hrm. Fiocco pushed hrmself to the finish me. 4. FlYING FEET: Keeprng

poce. breathes deeply os he tockles the course ot McNair

Pork Od.7 Poge rs one of the mony freshmen on the young Closs country

teom. ·Berng on the cross country teom is greet. Everyone rs so nice. As o

freshmen, the teom is fun ond lloo forw01d to seeing myself rmprove tfie

rest of my four yeors: Page said. 5. FIGHT TO THE FINISH: Tokmg strrdes,

fighn to keep in front of opponent runner

from Rock Brrdge High School. Stergios spnnted towards

the finilh line rn hopes of gettrng o new persono1record. (photos by M


Prep Time

Cross cou try at

the race by unw n

Friendly Running

[ross lUU r c w 11)

s spec a/ abou cross co try to h m as an

Cross country is

unique because

although we run

as individuals,

we still score as a

team, so we can't

let our teammates

down. '

descr bes m because I , e ro be o •s.de and carT'p ng

andswur ngS<.l sa ombnol ·~ 'h


Setting the Record


I. PEPPING AND PREPPING: Wmllng for the Ch~e Pepper Meet to stort, Lr1o Bensky (11) leods a pep to! w1th Grac

Hensley (9), lena uong (10) ond Anno Zheng (12). \"Everyone is so nice ond encourogmg.l never went one procllce

or meet w1thout hovmg o greot lime; Hensley said. (photo by M. Ward) 2. TEAM BONDING: Warming up for the

district meet, Hensley. Zheng, Courtney Chnst {11) and Kayto Gheorghran (9) g1ve each other positive

support. \"[I got mto cross country because] I wonted to get fit and be o port of o different and new sport

for my lost year of h1gh school; Zheng said \"I've created relot10nsh,ps that contmue even alter the season

is over.\" (phota by M Ward) 3. MOTIVATING THE HAM: Coach Matt Strayhorn gives the team a pep talk

before they compete in the Parkway Central meet. \"Th1s cross country season was great! !love the team

and love being a p01t of something so posit1ve and fun; Co,tlin Cunnmghom (12) said. (photo by L Mmkler)

4. FINISHING STRONG: Competmg, Rose Cough! n (11) mer eases her speed as she finishes the course at

Porkwoy Central. (photo by L Mm lei) 5. TAKING THE LEAD: liang posses o competitor as she 1ogs through

he distncts course at Koch Pork. (photo by C Alislo) 6. RUNNING WITH THE PACK: Gheorghion and Bensky run

amongst the other runners during districts. \"For me, every single race and workout 1n the regular season is

prepormg me for post season and pushmg me towards my goo!,· Bensky soid. (photo by C Ali~o)


As You

Can Go

Here are the girls who have the

fastest personal records for the

2017 5K Run on the team.

23:38 Sanjana Tatikonda, 11



After competing in eight meets, the g rls' cross

cour' y teom cone uded their season by q1..alifying

lor state One foetor trol he ped them get to state

as working on the1r personal records.

w Our season was successfu and fun,\" captain

Maaya'l Gaz t ( 12) said \"I think most of us


eved oJr personal goa s as runners and both

JV and Va•s1ty placed [a( most of the meets.\"

Gaz1t has been running cross country since

t<eshman year She attributes her success n

breaking her personal record to her runn ng


1 PR ed at almost eve•y meet thanks to my

unnirg buddies,\" Gazit said \"The team dynamic

was so great this year, I couldn't as for a more

s .. ppc•t ve and determined team \"

Every year, the team has a team sleepover.

To Ar'la F ace o ( 11 :. the team sleepover helps the

•eo grow c oser to each other She bel eves that

•1-e support from her teammates is what makes

c•oss country f1..n

[At the sleepover] we a I play 'chubby

bur'ly' w1th the team spit bucket in the

f\" ddle, Fiacco sad \"[The team s.eepover s] a

wilo'e lo• of fun, and I look forward 1

o 1t each year

A, of the peop•e in my I fe that a ugh with me and

hove shown cont·nJous, 1..ncond tional support r;;n

cross coun•ry Memories and adventures without

my teorrmates wouldn't make cross country the

spa· t s •

F1occo believes that cross country IS not just

ob0u1 roving the fastest times She feels t is more

abOut irrproving on your skills

'lcommg runners should not be to worr,ed

ObOt..' row fast they are,\" Fiacco said \"The sport is

how one ifllproves their own time, not beating

others •

Living through

The girls share their favorite team traditions during the season.

\"Dunng banquels, we

do best of owords whel8

we h1gh •ghtthe team's

1ns•de to es •

.(leo Do\"s :111

·we do a chant before

we get an rhe starting

tine ar every meet.·

8a lee Koons (12)

•we have team pasta

dmnersthe ntght before

every meet.•

.(a !eiJQng(ll)

\"fot me seniOr meet, we

on,ke posters lor semors

u11ng Iunny ptelures from

me last four years •

·Mogg e loch mae fer \" 1)

Cross Country for ALL

Taymae Mimouni ( 10) shows that religion and sports don't have to be separate.

'' I decided to wear a

hijab because I am

proud to be a

Muslim. I want people to

see that Muslim women are

not oppressed and can do

whatever [they] want tn a

hi jab, even run a SK. ''

-Taymae Mimoun: ( l O)

THIS COLOR de bes me because I m blue do bode rlo bo -:1 e •


Motivational Rams _ Soccer players explain the

s1 · · once of the rom hat

reward. After a game, one

player is ch sen for his efforts

and dubbed player of the game

and gets the hat.

. . . '


Rambler What s your lavonte

part of ploy1rg goalie?

My lavonte part of

p ay 'lg goa e 5 Ira 'ling WI r the

uppe•classme!l and p oy 'lg a• a t·ugher

leve ., prac.llc.e w1 ~ tre Vors ty

R Why did yov dec. de to p1ay socce•?

dec ded to play soccer beca1.se I

war•ed o p oy w I my lr ends O'ld to help •epresent

the .adue team

R Th1s s tre fns' year lad~.e has ever had a freshmen

teaM, now d d you lee your teaM d1d overall?

I feel that once my teof'l came toget'1er and

l1gJred OJI f.ow to ploy w1tf. each o•her we s•orred to

w '1 and we ept w nnmg lor the •egular season

Personally, I feel [ou·] coocf. was o I ••le SJrpnsed (at

how well) OJr teof'l played


I. I 'JIOPPABLE: SaVIng the boll, goohe E t Lore z (12 11oy d1 g the

distnct fmol game Oct. 25. •tr IS o ton of pressure SOVlng the boll and 11 1s all

gone ~eolly lost,· Lorenz so1d. ·u·s hard to descnbe; I honestly cannot

compare rt to onythmg • (p/rcro by .4l Mdton) 2. LET'S GO- As the game

begms, players run I rough theu teammates g ng them h1gh f1ves. Runmng

through theu teammates before the game starts has been o trod1t1on lor the

team ·When we h1gh f1ve before the game It realty helps us as o team get

pumped up to go out and try [our] best fo1 the game: Cameron Sre '11)

so1d. (photo by B. !Wwe) 3. ON THE MOVE Ounng o vors1ty game, on

G e e ( 1 rece1ves the boll • My f1rst msflnct when I hove the boll on my

foot IS to loo around me ond see what my opllons are before rna mg a

deus10n, ·Gallemore sa1d. (photo by (legal) 4. MAKI G A TRAP Ounng the

freshmen game, Adorn Oz m eWJa (9) traps the ballm order to push '' up the

field. Alter bemg down 1.() or hall, Oz1mk1ew,cz mode the goal w 1ch lied r

go me. (p/rcto by ( Alisi


Tf·e boy s soccer team r<1anaged to secure ~et•

stx ~ d s•r ct w1n agat'lS' Cloyta'l on Oct 25 desptle

a strJgg e 'l'fey faced durtng the seasor Toward tl'fe

erd of t'le soccer seasor, the team was forced to

lorle t soMe of the go'T'es due •o the soJspenston of


the bark af he f1eld, (

I ( 1) throws the ball all the

way ta the front to h•s teammates

At the end af the game ago nst

Ttmberlond h1gh sthool, To or was

g\"en player of the game far h1s

performance on the f1eld (pho o IJy

M. 1Ddrmoe6er) 6. BREA AWAY

Battling for the ball, G •

Powe 11) races down the f~eld

ogomst o Farmmgton opponent

'When trymg to w1n o ball durmg

a game, I thm what ts mast

Important IS how I posttlon my

body and gtve myself a chance to

not only wm the ball, but keep

possesSion and fmd one of my

teammates, • Powell satd (photo

by B. Hcwe)

' My favorite

part of var ity

wa the higher

competition level,

but honestly I wa

ju t grateful to be

called up.

long 80 minutes, S o e Vo e t 1 shot the

wtn'l ng goal Cobin felt elated when Valentino shot

the winnt'lg goal, now·ng t Mea'l l'fe won hts ftnal

soccer dist· ct

\"I was really excited t s always a great

'\"O'Tl rrerrbe•s

Desp •e re loss of

bel eves

the teo'Tl p c ed up

and ept go !'lg on

he r rood o stole

''We ju t tuck to our game plan, and had

orne player tep in and fill the gap of

tho e mi ing player . I encouraged people

to keep working hard, and [reminded

expe• ence but thts year

feh even be•ter because

we reo y had 1o war for

! ·Cob r sad

rven tho~.gh thts was

Cob r s as' d stnct game

lor o• o P t •hs

was O'l y i\"t s second

dts•nct w1n Pitts felt tf.e

seoso'l s stroJggle was

We 1ust stJc to

Ol. gorre plan and

them] that the ea on i not over. ''

we hod sorre players really step 1n and I l•f.e gaps

of those rrtss rg ploye•s I encouraged people to

eep wo• rg hard a'ld [•eJTlt'lded !he'll] that the

season s rot over • Cob n sa d

Fa· t~e dtst· ct fro most ol the artgtnal•eol\"1

rod retv'led boc Ia the I eld ready to ptoy Alter 0

dtff edt, bu• the eam overcame t 1n or er to w1n

dtstncts, ma t'lg •rei bond stronger

\"We becafYle c oser as a •eal\"1 and poJsred

ourselves to war ra•der In procttce a'ld 1'1 •he

games • Pi•ts satd Whe'l (Valert~no] scored 1


felt unreal •


s T u c K ~~ sand Players describe the most difficult challenge they faced during the season.

Living at the

Rambler takes a closer look at the two freshman members of varsity.

Bye• ran ed 15th r md1v1dual results ~or Girl's Golf

c_loss two, d1stric' two

Byer has played golf for three years

Thrs was Byer s f rst year playmg golf for Lodt.e

Byer placed 90th at districts

\"I rove p1aymg for Ladue beca~,;se al of the g rls are

so r~ ce and we ol have a great time together. I am

also a I about school spr'll, so I ave representing LadJe

in any way I can.\"

Claney ran ed 21st n individual rest.lts far Girl's Golf

class two, dist• ct wo

Claney has p ayed golf for fot.r years

... hrs was Caney's firs! year playtng golf for Ladt.e

Claney placed 96th al conference.

Cloney placed 94th at dislncts.

\"My favori'e part about p ay•ng for the Ladue team s

gett rg to play o her courses arour~d the St lot..is area

and being able to part c1pate as a team •

I. SWINGING GOOD TIME. Worchmg her hall fly off the lee,

follows through on her sw1ng \"I like the compe!l!lon

[of gol~ n the sense that even hough 11 ts an mdrVJdual sport, you're

stdl part of a team: Cedergreen so1d \"You get to experrence team

bondmg on odd1t10n to meeting new people durrng matches and

tournaments.\" 2. CLUB CHAT Tolkmg m between holes,

and diScuss wluch dub to use \"Vilthm a

few weeks of meeting each other our team ms antly drcked. • Fox said

·we always crocked rakes and encouraged each other an the course

and In practiCes. We respected each at er and that wos the key to

hDVlng the best golf team • 3. I THE ZO E Preporrng to place her

boll, Horrrs stud1es the way the green curves Thrs determmed her aim

and how much powers e put behrnd the putt 4. HOLE I 0 E At the

tournament agomst Webster Sept. 18, focuses on her

I nol putt. Ladue won the Webster tournament w1th a score of 18().

203 5. 0 PAR. Frntshrng her swmg w t a strong allow through,

competes at the Webs ertoumoment. \"[lhrs season

was] unforgettable because 11 was my hrst year ploymg hrgh school

golf; (Ioney sord \"I feel proud of myself lor what I hove

accomplish d.\" ( pho as by UfiSIO)



And the V ~ is ... The team reveals their picks far various superlatives.

Likely to Win a Rap Battle

cor I ploy •he best mus c Even

w e 01 l\"lOiches lo gel everyo e

oosc ond ex led I wo d s ng

•le serps cl•he f nny songs •

Kaycee • e I 2,

Looks Good After a Long Practice


oe the course I weor co orlu

ls ond do nry nee oces to

proc• ce wh c' <eeps me

ook ng sty! s •

-..-L.---l-...'-11! Chorlolle Fox I' 2)

Team Bonds

Girls golf team grows closer while

o...;.._.;;.._____,;,_~----\"\"~- attending tournament in Farmington.

After a compet·tive match against Clayton, the girls golf team Wild Wings and late< getting ice cream.

wanted nothing more than to go home and rest. However, this \"We were together the entire time, other than the actt.a

wat. d not be poss,bte for four members of the vars,ty team, toJrnament, so we just gat to know each other better We rode in


he same car stayed in the same room, a e

, and ' , who It was a nice way to become together and ran on the same schedule,\"

IC'lmedrately had to leave for the closer, not ,·ust as teammates, Cedergreen satd \"It was a niCe way to

Farmtngton Match Play, a brand new become closer, nat 1us1 as teammates, but as


0urnament the team had never attended but as friends as well. friends as well.\"

before DJr ng the match play, each member of

• After ftmshtng the [Clayton] the team indivtdua' y cpmpeted against a

•aurnament, I felt exhausted becat..se to • .Hnaments as• al day and randomly selected opponent from a different school Two of the

you don't rea ly have a break tn between the holes,\" Harr s sad foJr g rls managed to beat thetr competitors n the r match. The g rls

[Bt.•; was defin tely exc ted to go to ~armington because it was said the overal combtnatian of a fun ntght owoy from school and

basically ke we were on a a mtni road trip together.\" the w·nn ng atmosphere they felt of er the tournament led the g rot.op

Dt..r ng the car ride to Farmmgton, the group napped, caught to create lasing memor es.

vp on homework and talked o earn more obout each other. Once \"This trip was definitely one of my favorite paris of the season,\"

'l Farming•on, the girls bonded by gong o<.~t for dinner at Buffalo Ctoney sotd. \"It brought the team closer.\"

descr bes me beco se I s o ~zy color ond 1 s n

between o couple ol co s oed om complex e trot


Together on the

After a cho1

1engmg season,

the f eld hoc ey 1eom ts c oser

tho'l ever w•th new bondmg

oct vt'ies and team traditions.

New coach

en1oyed watching the girls make

fr1ends O'l •he 'earn thro1..grout

•he seoso'l.

\"Our captains this year

were worderful at planning

team bo'lding oc1iv1ties.\"

Berrho t said \"They organ· zed

a scavenger hunt, completed off

s •e wor out classes and mode

•tme for team dinners and

even sleepovers •

The cop1oms en1oyed

ptarrmg the multiple bonding

activit es as wei . The•e were

also post season team workouts.

• A.l of us are real y close,·

capt on sod

\"They are I e a second fam• y.\"

As captain, Rich helps lead

the team She en,oys her job

as team leader

\"This season we ost a

few really good p1ayers.\"

Rich satd • Reploc tng them

was a challenge but many

girls stepped up and filled

their places.\"

Other challenges also

occurred, especial y injuries.

Not only did the girls step

up for lost teom members,

they also adjusted to other


\"Th s year was a

grow•ng year for our team.\"

Bernholt said \"We had one

of the toughes1 schedules in

•he state and had to

ove•come in 1..r1es as wei as

changes in ltneup and

pos.tions The girls played

hard and I am very pro1..d of

tt'tem for that •

SOLE Searchin



1. SWEEPING DOWN THE FIELD Workmg together, t ry e

ond W 1 bock each other up. •ttove the competrtrve

atmosphere and b .~ I 1d wrth my team on and off the field; King

sord. (photo by C. ~I 2. FIGHTING FOR THE BALL. Gettmg oggressrve,

e I plrys hord for the boll. •ttove bemg on

offensrve player and hovrng breok11woys thot help the team wor toward

scormg goals,· Witzofs y said. (phcto by A. Hoefer) 3. SUBBING IN:

Hustling through the game, y R 2 spreads positrvrty •!love

hovmg fun wrth my team end joking around,· Rrch sci d. (photo by M

Ward) 4. MOVING QUICKLY Escaping from o tight spot, A e P 9

goes out for the boll. (photo by C. Englander) 5. GUARDING THE GOAL:

Cornerrng together, o .ett 11 , e e 9 and E e

N 2 watch the field . \"Ever srnce !started ploymg I lellrn love

wrth the gome, • Nounherm said. (photo by F Deddens) 6. SCALING THE

FIELD: Sprrntmg down the turf, G e ev 1 keeps her eye on the

goal. ·1 really en10Y the sport end the team is really dose; Levens said.

(photo by M. Ward) 7. GOING IN FOR THE PASS: Swmgmg her strrk,

Lochmoeller gets ready to shoot.'! ploy field hockey to escape everyday

life end deer my head; Lochmoeller sord. (photo by C. AliSHl)

Tradition •

her team come

My favorite

thing about

field h ckey is

probably the am

bonding because we

grew really close

throughout the


Field Frustrations

What was your most challenging experience?

\"It would probably hove

to be proy•ng through

and o•oJnd 1n1urres.\"


\"Defin tely cond1t1on ng·

we did a lot of

conditioning and


\"How to ploy together

w1th bos1col y [a) new

team because we lost

and gamed a lot of ey

ploye•s th1s year.\"

\"Putting a lot oi wor 1nto

the season and then not

ge ling good results.\"


Rambler Wrot was you• fovo•1•e

rremory o' ploymg w1th you• s1s•er?

Kaili Smith My 'ovor e rremory w1th

rer was wren we d·ove to Bot•! Our

c:oocr •old her to \"ge' o dl O'l the f1rst

bo she got • and wren t'1e serve

corre over go• he perlect pass I set

II and sre pouroded the boll tO t.,e

[o• er] s de o1 t e court I was so

proud of rer

R Wrot 1s t !. e to ploy w1tr your


Kyndia Smith It was very 1~,., to

ploy w1tl, Kod1 because we \\Jsuolly

play on d lfe<e'1 tearT's It was mce to

o'lly tJove one loco• or lor our po·e.,ts

to go to u'll e clubs whe·e so:-r~ehmes

we ore 1n totally d fferen• states YoJ

wo.Jld t!'ttn you would get o'1noyed

be 'lg w •h sof'!'leone o day

everyday but we loved be ng

together ond becom .,g closer

Wise Words

. • ~ ' J.,·' ' ~ . '\\. J -


I. HUGGING IT OUT Celebrotmg a successful pomt, the team hugs. The gnls dtd this between each po10tto keep 1n good

spmts and promote ltvely commumcotton. (photo by C AtlSio) 2. SERVES UP; Serv10g the boll, starts off

the po10t. Schroder practiced her serve often t rough out the season m order to 1m prove. (photo by 1. Ganzer)

3. STANDING READY· Gettmg 10 the httiiOg stance, and get ready to delend then stde

of the court The team spent much of the r procttces wor 10g on then htts and delense. (photo by 1. Ganzer) 4. GEITING AIR:

Jump10g to ltmsh her htt, serves the boll to the other team. McCurdy was the coptom of the team thts

year and enJoyed spendmg her semor year ploymg wtth her friends. (photo by 1. Ganzer) 5. BAll BLOCKERS. Workmg

toget er, and Gomes stop the other team's htt ot I e net The duo worked together due to the r s1mHo1

hetghts and tumpmg obtltt•es. (photo by C Atrsio) 6. SPRING LOADED Returnmg the boll to the opponents, McCurdy leaps

1010 the air McCurdy could often be found (umping to meet the boll full force. (Pitoro by J Ganzer) 7. READY TO GO: fmdmg

then positions, McCurdy ond pre pore lor the next pomt. The gnls worked ogether to wm many of the

team's games thts season. (Pitoto by 1. Ganzer)

\"Progress. II

\"D e f ense. II

\"P d II rou .



into the


of Things

tresnmen vo yb~ ~

o u ed to

Ladue h gh schoo

High Energy

HITTER The Varisty Volleyball team wins

Ritenour tournament Sept. 23.

Girls varsity vo leyball succeeded

again this year as the number one team

at the R1tenour volleyball tournament an

the weekend of Sept. 22. The lady rams

gir s ept spir ts high throughout the

competition by joking around on the

sidelines and forming hand sha es

\"We had a different mental,ty than a

were led by lot o{ the teams. We


She hopes th1s wi'l

will affect the

future of ladue


' We stayed united the

whole tournament. '

were there for a

reason.\" Schroder

said. \"We stayed

united the whole


\"It will set a

standard for teams in the futu•e. Our

performance also sets the standard for

the rest of the season as far as effort and

energy on the court: McCurdy said.

The energy on the court was the

highest the team 'lad •hroughout the

season. , the outside

hitter for the team, attributes much of heir

success to their positive atti1udes. The

The g r s battled

teams such as

University Ci'y lions and Wentzville Holl

Indians. Their successful season coni nued

he legacy of the team, and the1r coach,

, was espec1ally proud

to see the girls pull together to achieve their

w in. She explamed how the r triumph was a

resull of then work

\"We had the motivat Ol\\ • McCaffrey

sa d. \"We had all the energy n the world ·



A Look into SERVING

I really like how you can choo e

how much power you tart the

match with. You can start your

point off harder with your opponent

and they don't know what toe pect,

giving me an advantage.

Living for


JV tennis team tokes home a victory at districts.

The JV girls \"'1 1:. eom uu

home a v ctory on Sept. 6: IT'OSI of

the•• doub e pairs won distqc s on

the cour•s of Show Par .

\"I was ve•y l,oppy whe'l my

partner, • and

I won distnc•s I felt 1, e I hod

occompl shed somethmg.\"


Overall the team won l 0 ou•

of 11 matches Though they wo'l

distncts it was about the ourrey

fo• them, nol JUSt the destmot•on

• and I

started off our fmol rrotch losmg

o·6. With some advice from coach

, we started reo'ly

wor ng together and come boc

to win the finals 8-6, •


The g rls said they hove each

others boc wrether wi'l or ose

This brought rome a win •o Ladue.

\"My partner is I e my best

fnend so we were always there

for each other, wh ch helped a

lot • sood \"I

used •he proclice times to get

better and work rord, which

he ped us get t~e wm at dis•ricts.\"



I. ONE FOR All AND All FOR ONE. The JV tennis team huddles up ofler o match and puts thetr rockets up lo celebrate o job

we done \"With the JV leom as a whole, we had such a great season with such talented players I was so happy for our

t111m; satd. (plwto by C Duncan) 2. HEY PARTNER: looking back, watches her

port er relurn the baiL Malone went on to win districts thts year, a btg accomplishment for heros well

as the schooL (p/wto by J. Gonzet) 3. READY FOR THE ACE: Before servmg the ball, mentally

prepares herself for the poinl. She thmks aboullhe perfect spot to serve an ace. (photo by F Deddens) 4. TEAMWORK

MA!fS THE DREAM WORK: Aller taking o wtn ot Distmts, , , and

Gold show off their shiny new medals. Samson ond Christner were o doubles parr, os well os Suflion ond Gold. (photo

·tesyofJ Sa ~ 5. FOCUS. Wotchmg the ball, onttcipotes her next move in the match. This wos

Sadoff's los! yr r. and she ikeslo ploy one slep ahead of !he go me (photo by A. Hoefet 6. BETTER THAN ONE: After

fi01sbrng o porn!, leommales and hillenms rackets. \"I loved how my porlner

o •l'fl broughl me up ond never broughl me down,· Sochssoid. (photo by C. Alisro) 7. AlliN: focused, Worltcovschi gels

ready to return the !ennis boiL II was her fourlh year of !ennis, so she was always on her toes. (photo by J. Ganzer)

8. DOWN BALL In mid·htl, angles the ball ot the ground. Thts is o skill she learned lhroughoullhis

season. (photo by C Alisio) 9. INTO AatON Slepping bock, gets ready to serve !he boll. (photo by J.

ficnzet) 10. SPORTSWOMANSHIP: After their molch, and shake hands wtlh the

opposrng players from Visilot10n Academy II is o lrodition do this after every match to show !heir sportsmanship no matter

f they wrn or a lose. (photo by J. Gonzer,t II While the ball comes at her, gels ready lo hillhe boll

cross court and owoy from her opponenls. (photo by C Alisro)

of the Green

Natalie Malone (12) talks

about her iourney to sectionals.

Have Y'-- ever made I er_l no be ..>re?

Natalie Malone: I moved hom a Ohto a lew years ago and

w• ode secord tn lhe state as a tear'l so gotng •o

serhonals wasn I sorrethtng very new to me

t 'Jw has you· coach infiL.enc.ed you to make ~ this far?

NM: My coa ch, , has been encouraging me

r1 the begtnntng smce we bo1h practice a! l~e same ter•11s

foe ty, the M ssOL' Alhlettc Center

How does bemg on •he Ladue tennts team help yoJ as a


NM: Be ng on the ladue tennts team has laugh• me so much

and e a lly he lped Me berome a bette• tennts player TfJe

.adue team grves '00 pc•cen• effor• on t~e cour• and ever

though we don • wtn every ma•ch they do the • besl no

matter what


The Fina l

C ountdo w n

by Europe\"


r ( 12}

THIS COLOR 1e beco se t s o oyol and MO ng


It's )U -A-Here

Rambler: Who• ore you rrost proud of your teo'Tlmotes Ia·?

Lilly Ohlsen: Even tr•ough o of o..rr hard losses we rove

stayed o lo'Tl1ly ord supported eoc.h other

R: What was your oest IJ1t as o p :Jye·?

LO: My f1rst horre •un I fel• so d contacl w••h the bo• I will

never forget uoss ng t~Je plate w tf. my teorr'llotes borgll'9

on the top of fTlY helme•


Living in the

The Varsity softball team creates strong bonds and G A M

team traditions that help them win against Clayton.

Tt-ae va•s ty softbal tea'll wo• ed togethe• to toke a win

agaH'St school 'Iva Cayton. Dedication, team chem1stry

and hard wor made them the st•onger team

However, the game had more of an 1mpact for some

players tho\"' o•hers A x a T rna 2 en oyed the fact

•hat 11 was •he r senior game, which created a pos1tive

atmosphe•e heading 1'11

0 he game.

\"It was a tens10'1 J, led

The Clayton game was not the only game !\"lot

proved the team wortry of •he r sk lis Teom'T'otes grew

closer as bus r des, team d~nners and games occlJ red

\"The Ner1rx game [was] our first w1n, •

Ave y B a 9 said \"I• bro~Jght ..rs even c oser

Desp1te the physical rigor, many of the pooyers

not ced emot onal growth w1thin themselves Berry was

exc1ted at what the

game but fun,· Thomas said. ''

\"There were also real y good

plays [throughout] •re game

Every member of the team holds

season offered rer 0

was l.lpset wher t co

to on end.

that made us w•n, li e

Mortah's ou•f eld catch when

a special place in my heart. ''

-L., II Y uerry 1

\"Every rremoer o

the team holds a spe

place 1n my heart B

said \"I really felt !1 e

the oases were loaded •

Thomas no1

1ced how

we I the team wor ed together Ira day to w1n an 1mpo•tant

game desp te the1r •ecord The teafTl was abe to bo\"ld

throughout •he season becai.Jse of the1r obd y to cooperate

\"The best th1rg oboJI the team IS how they care for

one ano her,\" E y B y ) sa d. \"Everyone always

rra es oro her pe•so'l feel wanted and a pa•t of the tearT'.\"

OCT06f 11

was a part of a leam for the first time 1n forever.\"

Mary of the g1rls have •a en o spec1fic !. ing to

team. As1de f•om the bonds, rrary en1oy the exper e'lce


\"I love softball\" Bespalko sad, The season wa<

and down, b..rt the g1ds kep t f~,n.\"


Going for the WIN

P/aye1 react to the1r voted superlative•

Most Likely to Hit a Home Run

•ee1 honored r har ~ an a,aztng ab1ltty a'ld 11

means a at trot the g1rls say •hat abot.+ Me •

Would Eat a Pound of Pasta before a Big Game

A f g ld d r p eo e f \" ves


ore a big game 1s sofTleth g I wol. d do

Also, wf-o doesn t 'ove pasla •

Team's Best Bunter

ard better than ever •

1. THE BIG HIT: Tok1ng o 1-0 lead ogoinS! Cloyton,lhe leom huddles to form o group hug 1n celebrolion.ln addition to then

senior game, winning the game was maedrb~ rmportonllo the leom due to the~r p1evious losses 2. WAliNG. WAITING,

WAITING look1ng for the ball durrng o ploy, Avery Bespc o (9) focuses on lhe game ond the bottet. 'My favorite memory of

the season [would be] our gome bus ndes because we would talk and smg together; E ily Berry (11) so1d. 3. BANG BANG

Chee1ing teammates on the field, players line up along the fence to mo1nto1n hrgh spmts. Ounng down t1me, several of the

players enroyed eotmg sun Hower seeds. 4. KEEPING SPIRITS HIGH: Walking off the field, I~ 0 lsen '11) and Bespclko smile

os lhey're cheered and welcomed onto the be~'h by therr teammates. ThiS wos one of the many teom trodilions thot the

players loved 'The Clayton gome was my bell game ond the senior game sort was fuSl spe<iol; AI Thomas (12 soid.

5. GOlDEN BATTERS Ready to bot ogornst Clayton outfielder Alex Oorondy (12), (yon So or 110) prepores her Slonce ;n

hopes of o home run. The team hod several great players, 1ncluding Thomas. w1ro was voted to hove the team's best throw.

'They probably voled for me because I p11ch ond rt IS my spedolty, ·Thomas soid. 6. SWING, BAT, RUN Swmgmg ot the ball,

Oy!o n Metheney' C prepores to run lowords the bose ond owoy from Clayton catcher I e How d ( 12). 'Even through oil

of our hard losses, we hove stayed [ o] fomi~ ond supported each other; Ohlsen said. (aU photos by A Hoefer)


Memories from the PAST and the FUTURE

Upperclassmen remember their favorite moments while underclassmen prepare for next year. Rambler How was the season overall'

Alexia Thomas Our record makes our season seem pretty bad. buill was

actually a lot of fun and there was a lot of rmprmmentthraughCilltthe


R What was speCial about the Clayton game'

AT II was a tight game because we weren't really hrttrng and nerther was

Gaytan, so rt wostensran-frlled but fun.

Ra•bfer W at rs the bestthmg about the team'

Cyoo Sailor The ent~eteam has therr ow~ hypathetrcal famrfy tree wrtb

other grrls on the team. Almost everyone ts connected to someone else by


R Wrll you ploy next year?

CS I fell in love wrth the sport. As a sophomore. I got srgnrficant ployrng

trme ond scored a lot of runs. As o 1unrar, I plan to be the second prtcher or

startrng rrght lrelder

THIS COLOR des...: bes me bew se t s happy colorful and pretty


I. RECORD BREAKERS. drves mto the water

as hrs teammate lmrshes hrs leg of the race. The lour-by-lour

freestyle relay prac reed theu recard-brea mg relay at home

duung a meet hosted by ladue. (photo br C Englander)


Athletes snare rneu pre-meet rituals that help them prepare for a race.

\"Before our races, I om

often tal rng wr'!\"J otf-.er

teammates, gettrng each

a'he• exctted for therP •

\"I usually stretch a Ia!

mo e sure I now about

fYlY events and tal woth

fYlY coach about what I

should be expecting '\"

my •aces.\"

Before a meet I h e to

give the team a qUtck pep

talk and t·y to hype up the

team so we ore full of

el'e•gy and ready to go.\"


The boys sw•m team broke o pool

record at state tn o faJ' by-four

freestyle relay Oct. 8 at the St Peter's

Rex-Piex. The team was composed of


The foctr a•hletes wo• ed

toget!Jer as a relay to secure third

place wtth a t me of 3 1693, earnmg

trem a pace on the Lodt..e High

School ·ecord board

I'm so prot.od of t\"le'T' because

t~ey hove all war ed extremely ho•d

all season Ol\"d rove been super

dedtca•ed • team manager


A. faJ' o•hletes put t'l haJ•s of

strokes •o reach the r goal. w·thout

their teamwork and ded cation to the

spa•!, the relay wot.old not have been

abe to ma e Ladue history

\"[Setting a record) gives 'l'e a

legacy I'm proud of: Gao sotd

DIVING!h~ , ~ Nutnb ers

5 flltme

V'Ors !y


s oo w ~ rg

c poled n


Ramblers ts dawn w1t ,. e1d Rages {12) to to

about h1s experiences thmughaut his swtmmmg career

Rambler: How did the boys swtmmt'lg team bond thts seasal\"?

IHOP brea fasts after Saturday proc•tces Also

celebrottons at 's house

R: What was yoctr fovo• te par' about bemg captlar?

Gett ng to wa•ch o~;r underclassmen ocl, eve !ret• goals and

g•ow as swtmmers.

R: What is the most valctoble thmg yali learned from bemg o part

of the swtmming team?

Hard work and dedication pays off in the end a'ld

persevering !rraL.gh hard times ma es you mo·e res ltel\"t




Underclassmen propel

the team to success.

A u ;,\" g 1 1 ::.~n o1:. m 2v 17,

he g1r s sw m team was loo ing for

f·esh faces to to e the1r place. The 27

unde·ctassmen th1s yea• d d not

d sappoml as they brougf>t new talent

or d ded calion to the sport

A 111010' ty of the team is mode

up of uf1ae·c ossmer ard thNe •e a

lot o• OIT'azmg sophomo·es and

f•esh'T'e'1 said.

Smce there we e so Many of t.s [we

he p the team b ot.se: r'1os• of tf.e

pons made r ee•s [are scored by


H wever the 1. de c ossr'1en

be eve they co d '10t rove ad leved

th s level ot success w thou• the help of

t'le upperclassmen F•orr orrow1ng

eqJ pmert •o rep ng wllh schoo wor •

tt'Je IJ'11ors and se 1 rs did tre1r port in

erst.nng a s<.~ccess'ul season.

\"[The upperclassmen] really

helped mot vote me and cheer me on:

said \"They also

'T'ode the •earn feelli e a safe and

'riendly place •

Divers' Decisions


Taking the

talks about

her experience going to state for diving. w d d f p epa J r J to

a F I pracl ced al my d1ves every day lo make sure

they were as good and consis1en1 as they could be, so I would be

prepared ard ready when it came lime to compete them

What was the best part about go ng to s'a e?

SF Ma 1'1g 1 trrougr all the cu•s and getting to the ft'la rot.nd o~

d1ves becat.se I was not expeclmg to make t' that far t'l the

compel lion

What place did yot. get at state?

S [I got] 13th place

What do you plan to do better at stale rext year?

S Next year I would I e to upgrade some of my dives and hopeful y

podium, wh1ch 'Peons gelt rg 1n tl)e lop e1gh•

I. )!lNG LIKE A BEE, SWIM THE BUTIERFLY At a meet agamst

Un,.ers1ty (rty, swrms the bu\"erfly stroke. ·11

love hovmg underclassmen on the team because]n's nrce to be

fnends 1th people tn other grades; sord.

·Th y rv ;o uch potentral for later years on the team. • (photo by

( A 2. INTO THE DEEP, BLUE POOL. As the race begms,

ves off the block a a meet agomst Par way Central

The meet took place Jon. 19 at ladue. (pho o by M. Ward) 3. GOT

SPIRIT' Wh1le cloppmg theu hands and yellmg,

, Bezzont, , and

encourage theu teammate to fimsh strang. •[My

favonte thmg about the team 11) everyone [1s]super suppo1trve of

one another; sa1d. (photo by C AftSIO)

4. SWIMMING I THE FAST LANE· lnholmg deeply, Mrlton sw1ms as

fast os she can to beat her Umverslty City compet1t1on. The meet

took place Jan. T6 at ladue. (photo by C A!ISIO) 5. JUST KEEP

SWIMMING: Focusmg on her techmque,

competes agomst Un vernty C1ty tn the lOOm breoststrm. ·Meets

ore really fun because e eryone's cheenng for everyone and there's

o really posllrve vrbe throughout the pool.· Mahmood sord (photo by

( AIISIO) 6. WATER YOU WAlliNG FOR Stondmg on the blockmg,

and p1epore for theu heat to

begrn Atstote, Oieckhous placed seventh in the 1 ODm bockst1oke

ond 30th m the 200 IM. (photo by M Word)


The team reveals who is most likely to do different tasks.

~lost Likely to BelZ}' Flop into a Pool

IHIS COLOR Jescr bes ocean a


Aidan Morley (12) talks about

sharing a team with his brother.

Rambler: Wl-to• is 1 II e o wrestle wtth yoJ'

younger b•other, ~

Aidan Morley: It was o g•eot exper ence

because we ore really close and very

passtonate oboJt the sport It gave rre

someone to p•octice wtth a11d •ol oboc~t

[wrestling] w.th

R: Who~ ts the best port of wrestlt'lg w•th your


AM: I loved seet'lg my brother's successes

o'ld seemg him look up to me as a role model.

It wos really 'un to see him o'ld my pare'lts

d'eer me on when I was or the mat ord vtce

verso when he wrest ed

R: How does w•est mg wtt'1 yoJr brother affect

your wrest! ng~

AM: It pushed me g•eat y because I won•ed

•o be o good role mode fo• ru,, and we bo•h

wanted the most st.ccess for one another, so tt

rrode us wor that mt.ch horde•

R: If •here was ore thng you wanted people

•o 'low about bemg on the some team as a

s bling who• wou d it be~

AM: I' trere's one •hing • would want people


o 'low abot.t wor trg w th your srbling it

would be that t! rna es yoJ a'ld you• sibli'lg so

much closer as yot. grind and work with them

side by side

Jfosl Likely to be a Billionaire


I. PINNED PLAYER Pmnmg hrs opponenr. lmrshes

hiS match. M•mf1e worked on holds m proctrce lo ensure he would

be ready for marches. (phoro by B. Howe) 2. ROUND AND ROUND

Sto•tmg the match, srzes up hrs opponent. They cnde

the mat untrl one w•estler mounts an ollensrve move (photo by B

Howe) 3. ESCAPE ROUTINE: Ttyrng to block h1s opponent,

makes delensrve moves. The team proctrced escapes

so that rhey were reody to defend (photo by B Howe) 4. STATE

SCORER: e 1,\\ performs o move on h1s opponent otthe

stole compet1tron The compehhon wos help or Mlllou ond Mann

wos among the top competitors. (photo by J. Mann) 5. WINNER

WINNER Alter lrnrshmg hrs motch, rs

announced as the w•nner. Pamts ore owo1ded throughout the motch

occord•ng to then moves ond style (photo by B. Howe) 6. GET READY

Preponng, gets m stortmg positron. Thrs was

Garbo's lust year wtesrlrng fo1 Ladue. (phoro by J. Mann) 7. CALM

AND COLLECTED Wortrng, • Prager,

and watch other matches ond listen

Wrestlers reveal their

top picks for titles.


Living Al

lnke Mann ( , carries on his brother's

legacy with a winning season.

F ollowir rg the ~·~'ep~ ·~ by hrs

brott'!er, qua ifred lor the state

competrtron for wres•ling held at M zzou

Mann 10 ned the team this year as o

lresrman and was placed on vars ty in •he

lowest we grt drvrsron Mann has been

wrestling since he was 6 years old and

hopes to continue wrest rng lor as long

as he con

\"My oldest brother Justrn, started

wrest! rg at Ladt.e I remember watcrrng hr'T'

and thin ing how cool wres•ling was: Mann

so d \"I wonted •o start wrest! rg because of

row much I looked up to my b•other and

row much I wanted to be li e rim When I

got rnto wrestling, I was a lot of fu., lor me

and I slue wrth it.\"

Wrrle hrs bro•her may have been hrs

orrginalrnsprratron, Mann has made his own

mar OP Ladue Wrestli<lg H s strong

perlarr'1ance m rratches ras earned h m a

w•Pning record th<o.rgho.rt the en'ire season,

eve!'l a• the sta•e compehtion against the best

wrestlers in Mrssour . Much of his success

comes from hrs dedrcatron to the sport

\"He does a ton of off season war and

wrll pu1 rn •he trme rt to es to ge to the lop

Or'1 extremely exerted to see who •he futiJ<e

holds for Jo e: wrest rng coach


Living in the I IIFQRf\\;\\

Learn what wrestlers, like ... u ... vJIIemo,ti , ,1, are wearing when they hit the mat.

The ear

cover protects ll'le ---

ears when wrest! rg

Bas etball sroes

p•ovrde trac'ron and aPkle

st.pporl ----

The one prece provides

/ full coverage whe!'l ro ling

around 0:1 •he rrolt



Ballin' by the NUMB3RS


th Iota ama 'll of 1-----------1

pomts scored by

va• 'Y thro ghoul

Ire season 3 2 ~ ~ •as the leng''l of

a comp ete ga\"'e

w ho overt me


Facts about the 2017 Girls Basketball season.

the numbe of hours

sp • aft • schoo for

prac ce every day

Th Iota amo •

of po nts scored

by ~or vorso'y


the season s


Living with New

CHANGES The Girls' Basketball team

succeeds with new coach.

Along wtth changes to the school, gtrls

baske•ba experienced changes n their

coac'1tng staff The tear'l added o new

coach R c Grey, who replaced coach

Cord Doc ery

extremely :.uppor tve of the team lne players

feel cor'lfortable gong to t'1e coaches for help

or fo· support.

• A. I the cooc.hes are so he pful and wise,\"

Dy o tV 1 ey 0 satd \"They

\"Havtng a always

new coach ras

bee'l a very fun

and great

expenence • Nita

Col ms 0) satd.

\"I love 'T'Y coach

o'ld :love)

''For the years that we have

left with him in high

school, he will make us

wan• to

help tf

you're feeling

down and

commend yoL

when you're on


wor tng wtth all better ball players. '' The players

are very grateful

for the new

addt•ton to l~et• coacl-]tng staff They feel it w• I

beneli' the prog'a'T'.

htm •

Coach Grey

prevtOLsly wo• ed wit!-> the Eagles The team

is ad1usting well to •he new coach and

believe he has helped them tmprove

\"I 's i'lcredible. he has done so much

for our season and tl's crazy how we I he

'las but up our learn,· 0 v o S ae '2

sad \"He reo ly 'lows who• he's do,ng •

The coachtng staff os a who e has been

\"I honestly tf>tnk tt was a great adJustment

a'ld a good dects on for tl,e bettermert of the

bas elba I program, • Ka M '10 ad 1 2

sotd \"Coach Grey knows so much about the

game and was able to bnng along other

coaches who add to the prograr'l •


3. LMNG FOR A JUMP SHOT Reochmg lor the basket, Groce

H ey 9) t11es to make o jump shot. \"Basketball has g1ven me a

b1eok from school wh1ch helps me to not feel overloaded,· Hensley

101d. (phllto by C AtJSio)

I. liVING IN APPRECIATION Stondmg next to Ellen Summa and coach R1ley Keltner,

Ellie Gold (9) and Ka1tlyn foley (9) honor theu favorite staff members on Staff

Appreciot1on Night feb. 9. (photo by 1. Ganzer) 2. TAKING HER SHOT: focusing on the

basket, Kohla Muhammad (12) makes a free throw. (photo by 1. Ganzer} 4. TERRIFIC

TEAMWORK: Passing the boll to Pons !lam !ton (9), Luoo Mortm Ah·\" • ploys

agomst Incarnate Word Jon. 10. (photo by [ Eng/onder) 5. PEP TALK: Talking to coach

Muondo Burroughs, Morgan To~or (9) tokes o break from ploymg (photo by C Alisio)

6. SUPPORTING FROM THE SIDE: from the s1delmes, members of the JV basketball

team watch the game ogmnst Incarnate Word Jon. 10. (photo by CAlrSJo1 7.liVING

THROUGH CELEBRATION Smiling, 011v10 Schroder (12) and Kot1e Mm~ e· ·) perform

o handshake. \"My favorite port of the season was delmitely the Clayton game because

of the uvolry and the cause,· Mmkler said. (photo by J. Ganzer}



utuLt Hem. !V 9, and Grace Claney (9)

talk about playing on Varsity as freshmen.

When d1d you start

p1oy•ng bas~ etbo 1


Grace Claney: started playing 1n

f, 1rth grade at C nwoy

Grace Hensley: ,tarted playing in

second grade.

What IS your favorite port of

p1oy1ng on Vorsi!y?

GC: My favorite part 1s gettmg to

meet a bunch of new people.

GH: My favorite port was becommg

g •od friends with girls on the team.

What was the hardest game you

played this year?

GH: The hardest game I ve played

th1s year was the JV Incarnate Word

game 'twas Fled with excitement

and everyone was mvo1ved

GC: The hardest game I hove ever

played in was the jV Incarnate

Word game.

(all photos by M. Loehmoller)

dew bes me beco se I s b,' 1 end happy •e me


[I do] two

dribbles m my nght

hand spm the boll

in my IJond to e a

deep breath

and s~Joo•.\"

I to e a deep

breath tren O'le

dn ble, sp n the

boll on my left

hand put the borl

ur>der rry chrn,

loa at the hoop

and let rt ~ly •

V M b 9

\"[I] dribble once

focus on the rtfl'l for

0 2 seconds and

hen shoot·

oy e t3 ya 0

\"[I do] two

bO\\J'lCeS witr my

nghl hand, lme up

oo at the nm

pos Iron my feel

and shoot·


Living like a

THE MANAG[MENT While lots of act on

occu•ed on the court, Max Bo er 12 , So,.,

K rr ( 12) and J:~ on e ( 1 '2 (not pictured) were on

the sidelires putting in a d ffe•ent type of wor . Baker,

Korn and lee are Ire vars ty rronagers. Ba er has

been a bas etball manager since his freshman year.

\"Being a rt1anager is basically domg whatever

l~e players and coac~es need· Baker said. ·we to e

slats, film, run the doc at pracllces and anyth\"ng

else needed.n

1. RAMS ON THREE. Running through, Nate Gorrell (10)

hrgh fives hrs vorsrty teammates. Varsrly played o total of

29 gomes rn theu regular season (photo by J Ganzer)

2. PUSHI G TO THE BAS ET. Drrbbtrng forword, Bry e

8 a d (' 1) trres to pass from Parkway

West. Ladue played Par way West an Frrday, Fe . 2

(photo by J. Ganzer) 3. SLAM DUNK Gorng up for o shot,

Ev S< e ( 1 G 1umps ogornst

from Clayton ot the Cooches versus Concer game Jon 19

The game rorsed money for the Amerrcon Cancer Socrety

(photo by R.IIDU5et) 4. HIGH I THE SKY. In the ou, M ses

0 p 1 ollempts to block from

Par way West Okpolo hos been on vorsrly srnce freshmen

year. {photo by 1 Ganzet) 5. CROSS OVU Dnbbhng w th

the boll, E c Yo g (12) goes ogornst

from Par way West. This is Yang's final year ployrng hrgh

school basketball, bul he plans on contrnurng. \"In college,

I pion to play dub bas etboll; Yang sord. \"Aher colleg~

I wrll definrtely go to my local recreation center to put u

shots in my free trme • (photo by J. Ganze 5


Defense for the

Boys basketball beat SluH

Feb. 27 with a score of 59-45.

T~e team had to have the r ght

mindset, s1.1pport each other, and

p1ay hard to wm the game

We worked real y hard at

prac.rce and bought in with the

coac.h's game p1an • Mo es

a sad \"We bel eved

'1 ourselves and had revenge 1n

our reo'1S •

As one of the last games of

t~e season th1s game was

erne• ona lor many of the

se~iors Not on y was 1t a

success becaJse they won

ago,.,s• a team who had beat

them 1n the past, bt.t players

er eyed the1r last time on the

court together

·1 was very happy for

everyone, especially the sen'ors;

Okpala said. \"Hard work

[combined] w•th belief is a

recipe for success.\"

This was the first time ladue

has beat SlUH in all of the years

the c.,rrent members have

played. SlUH has become

another nval for them, so the

team felt that defeating them was

more than t...st a regular success.

\"We had lost to them two

wee s before by 25 pomts, so to

come back and beat them by 15

paints was amazing.\" Jo~'1

>-~o'w •z '2:. \"We had to work

so hard that week of practice,

and it was our goal to beat them

and we did.\"

Pushing The JV team discusses what word

F Q RW A R D Ld_esc_rib_es_th_eir_ca_lo_rfu_l seas _ _on_. _ ___...


M11K.Ier 191

F ro'1Kie

Goebel : ~ o:

R de30 bes rre beco se rem O'ds me ul ihe beach onJ y


Another Year, Another

Rams Snag SILVER

Laduettes win second m hip-hop and poms at Nationals March 3 and 4.

''We worked hard on

both dances and

getting second

showed the work

payed off.

Ber~sle n (9),'


Laduettes win first place tn poms and hip-hop at Battle High School Competiton Dec. 2

Smce the r natio•wl wm 10 2016, the Loduettes hove

been wo•bng non-s1op to odd another t tie to their

To prepare fo• the compel lion, the gnls proct1ceo

every day after scl,ool and evefl on Saturday mornl'l9S

collect on. In order a heavy emphos s or condi• or 1

o prepare for ''

Nationals th1s year, the Loduettes

dec ded to attend o brand rew

coMpelllion ol Batte High School

·we dec ded to go to Ba•tle

Ira s year because we won1ed to

cor1pe e somewhere new and

ago nst different teams,· Ashley

My heart was racing

and I was so happy.

-Brooke Berg (9)

so trey could eep up •rei' sta~

Bu• all t~eir hard work allowed

g1•ls to receive ~irs• place for t e

por1s and hip-hop rouli'les as we

'' as on innovative choreogropt-ay


Bye• ( l l) so1d ·Also Bat•le s a [Na•ionol Donee

Assoc otion] compel lion, and s rce we at•end DA

Nationals, the judges' cntiques were very he pful to us as

we prepared for Nationals. •

\"We were all s tt rg in a c1rcle

hod ng rords O'ld whe11 1hey announced (that we WO'l

al jumped JP and dow11 and screorred and hugged

Brooke Berg (9) sod \"My heart was rocmg and I was

so happy.\"


1. A KICK Of COLOR: Durrng holftrme, Olivro Smrth (12), Lauren Vanlandingham (11) and lrly Rrch (9) perform their routrne ot the football go me ogornst Parkway Central.

~t}!c=:~~ \"I ike [performrng) because we oil hove o really good time together: Kathryn long (12) said \"It's also fun to see oil my friends rn the stands.\" (photobyM Lodtmoe/Jer)

F 2. AND FINISH: As the music ends, the Loduettes hrt the final pose of their donee ot Blue and White Night Oct 6. \"Blue and Whrte nrght rs o great opportunrty for us to

perform our routrne that we work hard on,· Brooke Berg (9) sord. \"It gets us to see what we need to rmprove.\" (photo by M. Word) 3. HIP HOPPIN' DANCE. At the KISS week

pep roily, Sprrtos, lydia Solomon (12), Kathryn Long (12) and Sosho Lustmon (12) keep in time wrth the music durrng therr hip hop routrne. \"[I] like when [the crowd]

gets loud and cheers when we start performing [ot pep rallies]: Claire long (9) said. \"It mokesrt really fun.\" (photo by J Mann) 4. DYNAMITE DANCERS· Entertornrng the

crowd, Loduettes perform during halftime ot o varsity basketball game Feb. 2. \"I love how the whole team [works]so hard [to) help each other out so we con do our

best, • Caroline Bernstein (9) said. (photo by J Ganzer) 5. CHEERING FOR BLUE AND WHITE: At o football go me ogornst Webster Groves, Vanlandingham cheers on the team.

\"There rs no better feelrng rn the world thon performrng rn front of o sprrrted oudrence: Vanlandingham sord. \"It rsso cool that the donees we do get the crowd hyped up.\"

(phcto by M Word) 6. STATE OR BUST· At the state football go me, Lustmon keep up the school's morale Nov. 24. \"The stole go me was the best port of the season because

rt was fun tool drrve down to Columbia: Clorre Rowe (II) said. \"[It wos fun to] perform on Forout Freid because not everyone gets that opportunity • (phcto coortesy 5

Kirksey) 7. THE COLOR OF SCHOOL SPIRIT: Smrling ot the crowd, Kathryn long, Spirtos ond Rowe donee ot the pep rally Jon 19 \"When I'm [performrng), rt'sl ke

everythrng frnolly comes together: Celio Goldberg (12) so rd. \"The donee feels o thousand times easier ond my faces become crozy.\" (photo by A Hoeler)

Learning the MOVES

Dancers talk about

teaming their

choreography for

Naffonals Sept. 24.

lear ng I e c oreogrophy lo

1 de ce was '!lore

c lerg ng than years po

but WO WO h I e l!XI 0 WO •

Anno Sp rtos (11

THIS COLOR desc bes me beco se I om a I 'Y go honeslly or>d s

my favor te col to wear


Rink Words

\"f un. II

\"T ur b u I ent. II



The hockey team keeps up their victories s e a s 0 n yet despite being given a challenging schedule.

The hoc ey team hod a sL.ccessful regular seosa'l, landing 1n

the top spa's of the M ssouri State ce Hoc ey Playoffs with a

record of 17-3·2. The team won ogomst Priory m t~e f1rst round

out was defeo•ed by Vionney and DeSmet.

The goo1 of t~e season was to win the s•ote chompto'lsh p

regardless of the fact fhof they were p•oced in t~e Challenge C

brae et. Even though they did not och eve the1r goal. they ore

overol pro~.od of the season's outca~e

\"This was my first season

as a coach,· ass slant coach

s S e de sod \"I

could,'t hove bee'l L.C 1er to

wo 1nto such a good

'' I'm going to miss the game the

most and all my teammates who

\"I hod a pretty good seosor bL.

got hurt, so Missed games • a

Ac 'ee ( so d \"Other than that

at least a po1nt 1n every game that I

played in •

group dynom1c • have become like brothers. '' Jn b To s 0 s also proud

Multiple payers on the

teorr1 also ploy for club teams,

meaning tt'!ol the game 'Osiers

-1.../UIIIvl I Ul uvl\\.- I I L. I

of the season He was glad Ia wm

ogo1ns• Westminster becoJse they 110

defeated ladue before.

VO' ed So'T'ellf\"les the team rod rrore than e'lough players and

goalies, wh1le otf)er t mes •he'e may hove been no goalies and

only a few players

\"Our greo1est stre.,g•h is our g•eotes weo ress a lac of

stob1 1ty m the ros'e' • Schne der so1d, \"With some proct,ces be ng

low or s oters, 11 was d fficult to war 0'1 earn sys•ems •

\"We dtd pretty good, [ord] we ore •he f1rst ladue •eorr t

eve• rna e 11 to the 1

op cup; Toe es said.

T oc es also en1oyed the Clayton game because of the r

fan seclio'l Do'l e r<:o a 2 wdl be gradual ng in the spr

\"I m gomg to miss •he game the most and all my teof\"lf\"''O e

who hove become l1 e brothers: Korosic so1d.


Together Off the Ice

Living in the

I. FIGHTING FOR DEFENSE-Protectmg theu goal, Max ~e tscn ('1) and Da e Karasc 1

12) cooperate on

defense. \"My favonte port about ploymg would hove to be the mtensrty and pressure durmg the game;

Karasrck sard (photo by R. Rhoads) 2. CELEBRATING TOGETHER Teammates M '!hew Redler g 12) and

Corso A ree '11) portrcrpate rna celebratory huddle \"My fovonte part about playrng h01 ey rs that rlrs

relaxrng and that rt clears my mmd: Acree sard. \"I also enroy bondrng w1th my teammates and hov ng fun

whrle dorng rt. • (photo by R Rhoads} 3. ON THE SIDELINES Wotchrng from the bench, Spe cer G ac ( 11,,

~Y a Stern (9), Jacob Gould (12), Nick (~nn gham (9), Nrka Barstow (10 , Braden McOona d (9) and

MoHh as Ph ps ( 2) cheer on therr teom. \"I really lrke the thnll of the game; McDonald sard. \"I've been

ployrng srnce I was 4 • {photo by M. Word) 4. GOING FOR THE PUCK Gettrng aggressrve, Jacob •o e ( 1 O)

gets mto the action. \"My fovorrte game was beotrng Westmrnster; Tockes sord \"They beot us lost yeor rn

the frnal and it wos nrce to kmd of get back at them: (photo by R. Rhoods} 5. MAKING THE PlAY Focrng off

wrth the opponent, (om Stelek ('1) goes on the offensrve. \"Next year I'm exerted to make another playoff

run; Stefek said. \"Maybe be o captain.\" {photo by C Ovnam} 6. CHANGING THE GAME: Tokmg the puc

down the nnk, Dylan Stem (9) leads the offense. \"I started ploymg when I wos6: Stern sord. \"My fovorrte

port 11 the lost pace and ntensrty • {photo by R. Rhoods)


Players talk about team bonding off the ice in order to connect more during games.

We a e reon b' .d ng

events o1 somebody's

rouse We'll ploy xbox

or p oy so'Tle sports •

__ me m w g

breoklost at the Olive11e

D.ne• •


\"Sometimes we'll go

to 'earn dinners before





1 (\"fEl:::]-··

CHEERING BRIGHT IN BLUE AND WIUTE: Dunng lhe state game Nov 24, students root lor the

football team at the UniVersity of Mrssouri, Calumbro. \"The best part of the game was seeing

our commumty travel all the way to (ofumbio to support the team; sard.

\"We mrght hove lost the game, but we won rn school spurt.\" (photo by M Ward)


FACULTY in Color

Randy Aldrich, SupeMSOrf Assistant

Carol Sue en, ESL

Bnon Archibald. Moth

Suson Ashby, Counselor

Greg Bober, ArtMtes Coordinator

Molly Bee Social Stuches

Honnoh Behr, Eng neenng

Stephon~e Bell lie, Sodol Studies

Lauro Berns, Moth

Jufie Sian English

Monico Bowtmm, Sdence

Kimberly Boyles, FACS

!bolas Sue vor, Eng ish

Debra Canon. Moth

Patnoc Chavez. Art

n Clowlon, PE

Scott Comwell, ( e Advisol

Jenmler Couch, AdmmtlliatiVe Asshtant

Living through our STORIES

Staff members describe themselves using only six words.

Tl>ese ore ti-e I sf

wo·ds t~o come


descr be my

ou·ney up ':>

s pont

S o Ly s

,.. .


Morteono Dovtdson, V'.deo


Joy DaVIs, sso

loyte DoV1S, Counselor

Mary Delio, Sponish

Ashley Dewll, f ACS

Jonet Due hom, Eng ish

mber!y Durbin, En~ish

Mana Durham, Math


Midteol flllleO, Math

ala e frvecoot, SSO

ll1ln Fortune, SSO

Kleorra Fowier, SuperviSOry Assistant

Kenne fox. College Advisor

Usa Frichtl, Sdence

Kev1n Gaflen, SSO

Jamie 6cvn1, M!i

Chmlopher Gw, &Miess

cholos Gilmino, Acrivilies Director

Jennder Glon, Study S lis

Oo!Uild Goble, Broadcast Tech

James Goldwmer, Social StudieS

Elizobe Grano, Associate Pnnopal

Morguen e Goese, french

Iliad G!iff1th, PmKipal

Wendy Guhr, Eng

mber!y Gutchewl y, EngriSh

Ke1th Harder, PE

Ch01les HarriSOn, Prorticol Am

Julm HOIIISIIIl, Spnnish

J fer gon, E

Abigm1 How ens, Soence

Brandon Heovn, Supermory AsS!SIDnt

Michael H I. Social Slud1es

Milry Hm1eboug SSO

one Kane,SSO

llluro oufmon, Moth

Amanda Kaupp, Social Stud es

R1ley Keltner, Social Studies

THIS COLOR de bes beco \"\"



Ashley lO< Social Srudies

Thomas lowtry, <bon

Deboroh lund. German

Shonte lyons, Assistant Pnndpol

Molly Mann x. Sciem

Roberto !Mafuer. Pf

Mar !Morthy, SupeiVlSOI'f Assistant

Stephanie Md:ormo< • SSO

Jesse McGlaughlin, Sciente

Blidg9t Milford, Frendl

Corey , P£

Jeffrey M1ller, Sodol Studies

Mary Mortlond. !Jbrorion

lwmdo Murry, Orchesrro

Howard anson, Tedlnology

Ronofd , SupeiVlSOI'f Assistant

K ~ ewton, SSO

Sima Oberlander, Soence

Stephome 0' eol, PE

Jorme POII(er, AdnuniS!Jative Assistant

Michael Pe< a, Dmmo

Petrol; y, Tedtnology

Kellen Plaxco, lotio

Dionne Po , Eng ish

Jonzu Prest , SSO

Bmy Primo, RegiSIJOr

Polri<: Outnn, German

Rick Ronurez, SRO

Be Ropo , Assist Prindpol

Lyrldo Rater, Support Stoff

Mary Chnsline Kub1 .P£

Mol~ Kul·ns y, AdnuniS!Jatrve Assistant

Christy longford. SSO

Alylon levme. Science


Candice Spector, Social Studres

Julie Stephenson, SSO

Adorn Strrrat, Tedlnology

Ka!te Reeves, SSD

Tad1elle Rhiney, SSD

Jonathon Robbms, All

Charlene Robrnson, Admmistrotive Assistant

WI om Robimon, SSD

Cathenne Russe , Engt!Sh

~ Soilor, Counselor

(liSle Samba, th

Christopher Saxton, So<iol StuOie'l

ChriSilna Sdllager, Admmistrotive Assistant

dlefie Schmrn, Lbranan

Irma Sdnressler, Science

.loe Setot, Counselor

Melody Sitzes, SSD

Montlll Sloan, Spanish

I enen<e Srrn SapeMSOrY Assist

Robert Srudmon, So<iol Studies

Deb Cady, •

Jemfer Strohbed, Admmistrotive Assisront

Ellen Summa, Science

Jenmfer Caften, SSD

Susie Eaton, SSO

Mrdteal fans, Band

Mrchael Torpey, Dean of Studenll

Hoydee iaylor-Amold, Spanish

Karen Thamos, Moth

Potnoo !row , Adm niS!rat Assistan

.Jemnfer T unle, English

Shrutr Upodhyoy, English

Jeffrey Vener, Science

ChriS!me Warner, Art

Theodore Waterson, Science

K•mberly Weaver, SSO

Margaret Weed College Advisor

Allen Welhg. Science

Robert Wes er , So<iol Stud es

oeem Whrtc er, SupeMSCtY Assistant

Garren Wh•te, Moth


Ke•th Gardner, SupeMSOry Asststan

Radle! Gorvagfio, Moth

lnaa Garvey, Reodrng Specialist

Scon Hams, Bond

Tim Helm, Custodian

Joe lnngral, ledlnology

Dan s, Tedlnology

ichia Mayweather, SapeMsory Assistant

John Pms, Mot

Ruth Ponharst, Orchestro

JaniCe Pou en. Spanish

Oonre Raed e, All

Jeremy Srm Tedlnolagy

ChriSty Sammervtlle, SSD

Chrp Thomsen, Custoctron

Ridlard Win, Science





Omor AI HUSS81m

Soro AJ.Haworey


Hieron Andeberbon

Kenyotto And rs011

Matthew Armstrong

Corolme Bemstem


AveiY Bespol o

Anton Bhogot

Kathleen Brrchlreld

Bentomm Br~g

Adeloode Bittong

Ko~in Blou

Jordon Blocher

Sophia B~

Leopolda Bochr<eliio

Kathleen Boeyip

Connor Boldt

Coloring the -iAI R

Ashlin Con

Ashno Choll



Hugh Chon


LinH Chen


Perno Childs

kdrey ChrislneJ


Tessa Dov1s

Elhon Deutsdl

Tyler Deutsd1

Gobnel DIAnlomo

Mary Dull hous

Jo!l:son o.ggs

Joson Dmg

Doni D~nnger

Olyo D•wc oren

louryn Donovan

Hayley Doulh11

Living with P IDE :r Atlas Berni shares his experience with transgender activism.

lydia Zero Atlo_ . ...~y• ...~ny. ~ on v xp _red

way Atlas Bernier was 14 when he egolly changed

h1s nome ~rot\"l Lyd1o Bern1er Th1s however, was one

of Ire later steps he too •o tell the world who he 1s

tronsgender and proud of r' Th1s freshman has been

shorrng his speeches s1nce h1s e1gr h grade

grodt.ohor ord trey hove gm1ed ottent on a d

support from people ol over he United States

Tre coolest experrence 've hod s when

'Tlportont po '~a I ~1gures e H1llory C ~tor hove

eo1.. ed C..v - ob 'Y ... p~eche~. B- - ..,aid

He struggled wtl] h1s ider•·y for a long lime

before •eai1Z1ng that he IS tronsgcnder He started

wnhng h1s speeches to charge he rr. rrds of people

wf.o don't agree w1th or don't understand the

t•orsgender community and !o shore h1s story w ith I e

rest of ~e world

My goolrs to proVIde a vo1ce to other LGBT

1ds who e1ther can't co~e out or ore ofrmd o speo

LP ago nst hate Bernier smd




Kotherine EISetllllOn

lsobelln Elzem

Kyndofl (vans


Somuel Gallemore


Grant Go~ond

Somuel Gouo

Jodo Gotes

Koyto Gheorg on

Ed Giblned

Benjamin Goele

Abigoel Goitom

Ellie Gold

Gavin Goo '

lolyo Ho'mon

Maxwell Ho1111lton

Pons Homtlton


and YU

Freshmen share

their favorite

Froyo toppings.


·My favon!e

fru1' there are

t~e chernes.\"

-Jessica W1 d

Frui• 12.9%

ps Cookes/Condy 27.0%

e ze


Somuel Helml11111pf

G10ce Hensley

Kothenne Hernandez

I ehron Hio le

Ben Hocooglu

lode Hodges


Living as an ACTIV ST

Lauryn Donova shares her insight about being a young activist. lauryn Donovar rs an ocr vrsr rn rne

St lours a reo. S~e grew up rn o predorrrront y

white area wrth not a lot of people tl-rot are

cu '~;ro 1 y or rocro y srm a• to her

I hod never m '1ded berng around and

mokrng frrends w•th pretty much only whr'e rds, bu!

there we•e a ways small mrcrooggressions

Donovan sard, • e gettrng co1 d another bloc

student's nome when I coked 'lothrng like them •

Sr,e has faced drscrrmrnatron and ros not fer!

comfortable m her own s rn Donovar doesn't 1· e

the fee ng of self-hatred, so she beca'Tle an octrv st.

r e word as b d r o so

'T'any thmgs I decrded 'actrvrst' was the rrght I le

~or 'T'e: Donovan sa d

AlthotJgh Donova'1 supports ma'1y causes she

feels st•ongest towards c vrl rights moveme'11s She

gets rrvolved by participa'rg m protests and

ma•ches ·:1 support] r1ostly c vii rights movemer's such

as the Black lrves Motter movemen•, bu• I do also

spea out as o close ally far the lQBTQ+

corrrru'1 !y and o•her minor !y groups:

Donovan said

Eyen Hoffman


Tommy Hogan

Koollyn Holland

Joson Holrrop

M>tcheD Holtrop

Allison Hsieh

Groce Hu

Chorlone Humphrey

8en1omm Hutchens

Elizabe Ingram

Sophie og rota


Julio Joseph

Teo Ke cloY

e be<.;, se s ndo


H Colors Takethis quiztofindout 0 USe your Hogworts house colors.

W~ ammo rep se •s yo ?

a fox

b 9 zz y beo

c ow

d 9 de retr ever

Mostly A's



S ve

peop e to

Emma Liesman

fror•lin Liu

Dorothy l

Claire long

Victor lopez Bla!l(o

Anno Lynn



VMan Marsters

John Morlm

Zubin Motbew

Aoden Maynard

Braden Donald

Madolene Mdlonold

LIK'f Md>rosso

Ryan MlKenzre


A Morris

Vossoy Mubeen

Zr' ryyah Muhomrmld

<harles Murphy

Joseph . hoff

Kendo oms

Riley Obertino

Aidan Oi rune

Madelyn Olson

Jerry Overton

Adam Ozrll' 18'NU

Geolge Pace

.Jocob Page

William Pan




Mostly C's


B ue




Mostly D s



B oc

Margaret Lawton


1e Parish

l.dinnoo Perry

I.!Juren Pesce

Aletondro P1oo~IMey

ftdenoo Plume

Adam Pager


Anno RI!IS

Maxweft R emon

Lily R1ch

ooh R1ch

Koylee R1gdon

.lohan Robinson

.k eRode

81'fon Schi!Ml

Kathl'fO Schneidlll

Reese Schuler

Ryan Schuhz

Le1f Schuster

Annabella Seeger

Georgene Seeger

Living for the

shares what it was like to make all state band for the clarinet.

Srrce the a a

p oyed the cia· nvet Af•er years of proct ce, Ct, Ids

was selected to sit seventt-r <f-. a r m All-Stole

Bard mo tng her t'le only LodJe

f·eshmon selected

\"I om real y horored [•o pray for AII-Sto•e

Band;. I got a lot of f-.elp fror1 my omoz ng

clorr'let 'eocher wf-.o pusf-.es me to be to do the

best I cor.\" Childs said

At 12 years old, Chi ds started to rrg

prrvote esso'ls witr he• clorinel teocf-.er but she

first picked up the clarinet rn fifth g•ode dJr ng

Ja.~'=.:::;..,;__,jL..~--_j bond class Before s~e dec ded to tt-re ploy the

a 1e oy ro ' a ..,

read music T\"is helped her when she decided to

start clarinet because she pre ed ''up fast

\"Music has a ways been a po•t of rry life

and whether rt s lis'en rg to rt o• ploy•rg 1 myself,

rt' s some•hing I reo ly en,o~ • Cf·rlds said

In odd trorr to the lOY she gets out of playing

•he c orrne1, Chr ds a so recognrzes be rg a

rrusicion has taught her many thr'lgs about ife

\"lMJs cl has to.:.rg!]• me a ot, mornly obou

d scrpline ord teamwork,· Chr ds so d \"I ve

earned that yo.:.r cannot rmprove unless you put

the wor into 11 •

desc. be me ber.:o se • c ... :-n and •e posle


Living in RELIGION

Sophie Seidel

GIOywn Selsor

Marino Sha

Cathryn Show

Jacob Shelton

ilb Siddobo ulo

Somonlho Simon

Har1as Singh

Sl nshna Sivaroma

rcholas S apol

Oovtd Smelhen

ooh Smoc


omSt g

Morgan Taylor

Darren Jeh

Mmom Thomes

Ioden Thomas

Chase Thompson

Kmtlyn Thornton

En lkachen o

lliolo Jon

Kathryn lonn

Jackson lowe

Kendell I IK er

Enn lur relraub

(oro ne lvrrell

A ash Upodhyay

Sorah Voidyan

Harjas Sin shares his experiences with religious discrimination.

Ho'IOS Smc Q a bo ever t e

proct ces St hts'T', a religton predominant in Indio

where his porerts emtgroted from

\"Tf·is reltgton .,as rPode me a better pe•son,

letltng fTie help o•hers '101 do wrong.\" St'lgl't sotd

St f.. values, such as tv·ng on honest r fe,

of e\"l d.soppeo~ behind society's stereotypes.

Smgh has faced ftrst hand discr minot on about hts

race and religton

• A• airports I om often 'randomly selected to

gel potted down,\" Singh sotd \"You a ways see

[security) stop brown-s inned men with turbors.\"

A. g g J e. L r \"' e a

refused to let tho• weaken him He hopes \"lot

fTIOre tndivrduols w II learn to oe open rr. rded

about drfferen• re ;grons.

\"My rei gton rsn t t-tere to horfTt peop e

tndrvrduols from the some rei g or as terror sts

oren I all exl'efTitS1S, r fact sorre of them ore

sco•ed to walk out of the r hot.ses because th;:,

co<Jid get targeted,\" S rgr sotd. \"We wont ~e

some things as everyone else wf..tch ts to fee

safe not •o be discriminated o\"ld •o be treated

as equals·


Ia! Vonkmdmghom

Shreyo VeOon o

Athena Vinch

JohnOVJ Voshnubhatla


Freshmen share haw they use planners to organize their week.

Anno Wibon


Joshua Walk

John Yeldhom


of \"10 e

\"It helps me stay up to dote

wrl~ my ossrgnMerls

• I has helped me keep lroc

of all my hO'Tlewor and be

on lop of all upcomrng dJe


• I has helped me to gel my

homewo1 and projects done

on I Me ord be prepared for

•esls •


John Hanaway

Ketoro Harper

ngyong He

Mor Jones

EOo ng

adio Kmg

Kathenne Omahen

Vi enne Reed

Elizabeth Seltz

Zachary Shearer

laden Thomas

Zoe Zut



Fcyzan 1

YishglllllQ Amede

an AI' an

Yordanose Alanow

Brid et Ayres

Sonya Bonngohs

M es BasseH

ISSO Boldunon

SophuJ Bauers

Cassandra Beisheim

ee Bekhel

lyle! Benford

What's LIVING Y~~rLunch?

Here's a look into the lunchboxes of the sophomores, and why they eat what they do. Eva Brown

Rcvon Brown

.kKkson BIY

tn lor


V\"l(fono Compos

Juloon Carr

Chloe Cedergreen

I.Jruren Cedergreen

Talon Chapman

Dome! Choyet

(onrue Chen

L. ne Childs

Phoni Te to unto

Ellyono Cho ewa

John Chnsten

Colhn Clor

Elijah Clor

Sydney Clor

Demel Clemons

Domelle Clemons

Groce Cohen

Lovencoa CoOim

a( m

Faith Connolly

CoOisto Cox

Hope (roo: en

Sydney Crump

Sorry Curne


Jelom llo'is

Kan~o Oovis-Simmons

John Def!ry

Bryce DeGraw

OIMo DeliDven

lsobelkl del Cid

Rodngo d Cid

Robert Dengel

Roo Dhorrudhorko

Kashish Dhowon

It Takes Two: Twin Edition

Jacob and Jessica Sheldon share their experience growing up as twins.

While twin sense and telepathy rr1oy be

myttJs, lwt!'JS Jacob Sheldon and Jesstco Sheldon

hove shored memo<ies and experiences with

each othe' stnce borth Their favor te one was

when they occtdentol y found out that Jessica was

the older twm.

\"I was born f rst.\" _ess co sod \"Our pore'11


wouldn't tell us who was o der becoJse they

thought we woJ d pul it over the ot e•s' head to

w•r fights About a year ago we were gel! ng our

passports renewed and our parents left our borth

cerllficolt:::. uuo ur he ob1e so we logured out

tho• I was older •

Tre twms sotd the best port about being tre

some age is being h the sorre grade Though

t'ley dor't hove t'le sorr1e soctol ct•cle they to e

a lot of t~e some classes

It's nice berg 10 the some grade ord

leornmg the some stuff If one of us doesn't

unde•s•ord so'Tle1hing, the other one con help

out.\" .,ocob sod \"But we ore just li e ro•mol

brothers and s sters.\"

THIS COLOR de bes e beco se s deep e \"le and a \"

n g 1 owl,., d \"10 eo•ve ideo orne a


Giuseppe o, Cera

li11<oln Dibler

Gcvtn Dock ety

liom Dougan

Khomd Doug

Eh Oribben

Jeremiah Dwyer

Oylon EOSI

leSSJm Emrlund

Margaret E~words

Robel Esoyas

Brondon Espinoza

Brion fou ner

Elizabeth femberg

Sean ferguson

,chofos f 10cco

Joshua fmgerman

Sop io Fredman

Elizabeth fndmon

fronk1e Goebel

Jermo Gold

Kevm Goldman

Eli Goldste~n

!Ill Goldwasser

Pigments of our Imagination

s,udents sha,e o~ha color /oo ·s best 01 hem ulid ;my.

Harmoh Harder

Si Tong He

Zachary HeOJSt


Adventures ABROAD

Nina Sachs travels to Israel to better understand her religion.

As many studer•s ~ p d J f J d ·amels

sch001 year 1n A1.gust N1no Saci'Js was preponng for

the start of a very d qerent advent~> e Or A..1g 28

Sachs traveled to Israel where she wou d she stay for

the next fo~.· Months

\"I went to lsroe1 because growrng ..1p Jew1sh I

hod always heard abm;l sroel and how amozmg 1

was.\" Seers s01d ·My fovorrte counselor at camp

d1d 'fJe program, [Hel e< H1gr] Ofld so1d 11 was t~e

best expenence of her fe, and I dec1ded '!Jot I

wonted to do that too •

swam m t~e ~ead Sea and h1ked Mosada.

rlowever Soch s feers ~er Most 1mportont exper e\"'ce

1n Israel was go r: '19 a beHer urderstond1ng of

Judo sm

Before I we'll to Israel I 1lo~>ght t~at be1ng

jew1sr was or. y about proymg I d1dn ' unders and

the comm~>nlty aspect of • • Sod's so1d [In Israel] I

learned abolil the core vo ~..oes of Judo1sm ard 1t

irfluenced myth n ng about what rel'g1or octuo y IS

a lol •


long Ito

Eflzabe Howe


Paw Htoo

Kathenne Huber

Anayla JOt son

Richard Jacobs

lima Johnson

Alexandra Jones

Bror: Jones

Oamel lung

JadKa n


Abigail Kellerma&Bc er

Megan Ke ey

Brendan Kelly

Chnstran Kennedy

Shole Kennedy

Edmond lee


COLORFUL 0 • tntons

Sophomores share their thoughts on the newly released iPhone X.

Hamyyah M~hammad


Robert ~hy

Ethan l::lghton

YICiona eol

Xuantong ng

Sarah selel

Anna lme1

Came!Dn lill

Angela liu

S1mane liu

Theodo1e lollman


Creating with

Jordan Pee e

Mason !'Ioyer

Maria Pluma Escohor

Adam Present

Wesley Raffelsan

Mad\"ISOn Ranier

Hemndt Rausch

AlliSOn Rea

UnM Reagan

IOMS Reese

Ella Re

ma Sachs

Rebe<ro Sachs

Arsalan Soda!

Cyan Sailor

R1dtard Sc<ura~~eams

.to''IOII Sa me

Paw Say

Evan Sdmeider

ZO< ory Schwodron

Matthew Sharesltian

Katbenne Shaw

Jacob Sheldon

Jess~ca Sheldon

i.J1lian Sheley

Daniel Ju shares his passion for graphic design and videography.

Along witr videogrophy, Daniel j.mg enjoys

creotirg graphic desig'ls as a poshme He I es

•urn ng h s 1deos 1to •eohty

\"Samet mes I d jl.st be do '1g stuff and randomly

come vp with a pro1ect I wont to do· jung said \"I'd

be able o create it •

jung s des1gns ore dnven by h s creot1v1ty. He

creates t sr rt des1gns, logos ord portr01ts.

\"You con l1tero' y make orythll'9 yo~. thin of,·

jung so1d \"T'\"Iot s why ll1 e g oph1c des1gn.\"

On top at gtop ...... destgn, Jung a \"v .... ~otes

vtdeos. Most of them evolve orourd s •s.

\"It 01 ows me to tell a story exoc ly how I wont

to, jung said

Although he enjoys creohng graphic destgns

ord v deos, jung would rot pursue e1 her of hese

hobbtes as a co ee•

·All of them ore very fun lo do, but I wo:Jid li e

theM to stay OS fun rabbleS jung SOd \"not 0

competttton I rove to compe•e ogotnsl for a tv '1g .•



Isabelle Shepard

Evan Singer

Simeljeet Sing

Elizabeth Sinnen

Bradford Siwo

Ayelet Smason

Alexandel Smith

Kyndia Smi

Kyle Snyder

MadiSOn So

lena Solomon

lavon Speormon

Aidan Speidle~

Manoh Standi e1

ModeUne Stoce1

Modellne Slaut

Evan Svoboda

K n ion

Sontono To onda

Oontr Thomas

I.J1ienne Toledono


iving through the LENS

Su spends her free time taking professional photos to post on her lnstagram.

Over Ire lost year .:>v my .u flo~ be::e::r durng

pmd photoshoots and post .,g 'le p1c1:;res on her

nstogroi'T' She has been 1r'erested 1r the o·ts rer

e'ltrre l1fe

\"I ve to en art classes all my life and I

·eolized that I loved copturirg 1moges t~ot ex1st

around f'le, • Lu so rd. \"I dug out 'TIY lam 'Y s vocot1on

camera o'ld stor•ed d01ng casual photoshoots w1th

my frrends.\"

Lu posts por• arts photojournolistic shots and

I'Podels to help thef'l ge• heodsho•s and hopes to

do senior portror's 1r the future

\"I'm really mterested 1r hr.;mon

photojovnor sm.\" Lu smd \"T a 1ng photos of other

people hod sort of become rpy t.'lofficlo 1ob once

others figured out I was good at 11. Mo g 1 rnto 0

~reelorce bus1ness venture ts 1ust or extens on of

that, except I get to f'lee• cool new peop e o!'ld

get potd.\"


Eldor Tu htckhunov

Ll ~Tung

ooh Unger B YON) the Grade

John Va er

Gustavo Vazquez

Charles Vog

Demel Valobuev

w eWognon

(orolme Waldman


Mox Wosserstrom

l.liveolexrs Watkrns


a i I e d I t! Sophomores share what nail polish color they like best and why.

Mkhael W11yne

Moxwe Webb

Elrzobeth Weber

Joy Wenzel

Mortm West-Serrano

Kendal tney

Ethan Wi ms

ltKv Win elmcnn


Schuyl Wolf

Brendan Yang

Camille Yang

de rbes


stay close friends despite grade difference.

Even though we are

in different grade ,

our friendship reigns

supreme because we

see each other a lot

outside of school,

such as in tennis

and band.

JomesMo re

JelleJY Rhodes

Thomas Thuston




Ethan Belau

lila Ben! y

8la e Berg

Max Berni:' us

Alexandet Bernier

Shelley Berry

Tanya Berry

H01remelo Bezabhe

R~an S.edenst

Enc B•erii(J(

At1C8 Buch ld

Elena Bochert

Brion Brow11

Morgan 8111 e

Blyte Bussord

Mo\"hew Butz

Ashley Byer


WI Uom Can


Roeoo Cole



Riley Goge

Breon Goles

Ja<l.son Gallemore

Crew Gomble

Jordon Ganzer

A e•ander Gorzo

Keoton ConiiC!S

Yorvy Contreras Molino

Rose Cou n

Kioro Crawford

Morke,th Crowford

olhon Cu

Carlos Cueto

Anno CUI

Rebecro Cunningham

Oedon CUlron

Hodley Cytron

Eleanor Duncan

Living in the States

Juniors tell whot it wos like to live in different parts of the world before moving to Missouri.

·,,was hot and there

was a ot of football.\"

Co:rr Stefe

\"I was able to wal


Saph e Tayor

\"I wore shorts and a

t shift every day •

joeyWesbo d

\"THIS COLOR d bes e beco solwoys bee

Pill My oom and <l>e ore both p


evan G1u~am

Andrew GIUI

Hannah Gold


Oaue Golden

Alshoy Govindan

Jon10 Graham

Kelsey Grutz

Abigm1 Greenberg

Groce Hordester

Theresa Heartney

August Heln ompl

lon enderson

Bin e Her ert

Corm e Hibbler

Samuel H en

Courvoun H I

Se Hobbs

Abbie Hoefer

Ede Holiday


Joshua Horow1tz

Drew Hotz

Fel1x Hu

Meghon H

Antoruo Human

L1lion Humphrey

Andrew Hunt


Sop 111lsoocs

E e Jodson

An1k Jam


Teaching in CO OR

Justin Wayn shares his passion for making informational videos.

Upload ng h1_ t vrd• .- { 2 6 •

Wayne hos earned to enhance h1s mformot1onol

You T .Jbe videos through the years. H story,

speCifically Jn1ted States prestdents, ore the moir

ideo of hts v1deos

Alt~ough he er. oys ftlm1ng, ottroct1ng

subscnbers continues to be one of h1s favor •e po•ts

of hov1ng a ctJonnet r odd1tron to gaming

popu ority, Wayne enjoys the overo' environment

whtle he IS recording

. (. a p ete { a ter r

Wayne sad \"SaiT'etrmes get tired but e'liOY it

e1trer way·

The overall feelmg of berng abte 'o teach and

educate others ts extremely exctting to Wayne For

~tm, being able to remember the past IS 1mportont

• I feel1nsprred hear g about ~ow soc1ety was

d1fferen! years bac and how [1t] has evolved;

Wayne said • 'm the only You T ..rber I know who hod

the 1deo of mo ing on Amencon timel1ne.\"

Joonno Jurgrel

Yoir Kodon

Brennan al'rsh

Atay Komoth

Alexander Konyo

Ellie otzman

Morrsso Khngert

Akhit Kondepud

Max Kom eld

Patrick Kovolo

Hadley Krome!

Alexande! Kr!MOII

MaiOVJ a Kumaran

Guongye lDi

Alexande! l.eoly




Sarah Len

athon lieu

Wesley Lm

Mrchelle I.Ju



• II e rry

p~ore case

beco1..se 11 IS my

favor e color

ord has a pop

\"IIi e My

phone case

because ' loa s

slee and

rrotches wrot I

1..sually wear

Ko Set e

Anne Morgan

Chose Morgan

Paige Morgan

Alan Morgensztem

Jackson Mora5e

lucy Moros

Matthew Mraze

Samuel MU<he

Mary Mul en

Lam lt.gon

Anna Mumford

\"Tt)e •eoson

I I e rry phore

case so '11uch s

becaJse ·s clear

so I orr able •o

see ,.,e gray co or

of my 1Phone

Gro e Had ste


Ma1garet Lochmoe 1

lnpp lDdunoell

John Madrlen


Living in a


Juniors share what time

period they would want

to live in and why.

Chnslopher Page

l~ e Page

Seemo Pa111

Jooolhon Pills

Gronl Pow

M les Pn<e

Connor Ross

Evon Ross

lauren Ross

Megan Ross

Aloyno Rowe


Living as a

talks about growing up as a triplet.

Many people \" \"' b w

lifeltme, but Cia• K1ttner was borr w ·~ thef\"'. Kt''ner IS

one of three tr plets in his faf\"'ily and descr1bes what

life was li e growing up as tnplet

\"It is 1, e hav1ng two fmever best fr ends who ore

always w th you and are yov age • Ki ner sa1d. \"We

are super close bee a use we are all gomg througr

the saf\"'e stuff at the same time.\"

Errata Serbe5so

Karu Settle

ChliStophei Sewing

Cameron Shelton

Carmen Shelton

Mlthel Shenoudo

Hope Shunony

Brionno Sm1th

Ko 1 Smi


Somuel Spun

Anno Sputos

PbiiLp Stonton

Jonathon Stapleton

Rod10el Stauf!e1

John Stele

David Steme1


Johnothon Sy es

Cody Szwedo

Oola late

Connor Taylor

Sophie l ayfor

Joshua Thomecze«

S nee one of he tnplets goes to a di'ferent

w~f·~~·. ' IOny P--P d ... not row Kittner IS a tnplet

but he says that being a tnplet ts one of fJe most

important th ngs hat ma es him who he s today

Though they are fraternal, Kittner shares many th,ngs

w1th h s s,blings and enjoys their similanties.

\"We are fraternal, so physically we do not loo

01 e anyrrore and people never believe we are

triple•s; K \"ner s01d \"However, persoralityw1se we

are the same •


ae n lab10s

logan lrov1 lion

Anya lullmon

Alexander lumer

Peter lumer

Simone Valent no

Katherme Valenote

lauren Vanland nghom



Adam Wah e

cholos Waltke

Living in

Students describe the accessories they wear on their wrists.

Seth 8ymon

Kurt Dolan

Jesse Hubbord

Rahul Khonno

Khang lu

Duong Nh1eu

Peter Ormonde

J Perez·Sondtez

Mmom So ora

Zoe te

l1111mad Wilson

Melatewo1k Yirefu

Ore [brace et] s lor a a e lam y I e~d

ond c •o tho passed away a lew years

ago a d t e other re ds me of my bes•

lr d and t a• I w c:woys tJcve peop e

con go to when I need p

rec ved [• sSw ss Ar~y Wo·c~] for

my Bor M tzvo and hove w r'l

Tl·e bra e et s I om y g end o who

daft t ge• to see very o t ~ and my

wctc.h s sef '1 a pro':)mct c. way

Yaseph Wrm~e

AlnsleyWil' ns

IUW! Wrryne

John Wehr

Joseph Weisbcrd

Elena Welch

Za<hary Weller

ChriSI!an Wells

Natan Werede

Brandon Wesl

N1chalos Whitt<er

Sorah Wides

Zachary Wild

OaretKe w, tams

Joel 1'/i I(


Madeleme Witzel y

Margaret Woodburn

Jordan Worth

Hok ng

Brandon Yon

louisla Yang

Abigotl Yearaut

ChorlesYe m


Oaudia Zegel

Ale\"s Zeldin


de ibes 'lle be< 1 edo

• nd pe son


SENIOR MISTERS: After performtng lhe opening dante ot Mr. Ladue,


tongrotulote eoth other. •11 was fun learning the dante: Dyson said. •[Mr Lodue]rs a

lovely event ond o greot rdeo to rorse money· (photo by C. Alisio)



tn Color

Kelechi Achilefu

1 n o throne you d dn'l bu1ld.\"

Nneno Ach1 efu

Benjamin Avigad

\"The secret Impresses no one The Inc you

use 11 for Is everythmg •

Alfred Borden, The Prestige

James Beirne

\"I'm not perfect, no one IS perfect heryone

mo es m1s1okes. I rhw you try to learn from

those m1s1ckes.\"

Derek Jeter

Armon Adams

om ever gtven; 11 ts won.\"

A. Ph ltp Randolph

Arianna Baker

Good VIBes

John Beirne

·u om't o~er r tt'· o~er •

Yog1 Berro

Matthew Allen

\"29 kids go 1n the water 22 kids rome our of the

wurer. ke cream mon, he lch e rest·

PISioduo Oisgu1sey, Master of Otsgutse

Max Baker

\"Mo 1 ,J I'd be spec1al\"

Jayson Tatum

Alexander Benduski

1 1d elbow you rn the face but they

haven't po1d me yet •

(ooch Robe

Keeferly Antao

\"Y01. they are and mk. 'Why'' I dream

ngs os they DMJ we~e and It 'Why not?'\"

George Bemord Shaw

Matthew Balcer

·Just ganna send 11:

Larry Ent1cer

Megan Bernstein

\"One con never hove enough socks.\"

Albus Oumbledore, Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer's Stone by I K Rowlmg

Andrew Baumstark

Good VIBes

Zachary Bernstein

1y lovt my bed ,d my mo

I'm sorry •



fff'A---o.. 'Jd Finding Herself


Sophia shares how she has

gotten back into old hobbies.

Frrst ser'lestc· seruor year is a stressfl.i lime

)r many as people ''Y and choose, apply to

nd hear from r'lany of the • top chorces for

0 ege After rt's all over, second semester IS

n oppor'<Jr ty for r'lany to to e o breo•he• and


et boc rrlo some old hobbres.

Now ·~ot I rr o second semester senior, I

ave o lot r'lare f•ee lir'le than before,\" Sophra

so d. I m •:ymg to find mysetf ogarn •

li has been ''Y ,rg v get boc mto

hobbies. She enjoys fash on, prlotes and

coo ing.

• wont•o start creating ogorn, • lr sard, \"I

feel r'lOre SO sf red wher f' r'l actively do ng

somethrng rr.stead of possrvely sr ling and

watching o show •

On 1

op of creating, l enjoys olaying

piano, building wr•h legos and practicrng

orate w th he• little bra he• She has also

started 1ournalmg and reading ago n. Her

octrvrtres help s~ope her 'e.

• t'Y to st.pplerrent what toe '1

experience w tr entht.srasm • li said \"lately,

I ve been thrn1 rng o lol obo1.t o speech on

gratitude leading to happ'ness I've been trying

to incorpora e that mrndfulness nto my

darly life·

Afomya Bezabhe

Good VIBes

Dixon Bezzont Katherine Bohnert

m ,t bemg dro rtr It's w11ot io

Lorelo1 Gilmore, Gtlmore Girls

Louryn Bommer Aston Brading

Ariel Brown

\"W1rt ore !Phone charger• ~·rt oiled apple


r to s .o teo11y

Murray Bouman, Stronger Thmgs 2

Janelle Brown

\"Don't worry about wh t I n domg Worry

obout why you're warned about what I'm

domg •


\"The question ,n't ·w rs going to ret me?'

but s1mply 'Who's gomg to stop me? ..

Ayn Rand

\"II klo•w rd tt never seeing you ugorn.\" \"I m t ~~· >trtious, but I om o lrttle

Bluu Waldorf strl•ous.\"

M choel Sea , The Offrce

Koylon Buckner Toney Bushue

G V Be1 \"I wok rp ·or lieiJ or J rer ,z ,' Aw

shoe s,l'm lost··

Toney Bushue

THIS COLOR d bes me oeca se s a and


Shoun Calhoun

·a we g1 •d to go to school

ago n •

Justin Chen

Jar 1e Zeng

Kordero Conversi

AJ 1ve lr .ted the brnemess of defeal ond

disopll<> tment A warriol must not dwell on rfwt

far re, but mustleom from tt and rontinue on.\"

Tunothy Zahn, Star Wars: Tluown

Lily Crockett


Ryan Carpenter-Roberts

• .,_ esoever you go, wrt your



Philip Cherrick

\"War ·~tr you no long r h 1v• to r tr,Juce


The Wolf of Wall Street

Sarah Cook

Sorry, my ph red.·

Sarah Coo

Caitlin Cunningham

A yP ~w .~ht o challenge •

Co1tlm Cunnmgham

Shoun Carr

You c1 ., rr I mpos ~ ·I you haven't

done rt yet.\"

My dod

Jamie Clay

Good VI 8

Ryan Cox

•If you wont II always be rig rt, always be

prepared to change your m1nd. •

GCP Grey

Ethan Dahm

•1 park m hondi , J rls for the

thrill of II·

Ethan Dahm

Abhay Cashikar

•Why toke o br L1eok wnen you can have

a mental b1eo down'·

Abhay Cash1kor

Alexander Cobin

ve never tned to hide Ire fact thotrl

IS my mtentran to become the best.\"

Ciislrono Ronalda

Sarah Crews

·Real cou1ogr .sl lding on to a sf II vorce m

your head that says, '\\ must keep gomg ••

Cory Booker

Simone Daley

•1 rdr I e ~rew You should

try 11 sometrme. babe.\"

Srmone Ooley

Grace Crockett

The lost _ ,troc ng, butt e

issues are real •

·K1mberly Gutchewsky

Lani Michaella Daniels

Good VIBes


Notaro Davis

1 1w.s 'r o ylhmg J,ke Degrossr or

Hi School Musrcol •

Raymond Deffry

Goal V

Shrey Dharnidharka

e ey •o mmonr ry s I 1 1Vtng o

le worth remembeung.·

Bruce lee

levi Dyson

1ou ll$!00 1 rls you don't

•e Wayne Gret1k{

eel Scon, The OHrce

Gabriel Deck

\"If I rd 1 e b lw n 11 g a burnlo

and a senror quote, I'd eotlhe burnto.\"

Gabe Deck

Riley Deutsch

owy I rcecream·

Ruey ueutsch

lane Dibler

\"These rasr f .w doys ue rmong the

hopp1e11 I've ever ignored.\"

Doug Kenney

Isaac Eastlund

·womb to .. :

Sora Eastlund

How Titne FLIES

Helen Dubale

Goud VISe!

Sara Eastlund

• .. lomb.\"

lsooc Eostlund

Cullen Durbin

\"Change ff w of 1f Aud ~lose w loc on~ to

the post or present ore certain to miss me future.·

John F Ken~

Sarah Eisenman

·our lrves begm to end the day we

become SJienl aboutlhmgstho


Martin luther Kmg Jr.

Delaney Durbin

T ow I mul


Arsema Esayas

\"Does runmng rare count as exerose1\"

Arsemo Esoyos

desc bes beCO s very b a and extra e e


Oliver Feldenberg

Good V18es

Charlotte Fox

II\" I IW I II II d.\"

Charlotte Fox

\"I li e th s e'Tloj

becaJse t's jJst

always how I'm

feeling It's rry


a da\"l adess

\"I like thts errojr

because tl loo s

rtla· ous. Ho\"lestly

t s !LoSt noP.senstcal

Ma Ha pt

\"I i e this erroji

because rl is very

fun and


l Nrx

Vinicius Fernandes Adam Fields

It' pie .e of coke to bake a pretty coke if \"You~ 1tf1 do tl cooking by the book, you

the woy s hazy • know you can't be lozy •

Stephome, lozy Town Stephanie, lazy Town

Alessandro Francone

\"Doh standardized tests? I have a great

trrck. fill tn all the bubbles w1th w,te·Out,

tams the machrne, everyone pasm. •

Gina Lrnettr, Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Avery Fredman

If tomorrow 1sn't the due dote, today

r>n't the do dote•

Laura Ewald

\"Top, top, rnd g •

Jaylen McNichols·Johnson's Dod

Maya Farmer

\"How rid I ~·,ss1bly be ex~ected to

handle school an a day l•ke th1s?\"

Ferns Bueller

Benjamin Fister

Good V18es

Rebecca Friedman

\"Somet1mes you never know the value ol

o moment untrl1t becomes o memory.\"

Dr. Seuss

Stephanie Farn

\"You need o reason to be sad, you don t

need o reason to be ho~py.\"

1oo1s Scxto, ~ StOOes from w~

Rachel Forrest

\"I hotr much about the th ngs yot1

choose to be.\"

M1choel Scott, The Off1ce

Maayan Gazit

\"Peo~le s y 11 19 ble, b

do nothmg everyday •

Wrnnie the Pooh




Jack Glon

'Hig Sr orl ike o merry-go-round,

mept it's on lire ond the horses ore


Anjel Gordon

• \"let 1e1 you make c 10ices n life, and

!Omet1mes choices make you. Make sure

YOU make the nght ch01ce.·

Gayle forman

Akiva Groener

'li'e 1 w' ot happens to you wh1le you're

busy 'licking other pions. •

John lennon

Gretchen Goebel

\"Any dog under SO pounds rs o cot end

cots ore porntless.\"

Ron Swenson, Perks end Reueotion

William Gorski

\"Mer rs born free, but everywhere he is rn


leon-Jacques Rousseau

Mahima Gunapooti

\"I'm gunno pool for the stars.·

Kate Problek/Poot

Celia Goldberg

\"Oh, end o Diet Coke •

Celio Goldberg

Jacob Gould

\"You can't be common, the common men

goes nowhere; you hove to be uncommon.\"

Herb Brooks

Sithija Gunasinghe

\"You get whet you pay lor. •

English Proverb

Macey Goldstein

\"You miss 100 of the shots you don't toke.

-Wayne Gretzk( ·Michael Scott, !he Office

-levi Dyson

Mekkah Grant

•t get butterflies every trme I see myself.\"

Mekkoh Gront

Jon-David Gunther

\"I wish there was o way to know you·re m

the good old days before you've left them.\"

Andy Bernard, The. Office

Julia Gomes

\"Where's Kate?\"


Kelsey Gratz

Good Vl8es

Kiyan Haider

\"Whet even ore you? like. ethnrcolfy?\"


~LUE Two students talk about their experiences with high

school rowing and their plans to row in college.

Rambler: Con you describe

the fe1 1g y 1u hove when

you re out on the water?

Megan Present: It fee1s like

om free I otso love •he

odreno ne rush I gel when

·ocrng When everyone

moves together rn sync, there

rs o leelrng that comes ove•

\"f'e eo wove

R: Why do yo\" wont to row

rr ege?

MP: I wonted to row rn

c:.ollege becoJse i

1 has

olwoys been o d·eo'Tl of mrne

to be o D 1 athlete

Rambler: What ore you most

ex ted ob t wrt~ mov•'lg

into the next brg step rr


Jeri Rhodes: The mos•

excitrrg port rs the new

ex per e'1ces I II hove 1n

college [like) meeting new

teammates [and) compet\"ng

o I ghl• levels.

R: Wrot has beer your r'lost

f\"\"er'l >·able experrence?

JR: My most memorable

exper e'lce would be go .,g

to HP comp and rocmg at

club not ana's

THIS COLOR desc bes me because b e my favor te COIOf ':l d

chose o groy-bt e because 11 s less 1fl-%r~oce


Taking the

plans to continue riding,

bringing her horse to college.

Whrle everyone o •ending college w• be

llong 'lg out on the wee e'ld T otyono Turley

w1ll be r\"ding her f)orses. T ur ey w at end

Drury ~niversity rn the foil and her rorse will be

r ght alongsrde her.

\"Whc'l Ito e [my horse] to college, I wo

r de her airPost eve<ydoy, • T ur ey so1d \"T'1e

barns I hove found ore close by so I con go

boc and for1fJ easily •

She hopes to get rntu mure ru• e shows

and 1mprove her s 1lls. Turley has beefl bt.. ding

relohonships and wor ing w1t~ horses s1~ce she

was a child

\"I got rea y mto horsebac nd1ng when I

rode a ho·se in Hyde Par tn London.\" T ur ey

sord • fellrn love wrth rt rrstontly ord started


Horseback r ding requrred procticrng and

'•oinmg for T ur ey 1-lowever, she had a h

support systeM.

·My mo•~er was super support ve

I moved barns to learn more and do !'lore

was there every step of the way, • T Lo ley sa

\"She li matery inspired me to conhnue rry

rrdrng possron. I hove l'let so many o11oz

people along the way wro hove ~e ped

so mt..ch •

Maxwell Hampton Malone Hanis

B •Y. re 1m exc I d 1 se 11e \"I e wo;. WllCI1 are they' I smg In ibe slrower

Allison Harpole

\"I regret nothmg. The end.\"

John Haselhorst

·w,IJ you many me, KT loon?\"

fimshed new budd~ oh.\"

Maxwell Hampton

Lindsey Haynes

\"I don't always gradua e, but en I

do, tt's barely.\"

lmdsey Haynes


Somehmes spend too l1lldl tune teer~~~g

Oumlonaly n hrt somehody my ar •

Midmel Scon. The ORa

Ryan Hearst

\"One lie thmgs obout boo srs

somelimes there ore some fantastic

p1dures. •

George W Bush

Ron Swanson, Parks and Reuealian

Anne Heartney

\"I can't bel1eve th1s. Chips Ahay for a ba e

sole? Are you 10 mg me? Hove same

standards, Ma1sha •



Patrick Hensley

• Any dog under SO pound• ·at,

cats ate pomtless.

Ron Swanson; Parks and Reueolian




Olivia Herman

·com ng up WJth o quote was harder than

trymg to graduate •

Ohv10 Herman

Joel Hsieh

·va l,ie razz?·

Barry B Benson, Bee MoVIe

Jamaia Jones

\"W1iy fa I n ove when you can loll alseep?•


Trenton Kattif-Baker

v 5

Shelby Horne

·My swe 1te1 R1 ph L en and I hove no


Barry B Benson, Bee Mov1e

Niesha Ireland

Good VIBes

Berke Kacor

Gr d VIS

Ayush Kaw

G od Vl

Stella Harton

·Baby, there's a b1g f1ght for you to frght,

and I hope I hove prepared you well enough

to keep f1ghtmg.\"

Stella Horton's Mother

Brooke Jackson

\"You have to be o beast; thor's t e only woy

they'll respect you.\"

c 1Mmar

Mona Kafaie

·rf oman does not ve tl then he

rs lost. But the same mon con be tost rn the sauce·

Gucer Mane

Alex Kemppainen

Af r• better·

Closs of 2018

Joshua Horwitz

\"I w1sh there was a way to know you're 10

the good old days, before you've left them.\"

Andy Bernard, !he Off1ce

Jordan Jackson

\"I show up, to show md 1w off·

Kendnc Lamar

Jenna Kalishman

•AppreCiol· 1g w< e1 1the goy way

ond the femtn1st woy smce 2000 •

Jenno Kal1sh01on

Dravin Kennedy

Orov1n Kennedy

Madeline Howard

\"The pnv lege of o hfet1me IS bemg who you

are •

Joseph Campbell

Elizabeth Johnson

·rr's no thotl don't respect them, they're

rust stup d •

Betsy Johnson

Daniel Karasick

Fake '' h yo ke 11 •

Kathryne King

· M .Jrround 101

Scar, The Lion Kmg


Maxwell Kitsis Bailee Koons

•forg\"e ~ ettemtes bu ' forget theu

Ava Koon

\"I'm .ve• Jomg tho! at

Avo Koan

\"We 'I be lost; w dot 't know where


Presrdent John f. Kennedy

Mitchell LaMar

·oon't let mtdmgltt tut!•

Renee Hearst


the sticker tn the bac

the BOB Marley \"one

love\" st1c er, ts my

ph losophy on life I

also co f\"lY car The

Fem-mob1le. •

we're gomg •

lorelet Gilmore, Gtlmore Guls

Carter Lambie Kalen Lang

·H,story start ~on July 4. 1776 Everythmg

before that wos o mrstoke.·

·rort ttme flex .. fu ttme finesse.·

Kalen ·rake hrm ltfe• long

Ron Swanson, Parks ond Recreotton

the environmenl and

I li e •he color.\"

\"The MJstang is

special o 'T'e because

11 used •o be my dad's

but ~e gave it to r1e

on my 18th bi•thday

after years of o tng

wtth h m tho• one day

11 would be mine •

Samuel Korn

Good VIBes

Daniel Lee

Good VIBes

Emily Lesorogol

·u too me q it 1g hme to develop a voice, ond

now that I hove tl, I om not gomg to be ~1ent.\"

Madeleine Albnght

Evyn Levy

·1 know w • dottg ltust don't know

wnot to do.·

Evyn levy

·oo you thmk God stays tn heaven becouse

he too, lives in fear of whot he's crea ,.

Steve Buscemi, Spy K ds

Eun Lee

Good VIBes

Jonah Levy

\"I'll thtnk of o good semor quote bel re

deadline. I'm not worrred •

Jonah levy


Zachary Levy

'PI y f 1 I f J I Y

w remember the one on the bat •

Tony Adams

Leda Liang

'We feel Ire• w w el ·a ev lrl be

but from lhe frymg pan lo rhe lire.'

Em Holler

Albert Liu

'Suwss ol farlure rs strll a success.'

Albert lru

Kathryn Long

sorry, drd I roll my eyes aut loud1'

Kathryn long

Sophia li

'People WIIO re rverdr• Ill( or hypO(!IIICOI

ore lrterolly the worst people mrl'

Sophro lr

Kaycee Little

'l'mma keep I movm', be dassy and


N1ckr Mmaj

Annie liu

'Dtstmy 11 for losers lr's rust a stupid excuse ro wart far lhrngsto happen nsttod of m,. 0 them


Blarr Waldorf, Gas11p G rl

Elliot Lorenz

'There seems to be no srgn of

mtellrgent lrfe anywhere •

Buzz lrghtyear, Toy Story

Living for

In 2016, Emily .esorogol

helped found the Catalyst club.

Members cortribute var OJS types of

med a on the websrte.

'I was passronate about

creahng a space where students

coL.Id submrt work that wasn't a

school assrgnment: lesorogol sard.

lesorogol and her pee•s have

been able to use the media platlorm

to share some of the r own personal

ideas One of the pieces that

lesorogol has contributed is a serres

Tyler Logan Erin Lohr

CHAI ~F Fmilv I e~nrnn shares

her ideas behind the

Catalyst club.

o· -P . ,..Jn essays that are based

on 1-rer ow'l life

'[My essay series], The

Power of Male Attention, rs about

many personal exper ences a'ld

observahor:s I hod made

throughout mrdd e and righ school

about the rmpact that male

attenhon hod on me and the gnls

aroJnd me: leso•ogol sard. 'I

hope that peopre will read my

preces and think, wow I con rea y

rela1e to this.'\"

Charles Loitman

'If mry pork ·hop were perle<! . we

wouldn't hove hotdogs I'

Tyler logon

'I don't wont to be here. I wont to bema spa,

bemg fed o mce taco. Preferably .. due en.'

Cormne O~mpios, The Bachelor

'You mi 00 of the shots you don't to e.

·Wayne Gretz y' -Michael Scon -leVl Dyson

·Macey Goldstem

Anqi Lu

'I'm ad ld lf God.·)))'


Michael Luan

'You are the Sherlock est of the Holmes.'


Andrew Lucier

\"Joseph A. B k 11'1 the game.'

Dov•d Archuleta, 2010 Ameman Idol

Runner Up

hoveo e


Sil ye Sc ee


SenhJI.) Jllurv 1he1T avori e cnuanood moVIes.

• el\"'lo because it's cool

and he tot.ched Ire butl. •

)avd G

\"IIi ed Shre becaJse it's a

really awesome mov1e •

Adam Fe -l

\"Morster's Inc because it

was the fi•s• mov•e ever

saw in treaters.\"

Sa ha Ma

Alexandra Marx

\"To anyone who sow me n the hall· I

promrse I wasn't angry, that's tusl my foce •

Alexandra Marx

Erin McKenzie

• ow luc y I on ro t '' er mg I ot

mtkes soy ng goodbye so hard •

Winme the Pooh

Aris McCurdy

\"I bo I W' 11 r ,J ol II all \"R

through lhe summer.

Guw Mane

Cameron Meeks

\"I •Y at funny, I'm •Y on

and people lhr~k I'm 10 mg •

(omeron Meeks

Sasha Lustman

'Y 1v• 1y bed and my momma. I'm


Oro e

Riley Majzun

\"I m1ghl even b a rock slor.\"

Hannah Montana

Ryan McFadden

rs brow11, round hero wt party

w r r~ • up and rhe to lgott d n·

Colt ford

Ori Miller

,d v• t your quote?·

Alex Cobm

Pardes Lyons-Warren

\"What a I IQ, I· 0e rnp rt's been •

Stephen Hyde, ihar '70s Show

DeMonn Martin

Good VIBes

John McGauley

\"I am so happy to '

here on Youlube cnanner for w w

support me such as my fr e ds •

John McGauley

Ryan Miller

•t sle t 11 hool rhan or home. •

Ryan NJIIer

·r~ f1 t 01 d1slroctrng, but the rmes


K1mberly Gurchews y

Elijah Martin

Good VIBes

Alexander McGregor

·well, 11 could hove been wc:se •

Alexander McGregor

Elizabeth Minifie

·Goad rs good enoug •

loner Due ham


Azucena Molina

\"love a d be loved, baby •

Cole Closser

Kristine Moore

ood VIBes

Glen Morgenstern

er 1y 1ed w11 the very best •

Aidan Morley

\"And 1t's olnght, and It's o \"Y.

good. we're wrth hom1e~.

e all

Kathryn Muchnick

Y one

W1nston Churchrll Katre Muchnll

Chance the Rapper

Jessica Mueller

'Bueller' Bueller? ... Bueller?\"

Ben Stem, Ferns Bueller's Ooy Off

Kalifa Muhammad Sophia Mumford

~d v 8

Kela Munnerlyn

believe harr r.

Brandon Murdock

\"The good fp ;, one 1spued by .~ve end

gu1ded by knowledge.\"

\"The o 'Y I e you should ever L k. rs

to see how lor you've come: Hop Gentry

Ser or year ope'led up several

po t> 'es and reor•·es for Elise Nounhetm.

eo ng 'low •o balance her soctoll 'e and

JO wo· was only a par' of what she hod


ve eor'led to to e advantage of every

e and 'lO! stress: Nounheim sord

Everyth ng wrll turn out o oy •

After leorntng hrgh school won't

Bertrand Russel

Living for the


Elise Naunhein shares what she's learned from high

school and how it will help her throughout life.

de•errr ne her life, Nounrer:'T' has been able to

truly entoy her lost few months as o high school

student. The sports games, teoche<s, and fet ow

students wrll be remembered according

to ounhc 'T'

\"I om goirg to miss seeing a I my frrends

a' scboo~ond gotng lo all the [sports: games

where going all out for themes IS okoy.\"

Althougr she has learned that hme fires

by, and t'lot four yeo , , nut a torg rme,

Nounherm has begu'l to thin about fe ofte,

rrgh school. To her hrgh schoolts about

mo ng everlasting memar es that wtll be

remembered o~er she graduates

\"You tnd of find yourself o'1d r,gure out

who you ore • Nm .. 1hetm sord It's n. whe1

peopre say high school is some of tre best

years of your lrfe •

HIS COLOR de be e beco speo >he


Lauren Murphy Peter Murphy Mary Naunheim

\"Sometrmes you wni never kiiOW I e vrloe

of the moment until rt becomes o memory •

Dr. Seuss

\"We're lead I We're dead I We s rvrv .d but

we're dead!\"

a rfy goober.\"

Spongebob Squorepants

Dash, The lncredibles

Laura Nix Marni Oberman Cameron O'Keefe

\"Keep your face always toward the sunsbme

and shadows wrff !off bebmd you.\"

\"They am't gotto respr t me, but they wrff

respect the moves that I me e •

I .ver tor er ry tor reom.\"

Mrchael Scott, The Olfru

Walt Wbrtman Post Melone

Living through

... re frrendship bc+ween Erin

McKenz.re and Stephorte Forn rr1oy

hove began rr the classroom but •

comes olive on •he donee floor

McKerzre and Forn ore performing

the ~ senror due' toge l)er at the So !'lt

louis Dance Academy.

\"I dec ded to do a due• wrth

Stephonre because we've becorr1e

great fnends thro\"gh donee and

school.\" McKenzre sord. \"She's a


Erin McKenL and tenhnniP.

Far plan a senior duet after

several years of dancing .

g1eo donr.:er and ;,vmeune w

easy to bounce ideas off of •

Both girls hove been dancing

for over 1 0 years and plan to hove

therr recrtol rn june, 201 8. Both of

them plan to conhnue doncrng rn

he future

\"I dor't plan to rr1010r rn • bl.l

I'd e to 10rn a team.\" Forn so d.

\"Done ng has become somethrng

really en oy doing •

Jasmine Neal

\"That moment when yr u t1lk tr

yourself and you start smrfing frke an

rdiot, because you're just so hrlanous.\"

Andrew Olson

Gr J VIBes

Jacob Orsay

Deeuatrail Nichols

t eep because I'm para oid

black m o whrte 'Tlan's terntory •

J. Cole

Elise Ormonde

\"I'm pretty t g e a dramond :lr

beef 1er y m o ball gow •

Trtus Andromedon

Amechi Oruwari

\"The mrtochon \" of \"I'm gorng to bed before e 1 er o eo

the cell.

Paige Overton

\"Dr r'•· exr red r•

Hermione Granger, Harry Potter

comes up wuh another devertdea to t 11

off rUed.\"

Hermrone Granger, Har.y Potter

Solomon Owolabi

Good VISes


lan Pallares

1 am God's vessel My greatest porn m I fe rs that I

wr never be able to see myseH perform IJVe.\"

Kanye West

Javier Payne

1o rs to rt aft. Otherwise you ore just on

rnert dwn of random assembled mol es

drihrng wflermr the unJVel5e blowl you.\"

RK Sondtez

Mason Perkins

Good VISes

Megan Present

'Megan Present? Present I'

Me on Present

Emily Park

'Every chrld rs m ortr t The problem rs how

to remam on ortrst once we grow up•

Pablo Premo

Julian Peng

'https./ /twrtter.com/iulionpeng66/stotus/


Julian Peng

Paige Perkins

Good VIBes

Noor Rahman

'Sometrmes you gotto wr rk o tt' so you

con boll o lot.·

Tom Haverford

From Blue to NEW

Benjamin Phung

'Is that o short 1okeW

Boron Von Vergar

Claire Reichle

•too , '\" d •un across the beach rnto

my own arms, I would. •

Joe re Bur hart, That '70s Show

Mrssour S•ote has

Missouri State

Cose Western

Katherine Prablek

Arrd 1

1 rs trme, I th-.~ght wo~ t~e


Josh Nrchols, Droke & Josh

Sahana Raju

•11· s hord be g my owr role model.\"

Mmdy Kolrng

Eric Prager

'Yesterday tory, tn'!lorrow Is o mystery,

but today IS 0 g h That IS why we It IS 10 led

the present.\"

Moster Oogwoy

Michael Raskin

•1 put cocor b~ t ~er my face and my

rcomc belly and my o~ms and legs. y live

rough? [rye smooth.\"

OJ Kholed


SIC to

Her Ears

Katll Prni]J shares her

experience playing in the

high school orchestra.

P oy ng the cello become on ob1...JI ner future and what she wants m

essen• ol po•t a~ a e Preble s lrfe She life Bandmg wr '1 fellow musicrans by

10 red h:•• fe low arches ro peers a er

scf.oo eve<y day o perfecl songs.

\"PlaYing helped me 'l'prove s rlls

st..ch as no e ace Jrocy • Prob e s01d

The hrgh scroo orchestra rea ly helped

st•e.,gther my nterest :1 ployrng

t e celo

As a semor, she has learned a lo

serdirg r<Jmorous faces across ''\"le

room has only made her realrze •he

imparlance of music

• 've learned that practice ma es

perfec• • Prablek sa rd. \"Hard wor

really does pay off I can 'wait •o see

how r'1Y rnterest rn playmg the ce o wrll

help me throughout life.\"

Rhiannon Rhoads

\"You should hove people o er rs

wee end.\"

India Rhodes

\"lei's nol Or J nJf We J


Jeri Rhodes

\"Sorry' con·r rove \"\" ng\"

Jerr Rhlllles


Jakhi Riley Carolina Ritter

\"Hard wor beats talent w I loris to ·n y y yo re w rl you ec 1 bull don't

wor hard.\" remember eotmg o goat •

Ke n Durant Corolmo Ritter

Natalia Ritter

My d I tc Is tomorrow.•

Notolio Rrtter

Anisha Ravi

\"You doo't to drcos! 11 this wOOd.

WI you do some 511'( 11 will lu1s you.·

John 6t n The f ou lift Our Stars

Kathryn Reiff

Wr re's Julro?\"


Carly Rich

\"Sorry t P• k ploymg.\"

Carty Rrch

Jomaria Robinson

\"Sh ' J .~rJ, o she drd. •

R.S. Grey

Carrington Reed

\"T 1k r· ,k• If you succeed you'll be hom

but rf y' oil fori, you'll be Wist •

Jiachen Ren

\"I'm finrshed •

Johnny Ren

lindsay Rich

•t would t,ke to t rK Wik, o, Mo

Sporknoles, and copy ond paste for getttng

me through oil 4 years.\"

lindsay Rrch

Garrett Rogers

• My tr rt I g .,. t y'llbe be I


Jermome Cote


Reid Rogers

·My aam R ,,. algae.\"

Rerd Rogers

Hana Sadoff

'Omg,llove your mom!'


Kyler Schulz

·r wrth the best, then 10m

wllh the rest.\"

Sh geru Mtyamoto

Jared Seele

'Sa e mes th rt II moke the


~eorge Mrchoel, Freedom '90

Emma Ross

'What's the pomt f o uote f rt

can't be, 'even o lrttle questronoble'7'

Emma Ross

Douglas Scheibel

'Dr rttuke I fe t ro ser ry Y• wdl

never get out of 11 ahve:

Elbert Hubbard

Anthony Schuster

1 \"''' I lVI g pen mmd, of

course, IS that people wnl lnStst on commg

along and try~ng to put th ngs m rt •

Jerry Protchen

Ashton Seitz

Gr ,d V18

Walter Rowe

G1 .. .HI8es

Kyle Schilling

t c rme• 11 k wing what to soy, to

charm, 1 always hod It •


• •

Yon Rybak

'It only toe 360 pages to prove 1•1·2 .\"

Proved m Pnnopra Mathematrca

Olivia Schroder

'Oon't proc. unt you et rt right Prochce

until you can't get rt wrong •


Sophia Sachs

'I'm nev t at·

It Grade Saphra Sachs

John Schultz

Ot '\" t you 't.\"

Casey Nerstat

Seniors share their most memorable high school experience.

ana we


freshmo, year the tenn s •eo got

t rd at s a•e After that ve a ways

wonted to go boc I was st a

rea y fun exper e ce

,HIS COLOR de bes e b o se r s eo m ow and ed ood

so pr t1y


Max Bo er stor•ed the lot e Floc a

Florre basketball eorr ... ~e group members 01

met each other when they were younger and

mode 11·us •earn in high school.

\"We ore a group of ser ors and one

1unior that have been fr ends s.nce m•ddle

sc~oo Ba er s01d. • have rown a lo• of

these ids s.nce I was barr Bt.l some of the

other people f1rst met 1r middle school •

Living through

the GAME

Max Baker talks about the highs and

lows of his recreational basketball team.

The eom was created as a way to get

together and JSt hove fun. They ore coached

by joshua Horw•tz ( 12)

\"We dec1ded to make the team because

we thought • wouod be a really fun way to be

able to get together every wee : Boker so1d.

• Altho~g~ tt has been a rough start 'o the

season, we make the most of tl. We use ov

losses n a humorous way •

A, oLgh 1ney hove lost a f\"lOjO'IIy ot

games, they still hove fun as a teorr They 'love

support from classmates and friends who try to

come to every game

\"We ore a really terrible team but we

hove the best fans 1n the world • Bo er so o

\"When we won our first go'Tie thts yeo we

went crazy because tt was the f r<1 •·me we

hod won in two years.\"

Nicole Shapiro

'Adult• ue only kids grow up, anyway:

Meghan Sheldon Violet Shelley-Pettinelli

D m'llel •yone k, your f •wers. Make

sure your garden IS wolered ond stunt.\"

Matthew Shenouda

Out There

Fatima Sheriff

Wolt Disney

Aleesha Shi

'When l1fe seems hord. 11ke o 11e out of

the s lver sondw1ch.\"

Avatar, The last Aubender

htlUmp Boom.


Josephine Shifrin

'Geese, Vr m?

Wi111om Shakespeare, Macbeth, V.ut

T~er The Creator

Gabriella Skapof

'It's the only Me yo • ''· so yo golfo liVe''

big lime:

Big T•me Rush

Rober! Smdmon

Carrington Smith

Good Vl81

•Though she be but t IS I erce •

William Shakespeare

Mekesa Smith

'You om'! golfo ike m ke me'

Kanye West


Melvin Smith


Lydia Solomon

I It's lorktng

, bstonce •

Chose Atlonltc

Juliana Stoll

·1 was youn ~ e:

Fall Out Boy

Jackson Taylor

'I k 'm cool That 1~ 11 11ters.\"

T er The Creator

Olivia Smith

·sorry I w' epmg

Olivto Smtih

Daniel Song

·rou mi lC' tit y u don't to e

Wayne Gretzky ·Michael Scan, The Of!tce

·levt Dyson ·Macey Goldstem .Chortle Lottman

Jaliil Swope

Gt d V

Alexia Thomas

• Alexto, I ld hear you from down the



Leah Snidman

·sun 1s tg o11d so re you •

Axwell and lngrosso

Alexander Sterling

'to -~or •


Jaylen Sykes

Good VI 8es

Sophia Toledano

\"Pet t e of me ltke they've never seen

a walktng goddess:

Ktm Kordashion

Adam Soldwish-Zoole


l1v tl A vetu I .dl 01

ways that won't war •

Thomas A Edtson

Sydney Stern

tl v y ave me so

mucn rrght now •

Konye West

Kalkidan Tadesse

'he >I donyet u tort li .hmg on

osstgnment m aoss right before the teacher

collects tt.\"'


Matthew Tonn

·n TONN'~~\"



Natalie Solem

Good VlSes

Derrick Stiebler

J 0, egends ore


Kobe Bryant

Louis Taxman

•t•m not at a b tl bathtub •

Bathtub Guy

Jon Town send

Good Vl8es



Students explain their favorite candy to snack on.

I love horrbo guMmy bears

They re so swee• and ove

gJrrmy candy

•ear y I e 1-iersrey s Bo1s

Trey 1ust taste h e perfectro'l

·1 eat [K 1 Ko•s] Ire way the

ordosr ons eat rt II mo es

them taste so mJch belle• •

Sonya Vatwani

·c J ev y ee that?? Bmuse t w1ll not

be domg 11 ogom.:

lark Sparrow. Puotes of the Conbbeon

Julia Wang

•youtube co Wnn rMu11c:

Jufio Wong


Grace Wallace

you ve I gott I J somethmg

you love to do and then do 11 lor the rest of

your lrle for me. 1l's gorng to Rushmore:

Mox fischer

Madison Ward

•Hey con yc rd met e p1ctureslrom

the gome lost mght?•


Katelyn Wallace

8 g10 Ivy lVI mon:

Bob Dylan

Emma Warticovschi

'No, I dr n't get frep lr :ho1·• •

Emmo Wortrcovschr

Jenevieve Trau

·len Trou, len Trou. forlure ot ev ry1 ng m


Chnstopher Soxton

Margaret Tyrrell

·vou hove brarnsm yo qd y hove lee

tn your shoes, you ca , ,, Y•• If tn any

duedran you choose •

Dr Suess

Brooke Waller

·war ~ ~ r.

Joshua Weisbard

'No 7s.

Josh Wersbord

Tatyana Turley

\"Who c re wr ane'st me s 011

If o momenl&s all we are Who cores

more hght goes out' We I, d •

Lmcoln Par

Aaron Umen

•It's rust 2 Ez·

Aledoc e, GOAl

Audrey Wang

• othlng rs .mpossrble The wo d

'I'm possrble'r•

Audrey Hepburn

Christian Wells

Good VIBes


Demetrius Wesley

'Roc s •

Hound Dog

Harrison Wright

rs my only goo Surround m~elf wrth funny

e, and rno e sure everyone hos a good trme

and wor s hard '

Joe Rogan

Eric Yang

1he trme rs always nght •o do wbot ts


Mortrn luther Krng Jr.

~~you tell yourself you're gonna woke

and do your homework the next mormng,

you've already tost'

Alex Jackel

Karen Williams

'St rp look, rg At My P•cture.'

Koren Wrlliams

Olivia Wright

G~~J V 8

Veronica Zapiain-Luna

'Get yr •' o Srlv'

Veromco loprorn-luno

Alexander Zoellner

Good VIBes

Karli Williams

'Bea rty btgr t 1'10r rl you decrde to be


Coto Chonel

Edward Wu

\"You miss I rf t rt' yr ., 't tc e

-Wayne Gretzk( ·Mrthoel StoH, The Off ce

·levr Dyson ·Macey Goldstern -Chorlre lortmon

-Damel Song

Xiwen Zhang

'Ch every t w• t ose you love

of every stage of your rourney.'

Jock layton

Emma Zoellner

'lf I Hod A Nickel for Evr ry lime I Cried In

The Bock Of An Uber, I Would Hove Another

Porr Of Yeezy's. •

Ioden Smrth

Morgan Wilson

'All those movres and f·,w· .. 1 to you

H gh school rs way worse than you th ~k '

Morgan Wilson

Thomas Xiong

'Always remem er yr ue, fUll

I• e everyone else.'

Anna Zheng

·club Penguu .ver I own dur ng

Obomo's odmrnrstrotion. •

Samuel Zoellner

'Jealousy is o di os• I well soon '

leonordr DoVinCI

Jordan Wolf

Good Vl8

Kexin Xu

k. Kevr


loyo Boehl

Joshua Carr

louis Carroll

Joshua Cloyton

Ooryn Cross

Jesse Deal

Oeryo Dolan

Donna Orovrno

lsoioh ford

Jon Gerardi

oomr Holosey

Je Beam Ko

Eden Kresko

Adorn lorrd

Joson lee

omoste oms

Trenton Rorlrl-Bokm

Rebetco Rros

Mo!k Serdel

Kristofer Spann




We are exceedingly

proud of you and w~o•

you have accomp 1shed


Wishing you all t e best ~~ M

lor the fJ't..re

The Ac11 lefus



Olivia SMITH

\"You have brains in your head

and feet in your shoes,

you can steer yourself, in any

direction you choose!\"

--Dr. Suess



All our love,

Mom, Dad, Peter, Caroline,

\"Sir\" Freckles, & Prince



·L,sle'l to the mustn Is, chtld L1sten to the don Is

L1sten to the shouldn Is, the tmpossrbles, t/te won Is

L1slen to the never haves, then !Jslen close to me

Anyth1ng con happen, ch,ld Anythtng con be •

-Shel Silverstein

Wherever I fe to es you, our love w1 I follow.

love, Mom, Dod O'ld Hannah



My wish, for you, is thot this life becomes o/1 thot you want it to,

Your dreams stay b1g, your worries stoy small,

You never need to carry more than you can hold,

And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,

I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the some things too,

Yeah, th1s, is my wish.

·Rascal Flatts

Congratulations, Lauren! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad and Brian



Thank you for making us laugh every

day. We are so proud of you and

love you very much!

Mom, Dad, Jack and Katherine


de bes e baa se rep esents opt rr. \"' .. md open-

\"'ndedoess lor I'T'e




Always remember you

are braver than you

think, stronger than you

seem and loved more

than you know.

Sarah ~I~F

Congratulations, Sarah!

We're so proud of you

and can't wait to see

where life takes you!

Love always,

Mom, Dad, & Katie



We are so proud of the

person you have become.

We cannot wait to see

your journey!


Mom & Dad



Adam the Alpha Geek.

We CCMMit be .......... fll JOU!

With a-, Mom I Dad I MbJ


ho dept


Ava /OON

Ava Rose, we are so proud of you!


XO, Honey, Dad, Ber , Gunnar and Mama


Josh Horwit

\"Set your goals high, and don 't stop till

you get there.\"

-Bo Jackson

Congratulations, josh, We ore

so very proud of you.


Mindy, Brad, Ari and Ben

de e 'le o se 9 een seerr e o br 9 hoppV



We are so proud of you. Every

year, every month, every

single day, you amaze us.

Keep going, we can't wait to

see what you do next!


Mom, Dad, and Caroline


Erin Jess


Congratulations Erin!

Swimming, Shakespeare,

flute, danceyou have got it all go in' on!

You are such a buen huevo,

and we love you,

Mom, Dad, Kristin and Ryan

don C. v\\URDOCK

The Voice

There is a voice inside of you

That whispers all day long,

\"I feel this is right for me,

I know this is wrong.\"

No teacher, preacher, parent, friend

Or wise man can decide

What's right for you -just listen to

The voice that speaks inside.

-Shel Silverstein

For all the things you've

learned, know that love and

integrity should always

guide you. We are so proud

of you and look forward to

your exciting adventure

ahead. May you always

have Olympic-sized dreams.


s '1le bee J se I ve Lad e wh.ch why b e


You know what s weird? Day

by da nothmg seems to

change but pr tty

n. rything dtffi r nt

B II tterson


· .. -~.. ·-~



Your music and your

spirit will take you

anywhere you want to

go. We can't wait to

see where that is!


Mom, Dad & Daphne

Play the sunset.

-Mr. Holland

. .. .


-~·- -~ __ A ·



Grandpa Ira and Lenore are very proud of

your achievements and wish you success

as you begin your college career.

\"THIS COLOR describes e bee-, se 'TlO d the jade

wear everyday


Congratulations Ryan!

Wishing you happiness

and success in all your

future adventures.

All our love,

Mom, Tom my, &



Gabriel nFCK


... and so the adventure begins!

We're with you, so rock on, and

live the dream!


Mom, Dad, Caroline & Maya

d be gro d \" love-



Arianna BAKER Lauryn BOMMER Laura


Ann LU Meghan SHELDON Fatima


Congratulations on an amazing four years!

Through all of the S\\Jrprises and setbacks, we've

slue together as a team. The best is yet to come,

so never lose that spirit!


Congra ula ion Dani I,


Carter Jack --~

\"In the life of a young man, the most essential thing for happiness is the gift of friendship.\"

-Sir William Osier


It has been our ioy and delight

to watch you grow into suer

great young men.

-The Mom S uad


Pardes ~ ng otulot OI\"'S on graduot ng

hrgh school'


Take your flame

and ignite the



Grandma Esther &

Gra dpaWatt

Grace WA A

May you always have enough

happiness to keep you sweet;

enot.gh trials to keep you strong,

enough success to keep you eager;

enough faith to give you courage;

and enough determination to

make each day a good day I

-A Blessing

Go far, but always remember your

roots. They run deep and are

nounshed with love.


Mom & Dad


On the threshhold of a New and Great Adventure.

I wish you success and pride in all you do.

Love, Grandma Rita

You are braver than

you believe. stronger

than you seem.

smarter than you

th1nk. and LOVED

more than you could

ever know.


Mom Juan & Jay




This time, it's for real.

We're so proud of you.

Mommy, Daddy, Ariel,

Abra & Jon, and Mital


We love you!

Good luck as you start your new

adventure. May you soar to

tremendous heights.

urround yourself with the drea

and the doers, the believers and

thinkers, but most of all, surround

yourself with those who see

greatness within you, even when

ou don't see it yourself.



Cherish the memories

and live for the future.

We love you,

Dad, Mom and Emma

1'10 or>d ea c


It's been a joy to watd

you grow. We're proud

of you!


Mom and Dad


We have been truly blessed by having you in our lives, Aidan! You have

brought love and light to each of us and for that we will be forever thankful.

The years have gone by so very quickly, and yet here you are, a wonderful

young man looking ahead at the bright future God has planned for you.

Always remember that we all love you so very much!

Dad. Mom. and Callen




Aidan Garreth MORLEY

THIS COLOR de s\"\"' be o se s ocean bl .:md e wove


Eric ANG

Congratulations! We are so

proud of you, and so blessed to

have you as a son and a brother.

The future is what you make of it

and wherever life takes you, our

love will follow.


Mom, Dad, and Iris



Dear Julia


Dream big and work hard.

Always remember your roots,

manners, and the way home.

Be strong and courageous.

The Lord, your God is with you

wherever you go.

We love you so much!


Mom, Dad, Giovani, Rod

(and of course Muffy, Tiger, and

Chari ito)




Every day w th you has been fantastic!

We can't wa·t to see the a ne g eo' th\"ngs

that you will achieve in life We love you I

Mom, Dad, Alex and Matthew


Nicole HA

We marvel at your accomplishments

as a student and athlete but above

all we are proud of the kind, caring

person you have become. Can't

wait to see what the future holds.

Lave, Mom, Dad and Kyle.


Your future is

what you make of it.

Our love and support

is always with you

wherever you go!

We are so proud

of you!


We Love

you so Much!!

Love always,

Mom, Dad,

Jessica and Jacob




We are o proud of you and your

accomplishment . You are a leader in all

that you do and a role model to so many,

particularly your brother and sister. You are a

very special young man who will succeed in

life because you have your priorities in order:

Faith, Family, Academic , and Football. We

will always be h re for you and will continu

to upport you in your future endeavor ,

wherever they may lead you. Ke p working

hard and great thing will follow, as you liv

by your motto:

\"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

as working for the Lord\" Colossians 3:23



d sc be e because feel plcx d




We wish you a life filled with

big dreams, few worries, and

lots of love. We1

re so proud of

the young man youlve

become. Congratulations!

Love, Mom, Dad, and Ryan

11The ultimate measure of a man

is not where he stands in

moments of comfort and

convenience, but where he

stands at times of challenge and

controversy. II

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Elise Xiao Si


Elise: We are so

proud of you. You

are a great gal!


David DAHM

Your sense of adventure has led to

many wonderful memories and will

ontinue to do so When you put your

mmd to something, you are successful

and that determmation will take you far .

. 1ay you enJOY a balance of hard work

and lots of funl Congratulations!

\\\"/, love you,

Dad Mom, Jeremy, ana & Mimi

Way to go


e b«i.l se t nd of ppy



can't spell\"fun\"

without U in

the middle!


o cp;.:J;; Magic carpet c.'<:Jil\"'

. ~&. \"You have a magtc carpe ...,..\"''iifrL';ii. ~

That will whiz you through the air,

To Spain or Maine or Africa,

If you just tell it where.

So will you let it take you

Where you've never been before,

Or will you buy some drapes to match

And use it on your floor?\" S. Stlverstein

'-\"\"I.Y·-- Ryan-You're relentless, bright, logical, honest and

kind. Follow your passion and your character will

take you far!


Love always,

Mom, Dad and Aidan


Mom, Dad,

& Hans


HIS COLOR de be because llh • 01 blue of



We love you Drew! You are such a blessing to us.

Now go out and be the change you w1sh to see m the world!

Love, Dad, Mom. Ashlyn, Maddy, and Ally


Karli, you are such a

gift to our family. The

time has come to

share your talents

with the world.



My pretty little

sunflower has

blossomed into a

beautiful young lady



Brooke N ALLER

Brooke, We are so excited to see

where you go and who you

become. Take with you all your

memories and the love of your

family. Go forward knowing

that you already have within you

all that you need.

Love, Mom, Dad, Ross, and Collin

Laura WALD- We1

re so proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Rob, and Andrew

desc be me beco se o gOOd I o boo



What a wonderful Journey

so far.

Cont1nue to work hard, have fun,

keep leammg and

lovtng life

e lov you and are o proud

of our champiOfl




We are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad & Alec

Laugh often,

Dream big,

Reach for the stars!

Ann LU

and but a a



Ally ...

We are so incredibly proud

of all of your

accomplishments and the

amazing person you have

become. We can't wait to

see where life takes you.

Never stop being you!

Much Love,

Mom, Dad, and Hannah


Congratulations on the

job well done!

Make Your Dreams


Love, Mom, Dad

and Brendan

All our love.

Mom, Dad, Dana, and Chase

\"THIS COLO de me beco se em me of g and

purpe pslc\"-


_ __:.:....;_..;....__.SENIOR ADS


You have become a truly

amazing woman and we could

not be more proud of you and

all your accomplishments.

We know you will continue to

do amazing things wherever you

go. Looking forward to

celebrating all your future


We will miss you at Home

Con todo nuestro amor,

Papi, Mom,

Ta lia, Zoe & Resse




Felicidades, Veronica!

The end of something

great is the beginning of

something greater.

Always remember, no

matter where you are or

how far away you go, we

will be there for you.

Have fun!! Be Happy!!

Dad, Mom, Jose, Antonio

and Shadow


We love you so much and

are very proud of you!

Mom, Dad, and Lindsey

Jlllllliii ,-:-- . .


Chase your dreams but

always know the road that

wiU lead you home again

·Tim McGraw

You have made us laugh

more than anyone on

earth •••• may you continue to

ght up every room, keep

-------friends and family

·ung and share your

haiiiDiness with those you love.

e ~~n't more proud

ofy !




liThe future belongs to those

who believe in the beauty of

their dreams.~~

{)/,'fiJI(. I /flt(..j('/'(~1/

..------------,r------, Sara h.

\\\\ t• a n• so proud of~ ou and

t'H'n thino· ,ou hav.-· achit'\\t>d. 'ou • t\"' •

an· a beautiful girl on 1he in-..idt· l

a ud out. \\Xrf' are t·~ ('i tt>d for what

tlw futun ha~ in ~ton for you. \\X't=>

1\\lonl. Dad and Kvlt·




Malone, on your big



Dad, Kristin,

Harrison, Marlowe,

and Alexandra

\"Don't seek validation.

seek your own


-Reverend AI Sharpton


Mom, Steve, Marlowe.

Jessica, and Leah




You are off to great places!

Chase your dreams.

Never stop trying.

Never stop learning.

We love you!

Mom, Dad and Ria


• ug1e



enjamin CEDERGR

We are so p•oJd of t'\"le \"'rt~~ .. r;~-~~f~ yo~..org man you hove '


Corlinue to c'lo e'lge

yoJrself, wor hard, and

show ,.,d.,ess to o•he•s

We love you so muchl

Mom, Dod. Chloe and

And so the adventure begms ...

CongratulatiOns J!

BeKind # BeStrong &Courageous

Love, Dad, Mom. A, & L.



You are my biggest achievement and my

favorite person on this earth. You are my

shining star. my mini me and the love of

my life. Every moment spent with you is so

precious and I cherish every one. I'm so

proud of the person you have become

and honored to call you my daughter.

You are smart. beautiful. loving. kind.

caring, and tunny You have grown up to

be such a beautiful person inside and out!

Just Remember ...... continue to be the

author. not the reader, of your own life as I

have taught you to be. The time has

come to end this chapter and shine even

brighter as this is the beginning of many

special and wonderful adventures to

come. The future is yours to write. make

the most of it! I can't wait to read the next


I love you with all my heart!


£/,zo .__ ___ _

THIS COLOR de bes Me beco se o very happy

on energ per I b ngs one JOY


Love Mom, Dad &

Sophie · We love you to the moon and

back! Keep being YOU! xoxo, Mom, Dad, Lili & Jeremy


Congratulations! We are so proud of you!



Congratulations, Philip!

It has been amazing to watch you

grow and develop through the years

to become the fine young man you

are- friendly and enthusiastic,

thoughtful and caring with strong

determination and a healthy dose of

mischief and fun. We are so proud of

your personal, athletic and academic

achievements. There is so much that

awaits you on your journey in life.

We wish you much joy and success in

your future.

We love you always,

Mom, Dad, Andrew and Catherine

THIS COLOR bes m bee s oe e


You have come a long

way from yourfirst

day at Reed School .

Have a great time in

college and work

hard. We love you!

Dad,Mom and Sydney


We are so very proud of

you and can't wait to see

where your next Journey

takes you•

We Love You UTTSP J

We cherish the

memories ...

and can't wait for

what your bright

future holds!


We love you!!

Mom, Dad, Andie,

Ari, and Mikki

Alexander A. BENDUSKI

We are so proud of the compass1onate, thoughtful, bruhant young man yo are

We will always be cheenng for you; whether 1t's in school, at water polo games

on any other path you take. Wishmg you so much joy in the successes. challen

and lifelong friendships m the next four years of college and beyond'

Love, Tata, Mama, Nika, Bella and Martha



HThe first river you paddle runs through the rest of your life. It

bubbles up in pools and eddies to remind you who you ore. H

-L. Noel

Benjamin Avigod,

Your family loves you so much!

We ore happy to hove been a port of your

journey. We ore so proud of not only what you

hove done, but who you ore.

You ore off to explore the world.

There is always a safe harbor for you at home.

Love, Mom, Dod and Noah

de be$ me beco $e lee $ e o $Ole



Kathryn XU


You are the best gift

that I have been given.

Time flies so quickly

and you 're already

grown up. We're all so

proud of you. Your

future is bright!


Mom, Andrew

and Aaron.


Katie LouDream big, be fearless, and be strong!

The world is yours, and you've got this.


Mom, jonathan, julio and Lucy.

1 $ a very ppy ., d summe -y


Bailee Ann













Lindsay RICH



Lindsay and early!

We are so proud of

you, and we love you

so much!




Ryan ~EARST Congrats Ryan!!

I am so very proud of you! I can't wait

to see what the future holds. Keep

smiling, hold your head high, dream

big and don't ever settle for anything

you're not willing to accept! I have no

doubt you will do exceptional things to

make our world a better place!

I love you forever and always!

Mom and Zachary

Matthew ALLEN

Dad and I are so proud of you!

You have worked hard on your courses,

on the field, in the pool and at Scouts.

We know you can accomplish whatever

goals you set for yourself. We are going

to miss you when you go off to college

but we look forward to seeing you

continue to grow and challenge yourself

in school and in life.

We love you. Congrats! Mom and Dad



Dear G1gi.

Corgro1ulot onsl How con I be tho• our G g1

Bug, our # l is graduating? Our baby, our

leader of the pock, our 'roilblozer is a seniorl

Thank you for being you Thank yoJ for being

a lovely role mode for the Goebel Gong. We

ore so proud of you ·r ol lila' you hove done

and will do in Ire future

We love you

Mo..,., & Dod

!Frorkie, Vincent, & E lie too)




We are so

proud of you!



Mom, Dad, and



Congratulations AJI

You are a son, a brother, grandson,

nephew, cousin , great grandson. and


You, young man are loved by so many.

From the first time we laid eyes on you,

we knew you were special and destined

for great things.

As you leave high school and embark on

college, remember that we have given you

all the tools you need in life. Now it is up

to you to make use of it and fulfill your


Always make the right choices.

Be a leader not a follower.

Be sure to give back always

Be a global cittaen -explore the un1verse

and celebrate its diversity.

Maintatn your sense of fairplay.

Keep an OPfiiJ mind always

Love-Mom, Dati and lvne

THIS COLOR desc b s be<o s nor



ConBARKulotions! Tho it w.ll be RUFF without you

ot home, you've wor ed like a DOG, so we MUTT

as well celebrate You've been my right HOUND

man and I look forward to your v1sits from college

when I LEASH expect it!

Love, Peter/Rosa

PS: The rest of The Squad says we're ol very

proud of you and impressed by your

determination. We love you!

Congratulations Peter!

We are so proud of you and alt of your hard work and dedication.

This is just the beginnmg! The future is yours, make the most of it.

Alt our love, Mom, Dad, Charlie & Henry


\"THIS COLOR desc be rre bec..J se t s cool ord easy lao< o tx.

doesn t sro d t too


--~---\"--..... SENIOR ADS

#so proud


Another milestone, another first.

Our first. We've come through a

lot together.

Riley, be the life of the party.

Be your own best friend.

Be gentle.

Be strong. Be brave.

Be courageous.

Be cute as a button.

Listen to that little voice inside.

Be true.

Fail as often as you can.

Just like in the beginning --whether

it's you learning to crawl, to run,

to read, to travel, we'll be cheering

you on, helping whenever you need

it and loving you no matter what.

The whole shiny, shiny world is

waiting for you.

Love, Mom and Dad



R de bes rne bec.o se t s c ond co •




Never give up on what you

really want to do. The person

with the big dreams is more

powerful than the one with all

the factsAlbert Einstein

Eventually all things fall into

place. Until then, laugh at

the confusion, live for the

moment and know

everything happens for

reason.- Albert Schweitzer

We Love you, Mom, Dad,

Natalie, and Alaina


Jake G A

rJat feeling you get when you

know anything is possible ...

Congrats on all you've achieved.

Best wishes on all that is yet to be.

Go get 'em Tiger!

Love, Mom, Dad and Harper

Mitchell LAMAR

Hard-worker, Counselor, In Service to Others, Athlete, Patriot, Artist, Thinker,

Christ-Centered, Musician, Sign Procurement Specialist, Creative, Values Tradition

Great Start Son! Enjoy University! Love. Mom. Dad and Harrison

THIS COLOR descr b s ll'e beca se fee see e stele and e

keep to 'llyso I e th s dar ocean b e






' Congratulations


We are very proud

of you!!!

We love you so



Mom, Dad, Sophie,

Graham, Claire & Lola




From Terra e Park to Ridgefield to

Terrae Park to aint Loui , you

are th girl who bloom where


You live £earle ly and

pa ionately, embracing

opportunity while holding tightly

to the quiet moments.

Remember to look for the good in

other and to help tho e that need


e're glad you're in our family and

can't wait to ee what you do next,

Fifi- we will love and cheer you on



Mom, Dad, and Will

Lacey, Anna, and Jenne s


Annie LIU

We are so proud of th person

you've become and we can't wa1t to

see what you will accomplish in the



Mom, Dad, and Kevm



Congrat<.~lations Drew!

You f'T1ake us proud each and every day. Go

confidently 1n the direclion of your dreams and

remember o adapt 1o change and Ia live the

life you have always tmagtnedl We are so

proud of what an amazmg gentleman you

have become and look forward to see ng

what the future holds for you.

A. of our lave,

Mom, Dad joe II , W'll Lu e, and Chief

I watched you

toke your first

breath, your ftrst

steps, you've been

through a lot, and

look at you now.

You ore my heart

and I could not

et- eond so e her


Dravin yeo o'ld

grodt.ot o., ore among

other b1g f1rsts l1rst

sugo•, concert, o'ld

eov1rg home o'ld St~

grade owo ds May

trere be Many rrore

And in a blink of an

eye, Sophie has her

bags packed, ready

for her next

adventure ...



Let your liaht alwa ..,h]n

\\V b li in you and loY

you o much.

Mom Dad, nd I ab lla




congratulations Lydia ! ! !

We are so proud of you

Love Mom, Dad, Brenden,

Lena, Noni & Pops

Keep dreaming and reach

for the stars ! ! ! You can do

anything you put your mind

to. Best wishes and God's

continued favor over your

life and future goals

Love Always


iannon RHOADS

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your sou/ on fire.

We love you to the moon and back

Mom, Dad, & River


HIS COLOR .:l bes me beca se e PL'P and s pre a :l s

'1'10d om bO cold and wo \"' c s


11Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they

neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his

glory was not arrayed like one of these. 11 Matthew 6:28-29 11And we know that God causes everything to work

together for the good of those who love God and are

called according to his purpose. 11 Romans 8:28

We are so proud of you both! All our love, Mom and Dad

Lily and Grace CROCKETT



We are so proud of you!

Charlotte FOX

p •pose IS what grvr;:;::. rrrr;:; 0 rTreO,rrr::J

-C.H. Par hurst

w, h much ove,

Mom Dod, and s sters


Mom, Dad, Miriam, and Heidi




r Y

1ve oday

D~ am omorrow

oveA ays


Gradua e


ongratulations, Rambler SENIORS!

Kathryn Xu, Edttor in Ch1ef

ongratulations, Panorama SENIORS!

·. . . TJ \\

• • ·' <

~ (~


Lily Hauptman, Editor 1n Chtef

Modi Word Photographer




ORO 10-1~ 8/24

'31-51 w. 8/26

School tn,tollonol

Westmrnster 125-60

Affton 115-28 W;

oy Central 120-60

wersrly (rty 178-17

M!Ciuer Soutb78-46 W, 9/28

30-53 w. 10/5

WISt 98-87 W, 10/7

anal lOth, 10/12

93-93 ', 10/14

fly\" lnVIIolionol

7 laloyelfe 132-93

Cllamnode 132-104

Front Row: Jonathon Pitts (II), Ethan Fosbmder (II),

Javier P•ry11e 2). Carlos Puyo (10), Nooh Melson {II). Joson

Pummer (10), Charles Lorlman (12), Keator Conr or• II),

Matthew Hearst (II), Simone Valentino (II ccond

Row: Yifu Zhu (11 ). Grant Powell (II), Cameron Stern ( 11 ),

Elliot Lorenz (12), Douglas Scheibel (12), Alexander

Leary ( 11 ), Alexander Turner (II). Jacob Guhr ( 11 ), John

Moehrle (11). Back Row: Coach Holey, Phrlrp

Cherrr<k (12). Connor Taylor ·').Julian Peng (12), Alexander

Cobm ( 12), Zachary Weller (II), Jackson Gallemore (II).

Lawrence Hadley (10). Coach Dovrs, Cooch Aronberg.

Front Row: Brnyom Abebe (IO),Isooc Molino (10).

Arso rn Sodot (10, Brendan Zyr 10). Sean Ferguson (10),

Eli Dribben (101 econd Row: Alexander Smith (10),

Jahon Robmson 9). Michael Workineh 9) Greyson

Wotkms (9), Jacob Korn (9). Back Row: Coach Sherk.

Robel Esayos (10), Lincoln Dibler (I OJ Wosihun Gemo (10),

Theodore Lortmon (I 0). Coach Cross.

Front Row: Pour Kovacs (9), Maxwell Rendleman (9),

Benjamin Goeke (9). Tomrslov Zigo (9), Samuel Gallemore (9),

Wi iom Stemberg {9), Tommy Hogan (9). Nicolas Chicoine (9).

ccond Row: John Kirby 19) Grant Garland (9), Jackson

Diggs (9), Noah Avrgod (9), Akosr Upodhyoy (9), Benjomm

Bailey (9). Colby Brandt (9). Back Row: Coach McGovern,

Hugh Chon {9), Jock Walker '91 Dylan Stern 9), Samuel

Cobin (9), Noah Rrch (9), Adam Ozimkiewicz (9), Joson

Drng (9).

Front Row: ChrislqJaYe 'I OJ. Kiyoo Hailer (12), illrljaroo

Rose {9). Gro'xlm Fredmoo (9). Joson U (IO),II'IJX liokiJerg (II).

cond Row: Wmer Rowe (12), Alexooder Krosnofl (11 ). Wi'liom

Poo (9). Ayush Kow '12). \\Vi Bwnstark (9). Tbjrd Row:

Benjomrn Woog (9), AOOrew Fruerxl (9). Mnrael Rm (12). ArOew

Baunstork (12). JOO: IW!Imt (12), Sleven Smelim (ll).l.eoix*lo

llocOOhio (9). Alexooder Ye (9),louis U (9), Joson Xu (9). Fourth

Row: Frunklin Uu (9), Ooniel Volobuev (I 0). BroOOoo Yoo (II ),luyi

Gao '11 JocobSheldoo(IO),Shrey~(I2),Avery

Fredmoo (12), II'IJX Bemidus (11). Hooy Chen '9' S!mJel

Helmkompf (9), Ben Hocooglu (9). Back Row: NotiDiiol

Masters (11), Brondoo fud!xk (121 · ~ (10). Reid Rogers (12).

Alexooler BerMi (12), AlexooderGooo (II). S!mJel Gaze (9),.klel

Hsteh (12). Dixon Bezmnt (12). CoOOi Malh!s. CoOOi Gentry

d r bes IT'e because I ., nd of shy nt you get to

know me I eo I m br ght oed lrrendly


Front Row: Hannah Sullran (11). Rose Hauser{''),

D '\" len Ira len (11), Grace Levens (12), oor

Rahman 2 ond Row: Madeleme Witzel y(ll),

Dorothy[, 9), Emrly Ingram (11), AliCe

Bu hf,eld 11 Claue Englander (11), Meghan HuDer 111:

Back Row: Sarah len (11), Carly R1ch (12), Coocb

Bed 11, Me ry Naunherm (12), Kathryne Kmg (12)

Front Row: •Y' y w• n (9), Hayley Douth1t {9),

All>on Rea I 0] C 1thenne Lao (9), Alhe Ponsh (9)

econd Row: Kash1sh Dhow on (10), Carol ne

W1 10 l1 ne Ch1lds (10), El1zaberb Ingram (9),

Alysho Jackson (10), Isabella E!zem {9). Back Row:

Coach Green, Margaret Edwards (10), N1kol Nr olovo ('1),

Elizabeth Howe (I 0), Coach Kub

Front Row: S• h1a Kuehner (9), Alexandra Jones ('0),

Jord1 Wort I Modyson Espmosa (II), Manah

Standifer 101 s, 1antha S1mon (9), Modalene Mcdonald (9)

econd Row: Avery Bespal o (9), Dylann Metheney (10

Lucy Mou• .yon Sa1lor (10), Emi~ Wilson (9), Ab g

Kelle1mon-Boker (1 0), Lillian Ohhen (II), Groce Saxton (9)

Back Row: Coach Saxton, Isabella Kolf (9), lllhan

She•ey E1111ly Berry (9), Lily fran (9), Alex1a

Thomas (12), Ra1ven Hamilton (11 ), Coach Durham

Front Row: Emma Wart1covschr (12), Chloe

Cederg1· · i 0 Hana Sadoff (12), Sydney Stern (12), R

forrest (12), Cameron O'Keefe (12). Back Row: Sdluy!er

Wolf (10). Sheler Pan (10), Coach Junker, otahe

tP -..-11'11• ~\"\"---~-~Malone (12), Sophra Taledana (12).


Front Row: Mr le ru (11), Molovrko Kumoron (11),

Huo n G~ '9), Kolherrne Show (10), Mrchelle Zhou (11),

Jordor Samson '9) Jenno Gold (10), Shnyo Koneru (9).

econd Row: Ju!'lre Korenblol (10), Rebecca Sachs (10),

Anno Cur (1 ), Nicole Kolrshmon (10), Anyo Tullmon (11),

• .-.. .. ft'U1:Dilll Sophia Sly (9), Cindy Wong ( · 0) Back Row: Coach Webb,

..... ,..,......~lsobelle Shepard (10), Celeste Uu (101 Soroh Suffion (9),

Morgorel Woodburn (11), Connie Chen (10), Simone lru (10),

Audrey Chnslner (9).

Front Row: Melody Zhong (9), Gobnelle Chuqurmro (9),

Corolrne Tyrrel '9',, Yoel Hohn (9), Athena Vinch (9).

econd Row: JessiCa Wr d (9), Angelo Lru (10), Lauren

Pesce '9), Alice Brelernilz (11) Back Row: Enn

Turkieltoub (9), Groce Hu (9), Coach Too, Anno Lynn (9),

t~~~~~~~~~ lauren Becker (9).

Front Row: lsoberlo Del Cid (10). Ryley Arnold (11).

econd Row: Madison M1lton (11 Ko herine

Volenole 11 Ko Smrlh ( 11 ). Back Row: Coach

Jefferson, Julio Gomes (12), Lauren Murphy 12), Onvro

Schroder (12), Kathryn Reiff ( 12), Aris Mccurdy ( 12), Coach


Front Row: Modelrne Wolters (9), Honnoh Harder (10).

econd Row: Kendal Whrlney 1 0}, Kathryn Tonn (9),

Gobrrel e Kemp '91 Back Row: Jessica Sheldon (10),

Kyndio Smith (10 Emmo Lresmon (9), Coach O'Brian.

THIS COLOR de bes rne bec.o se Is oppeo 9


RECORD 2~12 8/18

Pono~v le 0.2 L, 8/22

Westmmster 0-1 L, 8/23

Bunoughs 0.1 L. 8/31 Po• way

West 0-2 l ~/5 Rttenaur 2.0 W.

9/1 Affton 1·1 ., 9/12

Lmdbergh 1·2 L. 9/27 Mehlv Ia

0.2 L. 9/28 Incarnate World

Academy 0.1l 0/2 Bonte 0·2

L, 10/5 Ooyton 1-2 I; '0/9

Po•kwoy Central 0.2 L; 0/11

MJCDS 2.0 W. 10/13 Lut eron

South 0.21

RECORD 344 8/22

Palkwoy Central 189·179 L,

8/22 Par way West 189-187 L.

8/25 Webster Groves S<romhle

Tournament 8rb; 8/30

Rorkwaod Summ•l Tournament

11th; 8/28 Po• way South

110.193 l 9/6 lindbergh

Tournament 12th; 9/7

Pollonv,le 198-206 W; 9/12

Clcyton 187-190 W; 9/12

Rat wQOd Summtt 187·181 l

9/18 Websttr Groves

'80-203 w

RECORD 1W-10 11/27

f 4W w '1/28 Vxmy

45-43 W. 1/llirzeloool West 37~

l 1215 Mdle 1m11 ms w 12/11 it* 16M W 12/13 R


5J.51 W. 12/26 IUII5Jl ~I l

11/28 St oms 6>49 w. 12129

fmis lkr•~!H850 l1/2 St Frrms

lbgi:J 51-33 w 1/5 lullem

~W IJIMdlelmh67~W

'/12ltrmgs 41-Sll '/13 Solm

tmmmD 6()63 l 1/17 ~~~W.l/19Gr,1oo

5().47W l/23Wll111MW52-48W

l/26lirzelooolW<lli6S-34W l!ll

Pt~MIY ~ 42-46l2/21'o~

West U18 W. 2/75Uii 35-60, 2JI

tn.riy Qy ~~ w 2/14 v.litt1ell

J8.56 ~ 2/16 Mdle ~· 7~ I W 2/21 DeSmet 47-55l2/27

5Uii 59-45 w 3/2 Omiale


RECORD 1~3 12/~

N<r1bW!11 ~9.JO W. 12/5 We!isrer

lirows3(~3H 12/6f1111CS~

Ol1fl5().42 W. 12/13 RileiVluf

m2 w 12/1~ ~ermgs ~w w.

1/2 St fmis Borgia 33-41 ~ 1/5

Wtbemn Soul!! 5 J.26 W. I /8

K rkwood U39 W 1/10 RileiVluf

4Q.33 w 1/11 Holt 59-~ w. 1/' 7

~ m~

w. 1/19 Oa)1al

32-3~ l1/23 Wes~:rmer J8.11 W.

1/26 Hazelwood ~ S..36 w.

1/30 Par way Cennui40.J0 W 2/2

Panwoy WI!SI 37-35 W 2/6

Hazelwood ~9-36 w 2/7

SUJH ~~ W. 2/lll~Mr!i!y Gly

~1-26 W; 2/14 .ield 68-31 W;

2/16 Mcdror Soutfl&,l ~1-46

W.2/2 Desmet ~S-35 W

Front Row: Choilotte fox {12), Koyce1 ltttl 11).

[ iz I Mt (12), Sophia Sachs 2 econd

Row: Elise Htllebrand ( 1 0), Lauren Ce~r ~·

Rehgan Harris (11), Emerson Barnett (10' Back Row:

Coach Keltner, Lmdsey Byer (9), Grace Cl y '9' Cu


Front Row: arret! Roqers (12), Henry Mcintosh (10

Bryce B1 rd 1 J yler Boyd (10), Joson Garland (1'). [

Yang (12' Back Row: Cotoch Guidry, Nathaniel

Garrett 0, .t 10 Horwitz 12), Moses Okpola (11:. [

Schnerder (I U), Dermk St~ebler ( 12), Coach Anderson, Coodl


Front Row: ·rue Patterson ( 1 0), Law1ence

Hadley (10), Noah Malott (10), John M1 1k1 1

91 Coden

Bush (10), Jerem1ah Owyer (10). Back Row: Coach

Dockery. Brock Janes (10), Tyler Beck 11 f

Goebel {10), Govyn Dockery (10), Buan faulkner 110;, (oa


Front Row: Stewart Dove (9), Alexander Stient1es (9),

Kenneth Williams (9), Jonothor Ehmh (9), Ari Horw1tz (9),

Ben1omin Bisig (9). Back Row: Coach Peplo, Jock

Walker (9), Kenyatta Anders01 (91 Jeremy Dahm (9), Samuel

Yu (9), Mawon Cosby (9), Vassoy Mubeen (9), Coach


Front Row: M10 (oliOS 10), Kolilo Muhammad 2

Coach Groy, OIIVIO Schroder (12), Khom1l Douglas (10). Back

Row: Kourtney Hoy (11), Groce Hensley (9), Ro1ve1

Hom1 ton ( 11 ), Adelo1de Bitting (9), Katie Minkler ( 1 0), Soroh

Nselel (10), Jordon Peete (10).

Front Row: Groce (Ioney (9), Koitlyn foley (9), Adelaide

Bitting (91 Lucio Martin Alberdi (10),lucy Winkelmann (10).

Back Row: Coach McGovern, Morgan Taylor (9), Oylonn

Metheney (10), Ellie Gold (9), Koylee Rigdon (9), Pons

Hamilton (9), Louryn Donovan (9), Ouinnlon Colvert (9), Coach


Front Row: Modyson Espinosa (11), Sophia Kuehner (9),

Sydney Clawson (9' Monoreldeen fa1ors (9), Avian Morris (9),

Allie Ponsh (9 Second Row: Jacob Monn (9), Samuel

Gallemore (9 Colvm Ciorbo 91 Colby Brandt (9), Sebastian

McGregor (10), Ethan Wilkins (10), Eli Prager (9), Eli

Dribben (1 0). Third Row: Jacob Orsoy (12), Po tuck

Kovolok (11 ). Aidan Morley (12). Cornngton Reed (12), Joylen

Sy es (12), Jeloni Davis (10 1 John Madden 11 N'cholos

Fiacco (10), Collen Morley (10] Back Row: Jerry

Overton (9), Charles Mmilie ( 1 0), Kyle Snyder ( 1 0), Derek

Raymond (9). Coach Bader, Coach Clawson, Coach Durham,

Boron li (11), M1les Bossett (10), Gabriel Diantonio (9).

iHIS COLOR descr bes me because t s c II wh ch rem nds m ol the

eowonmert I <e to be n the most •


RECORD 5-2-3 11/19

Afft 3- W 17 Oayton

~ W, ., t ft ,umwc Soulh

2·3 l '2/16 fo• Red 6-0 W

1/21 Ft Zumwo 1 lasr • I I,

1/28 lur ko 41 .. 2/11

DeSmet 2-0 W, 2/20 Cham node

4-4 I. 3/2 dbtrg 2-4 l

3/11 Trmbe ond 6-1 W

\"I learned [from

cheer) that you can

do anything you

put your mind to.

Whether it's hitting

a really hard tunt

or pushing throgh

a hard

performance, you

can do it if you put


your mind to it.\"


Bommer (12)


Front Row: Saril~('2J)nmY~(V),lerxi

lKilg ( 1 0), EmeM!Bomett (lO),Isobelle Shej:od (10),

W~(1 L erl91 Su llrflcfisdler(9),~

Mey '11 ond Row: RileylleuMl(12).~Cllicoit(11

AsHey lk > (r (< ( 1 0), Friednut (12~

Fredroon (10), Amo Willen (9), El)lloo Odirt.u (10) Third Row

Coodl KlAi. bmJ bgJel (11 ). Sono Malvoood (11 ). Allisoo lts!e!i (9

Eliza Marlin (10), Faith Coonolly (10), tbnel Bezzmt (10), Iiiii

Wor!KMhi (9),/kliOOo llmxe (lO),lruren YJe (91Co!

Fourth Row: Coodl FIOOidlner, Amy Pumn (9). Back Row:

Em~ (12).~0sbom (10),.Y.Jv~(Yr

FriOOnm(ll), Arm l)m(9), .klio Boe,;ri(IO), VM111~(9~


M~(12),lJ,Cro<kett(12),!.100ison (11),

Front Row: N1ko Barstow (10), Hamson Trefz (1D),

Edr d e , Donrel Korosrck (12), Potmk Brown (9),

Tyl r D 19), Broden McDonald (9), Ryan Mi enzre (9)

Back Row: Coach lewondows •. Jocob Toe es (I D),

Deut Evon Ross (II), Emrle Belanger (ll),lo~n

Phrllips (12), MoHhew Redlerrmg (12). D~an Stem (9), Jacob

Gould (12), Joshua Horowrtz (II). Carson Acree (II). Evan

Smger (10), 'chalos Cunnmghom (9), Joe son Morgan (9),

Coach Schnerder, Coach Brosseau.

Front Row: Potnck Brown (9), Jacob Gould (9), 1ko

Be tr w Kendall Re •e1 Manuel Del lora (B),

Edmond lee (10). Ba k Row: ooch Burns, Broden

McDonald (9), Hornso rel7 1 Joe san Morgan (9), Tyl r

Deutsch (9), Dylan Stern (9), Evon Smger (J~;. Jacob

Tockes (10), 1cholas Cunningham (9), Coach Rozen.

Front Row: Ke•m Xu (12), Annre LJu (12),lauryn

2 I hr(I2),MeghonSheldon(l2),fat a

econd Row: Mon a Onolrey (II), Me a

10 Boker (12),louro [wold (12), Emma

lo er okoylo Bommer (11), (om lie H bbler (11:

Back Row: Coach Visnovs e, Rebecca Knopl {10), Bedr

Konno Mealey (10), Evynne Joe son (11),


first y ar on

I had to

turn everything

from rock bottom. [As captain, I

karned] it'

important to take it

slow when you're

teaching something

[and[ patience is key.\"


teinback (10)

meeting new

people. I am

grateful that I had

the opportunity to

meet uch


Front Row: AI 2,, Sosho lustmon (12),

2),lydio Solomon ( 12), ~ yo no (12),

th (12 ), Yeromco Zopro n-luno 2 econd

Row: Mirabelle Mockler (1 0), Anno Spr 10 11 lauren

Yr nghom ( 1), C RJ,, I). Ashley Byer (11),

lnbol Borzfloy (10) Back Row: oro! ne Bernste n (9),

Broo e Berg (9), Madrson Gr y 0). Kothenne Huber (1 0),

Elrzobeth Fndmon (10), Clone long (9),lrly M (9).

Front Row: (, 10 Gr J 10), Molly

Katzman (8), Bnanna Mrtche I (10), Lrly Crocl:ett (12).

Gobnello Skopof (12). Ashley Byer (11), Ayelet Snason 10),

Rehgon Hams (11), Anno lmer (10), Coach Cr \" econd

Row: Adorr bndenmoyer (10), Sophre lntogl ot 9 A a

Spntas (II), Nne a Okenwo (11 ), MHabelle Mockler (10),

Anrsho RaVJ (12). Yordanose Aronow (10), Emerson

Barnett (10), Allison Horpo e (12),lauren Mattrngly (12),

Arun (6), Emo Marrrn (9), Ansley Bierlrng (8). Back

Row: Grace Cohen ( 1 0), Hana Sadoff (12), Meghan

S {12), Celro Goldberg (12), Grace Crocke (12),

Leetal Cohn (9), Gab11elle le rne (10), Rebecca Crews (9),

~~-~~~~ Hope (roc ell (10), Lauren Yanlandmghom (11),lrly

Houp mon (12), Anyo Tulfmon (11)




n Color

Front Row OUjueline Zeng (11 ), Slueyo Vellon • (9), Loui~o Yang (11 ).

Lo11!6r Ro:.s 1 Giuseppe Oi Cera ( 1 0), Conme Dong ( 11 ). Opeoluwo Folo o

( 12), Ande Siegel(11 ). Rose Houser (11)

Front Row Cameron O'Keefe (12), Anno Zheng (12), Korherone

Orne·· '9 Drovm Kennedy (12), Honiyyoh Muhammad (10), Autumn

Ryan (10), Kendal Whttney (10), Jacob Groggs (10)

Front Row Abtgo~ Yearout (11), Margaret LO<hmoeller (JI), Meghon

Huber (11

Front Row Atdon Motley (12). Anno Spuros (11 ). Celio Goldberg (12),

Claue Rowe 1 Lauren Vanlandmghom (11), Madison Grady (10), Phtlip

Chemck (12). Bloke Berg ( 11)

Front Row: Julian Carroll (10), Nikon Askou (10), Lilian ftsher (9},

Caleb Mcdonald (11 ). Ashlin Carr (9}, Alexander Garza (11 ). Back Row:

BeLov'ed Brooks (11}, Myles Jackson (9), Hayley Doulhtl (9), Lucy

McGrosso (9), Domelrius Wesley (12).

Front Row: Cro! en(I2),Mdrewlucier(l2),1do<hea(li),Ma!jone 111111tr

(11 8t\" (li),Aiice8trdtfleld(li),K llceyinl(9), -Meade(l

Back Row: Ayelet Smoson (10), Alexia lbomas (12), Joseph N eholf (9), Sqne

lntagi'ICta (9), Ptmles lyons. Warren (11), KIIJrlJ Crow!onl (II), Joshuti Weisbard ( 2)


Front Row Fahma ShenH (12), Ak1va Greener (12), Amechr Oruwan

1 Vi o~ Fernandes (12),1achary Weller (ll),luyr Goa (11), Anthony


Front Row. Charles Yeldham (I i), Elena Welch (II), Meg on Bernstein

(12), MatthewS areshran (10), Justm Wayne (I')

Front Row Shelby Harne (12), Parge Overton (12), Grace Wolloce

(12 Em,yl ogol(1 2)

Front Row: lacab Tackes (10), Joshua Wo!k (9), Hemmh Rausch (10),

8• v'ed 8 1k• II), Jacob Gnggs (10), Katherine Eisenman (9). Back

Row: k illn Pummer (10), Matthew Shenoudo (12), Yon Rybak (12),

Thomns X'ong (12), Benramm Wang (9).

od of e cds me of w. ter and


Front Row: Jacquelme Zeng (11), Setma Pall! (1 Audrey W• g

[12), Ben1amm Phung {12), Enc Ym (9), Linnea Holy ( Back Row:

Hon•yyoh Muhammad {10), Anno lu {II), Jacob Stolke1 '9), fe11x Hu

Oorren Teh (9), Joshua Walk (9). Jushn Chen (12)

Front Row: Em1ly Par (12), Mahrmo Gunopaah {12}, Anme lru {12),

Gob·· S , : ,f 12),lauren Ross {II)

Front Row: Homyyoh Muhammad {10), Autumn Ryan (!0), Kart!

Wdl 2 -oAmas{ll)

Front Row: Shoun Carr {12), Max Baker {'2), Robert fruend (11),

Macey Gr : te1 12), Samuel Kern ( 12), Pardeslyons-Warren {12)

Pront Row: Alice Bretermtz (11 ). Glen Morgenstern (12), Rebecca

Cunr Montgomel'f R•c ey {ll),li Hauptman (12) Back Ro

Malav KUTlllllcn 1ll), Amet!a Malone (11), Eleo1101 Oun<nn (11),

Moore (11),lena Solomon (10). Menea Kefolov (11), Claire GoMen (11)


Front Row Bo1lee Koon1 (12). Perno Ch1ld1 (9), Audrey Chmtner (9).

nt Row: Ab1go1l Bern .tei 10 Cinoy Wr 1g (10), Faith Oedden1

Ar ore R0101 ( 1 Back Row: Eleanor Ouncon ( 11),

R011 '11), Carolyn Oum m 1

Front Row: Mugaret lochmoeller (11), Clone Rowe (11), Oovmo

lettrJU 11 Margaret Tyrrel 12., Je111co Mueller(' 2), Kol1fo

Muhammad (12 Back Row: Cel1o Goldberg (12), Margaret Ayre1 (11),

Porde1lyon1·Worrer 12. Be lee Koon1 (12).

Front Row: E1.zobeth Fndmon (10), Amech1 Oruwon (12), Connie Dong

'11 N,•apcr.•: Reng10mboon (11), Opeoluwo Folo o (12), Abigail Bernltein (10).

Back Row: Robel E10yo5 (10), WOSihun Gemo (10), Victono Neal (10),

~cllel'lelo Bezobhe (11), Hieron Andeberhon (9), Toymoe M1mouni (10),

Front Row: N1kon Han 0 Chorle1 Yeldhom (II). Jacob Gngg1

(10 Mux Yue '1 Back Row: William Carr (II), Ju1tm lee (9), Ron

We111 (9), Oov1d Stemer 1

~ LEF Student Ambassador - , - ; - - -- . -r o1 '\\\"\"'\" • ... f f. ....... _.

=,:l:i \"~~ ? . ~ ,!.J . , -.'i!IJI

; .. ~~~

Front Row Potmk Hen1ley (12), Margaret lochmoeller (11), Alice

BirM· d 1 Oliv1o Schroder ( 12)

Front Row: Jeff M1ller Rehg Harm 11 ). Simone llu (10),Lmlan

Cele1te llu ( 1 Back Row: John Yeldhom (9), Chorle1

(11 ). Samuel H1ken 11 L · a Holy( 11 ). Ande Siegel ( ll)

\"THIS COLOR Je><. be~\"\"' l o se Is I G sod cok>r s b It I

no ob xous


t Row: felix Hu (11), Benjomrn Phung (12), Jacqueline Zeng (11), Egret lin (11). Manno Sho (9), Loursro

11 ). Second Row: Robert fruend (11 ). Akh Kondepudi (11 ), Eric Yin (9), Nevon Grulionr (11 ), Anna Lu

1 ), Xrwen Zhong ( 12), Seem a Potil (11) Back Row: Lauren Xie (9), William Xie (9), William Pan (9), Stephen

(9), Ro1deep Paul (11 ). Moses Schindler (11 ), Akshoy Govrndon

Front Row: Opeoluwo foloko (12), Michelle liu (11 ). VimCius

Fernandes 12). Akivo Greener (12)

Front Row: Anno Zhong (10), Abigail Yearout (11), Audrey Wong (12),

Marilyn Lercel ( 11 ), Courvoun Hill ( 11 ). An de Siegel ( 11 ). Kaycee Little

(12), Oeeuotroil Nichols ( 12), John Yeldhom (9) Back Row: Don

Goble, Morteono Davidson.

Front Row: Anyo !ullman (11), Mox Boker (12), Macey Goldstein (12),

Jacob Gnggs ( 1 0), Vinicius Fernandes ( 12), Akrvo Greener ( 12), Stephanie

fern (12), Aleesho Shi (12). Back Row: Kevin Ton (10), Robert fruend

(11), Emily Pork (12)

Front Row: Sydney Oork 110). Cornil1e Yang (10), Jo<Ob Sro e< (9),1Duts U (9), Matthew levy (9), Darren Teb (9), Tanya Berry (11), Joson

Xu (9), TIO!Iyi Wang (91 Drcra T011 '9). N.rabe8e Markle< (10), Amtra Robnson (10), C«iiio Ha (10). Connie Dong (11), Manno Slro (9), Lila M llet

(10).Zerublrabol Morut [9 ~cond Row: Allreno Vindl (9), SoroHo '91 Aria Sierro (11 ), Emily Berry (9), Somtrel Yu (9), [II( y,. (9),

P!11(9),01yo0r ~• ~ 19 AMo ilson(9),Sirelley8erry 1 GrO<ehu '9 As• Osborn(10),BnonrroSmi (11).Ryonlllfn(9),

Kathryn SdtneideJ (9), Astlno (bon (9), Joson Orng (9), Jos!ruo Wo 91 Back Row: Deflry (10). Nooh Smod (9), Too Kelrrlov (9), Emily

(9), G<w Sox!oo (9), John Madden (11), Samuel Go11a (9, Sr 1'(0 K •· 19' ~ 'fiOir Alxnhom (10), Soploo i1ooefs (10).

t Row: Lrlion fisher (9), Ashlin (orr '9\\, Connie Cher 1 0),

Vishnubhotlo (9), Modelrne Stoces (10). Back Row: Droro Jon

Annabella Seeger (9), Or Zhu (9), Anno Lynn (9), Essete Warkmeh (9)


Front Row: Aktvo Groener (12), Margaret Tyrrell (12), Emily lesorogol

, A Zh g 2), Pordes lyons-Warren {12),lone Dibler (12), Macey

!ioldste (12)

Front Row: Vrolet Shelley-Pettinelli (12), Alex Kemppomen (12), Ell!

Yang (12 Alexr der Cobm (12), Elliot lorenz (12), Juhan Peng (12).

Front Row: Stephen Jrang (9), Akhil Kondepudr (11 ), Ja n~ Or~g 9

Ra1ceepP• 1 ),FelixHu(11),A shoyGovmdon(11) Back Row:

Moses Schmdler (11 ), Em Y·n (9), Willi om Pon (9), Rober Fruend l

Charles lortman (12), Nevon Giulronr (11).

Front Row: Abogajl Y (11), Ori (12), R

(12),E!Myt~ogol(l2),AMallleng(l2),POideslj11111·W ·· Oibler{12).

laura Ewul! {12). m uoc (12), Mcx Bcke<(12) Back Row: f~ Slleriff (12),

Davina l!nou (11), Robert Fruend (11), An!ooio Amore Ro lhomeaei (11),

Oris Saxton, Mctey Gddstem ('2). · 6loener ('2). 1)

Front Row: Stephen Jrong (9), Justin Chen (12), A hil Kondepudr (II),

Mo'- S. rr•·ler , Cmdy Wong (10), Sheler Pan (10),lucy Yue (9)

Back Row: Ro Jeep Paul (11 ). Abhoy Coshikor (12), Annte liu (12),

Seemo Potr ( 11 Anno Zhong ( 1 0). Jocqueflne Zeng (11 ).

HIS COLOR d .crilles me oecause t e nos 'Tle \"'Y eo



Front Row: Gustppe Or Cera (10), Opeal wa Fa ale (12). Groce Hen~ey (9),

Rebert fruend (11 ). Charles lartman (12), Macey Galdste n (12), le11n Xu (12),

DaVIna Lettau (11 ). Macy Kerner (9) Back Row: ~nne Reos (9), Pema Childs (9),

Grace Hardester (' :). yo I ullman (II), Cora me Al1110 ( 11 ). A\\Jintgamery R\" ey

[11). Grace (rotten ('2). MJchael Wayne (101

front Row: Madel ne Sto<es (10), Abrg Br ter 1), lucy Yue

(9), Mauna Sha (9), Camrlle Yang (10) Back Row: M11x Yue (11),

Cindy Wang (10), Jahnavr Vrshnubhotla (9), Cor re n · 1 0), Matthew

Shareshran (10).

t Row: Ashna Chah (9), felix Hu (11 ), Ra1deep Paut (11), Evan

CmdyWang (10), Rober~ fruend (11). Back Row: Moses

( 11 ), Akshay Govmdan ( 11 ), Akht1 Kondepudr (11 ), Shel11 Pan

Pan (9)


rnt Row: Nothomol Marsters ( 11 ), Morgan Bur e ( 11 ), Mary Mullen

o Mohl'lood (11)

Front Row: Sono Mahmood (11), Macey Goldstein (11), Al\"a Grotnlf (11),

Pordes Lyons-Warren (11). Zachary Well11 (ll ), Morro Orsoy (ll ). Lryr Goo (ll ).

Robert fruend (11) Back Row: Yoseph Wassre ( ll ). Ashlyn leldrn (I I). Antonro

Amore RaiDS (ll), Montgomery Rrt ey (ll), Anyo lullmo~ (\"),Max Baker (11).

Iathon Bry (10), LeYI Dyson (I 1), Shoun (orr (I 1)


Front Row: Unnea Hoy (ll). Nooh Smork (9), Soroh E11enmon (12), Alllgor

Gre · '· rg I Grote Cohen (10). Charles Yeldhom (ll). Kathryn S<hnerder (9)

Back Row: Ardon Rubrrght (9), Eyen Hoffman (9), Kathe~~ne E11enmon (9),ltetcl

C · 9 Ross(I2),RyonCox(I2),SomueiShoy het(ll)




dy Madalyn 26 27 46, 68, 69 122

247, 251

Abebe, B1nyom 122, 237

Abraham, Hannah 122, 248

Abreu Kothenne 122

Achdefu, Kelecho 3 19, 22, 23, 36, 52, 73,

140, 160, 236, 246, 249

Acree, Corson 106, 107, 130, 242

Adams, Aden 122

Adams, Armon 56 140, 250

Addison Sam 114

Atmono, Ayushyo 8, 122, 195, 245, 246,

250, 251

Alberdi, lucoo 1 0 1

Albert Aubrey 1 29

Aldnch, Randy II 0

Alexander, Sydney 17, 31 , 36, 37, 130

245, 250

A~Howorey, Sora 114, 242

AI Huuetno, Omor 3 1, 1 14

Alo, foyzon 122

At., Jmor 114

Alisio, Carolina I 3, 15, 16, 20, 21 , 49, 58,

I 30, 248 249, 250

A~Kureeh Bedrooh 22, 39, 130, 205, 242

Allen, Carol II 0

Allen, Mo111oew 33, 74 75, 140,216,236,


Amede, Yishgormo 122


Amore Ro1os, Anton1o 24 32, 33, 43, 130,

246,247,249, 251

Amos, Tic 130, 246, 248

Anderson, Kenyolto 114. 236, 241

Anee1, Asw1n 1 30

Antoo, Keeferly 140

Archibald, Bnon 11 0

Armstrong Mo111oew 11 4

Arnold, Graham 140

Arnold, Ryley 38, 130, 239

Arun, Schone 243

Ashby, Susan 110

Ashkor, Notol1e 114 244

Ashkor, Sarah 42, 130, 248, 249, 251

As oro, ken 122 244 247

Atonow, Yordonose 122, 243

Av1god, Benjom1n 3, 108, 109, 140, 156,

186,211,236, 246

Avogod. Noah 6, 82, 114 233, 237

Ayres, Bndget 43, 122

Ayres, Margaret 24 43, 55. 130, 247

Bober, Greg 23, 39, I 10

Sadiho, Zoyo 159

Boley, Ben1om n 6, 114 237, 251

Boker, Anonno 22, 140, 148, 176, 242

Boker, Max 102, 140, 156, 235, 246, 247,

248, 249, 250, 251

Balcer, Monhew 140

Bolsovios, Ashley 2, 36, 37, 96, 97, 130,

242, 245, 249

Bence, Nouro 28, 130

Band 21 ,39 58, 71 74

Bo~~ngolts, Sonya 122

Bornen, Em rson 3, 84. 122, 240, 242, 243

Barstow, N•ko 106, 107, 122, 242

Borz1loy lnbol 23, 38, 122, 243

Basketball Boys I 02, 240, 241

Basketbol Goris 100, 24 1

Boss, Madison 114

BosseH, M•les 53, 98, 122, 241

Botchmon, Melosso 122

Souers, Sophia 24. 25, 122, 248

Baumstark, Andrew 140, 229, 237

Boumstor , Wi loom 114, 237

Beck, Molly 110, 111

Beck, Tyler 130, 240

Becker, lauren 114, 239, 242, 245

Behr, Honnoh 26, 54. 110

Beorne, James 140, 221

Beirne, John 140, 22 1

Beisheim, Cassandra 2, 105, 122, 1 24, 246,

249, 250, 251

Belanger, Em1la 130, 242

Belou, Ethan 16, 82, 108, I 09, 130, 251

Belcher, Boylee 122, 245

Bellv1lle, Stephon•e 8, 110

Benduski, Aiexonder 95, 140, 210, 237

Benford, Tyler 122

Bens y, lila 80 130, 236, 248, 249

Berg, Blo e 28, 37, 54, 55, 57, 60, 108,

109, 130, 244, 245,246

Berg, Brooke 23, 104, 105, 114 243

Berglund Joseph 8, 122, 250, 251

B rnholt, Donoole 86, 238

Bernickus, Mox 130, 237

Bernier, Alexander 30, 130, 251

Bermer, Atlas 1 I 4 115

Berns, laura 50, 110

Bernste•n. Ab,go 1 122, 246, 247, 248, 250.


Bernstein, Corol,ne 105, 114, 243

Bernstein, Megan 140, 172, 237, 244 245

Bernste1n, Zachery 37, 40, 41 140 202

Berry, Em•ly 92, 93, 114, 238, 248

Berry, Shelley 130, 248

Berry, Tanya 130, 248

Bespolko, Avery 47, 92, 93, 114, I 43, 238

Bezobhe, Afomyo 141

Bezobhe, Ho>remelo 130, 247

Bezzont, D~Xon 95, 141, 189, 237

Bezzont, Hornet 35, 96, 97, 122, 242

Bhogot, An1ol• 114, I 18, 245, 246

Bioson, ltfy 1 22

Biedenste•n, Ruslon 1 30

Bierling, A1nsley 243

Biernacki, Eric 130, 135, 251

B>rchfield. Al1ce 15, 42, 60, 130, 238, 244,

245, 246 247

Birchf,eld, Kathleen 11 4

B•Sig, Bentomin 114, 241

BiHing, Adelo•da 114, 240, 241

B•H1ng, William 1 30

Bloor, Koylm 114

Blank, Jul•e 11 0

BliSs, Thomes 2, 64, 130

Blucher, Jordon 32, 33, 114. 240

Blucher, lucas 1 30


Blue Crew 41, 247

Sly, Soph•o 90, 1 I 4, 239, 245

Booten, Gideon 11 , 122, 236

Bochert, Elena 26, 27, 28, 53, 68, 69, I 30,

236, 245, 247, 251

Bochocchoo, Leopolda 1, 1 1 0, 1 I 3, 114

116, 237

Boeyink, Julio 96, 122, 242, 244

Boeyink, Kathleen 6, I 14 244

Bohnert, Kothenne 2, 69, 14 I, 213, 235,

247, 249

Boldt, Connor 114

Boldt, Kyrle 122

Bommer, louryn 22, 39,76, 141, 153, 176,


Bommer, Mo oylo 22, 130, 242

Borg•o, froncos 240, 241

Boudhone, Shoroz 114

Bouhroouo, Ahmed 1 1 4

Bouhroouo Sereen 122

Bowen, Maxwell 30, 31 , 114

Bowen, Stephen 12, I 3, 130, 248

Bowmen, Momco 55, 11 0, 1 I 2

Boyd, Avery 1 29

Boyd. Joylen 102, 122, 240

Boyles, K1mberfy 44, 50, 110

Brod•ng, Aston 40, 141

Brandt, Colby 98, 114, 237, 24 I

Bretermtz, Alice 40, 45, 130, 239, 246,

248, 250

Bnsby, Any•o 31 , 114

Broadcast Tee\" 40, 111

Brock, Alov•o 1 30

Brook, Nathan 1 22

Broo s, Belov'ed 2, 37, 66, 130 244 245

Brown, Aaron 130, 236

Brown, Anel 2, 15, 36, 37, 141, 245

Brown, Brion 7 4, 130, 236, 244

Brown, Eva 122

Brown, Janel e 6, 141, 245

Brown Potnc 20, 114, 242

Brown, Rovon 122

Bry, Jackson 57, 61 , 122, 248, 249, 250,


Buchannan, Bj 22, 25, 65, 7 4 141 , 236

Buc ner, Keylon 3, 42, 141

Buckvor, Nicholas 110, 236

Budner, Domelle 70, 71 , 114

Bunton, Jonah 122

Burke, Morgan 42, 43, 54, 130, 236, 244,

245, 248, 251

Bursock, Brynne 1 2 2

Burton, Andrew 11 4

Bush, Coden 122, 240

Bushue, Toney 14 I, 251

Bussard, Bryce 102, 130. 240

Bussmonn, Avo 1 21

Butz, Monhew 24, 25, 130

B er, \"-hley 2, 23, 60, 104, 105, 130, 243,

46, 248, 249

84, 85, 114 24~246

eth 137

ache! 130, I 34. 247, 249

Cody, Deb 113

Calhoun, Shoun 50, 14 2

Co len, Jennifer 11 3

Colvert, Ou•nnlon 114, 241

Compos, Victono 2, 3, 32, 33, 37, 68,69

123, 245, 247, 251

Carpenter Roberts, Ryan 142

Carr, Ashton 22, 1 I 4 244, 248

Carr, Joshua 159

Carr, Shoun 75, 142, 224 246, 247 249

250, 251

Carr, w ,lliom 2, 26, 27, 32, 33, 45 69

130, 245, 247, 248

Carroll, Jul•on 123, 244

Carroll, louiS 159

Corson, D bra 50, 110

Coshokor, Abhoy 10, 11 49, 89, 142 245

246, 249, 250

Cotalysl 60, 245

Catering Connection 69 2 45

Cedergreen, Benjamin 142, 207

Cedergreen, Chloe 91 , 123, 238, 247

Cedergreen, lauren 43, 84 85, 123, 240


Cholo, Ashno 114, 248, 250

Chon, Hugh 115, 237, 248, 249, 250 25'

Chapman, T a lan 1 2 3

Chavez. Potrooo 11 0

Choyet, Donoel 123, 145, 246, 249, 250,


Che r 22, 38, 40, 70 242

Chen, Conn•e 7, 90, 123, 239, 247 248

249, 250

Chen, Horry 11 , 115,237, 244

Chen, Ide 24, 25, 130, 244 249

Chen,Juston 2, 22, 23, 24 142, 173, 245

246, 249

Chen, lon Huo 115

Cherrick, Philip 2, 60, 142, 209, 237, 244

245, 246

Chesson, Dole 20, 25, 74 130 236 246

249 250

Ch•co•ne, Groce 2, 130, 236, 242

Chicoine, Nicolas 6, 115, 237

Childs, benne 43, 66, 67, 123, 238, 244


Childs, Pemo 115, I 19, 247, 250

Chontokunto, Phoni Te1o 123, 250, 251

Choir 36, 245

Cholewa, Ellyono 123, 242

Christ, Courtney 42, 43, 80, 130 236 245

248, 249

Christen, John 123, 236, 250

Christner, Audrey 90, 91 , I 15, 239, 244


Chuquom•o, Gobnelle 115, 239

Coorbo, Calvon 98, 115, 241, 244

Cloney, Groce 84, 10 I, 115, 240, 241

Clark, Calion 78, 79, 123, 236, 245, 246

Clark, Courtme 1 30

Clerk, Elo1oh 57, 123, 169 251

Clor , Sydney 22, 77, 123, 199, 243 248

Clawson, Kev1n 99, 110, 241

Clawson, Sydney 70, 71 , 87, 115 238


Cloy, Jom•e 142

Clayton, Joshua 159

Clemons, Daniel 1 23

Clemons. Don1elle 1 23

Clombong Team 47, 245

Cobon, Alexander 65, 83, 142, 150 162


237 249 Cobin Samuel 54, 99, 115, 237

Cochran, Ethan 130, 247, 249

Cohen. Ethan 11 5

Cohen, Grace 46, 123, 243, 247, 251

Cchn. Leetol 22, 39, 79, 115, 243, 244.


Cote. Raeno 130

~s. Lovotnce 1 29

1, Lavencoo 1 2 3

Collins, Moo 100, 123, 241, 245

Computer Scoence 246

(onno ly, f01th 1 23, 242, 248, 250, 251

(onnor>. Keaton 82, 131, 237

(onroy, Camille 142, 220

(onlreros Molino, Yorvy 1 3 1

Coover>~, Kordero 142, 158, 229, 245

(Dot Sarah 43, 142, 203

Corowell, ScoH 1 1 0

Co>by, Morzion 6, 115, 236, 241

(ouch. Jennifer 11 0

Coughlin, Rose 10, 11, 32, 80, 131, 236,

245, 247, 248, 249, 251

Cox. Callisto 123, 236, 245, 246, 250

Cox. Ryan 26, 142, 251

Crawford, Kiaro 17, 131, 244,248, 249

(Iawford, Lisa 1 1 0

(Iawford Morkeith 16, 17, 78, 79, 131,


Crrws Nancy 110, 243

(Jews, Rebecca 243

(Jews, Sarah 36, 142, 242

Crismon, Drew 1 1 0

Cro< en, Grace 2, 22, 26, 36, 58, 142,

232,243, 248,249,250,251

en, Hope 123, 242, 243

Cro<<en, Loly 2, 22, 24, 142, 232, 242, 243,



80, 236

106, 107, 115,236,

nghom, Rebecca 10, 11, 66, 67, 68,

69, 131, 246, 247. 249, 251

;;oon Declan 35, 131, 236

, Mary Kendall 22, 27, 77, 115, 243

e Barry 123, 236, 246

.ton, Hadley 22, 42, 43, 131

e1o'n 131

e, Howi 131

y, Bezo 115

Aryoman 28,123,251

Ethan 142,191

Jeremy 6, 115, 236, 241, 244

y Simone 44, 45, 142

April 69, 11 0


Myo 37, 97, 1 31, 242

e~. Loni Michaella 142

son, Morteano 110, 248

Cleo 81, 131,236,247,248

Ellion 115, 236

Joy 110

Jetani 123, 236, 241

Joyce 110

Notaro 37, 143, 245

Tessa 2, 115, 245, 246

S mmons, Konyla 123

Jesse 159

37, 246

Gobroel 32, 33, 68, 69, 143, 175,


Deddens, Faith 131, 246, 247, 249, 250

Deffry, John 2, 123, 246, 248, 251

Deffry, Raymond 1 43

DeGraw, Bryce 123, 236

DeHaven, Olivia 123

del Cid, Isabella 44, 123, 239, 245, 246

del Cid, Rodngo 1 2 3

Delia, Mary 110

Del Taro, Manuel 242

Demkovitch, Anno 11 5

Dengel. Robert 123

Deutsch, Ethan 115, 236

Deutsch, Max 106, 107, 131, 242, 247

Deutsch, Riley 60, 97, 143, 158, 223, 242,


Deutsch, Tyler 115, 242

Devall, Ashley 110

Dhornidharko, Rio 123, 245, 250

Dharnidharko, Shrey 21, 94, 95, 143, 157,

205,237,244 246,249,251

Dhowon, Kashish 123, 238, 245, 246, 250

DiAntonio, Gabriel 6, 38, 115, 241, 244,


Dibler, Lone 15, 30, 64, 143, 234, 246,


Dibler, Lincoln 124, 237, 251

Di Cera, Giuseppe 8, 22, 28, 57, 124, 163,

244,246, 250,251

Dieckhaus, Mary 96, 97, 115, 242

Diggs, Jackson 115, 237

Diggs. Madeline 1 3 1

Ding, Jason 115, 237, 248, 249

Diringer, Danoel 63, 115, 248

Diwakaron, Diyo 71, 115, 116, 236, 245,

248, 250

Dockery, Gavyn 124, 240

Dolan, Derya 159

Dolan, Kurt 137

Dong, Connie 14, 28, 40, 81, 131, 244,

246, 247, 248, 249

Donovan, lauryn 101, 115, 117, 241, 250

Dougan, Liam 45, 1 24

Douglas, Khamil 1 24, 241

Douglas, Khomisi 131

Douthit, Hayley 115, 238, 244

Dove, Stewart 115, 236, 241

Drovino. Dorine 159

Dribben, Eli 124, 237, 241

Dubale, Helen 143

Duckhom, Janel 110, 150

Duncan, Carolyn 131,246,247,248, 249,


Duncan, Eileen 16, 124, 245, 246, 250

Duncan, Eleanor 45, 131,246,247, 248,

249, 250

Duncan, Jasmone 131

Duong, Annabella 115

Durbin, Cullen 143, 175

Durbin, Deloney 43, 143, 175

Durbin, Kimberly 1 1 0

Durbin, Tyler 1 15

Durham, Mono 50, 51 , 11 0

Dwyer, Jeremiah 30, 124, 240

Levi 38, 71, 143, 145, 149, 157,

166, 250, 251

l>zllel'coo\"•skii. Dovod 1 31


Eastlund, Isaac 22, 143, 205, 248

Eostlund, Jessica 124 245, 247

Eostlund, Sara 143, 205, 245, 249

Eaton, Susie 11 3

Edwards, Margaret 26, 37, 68, 69, 86, 124.


Ehrich, Jonathan 115. 24 1

Eisenman, Kathenne 19, 116, 244, 245,


Eisenman, Sarah 6, 7, 31, 39, 58, 143, 166,

244, 246,248,249,250.251

Elements 246

Elias, Jackson 46

ELL/ ESL 246

Elzeon, Isabella 116, 238

Englander, Cloore 2, 42, 131, 238, 249,


Esoyas, Arsema 143

Esoyos, Robel 124, 237, 247, 249, 251

Espinosa, Madyson 7, 22, 23, 93, 131, 238,


Esponozo. Brandon 124, 236, 246

Evans, Caroline 124

Evans, Kyndoll 61 , 116, 245

Ewald, laura 16, 17, 38, 39, 40, 41 77

144, 176, 195, 242, 246, 248, 249,


98, 116,236,241,

Folako, Opeoluwo 22, 23, 144, 235, 244,

246 24~248 249 250,260

Falconer, Jameson 37, 116, 245

Faris, Michael 1 1 3

Former, Mayo 6, 60, 144, 155, 184

Fern, Stephonoe 144, 152, 248, 249

Farrell, Micheal 6, 30, 31, 50, 111

Fosbinder, Ethan 131, 219, 237

Fashoon 246

Faulkner, Brion 1 24, 240

Favazza, Clayton 116

FCA 20,246

Feinberg, Elizabeth 124

Feonberg, Manley 66, 1 31

Feldenberg, Oliver 144, 236

FEMCO 3 1, 246

Ferguson, Sean 124, 237, 251

Fernandes, Vinicius 26, 144, 245, 246, 248,


Fiacco, Anno 60, 81, 13 1, 236, 250

Fiacco, Nicholas 79, 124, 236, 241

Foeld Hockey 86, 238

Fields, Adam 144, 150, 245, 246, 250

fononce 246

Fingermon, Joshua 124

Fischer, Samantha 97, 116, 242

Fisher, Lilian 116, 240, 244, 245, 248

Fisler, Benjamin 33, 144, 248

Fivecoat, Natalie 111

Flory, Oliver 6, 116

Foley, Koitlyn 89, 100, 101, 116, 240, 24 1

Footbo I 25, 38, 72, 7 4, 236

Ford, Isaiah 159

Forrest, Rachel 91, 144, 238,247,248

Fortune, Don 111

Fosler, Chase 1 3 1

Fowler, Kieorra 111

Fox, ChorloHe 13, 57, 84, 85, 144, 233,


Fox, Kenneth 1 2, 11 1

Francis. Thomas 53, 131

Francone, Alessandro 66, 67, 144, 229,


Fronk, Lily 116, 238

Fredman, Avery 6, 94, 95, 144. 227, 237,

248, 249

Fredman, Graham 6, 116, 237

Fredman, Sophia 2, 27, 1 24, 242

French NHS 246

Frichrl, lisa 111, 236

Fridman, Elizabeth 124, 243, 247

Friedman, Rebecca 96, 144, 153, 242

Friedman, Sarah 6, 7, 131, 242

FriHs, Sabrina 116, 245

Fruend, Andrew 116, 237

Fruend, Robert 'Trey\" 20, 24. 78, 79, 131,

236,244,245 246,24~248, 249,

250, 251

Frumsan, Roe Ellen 1 3 1

Fu, Alexander 124, 250

Fuller, Summer 1 24

Fundoukos, CaseHe 1 24

Austin 116

Gage, Rofey 24, 131, 133, 247, 248, 249

Gales, Breon 71, 1 31, 244

Gallemore, Jackson 82, 131, 237

Gallemore, Samuel 47, 71, 98, 99, 116,

237, 241

Galien, Kevon 1 1 1

Gamble, Crew 131, 250, 251

Ganzer, Jordan 108, 109, 131, 247, 249,


Gao, Huamon 90, 116, 239, 244. 250

Gao, Luyi 3, 95, 131, 237, 245, 251

Gardner, Keoth 11 3

Garland, Grant 116, 237

Garland, Jason 7 4, 121. 131, 236, 240

GorreH, Nathaniel 102, 124 240

Garvagto, Rachel 11 3

Garvey, Tricia 113

Garza, Alexander 50, 131, 237, 244

Garza, Samuel 116, 237, 248

Gates. Jada 30, 1 1 6

Govril, Jamie 111

Gazit, Maoyan 81 , 144, 170, 236, 248,


Gebhard, Lorelei 32, 33, 1 32

Geosz, Chnslopher 50, 111, 236

Gema, Wasihun 68, 124, 237, 247, 249,


Gerardi, Harper 124, 236, 245

Gerardi, Jon 37, 153, 159, 225

Gerding. Mary 55, 60, 132

Gerding, Thomas 108, 109, 132

German Honor Society 44, 67, 246

Gheorghian, Kayta 80, 116, 236

Giocin, Spencer 106, 107, 132

Gianono, Nicholas 39, 111

Gibfned, Eden 116, 240

Gibfned, levo 29, 64, 132

Giuliani, Gavin 1 24

Giuliani, Nevan 132, 236, 248, 249

Glon, Jack 145, 235

Glon, Jennifer 111

Gluck, Andrew 132

Goble, Donald 111, 248

Goebel, Francis 1 03, 1 24. 240

Gaebel. Gretchen 2, 26, 145, 217, 235,


Goeke, Benjamin 116, 237

Goitom, Abigael 1 1 6

Gold, Ellie 89, 100, 101, 116, 240, 241

Gold, Hannah 132

Gold. Jenno 44 66, 67 90, 91 , 124, 239,

243, 245, 246

Goldberg, Celio 3, 16. 60. 104. 105, 145,

192, 197, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,


Goldberg, Max 94, 95, 132, 237

Golden, Claire 10, 11, 15, 67, 132, 155,

246, 248

Goldman, Emma 129, 215

Goldman, Kevin 124

Goldsteon, Eli 8, 124, 207, 244, 250, 251

Goldste•n. Macey 11, 22. 57, 145, 149,

156, 157, 159, 244 245, 246, 247,

248, 249, 250, 251

Goldwasser, James 23, 40, 56, 111, 112

Goldwasser, Jill 11, 42, 1 24, 236, 247

Golf. Girls 84. 240

Gomes, Julio 88, 89, 145, 185, 239

Gonzalez, Moria 124

Gordon, Anjel 145, 246

Gorski, Govon 116, 236

Gorski, William 1 45

GoHesmon, Ari 116, 203, 244. 250

Gould,Jocob 10, 11,106, 107, 145, 186,


Govero, Gage 6, 116

Govindon. Akshoy 9, 132, 243, 248. 249,


THIS COLOR descr bes me because n s appy ol'd energe c s1



Grady, Madtson 23, 3 1, 104. 105, 124,

243, 244, 245, 246, 251

Graham, Janie 132

Grana, Elizabeth II 1

Grant, Mekkah 145, 176, 242

Gratz. elr.ey 1 32, 145

Greenberg Abiga•l 132, 25 1

Grench. Giselle 30, 63, 116, 244

Grench. lincoln 15, 132, 236, 244, 248.


Gr,ese, Marguerite 1 1 1 11 2

Gr,ffith, Brad 1, 6, 29, 42, 51 , Ill, 260

Gnggs, Jacob 124, 244 245, 247, 248,


Gnmes. Zahrya 243

Greener, Akiva 145, 158, 245, 246, 247

248, 249, 251

GSA 246

Gu, Yunlan 132, 25 1

Guhr, Jacob 132, 237

Guhr. Wendy Ill

Gunapooh, Mahima 33, 36, 60, 145, 246,


GunaStnghe, Stthqa 2, 67, 145, 187, 245,

246, 250

Gunther, Jan-Davtd 64 65, 145, !50

GustafSon, l 1vona 116, 175

G tchewsky, Kimberly 1 1 1, 1 4 2, 1 50

G awali, Kyle 21 , 30, 1 16, 244

43, 247

Hadley, lawrence 124 237, 240

Hahn, Noa 32, 33, 132

Hahn, Yael 116, 239

Ha•der, Kiyan 64, 145, 237

Hatrstan, Talya 1 16

Halasey, Naomt 159

Hall, Ltlliana 1 3 2

Hamilton, Maxwell 1 16

Hamilton, Paris 101, 116, 241

Hamtlton, Raoven 57, 132, 238, 241

Hampton, Maxwell 64, 144 146, 248

Hanaway, John 121,236

Hanis, Malone 17, 33, 146, 183, 204 249

Harder, Hannah 39, 124 239, 244. 246

Harder, Keith 1 1 1

Hardester, Grace 132, 134, 244, 247, 248,

249, 250

Hardy, Breanna 132

Harper, Keoara 121 , 245

Harpole, Allison 104, 105, 146, 192, 198

243, 246, 249

Horns, laCarlas 1 29

Harris, Rehgan 3, 24 50, 84, 85, 132, 240,

243, 245, 246,247,251

Horns, Scott 23, 113

Harrison. Charles 50, 68, 1 II

Harrison, Jul•a 1 1 1

Harltgan, Jennifer 1 1 1

Hartman, Andrea 16, 132

Hartnch, Charles 1 16

Harvey, Enc 116

Haselhorst, John 40, 146, 237

Hauptman, ltly 15, 23, 46, 66, 146, 233,


Hauser, Rar.e 132, 238, 244. 247, 248.


Hawkens. Abiga~ 1 1 1

Hawkms, William 132, 248

Hay, Kaurtney 101, 132, 241

Haybran, Sarah 1 3 2

Haynes, lindsey 146

He, Otngyang 121, 245

He, St Tang 124. 245

Hearn, Karyell 132

Hearst, Mo ew 132, 223, 237

Hearst, Ryan 146, 216

Hearst, Zachary 124

Heortney, Anne 37, 146, 245

Heartney, Emma 124

Heortney Theresa 45, 132

Heovn, Brandon 1 1 1

Hebronk, lu e 1 16

Helm, Tim 113

Helmkamp!, August 132

Helmkamp!, Samuel 6, 94 116, 237

Henderson, lan 16, 20, 2 1, 132 248

Hensley, Grace 22, 40, 80, 101 116, 236,

241 , 246, 247, 250

Hensley. Potnck 22, 23, 60, 65, 74 146

188, 236, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249:


Her ert, Benromon 1 46

Her ert, Bloke 132, 137

Hermon, Olrvoa 8, 147, 210

Hernandez. Katherine 57, 116

Hibbler, Comtlle 22, 40, 41 77, 132, 242

Hiken, Samuel 132, 244 247, 248, 249,


Htii, Courvaun 15, 24, 31, 56, 132, 141,

246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251

Hill, Michael 23, 1 1 1

Htlebrand, Elir.e 84 124, 240

Htmebaugh, Mary 1 1 1

Hines, Aleczonder 124, 244

Honkle, Tehran 116

Ho, long 125

Hobbs, Seth 1 3 2

Hocaaglu, Ben 116, 237, 246, 250

106, 242

Hodges, Jade 1 16

Hoeler, Abboe 7, 57, 132, 248

Hoffman, Eyen 1 17, 251

Hoffman, Keegan 1 1 7

Hogan, Tammy 117, 237

Holiday, Ede 35, 57, 132, 245

Holland. Kaotlyn 15, 1 14, 1 17

Holtrop. Jason 1 1 7

Holtrop, M•tchell 70,71, 11 7

Holy, Linnea 26, 132, 236, 246, 247, 248,

250, 251



Horne, Shelby 8, 60, 147 245

Horowttz, Joshua 7, 132, 242

Horton, Stella 17, 60, 147, 246, 250

Horwttz, An 1 17, 24 1

Horwitz, Joshua 2, 23, 41 , 102, 103, 147,

156, 169, 240,247

Hotz, Drew 132

Howard, Madelme 147, 184

Howe, Elizabeth 125, 238, 249

Hsiao, Bryan 125

HSteh, Allison 117, 242, 249

HSteh, Joel 3, 15, 147, 207, 237, 244 248

Htoo, Paw 125

Hu, Felix 132, 245, 246, 248. 249, 250

Hu, Groce 38, 117, 239, 248, 250, 251

Hubbard, Jesse 1 3 7

Huber, Katherine 23, 38, 40, 41, 105, 125,


Huber, Meghan 40, 132, 238. 244, 246

Human, Antonio 132

Humphrey, Charlotte 6, 31 , 44, 117, 246.


Humphrey. lillian 24, 25. 39, 43, 53, 132,

244, 247, 251

Hunt, Andrew 38, 42, 7 4, 132, 236, 246,

248, 250

AI 31

117, 236

Ingram, Elizabeth 23, 117, 238

Ingram, Emtly 87, 132, 238, 247

'!ntagliato. Sophoe 40. 117, 236, 243, 244

Ireland, Niesha 147, 155

lsoacs, Sophie 60, 132

lvoe, Jason 125

lvoe, Jordaynoa 1 1 7

Jackson, Alysha 44, 125, 238

Jackson, Anaylo 125

Jackson, Brooke 147

Jackson, Evynne 22, 25, 47, 77, 132, 242,

245, 249

Jackson, Jordan 65, 7 4, 147

Jackson, Myles 117 244, 246

Jacobs. Rtchard 125

Jaon, Anik 21 ,1 32, 171, 249

Jakoela, Peter 47, 79, 132, 246, 247, 248,

249, 250, 251

Jiang Kevtn 132

J•ang, Stephen 117, 236, 248, 249

Jin, Egret 67 132, 245, 246, 248, 249,

250, 251

Johnson, Andrew 1 17, 236, 246, 250

Johnson, Elizabeth 147

Johnson, Gabriel 1 1 7

Johnson, Jimil 1 25

Jones, Alexandra 92, 125, 238

Jones. Brock 13, 7 4, 103. 125, 236, 240

Jones, Jomooo 147

Jones. Kom'Ron 70, 71 , 1 17

Jones. Kobe 1 17, 236

Jones. Mark 1 21

Joseph, Jut,a 1 1 7

JSU 247

Judson, Mary 13, 132

Jung, Daniel 125, 127, 236, 244, 247, 248,

250, 251

~urg• I, Joanna 95, 97, 133, 242, 247, 248,

249, 250

Kacor, Berke 147

Kaden, Yair 133

Kalaie, Mona 64, 147

Kahn, Jock 26, 122, 125

Kat,sh, Brennan 1 3 3

Kaltshman, Jenne 36, 147, 159, 173

KaltShman, Nicole 90, 91 , 125, 239

Kalu, Kalena 125

Kamath, Ajay 133, 244, 248

Kane, Kahe 1 1 1

Kanyok, Alexander 133

Karasick, Do noel 55, 106, 107, 147, 177,


Kattif.Baker, Trenton 147

Katzman, Elloe 115, 133

Katzman, Molly 243

Kaufman, laura 111 , 248

Kaupp, Amanda 1 1 1

Kaw, Ayush 26, 94, 95, 147 167, 237

Kefalov, Menea 10, 11 , 24. 26, 27, 133,

246, 248,251

Kefalov, Teo 117, 248

Kellerman-Baker, Abigail 125, 238

Kelley, Megan 2, 125

Kelly, Brendan 125

Keltner, Riley 8, 101, 111 , 240

Kemp, Gabrielle 30, 31, 117, 239

Kemppamen, Alex 147, 190, 249

Kennedy, Chnshan 1 25

Kennedy, Dravtn 16, 37, 64, 147, 230, 244,

245, 246, 247,248, 249

Kennedy, JesStca 1 1 1, 240

Kennedy, Maqorie 70, 133, 244, 245

Kennedy, Mary 111

Kennedy, Shale 125

Kerner, Macy 6, 22, 117, 240, 249. 250,


Keys, Patricia 1 1 1

Khan, Hamza 1 3 3

Khanna. Rohul 137, 250, 251

Kiknadze, leyla 30, 31, 1 17

Kom, Soomm 125

Kmg, Dean 1 3 3

Kmg, Ella 7, 1 2 1

King, Kathryne 36, 86, 87, 147, 161 238

King, Nadia 1 21

King. Sarah 16, 20, 21, 133, 244

Kmglevtne, ParriS 125, 246, 247

Konney, Pierce 30, 107, 133

Kirby, John 11 7, 237

Kirksey, Sarah 50, 1 1 1, 260

KitSts, Maxwell 148, 210, 246

Kittner Clark 133, 136, 236

Ktttner Joshua 79, 133, 236

Klinger!, Marissa 21 , 22, 29, 133, 243 244

Knopf, Rebecca 40, 4 1, 46. 101 , 125 242

245 •

Ko, Je 159

Koesterer, Isabella 1 17

Kolf, Isabella 117, 238

Kondepudi, Akhtl 67, 133, 245, 246, 248

249, 250, 25 1

Koneru, Shriya 90, 9 1, 1 17 239 248

Koon, Ava 148, 168

Koons. Bailee 21 , 40, 81 , 108, 109, 148

214, 236, 247, 249

Koons, Clayton 57, 70, 7 1, 117

Korenblat, Jamie 43, 90, 125, 239, 242

245, 246, 247, 249

Korn, Jacob 83, 117, 237

Korn, Samuel 102, 148, 156, 236, 246


Kornfeld, Max 133, 236, 250, 251

Kornfeld, Walter 117, 236, 244

Kovacs, Paul 1 1 7, 2 3 7

Kovalak, Patrick 20, 21 , 54_ 55, 98, 133


Kramer, Hadley 133

Kras, Sophie 47, 125

Krasnoff, Alexander 133, 237, 250

Kraus, Samantha 2, 133, 246, 250

Krejnik, Kelley 8, 111

Kresko, Eden 159

Krueger, Jonah 1 1 1

Kubik, Mary Chrishne 112, 238, 242

Kuehner, Sophoa 117, 238, 241

ulinsky, Molly 1 1 2

ran, Malavoka 21, 28, 90, 133, 239

46, 248

, Roland 117, 248

Laduettes 38, 40,1 04 242

Ladudes 27, 247

Ladue Students Helping Students 29

lao, Guangye 133, 245

laord. Adam 159

lam, Juston 148, 245, 246

lam, Ryan 118, 236, 248

lamar, Mttchell 1 2, 13, 58, 148. 225 245


Lambie, Corter 75, 148, 199. 236. 246

LaMore, Melinda 97, 125, 242, 244

lone, Groce 125

lang. Kalen 148, 236

lang. Rebecca 58, 118, 248, 249 251

langford, Christy 112

langraf, Joe 1 1 3

lawton. Margaret 118, 249

leary, Alexander 23, 82, 133, 237

leCorgne, Spencer 79, 133, 236

lee, Dome! 148

lee, Edmond 49, 125, 242

lee, Eun 17, 148

lee, Jason 19, 102, 159, 245

lee, Jushn 6, 11 8, 247

LEF Student Ambassador 247

lercel, Marilyn 133, 248

lesorogol, Emtly 1 0, 11 , 60, 85, 148, '49

208, 245, 246, 249

lett, Julia 47, 87, 133, 238, 246. 249

lett, Sarah 133, 238, 248

Lettau, Davina 3, 22, 24. 43 87, 133, 238

247, 249, 250, 260


Levan-Ross, Rebekah 30, 57 1 25

I,!VOOS, Grace 87, 148, 166, 238

~.ever, Rylee 26, 133

,ev1ne, Alysan 1 6, 1 1 2

.e\"'ne, Connor 1 1 8

.e\"'\"\"· Go brielle 46, 47, 58, 59, 1 25, 243

245 •

,evy. Alexis 125

levy Daphne 39, 1 1 8, 244

levy Evyn 148, 172, 244, 249, 251

evy Jonah 79, 148, 236

levy. Monhew 118, 246, 248, 249, 251

levy. Zachary 149, 208

.exus Eca Challenge 247

Boron 133, 241 , 248

~Joson 125, 237, 248, 250

Kev1n 39, 133, 244, 247, 248, 251

<OUIS JJ8, 237, 248, 249, 250, 25J

Soph1a 66, 67, 141, 149, 235, 246, 249

~ng, leda 97, 149, 151 , 242, 249, 250,


~ng lena 80, 1 25, 236, 242, 248, 250,


~.Catherine 23, 38, 47, 118, 238, 242,

244. 250

lie>mon, Emma 88, 118, 239

lieu Nathan 133, 249, 250

~ Wesley 1 1, 133, 248

tndenmayer, Ad01r 125, 243

er Anna 126, 243, 245, 246, 249, 250

lillk Crew 6, 248

e, Kaycee 2, 10, 11 , 37, 85, 149, 240,

246, 248, 249

.IZ Cameron 126

Albert 16, 38, 149, 167, 235, 248

Angelo 52, 126, 239, 248

Annie 10, 149, 229, 242, 246, 248,

249, 250, 251

Celeste 40, 70, 90, 126, 239 245,

246, 247, 251

Franklin 118, 237, 248

MIChelle 90, 133, 239, 245, 246, 248,


Olrvro 14, 63, 134, 250

Simone 40, 90, 126, 239, 245. 246,

247, 251

IOChmoeller, Dorothy 6, 7, 71, 86, 87, 1 1 8,


iOChmoeller, Margaret 60, 81 134, 236,

244,245, 246, 247,249

iOChmoeller, Tripp 134, 251

\"\" , Ashley 8, 1 12

oogon, Tyler 1 6, 1 4 9

'\"'\"EM 2, 38, 39, 76, 77, 149, 176, 201 ,

242, 245, 247, 248, 249

on, Charles 82, 149, 157, 159, 237,

244,245, 248, 249, 250

.oilmen, Theodore 33, 126, 237, 244

:og Cloore 23, 47, 105, 1 1 8, 243

\"\"'9· Kathryn 23, 104, 105, 149, 167 192

243 • '

opez. Sonhago 134, 251

.:pez Blanco, Victor 30, 31 , 1 1 8

renz, Elliot 16, 17, 82, 147, 149, 226

237 249 '

::wery, Thomas 36, 1 1 2

nd. Et,zobeth 3, 8, 126, 246, 250

Anno 16, 20, 21, 83, 134, 231 , 245,

246, 248, 250

Anq• 22, 41 , 149, 176, 197

Khong 137

Sunny 3, 57, 126, 128, 246, 249, 250

n Michael 19, 149, 250

r, Andrew 24. 25, 149 164, 244 245

247 ' '

r, Katherine 2, 1 26, 245, 247

Deborah 1 1 1, 1 1 2

::man, Sasha 60, 104. 105, 127, 150,

192, 243

Anno 97, 118, 239, 242, 248

, Shante 1 1 0, 1 1 2

Warren, Pardes 6, 15, 23, 150, 173,

179, 180, 244, 246, 247, 248 249

250, 251 ' '

Kothenne 19, 150, 2 13

en, John 98, 134. 241 , 248

Maguire, James 129

Mahmood, Sana 54, 97, 134, 242, 248

249, 251 '

Majzun, Isabella 16, 35, 53, 134, 248

Majzun, Riley 7, 16, 33, 64. 68, 69, 150,

222, 236

Mokhmud murodov, Ayubkhon 1 3 4

Malone, Amelio 39, 134, 244, 246

Malone, Natalie 90, 91 , 159, 238

Malon, Noah 1 26, 240

Mann, Jacob 98, 99, 1 1 8, 241 , 244

Mann, Jillion 134, 248

Mannix, Molly 1 1 2

Marks, Don 1 1 3

Marsters, Nothomal 54, 94, 95, 134. 237,


Marsters, Viv1an 118, 242

Ma~; DeMonn 22, 23, 25, 65, 7 4 150,

Mort1n, Eli1oh 150

Martin, Eliza 45, 126, 242, 250

Martin, Emmanuel 126

Marl1n, Erica 243

Mart1n, John 6, 78, 118, 236

Martin Alberdi, lucia 49, 126, 230, 241 ,


Morut, Hebron 134

Morut, Zerubbabel 118, 248, 250

Marx, Alexandra 2, 15, 150

Masaki, Hole 38, 55, 63, 134, 244

Math Club 248

Mathew, Zubin 53, 1 1 8, 244

Man1ngly, lauren 243

Maynard, Aoden 31 , 11 8

Mayweather, Alichia 113

MCAT 27, 247

McCaffrey, Roberta 89, 112, 239

McCarthy, Mark 1 1 2

McCormack, Stephanie 1 12

McCurdy, Aris 13, 88, 89, 150, 239, 245,


McDonald, Braden 106, 107, 118, 242,


McDonald, Caleb 134, 244, 251

McDonald, Madelene 118, 238

Mcfadden, Ryan 148, 150, 17 4

McGauley, John 150

McGinnis, Megan 1 34. 244 246, 248,

249, 250

McGiaughl>n, Jesse 112

McGregor, Alexander 150, 245

McGregor, Sebastian 126, 241 , 249

McGrosso, lucy 118, 244, 245, 246

Mcintosh, Henry 103, 126, 236, 240

McKenz1e, Enn 150, 152, 171 , 242

McKenzie, Ryan 116, 118, 242, 244

McKinley, Nina 159

McMahan, Cloore 118

McNe1ll, Hadley 159

McNe1ll, Zone 126

McNichols, Tyrone 70, 134. 244, 246, 249,


McNun, Annie 26, 65, 135

McNun, Shannon 134, 135, 251

Meade, Allison 134 244

Mealey, Karina 22, '28, 39, 76, 77, 126,

242, 250

Medve, Panna 134

Meeks, Cameron 65, 7 4, 75, 150, 236

Melnock, Ryan 21 , 40, 126, 236, 244

Melson, Noah 39, 134, 229, 237

Mernn, John 10, 1 1, 29, 159

Metheney, Dylann 49, 57, 92, 93, 100,

126, 238, 241

Milford, Bridget 1 12

Mil1tello, luke 134

Miller, Corey 1 1 2

Miller, Jeffrey 1 12, 247

Miller, liSa 31 1 26, 246, 248

Miller, Mara 44, 1 26

Miller, Man 1 02

Miller, Ori 150, 153, 236, 247, 249, 251

Miller, Ryan 35, 150, 155, 193, 235

Mills, Margaux 11 4. 1 1 8

Milton, Madison 97 134, 239, 242, 249,


Mimaun1, Taymae 28, 29, 81 ,1 26, 236

247, 251 '

Min1f1e, Charles 98, 126, 24 1, 249

Mmif1e, Elizabeth 2, 22, 23, 60, 61 , 85,

150, 228, 240, 245, 246

M1nkler, John 103, 118, 240

Minkler, Kahe 33, 97, 101, 126, 241

Mmkler, luke 15, 22, 23, 60, 68, 69, 134,


M1tchell, Brianna 126, 243

Mitchell, Paige 13, 134, 249

Mock Tnal 247

Mockler, Mlfobelle 104, 105, 126, 243

248 '

Model UN 248

Moehrle, John 134, 237

Molina, Azucena 22, 23, 151, 158, 246

Molina. Isaac 126, 237, 251

Monsey, Julia 55, 126, 129, 245

Moore, Donovan 3, 45, 134, 246, 250

Moore, Krishne 15 1

Moorer, Nariah 22, 118, 250

Maran, Ab,gail 134

Morgan, Anne 14, 16, 20, 21 , 134, 137,


Morgan, Chose 134, 236

Morgan, Jackson 6, 1 1 8, 242

Morgan, Pa1ge 134

Morgenstern, Glen 151 , 227, 235, 246,


Morgensztern, Alan 134

Morley, A1dan 41 , 98, 151 , 183, 24 1, 244,

245, 246

Morley, Callen 98, 126, 236, 241

Momrng Announcements 248

Morose, Jackson 134

Morris, Avian 118, 241

Morris, lucy 92, 134 238

Mortland, Mary 1 1 2

Mrazek, Monhew 134, 251

Mu Alpha Theta 1 1, 248

Mubeen, Vassey 6, 102, 118, 241

Muche, Samuel 134

Muchnick, Kathryn 151 , 224

Mueller, Hans 1 26, 244

Mueller, Jessica 41 , 151 , 193, 236, 247,

248, 249

Muhammad, Haniyyah 1 26, 244, 245, 246

Muhammad, Kolifa 44, 45, 100, 101, 151 ,

241 ' 247, 249

Muhammad, Zokiyyoh 69, 1 1 8

Mullen, Mary 13, 42, 54, 60, 134, 245,


Mulligan, liam 39. 5 L 134, 236, 251 ·

Mumford, Anna 35, 134, 246, 250

Mumford, Sophia 1 5 1, 2 17

Munnerlyn, Kelo 11 , 101 , 151 , 230, 242,

248, 250

Murdock, Brandon 94, 95, 151 , 171 , 237

Murphy, Brian 126

Murphy, Charles 118

Murphy, lauren 88, 152, 163, 239

Murphy, Peter 152, 220

Murphy, Robert 126

11 2

47, 248, 249, 250

38, 134

Nathanson, Howard 112

Naughton, Ethan 126

Nounheim, Mary 87, 151 , 152, 238

Neal, Jasm,ne 28, 29, 54, 55, 139, 152,


Neal, Victona 39, 61 , 69, 1 26, 245, 246,


Nebb,n, Rona ld 1 1 2

Neuroscience Club 248

Newton, Kelly 1 12

Nh1eu, Duong 137

Nichols, Deeuatra ol 10, 22, 23, 42, 56, 57,

60,1 52, 246, 248,249

Niehoff, Joseph 11 8, 244

Nikolovo, Nikol 8, 49, 134, 238, 247, 248,

250, 25 1

Ning, Xuontong 63, 126, 245

Nix, laura 15, 144, 15 2, 190, 235

Noori, Mohammad 135

Norns Kenda ll 1 1 8

Norns Nomaste 159, 1 89

Not a 248

Nselel, Sarah 1 01, 126, 241

er onder Sima 1 1 2

Oberman, Marm 152, 194, 245, 247, 249

Obertono, Riley 44, 68, 1 1 8, 1 21

Off, Together 107

Ohlsen, l1 llian 22, 53. 92, 93, 135, 238

247 '

Oiknine, Aidan 1 18, 236

O'Keefe, Cameron 91 , 152, 238, 244

Okenwo, Nneka 135, 243

Okpala, Moses 7 4, 102, 103, 135, 236,


Olson, Andrew 152, 194

Olson, Madelyn 28, 77, 118, 243

Omahen, Katherine 121 , 244

O'Neal, Finnoon 126

O'Neal, Stephanoe 1 1 2

Onolrey, Monika 22, 40, 41 , 135, 242

Opryo, Felix 135

39 58

Ormonde, Elise 152, 191, 248, 249, 250

Ormonde, Peter 1 3 7

Orsoy, Jacob 24, 98, 152, 241 , 246

Orsay, Moria 135, 251

Oruwari, Amechi 26, 152, 2 19, 245, 246

247 '

Osborn, Ashley 126, 242, 248

On. Taylor 67, 126

Ouyong, Jeremy 126, 129, 244

Overton, Jerry 11 8, 24 1, 245

Overton, Paoge 60, 152, 179, 245, 246

i Solomon 16, 17, 152, 247

U'>!IIPO.K.tlfiSh<~e 27, 126, 246

82, 118, 237

Pace, George 118, 244

Page, Chnstopher I 35

Page, Jacob 79, I 18, 236, 244

Page, luke 135, 239, 249

Poos, John 1 1 3

Pallares, ion 153, 244

Pan, Shelei 2, 63, 126, 238, 248, 249 250

251 ' '

Pan, William 63, 118, 237, 248, 249, 250,


Pancer, Jamie I I 2

Panhorst, Ruth 1 I 3

Parish, AJ[,e 87, 1 19, 238, 241

Park, Emoly 16, 17, 153, 246, 248

Patil, Seema I I, 135, 244, 246, 248, 249,

250, 251

Panerson, Samuel 103, 126, 240

Paul, Rardeep 65, 135, 209, 248, 249, 250,


Paulken, Janice 1 1 3

Payne, Javier 16, 17, 153, 237

THIS COLOR deS<.: bes...,. beco se I e • e eon


Pecka, Mochoel 32, 112

Peete, Jordon 127, 24 I

Peng,Juloon 82 153, 215, 237, 246, 249

Perez-Sanchez, Jhovony 137

Per ons Mason 153

Peo oru, Pooge 27, 153

Perno Shown 135

Perry, Emoly 135, 149

Perry Uloonno 1 19

Pesce, Lauren 23, 31 , 70, 71 , 119, 191,

239, 246

Petrohky, Helen 1 1 2

Phollops, Logon 242

Phung 8en1omon 153, 246, 248, 249

Phung, Kelly 135 236, 246, 248, 249, 250

Pocture Perfect Photo 248

Pinon-Dockey Ale1ondro 2, 46, 69, I 18, 119,

245, 247, 249

PillS, Jonathon 82, 83, 135, 237

Ploxco, Kellen I 1 2

Player, Mason 127, 236

Plume, Fodencoo 1 19

Plum a Escobar, Mono I 2 7

Pager, Adam I 1 9

Powd rpuff 4 2

Powell, Alexis 30, 31 , 119, 249

Powell, Carcione 22. 28, 59, 70, 77, 119,


Powell, Dionne 1 I 2

Powell, Grant 83, 135, 237

Preble , Kothenne 33, 145, 153, 154 248

Prager, Eli 98, I 19, 24 I

Prager Eric 64, 153, 225, 247

Present, Adam 127, 236

Present, Megan 65, 69, 145, 153, 245, 249

Preston, Jonzo 1 1 2

Pnce, Miles 1 35

Pnmo, Betsy 1 1 2

ProJed Empower Women 249

Pumm, Amy 97, 119, 242

Pummer, Joson 127, 237, 245

127 237

Ro e. Donoel 113

Rof!elson, Mochoel 127

Roffelson, Wesley 127

Rohman, Amon 3, I 35

Rohman, Noor 9 36, 50. 153, 177, 181,


Roobley, Alexander 119

Roochle, Cloore 24, 25, 153

Roju, Sohono 153, 197, 250


Romorez, Rock 1 I 2

Ropoff, Beth II 2

Ropp, Lo1y 3, 12, 13, 135

Ros on, Mochoel 94, 95, 153, 199, 237

Rater Lynda 112

Rotlof-Boker, Trenton 159

Ron er, Madison 127, 249

Rausch, Heonrich 127, 245

Rausch, Notoloe 135, 236

Rausch, Nicholas 135, 236, 244

Ravo, Anisha 53, 154, 243

Raymond, Derek 98, 119, 241, 250

Rea. Allison 23, 37, 53, 57, 68, 69, 127,

238. 245

Reogon, Cuonn 70, 124, 127, 249

Redfernng, Manhew 107,242

Reed, Corrington 154, 236, 241

Reed, Vovoenne 121

Reese, Jorvos I 2 7


Reeves, Kotoe 1 1 3

Reiff, Benjamon 1 19 236

Reoff, Kathryn 43, 88, 89, 154, 239, 245

Reonauer, Ella 1 27, 129

Reos, Anno 2, 6, 9, 38, 119, 250, 251

Ren, Jiochen 154

Rendleman, Maxwell 71 , 119, 237

Rengsomboon, Niropodo 135, 247

Rentero~Piuma, Jose 43, 127


Rhoney, Tochelle 50, 56, 1 13


Rhoads, Rhoannan 34, 154. 231 , 235, 249

Rhodes, India 37, 154

Rhodes, Jeffery 1 29

Rhodes, Jen 64 145, 154

Rhodes, Olivia 27, 37, 127, 245

Roch, Corly 86, 87, 154, 215, 238, 246

Roch, Loly 23, 59, 104, 105, 119, 243

Roch, Londsoy 154 215, 245, 246

Roch, Noah 6, 119, 237

Rickey, Montgomery 11, 97, 135, 236, 242,

246, 249, 250, 251

Rigdon, Koylee 1 19, 241

oley, Jokho 154

Rios, Rebecca 159

10, 56,249

RoHer, Carolina 1 54

RiHer, Louis 122, 126, 127, 236, 244

RoHer, Notat.a 3, 15, 154

Robbons, Jonathon 13, 113, 245

Robinson, Amore 11 , 127, 248

Robinson, ChorloHe 113

Robinson, Johon 1 19, 237

Robinson, Jovon 1 35

Robonson, Jomono 154

Robonson, William I 13

II, 250

Rocco, Maureen 1 13

Rode, Joke 1 19, 244

Rode, Reece 135, 236, 244

Rogers, Garren 154 182, 240, 244

Rogers, Reod 3, I 0, 94, 95, 155, 182, 237,

244, 249

Rojas, Antonoo 3 3

Rase, Benjamin 119, 237, 244

Rosen, Samuel 135

Rosenbluth, MoHhew 135

RosenkoeHer, Aodon 6, 119, 236

Rosenthal, Dylan 135

Ross, Connor 135, 250, 251

Ross, Emma 17, 155, 173, 249 251

Ross, Evon 135, 242

Ross, Jordon 127

Ross, Lauren 2, 135, 244, 246, 248, 249

Ross, Megan 16, 20, 21,135, 246,247,


Rowe, Alayne 44, 45, 135

Rowe, Claire I 05, 135, 243, 244, 245, 247

Rowe, Lucie 1 27, 250

Rowe, Wolter 94, 95, 155, 237


Rozen, Kendall 242

Rubnght, Aidan 119 251

Rush, Adam 135, 249

Russell, Catherine 1 1 3

Autumn 37, 127. 244, 245, 246, 249

Yon 155, 236,245, 246, 251

Nino 40, 125, 127, 245, 246

Sachs, Rebecca 90, 91, 127, 239

Sachs, Sophia 10, 11, 40, 84, 155, 230,


Sodot, Arsolon 127, 237

Sadoff, Hone 3, 22, 23, 60, 90, 91, 143,

155, 165, 166,238, 243,245, 246,

247, 249

Sao lor, Chrystal 41, 113

Soolor, Cyon 69, 92, 93, 127, 238, 245,


Sokurat Kearns, Richard 127

Salvatori, Holi 45, 119, 121

Sombo, Cosoe 113

Sample, Aodon 119

Samson, Jordon 51 , 90, 91 , 119, 12 1, 239

Son, Tennessee 1 35, 248

Satchell, Jo'von 127

Sounders, Andrew 135, 236

Saxton, Christopher 23, II 0, 113, 158,

238, 249

Saxton, Groce 119, 238, 248

Saxton, Isabella 14, 15, 64, 135, 236, 248

Soy, Pow 127

Schoffnn, Corly 15, 16, 47, 135

Scheibel, Douglas 155, 206, 237, 248

Schoovo, Bryon 119, 236

Science Bowl 249

Science Olympiad 249

Scholders, Nicolas 135

Schollong, Kyle 42, 75, 155, 236, 250

Schondler, Moses 3, 135, 245, 248, 249

250, 251

Schlager, Christono 113

SchmoH, Michelle 113

Schneoder, Evon I 02, 127, 240, 244

Schneoder, Josh 1 06

Schneider, Kathryn 119, 248, 249, 250,


Schroder, Oiivoo 22, 23, 88, 89, 100, 101

155, 239, 241 , 246,247, 248, 250

Schuessler, Tomothy I I 3

Schuler Reese I 19

Schultz, John 64, 155

Schultz, Ryan 119

Schulz, Kyler 3, 16, 37, 143, 155, 245,

246, 250

Schuster, Anthony 155, 199, 244, 245

Schuster, Leif 119, 251

Schwed ron, Zoe ory 127

Schwartz, Trey 2, 55, 1 17, 1 35, 247

Science Olympiad 63

Seeger, Annabella 44, 119, 245, 248

Seeger, Georgene 50, 119, 236, 245, 247

Seele, Jared 155

Seidel, Mark 159

Seidel, Sophoe 45, I 20

Seotz, Ashton 1 55

Seotz, Elizabeth I 21

Selsor, Grayson 120

Serbesso. Efroto 1 36

Serot, Joe 1 1 3

Senle, Keno 134 136

Sewong. Chnstopher 82, 136

Sho, Morino 120, 248, 250

Shoporo, Nicole 2, 156, 1 86

Shoreshoon, Matthew 127, 245, 249, 250

Show, Cathryn 1 20

Show, Kothenne 90, 127, 239, 246, 248,

249, 251

Shearer, Zachary 121

Sheldon, Jacob 58, 123, 127, 237

Sheldon, JesSica 88, 123, 127, 239, 247

Sheldon, Meghon 22, 60. 76, 77, 156, 176,

187, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248,


Sheley, Lolloon 26, 27, 32, 33, 68, 69, 127,

238, 247,251

Shelley-PeHonelli, Violet 156, 245, 249

Shelton, Cameron 136

Shelton, Carmen I 36

Shelton, Jacob 120. 221

Shenoudo, Matthew 2, 64, 156, 245, 246

Shenoudo, Mochel 136

Shepard, Isabelle 59, 90, 91, 12 8, 239,


Sheriff, Fotomo 2, 10, 11, 22, 64, 76, 156,

176, 193, 234, 242,245,246, 248,

249, 250

Sho, Aleesho 10, 11, 37, 156, 235,245,

248, 249, 251

Shofrin, Josephone 156

Shomony, Hope 15, 42, 136, 247, 248

249, 250

Shoykhet, Samuel 136, 245, 251

Siddobothulo. likoth 120, 1 87, 201

Soegel, Ande 135, 136, 244, 247, 248,

249, 250, 251

Sierra, Ana 136, 248

Sommons, Jordyn 136

Somon, Samantha 120, 238

Singer, Evon 107, 128, 242

Singh, Horjos 120, 236

Singh, Joy 136, 246, 248, 250, 25 1

Singh, Somer1eet 128, 236, 250

Sonnen, Elizabeth 128, 245

Sotzes, Melody I 1 3

Sivoromokrishnon, Srikrishna 120

Siwek, Bradford 31 , 32, 33, 68, 69 128,

244, 246, 247, 249, 251

Soxth Grade Camp 1 4

Skopof, Gobnello 153, 156, 243, 246

Skopof, Nicholas 120

Sloan, Moritzo 113, 250

Small, Abigool 136, 236, 248

Smoson, Ayelet 46, 128, 243, 244

Smethers, David 120

Smethers, Steven 81 , 136, 237, 248

Smoth, Alexander 128, 237

Smoth, Bnanna 136, 236, 248

Smoth, Carrongton 156

Smoth, Jeremy 1 I 3

Smoth, Kaolo 42, 43, 88, 89, 136, 239

Smith, Kyndia 88, 128, 239

Smith, Mekesa 156

Smith, Melvon 157

Smith, Olovoo 69, 105, 157, 161 ,1 92, 243

Smith, Terrence I I 3

Smock, Noah 120, 236, 248, 250, 25 1

Snidman, Leah 64, 157, 162, 236, 249


Snidman, Robert 111 , 113, 156

Snyder, Kyle 53, 128, 241

Soccer, Boys 82, 237

Social Justice 250

Softball 92, 238

Sokolik, Madison 15, 128

Sokoro, Monam 137

Soldwosh-Zoale, Adam 157, 167

Solem, Natalie 8. 157

Solomon, Lena 128, 245, 246

Soloman, Lydia 23, 104. 105, 135, 157

192, 231 , 243

Song Daniel 14, 15, 40, 157, 159 244

Spanish Club 59

Spanish Honor Soci ty 28, 250

Spann, Kristofer 159, 245, 246

Sparkle Effect 46, 57, 243

Spearman, Jovon 1 2 8

Spector, Candice 113

Speocher, Aodon 1 2 8

Spino, Emoly 136

Spiro, Emily 120, 24 I

Spirn, Samuel 136

Sportas, Anno 2, 7, 23, I 04 I 05, 136, 243

244, 246, 248, 249

Standifer, Moriah 92, 93, 128, 238, 245

Stanton, Phollip 136, 246, 248, 250

Stapleton, Jonathon 53, 136

Stoppenbeck, William 8, 128, 236, 244


Stouffer, Rochoel 15, 136

Stefek Com 1 07, 131

Stefek.John 107, 1 36

Steinback, Groce 22, 44. 45, 77, 93, 124

128, 243

Steonberg, Harrison 1 2 8

Steonberg, William 6, 120, 237

Steoner, Dovod 2, 3, 27 32, 33, 68, 69 136

236, 245, 247, 251

Stephenson, Julie I 1 3

Stergoos, Peter 79 136, 236, 251

Sterling, Alexander 2, 60, I 09, 153, 157

181, 246, 248

Sterlong, Vaughan 1 20

Stern, Andie 27, 236, 245

Stern, Andrea 1 28, 247

Stern, Cameron 82, 136, 237

Stern, Dylan 69, 106, 107, 120, 237. 242

Stern, Sydney 40, 90, 91 , 157, 21 0, 238

245, 247, 249

Stoebler, Derric 157, 196, 240, 247


Sliebler, Nicholas 128

Sliegl1tz. Sarah 136

StienfJeS, Alexander 41 , 120, 241 , 244

Slirrcl, Adam 1 1 3

Stcces, Madeline 122, 128, 246, 248, 250

Stcckmonn, Genev•eve 17, 31, 120

Slo er, Jacob 8, 120, 246, 248, 250

Stoll. Juliano 1 8. 157, 248

Sloul. Model•ne 128, 236, 248, 250

51rohbeck, Jenifer 39, 113

Strolling Strings 250

Student Leadership Panel 42, 250

sn.co 22. 56, 250

Subrcmon•on, Karthik 49, 159, 246, 250

Sufficn, Hannah 60, 86, 136, 238, 248

Sufficn, Sarah 90, 91, 120, 239, 246

Summa. Ellen 1 0 1, 1 1 3

Sum..,erv,lle, Christy 11 3

s.t.er, Evon 136, 251

Svoboda, Evon 128, 251

Swanson, Laura 50, 108, 109, 128

Swih Eli 32

Swih Hampden 32, 128

SWim, Boys 94, 237

SWim, Girls 96, 242

Swope. Jal11l 157, 236

Sy•es. Jaylen 38,75, 157, 241

Sykes. Johnathan 135, 136

5 honic Orchestra 248

a, Cody 136

es,Jacob 106, 107, 128,242,245

'adesse. Kalkidan 56, 144, 157

'odesse. Nahom 128, 244, 251

gRams 38, 250

' Kev•n 2, 8, 9, 63, 128, 248, 250, 251

'a pey, M•chael 3, 6, 65, 11 3, 236

'ate Dalani 136

ct<cnda, Santana 80, 128

16, 17, 157

22,128, 243, 244

aytor, Connor 82, 83, 108, 109, 136, 237

aytor, Jackson 157, 173

aytor, Keyonna 128

aytor, Morgan 36, 37, 101,120,241,245

loylor. Sophie 13, 131, 136, 249

aylor-Arnold, Haydee 113, 245

eci.Ed 250

E 250

'eh, Darren 120, 236, 246, 248

sGors 90,238

'ewelde. Eyob 128, 129, 251

1>ames, Minam 120

re 32, 45, 55, 68, 247

eu, Khai 128

1>omos, Alexia 22, 23, 92, 93, 157, 238,


'homos, Dontrell 128, 236

'1!omos. Jaden 30, 31 , 120,121

'1!omos, Karen 1 1 3

!lOmeczek, Joshua 24, 38, 45, 136, 236,

247, 249, 251

~pson, Chase 114, 120, 250

~>en, Chip 113

rnton, Ko•tlyn 35, 120, 125, 240, 244,


stan, Thomas 129

~enko, Erik 120, 179

•os, Kaelyn 72, 73, 137

::ledano, lrlienne 128, 129, 249

::.dono, Sophra 91, 157, 208, 238, 245,


Diora 120, 165, 248, 250

Kathryn 4, 5, 88, 120, 157, 239

Manhew 40, 157



8, 14, 15, 64, 158

107, 128, 242

Trower, Patricia 113

Tucker, Kendell 38, 120,236

T ukhtakhunov, Eldor 1 29, 245

Tullman, Anya 22, 58, 59, 90, 137 239,


Tung, lilly 129,248,250,251

Turkieltaub, Erin 15, 40, 103, 120, 239

Turley, Tatyana 146,158

Turner, Alexander 82, 137, 237

Turner, Peter 1 37

T unle, Jennifer 1 1 3

Tyrrell, Caroline 15, 120, 239, 244

Tyrrell, Margaret 31 , 37, 64 158, 170,

46 ~~248 249 251

Ultr rsbee 30, 251

Umen, Aaron 65. l 29, 153, 158, 244

Unger, Noah 129, 237

Unicef 2 8, 251

lrt tdhyay. Akash 6, 120. 237

Up•t hyoy Shruti l 13

USA Biology Olympiad 250

Vordyan, Sarah 120, 248

Valentino, Simone 83, 137, 237

Valeriote, Katherine l 08, l 09, 137, 239

Valier, John 129, 236

Vanlandingham, Jack 121

Vanlandingham, lauren 2, 15, 23, 38, 60,

61,104, 105, 137, 243, 244, 245, 246,


Vatwani, Sonya 60, 158, 246, 249

Vazquez, Gustavo 129

Vellankr, Shreya 121 , 244, 247

Vener, Jeffrey l l 3

Vinch, Athena l 21 , 239, 248, 250

Vishnubhotla, Jahnavr 48, 121 , 240, 244,

246,248, 250

27, 64, 251

Vogel, Charles 129

88, 239, 240

94. 129, 237, 246, 251

Wagnon, luke 129

Waldman, Caroline 87, 129, 238

Walker, Jack 102, 121, 237, 241

Wallace, Grace l 0, 14, 15, 60, 158, 179,

245, 249

Wallace. Graham 60, l 21

Wallace, Katelyn 158, 207

Wallace, Olivra l 37

Waller, Brooke 2, 24, 29, 60, 61, 158, 195,

246, 248

Walters. Madet.ne 88, 121, 239

Waltke, Adam 34. 137

Waltke, Nicholas 14, 19, 64, 137

Wang, Audrey 16, 20, 21, 38, 60, 158,

235, 244, 246.248,249, 250,251

Wang, Benjamin l 21, 237, 245, 248, 249,


Wang. Cindy 90, 129, 239, 247, 249, 250

Wang, Julia 62, 158

Wang, Tianyr l 21, 248

Ward, Madison 43, 60, 131, 158, 179,

235, 236, 249

Ward, Mallory 6, 4 l, 60, 89, 121 240

Warner, Christine 50, l 13

Warticovschr,Emma 37,53,90, 91,158,

200,238, 245, 246,247,249

Warticovschi, Talia 19, 37, 53,70,71, 121,

242, 245, 247

Wasserstrom, Max 78, 129, 236, 244

Wass•e. Yoseph 137 251

Waterson. Theodore 55, 113

Watk•ns, Arnsley 15, 137, 249, 25 1

Watkins, Greyson l 21, 237

Watkins, lovealexrs 129

Wayne, Justin 133, 137, 236, 245, 246,


Wayne, Michael 15, 22, 57, l 29, 236,


Weaver, Kimberly l 13

Webb, Maxwell 26, l 29

Weber Elizabeth 129

Weed, Margaret 113

Wehrle, John 55, 137

Wersbard, Joseph 131 , 137, 244

Wersbard, Joshua 158, 220, 236, 244

Weiss, Ron 2, 27, 32, 33, 37, 55, 68, 69,

121,245, 247

Welch, Elena 45, 137, 245, 248, 249

Weller, Zachary 137, 237, 245, 248, 249,


Wells, Christian 137, 158

Welhg, Allen 50, l 13

Wenzel, Joy l 29

Werede, Nolan 137

Wesley, Dametnus 57, 60, 159, 244, 249

West, Brandon 137, 236, 248

Westerholt, Robert 13, 17, 113

West-Serrano, Marton 129

VVhrtaker. Naeem 11 3

Whitaker, Nicholas 39, 137, 244

Whrte, Garren l l 2, l l 3

Wh.te. Zoe 137

Wh,ted, Kyle 6, 30, 3 l , 121

Wh,tley, Nia 121, 240

Wh,tney, Kendal 129, 239, 244

Wides, Sarah 63, 137

Wild, Jessica 116, 121. 239

Wild, Zachary 27, 91 ,1 37

Wrlderness Club 14, 251

Wilk•ns, Ethan l 29, 24 l

Williams. Clarence 137

Will•ams, Karen 3, 159

Will•ams, Karli 61 , 159, 194. 246

Williams. Kenneth 121, 24 l

WiiiJCk, Ethan Ill, 121 , 247, 249, 250

Willick, Joel 9, 1 0, l l, 54, 55, 137 246,


Wilson, Anna 121 , 242, 248

Wilson, Emily 121, 238, 248

Wilson, Morgan 159

Wilson, Timmad 137

Winkelmann, lucy l 29, 24 l

Win, Emily 3, l 0, 16, 137, 235, 236, 249

Win. Richard l 13, 236

Winler, Todd 129

Witzofsky, Madele•ne 87, 137, 238, 247,


Wolf, Jordan 159

Wolf, Schuyler 2, 91 , 129, 238, 242, 246,

250 .

Walk, Joshua 8, 121, 245, 246, 248, 249,

250, 251

Woodburn, Margaret 3, 90, 91 , 137, 239

Woodson, Melchizedek 38, 7 4, 121 , 236

Warkineh, Essete l 21, 248

Work•neh, Michael 121 , 237

Worth, Jordan 137 238

Wrestling 98, 241

Wright, Cameron 121

Wright, Harrison 4 l , 60, 159

Wright, Olivia 159

Wu, Edward 38, 159, 244

W u, Hok Ming 137, 245

Xie, lauren 77, 121 , 242, 244, 248, 249,


Xie, William 121 , 244, 248, 249, 250

Xiong, Thomas 16, 159 245, 246

Xu, Jason 8, 121,237,248,250

Xu, Kathryn 22, 23, 4 1, 64,235, 260

Xu, Kex•n 2, 22, 41 , 77, 159, 176, 212,

235,242, 248,249 250

Y kusheva, Anna 121, 242, 244

Yon, Brandon 9, 63, 137 237, 244, 248,


Yang, Brendan 129, 248, 250

Yang, Cam•lle 129, 245, 248, 250

Yang, Eric 102, 159, 184, 240, 246, 248,


Yang, loursia 137, 244, 245, 246, 248,


Ye, Aiexander 121,237,244

Ye, Chnstopher 63, 122, 129, 237

Yearout, Abigail 32, 33, 57 137, 244, 247,

248, 249, 260

Yeldham, Charles 26, 27, 137, 245, 247,

249. 250. 251

Yeldham, John 6, 40, 121, 247, 248, 249

Yon, Enc 6, l 21 , 236, 246, 248, 249

Yirefu, Melatework 137



54 251

Yu, Samuel 121, 241, 248

Yue, lucy 36, 37, 121, 236, 245, 248, 249,


Zap• n-luna. Veronica 3, 38, 59, 104, 159,


Zarzycki, Kevin l 21

Zegel, Claudia l 37 21 l, 246

Zeldin, Alexis 137

Zeldin, Ashlyn 1 3 7, 25 1

Zeng,Jacqueline 11, 86, 87, 137, 142,

244, 246, 248, 249, 250,251

Zhang, David 137, 246, 248, 250, 251

Zhong. Melody 11 , 121 , 201 , 239, 244,


Zhang, Xiwen 28, 159, 244 248, 249

Zheng, Anna 3, 80, 159, 236, 244 245,

246, 247, 249

Zhong, Anna 56, 57,58, 129, 181 ,245,

248, 249, 250, 251

Zhou, Alexander 121, 236, 244

Zhou, Michelle 67, 90, 137, 239, 246, 248,

249, 250

Zhu, Di 121, 185, 248

Zhu, Eric 159

Zhu, Yifu 20, 82, 137, 237, 246, 248, 251

Zigo, Tomrslav 121, 237

Zoeller, laura 26, 27, 33, 55, 119, 121 ,

247, 251

Zoellner, Alexander 159, 245

Zoellner, Emma 22, 41 76, 77, 159, 176,

214, 242

Zoellner, Kathenne 129

Zoellner, Samuel 3, 159, 226

Zucker, Zoe 1 21

Zych, Brendan 129, 237

desc s me beca se s o lovety b c~d • 9 een b t s

not perlec 9 een s very co .., 9


Throughout the year we've captured our students living their

boldest and brightest. From shining blues covering the new

library media center to neon hues as Dance Marathon ra·~,ed

rver 80k for Children's Miracle Network. When we bled blue

and white at the football state champions to when we

expressed our inner colors in the form of eyeshadows and

blushes in the newly created makeup club. When our red

blood was donated to save lives for the American Red Cross

Association and when Ladue Students Helping Students

plastered the school with a rainbow of motivational phrases

And when seniors sported their vibrant 70s clothes on the first

day to repping their new college colors on the last. Each one

of Ladue's 1 ,300 students f...ed 1n the color palate of our

community, blending together to create the diversity and the

blue and white we know and love. At the end of the year, and

the end of high school, we carry our unique hues with us to

inspire the rest of the world. Ladue students will always ...



INKDROPS t~e Making

In order to create the ink drops that appear throughout the book, Rambler

staff spent multiple classes shooting photos of ink in a tank filled with water.


The paper fiber used

\"l thiS yearbook was

respons•bly sourced


BE HUMBLE. KENDRICK LAMAR 11 k omo ox MTV Vodeo Mus Awards on

Aug 27 1nclud1ng V•dn of tht Yur, for h•s smglt ~Humble \"'L1m1t

optntd the show w•tb perform• nets of .. DNA\"' 1nd \"'Humble·


Amtucu Mustc Awar•s. t1k1ag bome su trophies tncludtng Artast

af the Yur M1u then t01k hom• Grammys far 1lbU1t record ud

soog of tho yur woth hos olbam \"24K Mogot\" •• Jon 21


DEAR BEN PLATT TROPHY IN HAND B11 PI IIIII .opted the Tony Award f\" But

Actor IR 1 Mru•ul for h•s role u Evu H1nsen '\" .. Our Even

Hannn· on June 11 Platts roltln tht IWird·w•nmng mus•ul shot

h•s career to tht nut ltvel,ltnd•ng hu• 1 record dul w•th Atl1nt1t

Retards and ltad ralts 1n an upcammg ma~;n and telev•s•an shaw







THE WORLD From ovtry

top h1t countdown to the

W1n1er Olympics 1nd tht

Grammvs. Lurs fans• cruttd

tht hll of tht yur


I . SHAPE OFYOU, Ed Shoeron

Z. OESPACITO, luos fonso & Daddy Yonkto & Justin Botber


4 HUMBLE., Ktndrocklomor



7 CLOSER, The Cho smokers It H y


I BELIEVER, agmt Orogons

10 CONGRATULATIONS, Post Malone It Ouovo



GUITAR AT HIS SIDE Ga·t~ Btooks put on a show

before wmnmg E~tertatner

of the Year fo• the s1xth

tome ar the Country

Mus c Awards on Nov 8


Chrts Stapleton won Album

of the Year for \"Ftom a Room Volume 1 fie sang \"Btoken Halos· f•om th s a u11 1stead of p·omotmg a r~commg a urn to

encou·age na•1onal he ng






ON MAY 22, a terronst

attack cut short Anana

Grande s concert tn

Manchester. England In

response. Grande gathered

performers from Mtley

Cyrus to Pharrell Wtlltal\"ls

and held a ·one Love·

bene Itt concert on June 4

to promote a message of

llmty and acceptance over

fear and hatred

Kuht ptrforms her Grtmmy·nom•ntttd sanglt.

·Prty•ng· It tht Grtmmy Awtrd uremony on Jan

28 Her emot•ontl performance h1ghhghted h11

return to the mu11t scent titer yurs of btttl•ng

1n court Wtth htr former producer, who she sued


STAGE IN AUST IN. TX Swrft wtnl dtrk oo

JOCitl med11 be fort tmtrg1ng an Aug 24 w1th her

••nglt. tht urworm of the yur, '\"look Whtt You

Modt Mt Do; ond tht top nllrng olbu11 of 2017,


FOR A SEL FIE tn tht crowd It Super Bowlllf

on Ftb 4 T1mberlakt ptrformtd tt tht halft1mt

show promoting hts ntw tlbum Man 11 tht

Woods,'\" bul 1 13·ynr old ho11 Muuchuntu

stolt the tbow Ywbtn Itt tntpptd aulf•t Ywlth


ANTHEM It Super Bowllfl on ftb 4 Th

38-yur-old mom took Hit 11111 dup11t 1 btttlt

w1th ttlt fl1 tnd blew tht croYwd twev u sht took

hberttts w1th t•mtag and tempo




'\"Htmllton· creator L•n Manutl

M1r111da eppurtd 1n Potrto

R•co to 1nnoanr:e 1 S2 5 m•lhon

humunt recovery fynd

HllffiCII'II Mana ~nadt ftndftllln

Pnrto R•co on Stpt 20 tlllll wu

rtcordtd u tbt wonlntunf

thsuttr en tbt ttrntory

UHLD I 11 yeafllliTlOJSO(. 13





Texas and Lou1s1ar>a dunng a 1/-day penod

\"\"----\"=--~ when Hurrrcane Harvey made landfall three

separate t1mes. the frrst on Aug 25 Areas 1n and

around Houston were devastated by the ram

The country came together as 24.000 Natrona I

Guard troops were deployed and mrlhons o!

meals and l1ters of wat r were donated and

d1stnbuted Just two weeks later. Humcano

Irma made landfallrn Florrda on Sept 10 Irma

was the strongest hurncane recorded n the

AtlantiC Ocean outs1de the Gulf of Mex1co and

the Canbbean Sea The mass1ve storm battered

the states lower rail and lelt tornado s and

storm-surge flood,ng rn ts path as 1t went up t\"le

Flor,da pen1r>sula More tt->an frve mrllron people

were evacuated along the East Coast




GLASSES pulled toght to tbeu

eyu, famthn watch the total

solar oclopu on Aug 21 Thou

Ytt~tng tn the hne of tollllty

rxpeuenctd 1 few m•nutuof

dropptng umptntuns, tncktts

thtrptng end strnthghts



JULY 1. 1 m1n cools ollu

temperaturuskyroc:ket NASA

and the National Ocunogrephtc

and Atmasphent Admtntstrttton

unounttd the year nnked

tn the thrn hottest years on

record w•th land and sea surfece

tempereturueveragtng 1 62

degrns flhnnhttt tbovt


THE SUN 11 the solor oclopse

ruches totlhty The echpn

wu tht hut to cross the ent•n

Uruted Stttel m 99 ynrs



the unruly blaze was

recorded as the thord largest

1n California h1story and

forced mass evacuat1on

as fore and ash overtook

c1 ttes throughout the state

Firefighters worked to slow

the spread of !ores as they

reached backy1rds

DIGGING UP THE PAST SCIENTISTS ANNOUNCED JAN. 21, tho doscovory 11 th1fou Is ol1

M6nllufls•u,uJ sh•htnll In the Sahara Dtnrt The fossils nvuld the

dtnouur wu nurly 33 fnt long and we•ghed 5 5 tons

WE HAVE LIFT-OFF SPACE X LAUNCHED A ROCKET ON DEC 23 1nd nnt soml m1d01 onto 1

frenzy u the uhe11st left • strange struk 1n the sky The company followed up

Feb 6 w•tb the 111.1 .. h of Fe .. n Huvy the most powerful rocket launched 1n

d1tldu To kup It lnteruttng. Elon Musk pecked 1 Tule 1n tbe rocktt

FIND OF THE JUNGLE ON FEB. 2. 2011, 111ng L•dar nmou unstng technology erchuolog1111

d•scovtrtd mor1 tllln 80.000 Mayan fllns-sprud over 810 squn mdu

- h•ddtn under 11ungleln Guat .. RIIt Th•s tnnsfonatd tht wey ICitntiSU

VIIWtd Ud JIIIIUhtd lht Mtyln CIVIhlltiOR

W 0 YEARBOO 1114 r n soence 115





flctlvtd news on Jan 2 of

htr new POSitiOn u co uchor

ot NBC's \"Todoy • Kotb 1•••d

Stv1nn1b Guthflt to lud tbt

mouungnews A rar1ty for

ntiiOnll broadcuts, two female

co·anchors now lnd the show


WOMAN set records as the

fnst female-led superhero

film tn more than a decade

Patty Jenktns, the ftrst

woman to dtrect a superhero

movie. wu the second

female dtrtctor wtth a

budget of more than SlOO

mtlllon, and had the largest

opentng ol all time for a

female dtrector.







Sptnur ud Juszct

Chutl•n JOined the lugut

of \"Women supporung

the Tlmt·a Up moYtmtnt

wur~ng bl1tk to the Gofdtn

Globu to protut tbust ud hara 11nt SHOWING ...._ .• ,..,. ..


TROPHY. Starling K Brown

11 .optld tho Goldon Globo

for the But Ptrfouunct

by an Attar 1n 1 TtltviiiOn

Q,.mt for hiS ptrfOrllltACI

•n ·rh•s•• Us·


sooKs or THE YEAR

1. THE HATE U GIVE, A '' Th 11


3 CARAVAL, Sttphon•o Gorber

4 FAR FROM THE TREE , Rob~n Benwoy

5 LA BELLE SAUVAGE, Pbi~p Plllfmon




ouuund•ng conu•but•ons to tht

world of enttr1t•nmtnl on Jan

1. Oproh W1nlroy IIVI 1 rousing

spuch tnd llolt lht sho•



I JANE. UNLIMITED, Knst1n Cashoro


10. THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED, Becky Albortllll






v• .,ng , \";'t,. IQ~ :. \"\"un !WI.

released Oct 2 7 to the dehght of

eager btnge watchers \"R•verdale\"

prem1ered Jan 26. 2017 and

became The CW's most watched

drama s•nce \"The Vamp~re D•anes.·

Seasor two saw a shocktng Jump tn

vtewershlp. thanks to Netfl•x vtewtng

over the summer

W08l0 YEARBO 110& year ~ entert rvnent Ill




PASTIME, arona pornr

mektng up ell of Amuan a

top 20 bur Stllm lor tor•

end gemu f•dget sptnntrs

wtrt priced for u much u






relettd quuuon 112011

Surbutks at eyed on trend

u unu:orn took ner the

yur Thert ~•n 410

ulouu •n a grendt



BITCOIN. brt on oiHrmo

hrgh of S 17,900 on Doc

15 befon plummet•ng to

S6.000 on Fob 8 Wo 11111

don t rully understand

whet B•tcom IS



OF 2011. Modolrom

houuhold products. people

aurcbtd nulhons of how·to

pages ud v•deos hhde .!'f:!!~iiii!~~l!!!!!~ 1n a yanety of colors.

1nclud1ng n1nbow. v1deos

of slu11 wen saul to c1lm

Ill X lilY YoaT•bers urntd

lhauuds of dollus1n

IPOIIOU lp duls































llilftQ I break frOIW prtii'IDIIRg

htr album u she wut throagb

k•dney tflnsplant surgety Htr

fotnd. franc•• Raau. donated

• ktdney to help Gomu through

coraplluuons from her lupus

dragnos11 HOLDING THE

IPHONE X on Nov 3, Apple 1

CEO Trm Cook unvorlsrho

campuy s newut phone Thts

WIS lht fHSI tPhont WithOUt

1 home button and the moll

txpens•vt phone on the market



Jeff Bezos claimed the t1tle of

r1chnt person n h1111 ry on

Jan 8, 2018 H1s net worth was

grn111 rhon S105 1 brlloon W•rh

Amazons pure hue of Whole

Foods and a record·bruk1ng

Amazon Pome Day. h11 wullh

wu only expected to grow


T ~I= /\\/ IT



the giraffe fi na lly gave

b1rth to her calf, Tajm.

on Ap ril 15, 2017 as the

country wa tc hed on the

live stream More than a

million people watched

the live birth of the

Harpursville. New York·

based an1 ma l.



~ 3/6/2017--

..,J%~ C/zicago- Puhlia Sc/wofF{)(Uzda/iN/1 $ 1,000,000.00

One Mi/!tiofz, alld 0





THE FCC voted to repul

Obama-era net neutrality

protections on Oec 14

Opponents lured th1s would

g1ve serv1ce prov1ders

too much control while

proponents argued the

market should operate

Without control from the ..... .-.:J

government ...._ _ _..::...._


BACKING. Chance the Rapper

presents a $1 m1ll1on chec

to Chicago public schools

~hiS check from hiS nonprofit

OCiaiWorks. funded comput~r SCience and arts curncula m

underfunded classrooms

WORlD YURBOO 1101 year In trends D09


... ' t~·~~~

0 LY M P ll:



Rudall puus the uce to

Jus•u Otgglns The t'A'O

A~aer cans broke lhrougk

tht Scandtntvttn-domanattd

luderbnrd to wtn gold

lor thoU S slorst modol

1n crus-country sknng


Pyungchang Games begun

W1th 1 rtcord·selt•ng 1.218

llranu hgbtmg up the n•ght

sky oo fob 9 ThiS Olymp•ts

wn dominated by technology.

lutuuna robots, autctnomous

veh1clu ud SG technology


UNITY, North ond

South Koru wtlk •n to

the opentng ceremony

together on Feb 9.

1nder one fit g. uttlng

• tone of 1nat y for the

201 8 Won tor Olymp1ts

The two countou also

formed 1 JOint women 1

hotkty tum






f1n11h1RQ her program '\"

the tum figure si at1ng

tnnt She beume the

fust U S womu to

land a tuple uelat the

OlympiCs ond holpod

1ud thl US tum to

tht bronze medal It wu

only the second Wtnter

OlympiCS to Include the

tum compttlllon en

ltgurt skat•no



CANADA. Gold. Two·Man Bobsled Gold. Giant Slalom Gold. lee Dancong Gold, Snowboardmg Half pope





THE YOUTH SHOW EO UP on Pyeongchang. Chloe 1\\ m. 17. began

her tonal run havong already secured the gold medal. and

scored a near perfect 98 25 Age-mate Red Gerard was

on last place before landong a clean tonal run to earn gold

on slopestyle snowboardong - the first US medal of the

OlympiCS and the first medal won by a person born ·n the

2000s at the Wmter O!ymp1cs The Kong of Quads. a than

Chen.18. began h1s week w1th a dosappoontong short program.

but came back to break r1s owr record and perfectly land s1x

quad Jumps 1n the long program


PyeongChang 2018









In a .h •t ut. on the

38th annoversary of the

M1racle on Ice-when

the US men·s team

defeated the former

Sovoet Un1on -and 20

years after they last

won. the U S women's

hockey team defeated

the Canad1an women

and took gold The

lJ S women f1rst won

gold the year women s

hockey was oncluded on

the OlympiCS, In 1998.

but hadn't claomed the

crown smce Canada

defeated the U S

n all but one of the

gold medal matches

mce. oncludong a

heartbreaker 1n the

2014 Soch1 gai'T'es



tnmrn1t s Man Hlmtlton and John lendsutntr

svwup In htS fourth Olyllptcs, Shuster ltd hn

curling tum to v•ctory urn•no hts ftrst gold

modol. u wollu lhl US s lull gold mtdtl1n

tht sport

WIWO YEAR 00 1111 year on olymptcs Ill





TOAST OF FRANCE CENTRIST Emmanuel Macron wuelecttd Pruldtnt of

France on May 7. 2017 Ht wutht youngut French ludu

11nct Ntpolton Bonaptrtt


pru1dent Pru•dent Robert Mugabt rtllgned NoY 21 thtr

tht m•l•ttry put hu1 undtr houn trrut 1nd GPPDS•tton pttllll

threttentd •mpuchmtnt

SOUTHERN SCANDALS ON FEB. 13, South Afnu's ra11ng p~rty turnd tga•nst Prn•dtnt

Jacob Z11n1 after yurs of scud tis He unounud feb 14 he wu

stepp•no down from the pruadtncy




C01llt•on to Abol1sh Nuclur

Wupons. speaks1n Genev1

The group, work•na towtrd

•alobtl ban 01 nuclur

wnpans won lhl Nabtl

Puce Pun

ON SEPT. 4, the Duke and Duchess of

Cambridge, William and Kate, announced Pnnce

George and Prmcess Charlotte were adding

another sibling. Then, Pnnce Harry and Meghan

Markle announced their engagement to be

mamed May 19. 2018 Markle. an actress. had a starring role in USA's \"Su1ts.\" and, once married.

will be the first b1·raml Brit1sh royal





tt tht T1mt Person of the Yur celtbntlon

Tht group of women urned the coveted

megazme cover for bt1ng the S•ltnct

Brukers, thou who spoke out 1bout abuse

ond hrusmont GET YOUR FlU SHOT.

Mdlttlnptrts unounud th11 fl1 nason

wu the 'A'Orst Ia h1story Wont, evu. thn

the sw•nt flu The Ntt•onallnst•tutl of

Allergy and Infectious Dtsusu called for FAILURE




panicked on Jan 13 when an

emergency alerl no11frcat1on

about a ballistic mrssile threat

was sent for the Aloha State

The governor reportedly knew

the alerl was a mrstake as

soon as 1t was sent out, but

resrdents were kept 1n fear for

almost 40 mrnutes because

he d1dnt know hrs Twitter

password 10 send a message

to resrdents





also became a year

dorr11nated by protests

and counter protests In

Charlottesville. V~rg1n1a.


gathered to f1ght

agatnst hate speech

on Aug 9 People

arouno ttre natton

gathered agarn on .... n

20 and 21 to march

rn the second-annr..al

Women s March

0 YWIB 1112 year news Ill






for 1 pi Itt 1n the huls of the US Open Venus WJihams, Sloane

Sttphtns. Coco Vudeweghe tnd M1d11on Keys uch mode 111o the

stm1f1nals prov•ng Ameuctn women aga•n found the•r dom•nance

in the sport Slone Stephens took home the trophy on Sept 9.

dtluung Keys 6·3 6·0

FAST FLANAGAN SHALAN E FLANAGAN, olour·llmt Olymp11n. WlllhtiiiSI

Amtnun woman to w•n the New York C•ty Mtrathon stnce 1977

when she pulled away from the pack on Nov 5 She f•n•shld the

count •n 2 hours. 26 m•nutu, 53 uconds, buttng thru·t•me

defud•no chlmp•on Mary h1t1ny al Kenya h ahnost 1 m•nute

THE FED HE 010 IT AGAIN Roger Federer, oulploytd M111n C1hc lo wm

h11 11ghth W1111bltdon m stra1ght sets, 14 yun after he won h•s

fust Thts wu js second ma,or of the yur Ht pnv•ously defeated

Rtf Ill Nadalet the Australlu Open

lutk '\"key moments. pulls en Ius

new grten Jltktt The Spu1ard

won h1s f•rst mtJOf at the 81st

Masters on Apul9

TROPHY 10 colt rout he

Eagles' fust·tvtr Super Bowl

w1n The Ph1ltdtlph11 Eoglu

delulld lht New Eng lend

Patuots 1n 1 rtcord·ntt•ng

gomt w11h 1.151 yords ollolll


ho•sts the Stanley Cup tbovt

h1s bud as he ctlebntu

the P•ttsburgh Pengu1AS

n,ut YICtory on June 11

The Penguins wert1ht f1nt

tum to defend tht•r Stuley

Cup mlory SlftCIIht 1991·88

Ootrt1l Red W1ngs AUSTI N

DILLON REVELS 1n hiS Vlllory

on Feb 18. Nurly lwo do<tdu

after Dele Etrnhtrdfs htll

msh ttl he Ooylona 500.

D•llon won whdt wuong

Eernhar~ts No 3





SMITH celebrated with his

teammates after catching a 41-yard touchdown pass to win

the National Champtonship in

overtime. The Alabama Cr1mson

Tide defeated the Georgia

Bulldogs 26-23 in their first

championship since 2015




awash 1n controversy Players took to kneeling

during the Nat1onal Anthem They followed the

lead of Colin Kaepern1ck, who played for the San

Franc1sco 49ers before becom1ng a lree agent

Those kneeling rece1ved CritiCISm and support

from fans. NFL executives and national f1gures



SERIES NOV. 1, With a 5·1 VICtory

ga st the Los Angeles Dodgers

\" he seventh game of the senes

The Senes was an eptc st<uggle

between the two pow <houses

whtch set the record for the most

home runs tn a World Senes Thts

was Houston's f11st champ1onst>1p

and brought hopo to the town

devastated by Hurncane Harvey

Joso Altuve celebrated w1th hts

teammates as the MVP of the

team and was later named the AP

Male Athlete of the Year

WORlD YEARBOOK 1114 year sports m




1 Ptttlburg. Kansu schaoltnvut•gUed the cndenttels of the

lfttOmlng punctptl They found she rttttvld her muten and

dactortl degrtts from en unaccred•ted online school Though

she clt1med to greduue before the school lost accredttlt•on. she

rutgned to evo•d confltct



an no need they taught Wikre a killer whale to mrmrc

human speech Wik1e lives at the Marrneland Aq uaroum rn

sou thern France and was able to repea t words rnclud,ng

\"hello\" and \"bye bye ·


Vrnoy ho11111 go blot holt

her ••z• tfter wtnntng the

Scropp1 Nohonol Spelling Bu

The 12·yur old from Fruno

Cehfornta wast he lint to wtn

the tvent wtthout 1 co wtnnrr



l l. Bun budqulfttn Thl

company announced feb 9 the

end of theu legendtfy llftt•m•

return polocy FIONA THE HIPPO


ftont def•ed 111 odds when she

:surv•Ytd after bttng born 11 29

pounds whale newborn htppos

usuelly wetgh between 55 nd

100 pound I


Living i


Robotics team heads to Illinois Mar h 8

for second competition of he year.

At tre .tor tf,e e v m e •n ~e

se'Tiester, the robo•ics teo'T1 s been orrozmg,\" Alice

stayed of•er school doily for srx n tz ( 11 said ·we o~l

wee s to create a robot ho gave soMething to •hs team

co~:ld be re!l'otely progroml\"1ed and wo• ed our hordes• for six

oPd controlled On March 8, wee s, frve days o week, •o

T eol\"1 4 3 30 traveled to Peon a rro e our robot •he best it

to C01'1pe1e m •he Centro coJ'd be.\"

Illinois Regional Corrpeti•ion Dunng •he tnp the team

·rhe team placed 18th out gor'1ed new expenences and

of 37 teams at the Ce'11ro g•ew closer Ti'Jey were exc.ted

Illinois Regional,\" Anarew to Lose •he s ills they hove

orrsor (9 said \"Our team go ned OS 0 team trroug'lout

hod huge success wil'l our the season.

cl 'T'btng mechanism, whrch \"I cof\"''e mto IIJ s as o

invo ved •he robot hoo ng tself freshman wi'Jose oPiy othe·

onto a bo· and pt..lling f· ends were freshmen, and now

itself off.\" some of f\"''Y closest f• ends ore

At the r prev•ous my teoml\"1o es,\" tv' egan

C01'1pe'tl O'l ladue paced Ross 1 sod I 0 so really

42'ld out of 49 teams. The love tl'le rdeo Ira• we con bur d

team members ot•nbL.te the r something tho• cart do tiJese

success ol thrs competi'ron to reo'ly drflicJ t los s OJ' ol

•he r ho·d wo• and strong bosrcolly 1..1s1 a b..1nc.h of me1ol

support system. and spo•e po•ts •

\"I liked the genuine \"I thought it wos \"I went on the trip

bonding time that o very memorable to get feedback

come with dinners and experience ond I from the professors

rooming with friends.\" learned o lot.\" we performed for.\"

.(yon Sa 01 (10, ·Be em n a g (9) -A ro ob son (10)

\"I loved seeing the

Blue Mon Group. It

wos o great ond

really cool show.\"

Magg•e Tyne 1 ( 12)


I. MEHI G NEW PEOPlE Tokrng o breo from rhetompelillon, Ai e Brelern rz( I , Co o 0 (I' , F D e s ( I

and Eleo or Du con (I ') talk lo on mnt coordrnotor \"I really II e lhor roboiiCs IS o ream,· Eleanor Duncan sa d 1here ore very

lew oclrv111es or our schoolrhot ore borh ream odrVllies and academiCally centered· 2. FIXER UPPER Usrng o dn I, Ad

F~tlds (12) works on rhe robot. \"l,eod the consrrud1on of f1eld elements rhorrhe roberts rested on,· F1elds so1d 3. MAKING

IMPROVEMENTS: Crowdrng around the robor, MIChoe luan ( 2), f1elds, Korrh S bra o o '12) and A dew Jo son (9) moke

losl mmule lweoks lo rherr robol. ·we trred our many new rechmques and 'llechomcs; Luon so1d. 4. PUTTI GIN WORK D1scussmg

strategy, Johnson, Megon Ross (II, and ego MeG s (II) ral wrth members from other teams. \"Some! ng memorable IS

lrovelmg to Peorro to compete wuh new teams, wh1ch is o b1g deol because we don'r get to !ravel every year,· Mdi nms sod

5. GETIING WITH THE PROGRAM. Usmg o computer, Dosun G all g e (12) and J t l (12) prog1om e robor The ream

placed erghth or the compelliJon on Morch 8. 6.LIVING IN SUPPORT Cheenng lor rhe r robor, Ab ay Cos or (12), Ross, McGmms,

ond JohMon watch the robot complete the challenge. \"I ~ugely en1oyed the entrre robotics expenence, and rhe reol world

challenges it brought,· Johnson so1d. (aH p/!Qtos by J. Gonw)

Showing Support in COLOR

On the (UNWAY

her modeling expenence March 7.

Ra : What is the annual

Fashran Shaw?

Haniyyah M uhammad: It is an

appo<tunity for students that enjoy

lash on to experrence the

processes of be ng a model, from

fittings to actually wal rng .

R: Why did you decrde to

particrpate in Ire Fashion Show?

HM: I always wanted to 'l'odel

ard thougrt r

1 would be a greal

experrence for me to figt..re out f I

cot..ld and should be O'le.

R: What was yo.;• favorrte part of

the show?

HM: My fovor~te pa<t of Ire show

was meetrng new people that ore

rnteres1ed rn foshron and s'rt..ll rg

my stuff on the runway

(ph<Jto covrtesy of Ante/ Gordon)

jershlp Lounc m~ 'Tibers create posters to s o

sc don)' for Jhn Bt. roughs H1gh School's counter protest of the Westboro Baptist Church Mar

I. SIGN DESIGN· Wor mg orthe Clayton H g School gym, AI (12),

Cheno Mo o (12) ond Syd y ex er (II) creole posters. \"As o semor I

wonled lo leave having done same good; Oruworr so1d. \"lleh • owed rhol

much lo rhe commumty whiCh hos offered me the opportumty to be myself.\"

2. FINISHING STRONG Crouchmg nextro o woll mol, Co rvu H (I') puts

the fm1sh mg rourhes on hiS posrer ·Me ng e posters felt sa great

because • brought o commun ty together ro support same of the youth,·

so1d. 3. LIVING THROUGH COMMUNITY leonmg over her poster, J

Goldwosser (I D) creates o poSitive message. \"I loved seemg rhe woy rhe

commumty come logether to support not only Jo e. but the Sr. louiS lGBTQ

commumty, • Goldwasser sord (oR phctos by C Eng/onder)

HIS COLOR descri s e beco 'Je




Edwo·d Wu (12) and LeVl

Dyson (12) shore then

expenence ot d istncts

March 1 0 and how they

quolif1ed for the not1onol

speech one debate

cor.petition this May.

The Eastern M ssouri District Speech and

Deba•e T ournamen• March 10 chol enged

severoll\"'lembers of the teorr. However

debo•e partners Lev Dysc'l 2 and tdword

W 2 were able to sv•poss seve•ol obstoc es and secure o

spot at •he nat O'lol competihor

After a tough loss 1n the f rst round, Dyson ard WJ we·e

sv•pnsed to place seco'ld overall1'l Pub11c fo•um Debate. They

\\!Sed the r own stress rei evers and lnSplrOioOn 10 relp them win

every other rou'ld w1th1'l •he ne I two days.

\"My favor e p1ece of odv1ce come ~rom Alex To'l who

grad~.ated lost year.\" Wu sord ·He said 'If you go mto a deba•e

round thin ing trol yov'•e gomg to lose, you've a ready lost.' [so]

went i'llo every round belreving tho Levr and I woto d wr'l, wh ch

probably contributed •o O!.lr s<.~ccess.\"


Behind the Mr.

The crowning of M• Ladue

motivo ed 36 men to •o1se $8,000 for

the scrool's Hob tat fo• Humoni\\y club.

In oddrt on to the money raised, the

Misters used their recog'l lion to shore

the importance of being o \"Mr.\"

Th s year's winner, tv1oses

0 oo a , Mr Sm ley, enjoyed •re

overall show and the 1.riq1.e rounds.

However, being a Mr. meant more than

the ob•li y to make others sm le

\"Being Mr Ladue means that am

a representat1or of Ladue a'ld the

school s coml\"'lunity, no matter where I

go.\" Okpala said. \"It as s for me to

extend love, care and help to people

who need 1!.\"

0 polo wasn't the only Mr. •o

ac 'lowledge the mportarce of the

even•. ~a ey Go dste r 1 2 , Mr.

Span sh Honors Soc ely, wrshes he

could perform arothe year for tfJe

chance to laugh on stage wr1h frrends

and win

\"Ber'lg Mr Ladue means being

selected from an eclectic group of

young students and winnmg the respect

and adm ration of the entire schoo

comm<.~n ty.\" Goldstern so1d. \"I would

wan• to be crowned Mr. Lad<.~e because

've never worn a crown except maybe

on Hal oween.\"

Each definition o~ \"Mr Ladue\"

differs, whetrer it's from the ability to

mo e others sr. e _r to care for

something bigger than a high school

show According to Do e S g 2 ,

Mr. Golf, the s~Jow was a fv'l way to

jo e around w th a great g•oup of guys

• My favor te memory was the

congo line a ot of the M ste•s drd

aro1.nd the auditorium.\" Song said. \"The

opening dance rumber was rry favor te

round of the night.\"

The overall goal of M· Ladue was

to raise money The Mr's sold tickets to

help a'ld achieved a h1gr goal

\"[I sod] 39 tickets, • C'la e

c tmon 2 , Mr. STUCO, sard \"I wol.!d

participate ago•n because t's a very ~un

way to eorr money for chorrty •


I. BIG TIME DANCING PetfOI'ning the openrng donee, Char e .o t on (12),

M ey Go dste n ( 121 and Max Deutsc~ 'II) grve rt then all and try then

best to wow the crowd. All of the Mr. s come together the night before to

rehearse the donee. •the rehearsal the mght before was o lot of fun.\"

ft e So g ('2) sard. •the openmg donee number was very mteresting and

was probably my favante round of the nrght.• 2. RUSH ROUNDS Ploy1ng o

OueProv game, Matt A len '12) and 0 e Chessa (I ) follow what Ab go I

Yeoro ('I) and Kate Bohnert 112) mstruct. ·Mr.lodue was rmportont to

me because rt embodres the ladue spmt through select men of each club

and actrvrty.\" B o e Berg (I ) sord 3. BASEBAll TRIVIA Jhrowmg stuffed

anrmols at ~ v a letta (l ) durrng o tr a game, the top 20 Mr.'s

prepare for the next questran. The first 10 Mr's to pass the lrne Lettau stood

on contmued m the show 4. THE CO GA LINE: Doncmg to the lehde's Men,

all of the Mr's and backstage crew crowd onto stage rn celebrotron. Jhrs was

nght before they announced the wmner, ses Okpa a (II 5. VIVA El

MAX Shonng hrs toglme at the beg nnmg of the show, Deutsch embraces

hrs poSitron as Mr Spanrsh He mode rt to the t rrd round. 6. SISlER

SUPPORT: Wrth hrs sister by his srde, W, (a r {ll) shores hrs toglme wrth

the oudrence. Carr decorated hrs own sash before the show and wore o shrrt

from a past show 7. RED ROSES Dunng lhe Bachelor· round. O~palo

answers questrons about hrmsell ond w y he deserves to be Mr ladue. Thrs

round conmted of the top live Mr's who allrecerved o rose ond hod to

answer more detorled questrons ·u was a fun event that supports a great

cause.\" loth Weier (II sord. ·My fovorrte memory was earning o rose; rt

v.os cool to hove gone so lor m the show· (all photos by C. Alisio)

Taking a \\AOMENT

speech and o moment of s nee I r the

VIC! rns of the ) on mon liOUg os hrgh school shoot ng March 14

' I didn't want to dilute

the mes age by having

another walk out

where nothing

was done. It was

to how re pect

to tho e who had

lo t their live in

Parkland, but in

chool hootings '' in general.


ST A Tl N G the Advice

e becouse I s e weo o


Chess Success

the tourrome

• tr d my be

con eve do o d th1s I m

'' wor ed out for me

I. AOVI NTURES I QUITO On the last day m Ecuador,

students pose for o pic!Uie by the reg1on'slorgestlo e. The

group traveled to Ecuador and the Galapagos March 16-24

(p/!Dto cuurtesy cf Reid Roge:s) 2. VOLCANOES AND SMILES.

At the top of t e volcano, and

snu e for o p1llure. \"I w II never forget the b1g

moments lrke reochmg the beout1ful d1mox pomt of every

hike; Marx so1d. ·Bull w1ll olso not forget the Simplest

mghts spent wc'kmg around the iSland towns w1th my

lnends.' (p/!Dto courtesy of Sosho Mcrx) 3. EQUATOR EFFECT

Smce groVJty 11 not the some on the equator,

ond try to balance on egg on

a no1l The tour group traveled to the equator wh1le n Ou1to,

Ecuador (p/!Dto courtesy of fa rh Connally) 4. SURROUNDED

BY GREEN H1kmg through fog, students traversed through

lush green to reach the lop of o volcano. The group did th11

volcano h1 e whde on Isabella Island. \"Travel g1ves you the

chance to expenence extraordinary thmgs, get mtroduced to

new cultures and learn more about yourself through the

world around you; so1d. (photo

courtesy of h ck fwcro) 5. SLEEPY SEA LION: Loungmg on o

rock, o sea l1on relaxes. \"Snorkelmg was by for the best

memory of the tnp; Rogers so1d. \"Hovmg a sea hon sw1m

up to my face and blow bubbles ostomshed me od 1t 11

somethmg I w1ll never forget.' (phtJto courtesy of Nrc Fwcco)


Students participate in the St. Louis March for Our

Lives downtown March 24 in fovor of gun control.

I. GO GIRLS Posmg w11h !herr stgns, ond het friend

from youth group express therr beliefs on school regulations. (photo coutesy

of Sodl8 Toxmon) 2. POSTERS THAT POP holds out one of the

posters she and her teen activist group created. (photo courtesy of SuiUly Lu)

3. SHFIE BREAK Ourmg the march, students

ond toke o selfie wrlh Senator Claire

Mc(a,kall (photo coortesy of Parries Lyoos-Wanen)


COLORS of Spring Break th

London Red: \"We went

•o Tower Bndge, the

London Eye and

B ~kmghom Palace I

W0¥1d C :JSStly my 1 tp OS

red becouso ot

symbolizes adventure •

Memphis Orange \"We

vos,ted Sun Studio, o

famous recordmg stud o

No• only was Memph s

wo·m, but orange also

·we wer•

cliff dtv•ng. srorkel ,9 end

d do day on tho town 'd

p•ck yellow because

durmg 111e day tl was

worm o d sunny, end at 1

mght 11 was v1brant • .,

co· ::des w1t~ the nore of

s~~ Stud OS.

Gala paS A Travel

Students who went on

the spring break trip to

the Galapagos share

their experiences with a

differing culture.

Traveling to a land with exotic

animo s, m.J tiple climates and d fferent

longJoges might seem dountmg but for

1 0 students, braving these d fferences

were well worth it. St.Jdents who traveled

to the Galapagos slonds and Ecuador

over spring break loved the change in

culture the most.

\"Exposure to different cultures and

ways of I fe opens our own minds to new

deos.\" said ·A once tn

a ifettme opportunity ike this 1L.st couldn't

be passed up •

The trip was lead by moth teacher

, and both she and the

students that attended were amazed at

the biodiverstty offered on the slonds.

Whether vtew•ng sea l.ons, colorfu views

or volcanoes, the change in culture

was welcomed

\"Its important to travel so you get on

tmoge of what life s really like in another

coJntry, said. \"I will

definitely never forget how we snorkeled

with sea lions and how ol the views were

omaz,ng with all the biodiversity.\"

'THIS COLOR deSC\"bes me becaLse Is o power color bold and

vbron •


Monday stude\"IS cor1e bock from spring breo

to f rd a brand rew tche'1 co<r.plete and ready to be t.sed.

mpressed by the new Kitchen some be 1eve that learnmg how to

1..1se the new appl1ances l\"'loy to e some t me

From •he new c'ass·oom area to

the brand new sfot'1 ess stee

C0\\.1'1ters th S ttcren w.i 0 low

students to procttce the1r

coo ing s ills n 011 \\Jp-!o-do1e

industnol env rormen'

\"It's ind of intimidati'lg at f1•s•

there is sf I a lot of st\\Jff we hove to

learn to use • Madalyn

Abady 0' sa1d.

Desp1te the learn1ng curve that

'' It's kind of intimidating at

first; there is still a lot of stuff

we have to learn to use.


has come w th the new kitchen,

\"It's a more p•ofess 011a1

1fcher a11d way '1'ore

updo•ed; Tyler Bee ( 1 ·)sod

Mada.yn Abady 1 , 0 1

t~Jere a•e many featJ•es of the

space stt.dents are eager to leorr

Tt'ie worm co ors of the previous Kitchen hove bee'1

rep aced by s Ivers ord bl...1es and outdated eote·y s row brand

new s1lve•wore and l\"'lotch rg plates. While l\"'lony students ore

tving for the


Olemmrt stvde rs part e 1ft an ope t w ere thty

are oa n bail dunog Tm Schuessler's dass. \"It felt we1rd and sealed I

caJidn't Move t lei It e I was

under •he sard at the beach ''

about One is the oven

• th rk Ire i'lduc•ion oven is the coolest becat...se whe., you

put pans on i!, ! hea•s up, but when you touch i', 1l's cold •

f-!arper Ge•ard1 ( 1 OJ said


I. NEW SPACE, NEW KNOWHEDGE Chef Apnl Dalton's W4 oeat1ve

cookmg doss wor s on mckmg dough for theu first lab rn the new

k1tchen Students hod to toke some lime to learn how to use the new

k1tchen ond all of 1ts features before usmg the new faCility \"We are

back to square one lecrmng about th1s k1tchen, ·Madelyn Abody (10)

s01d. 2. SHARING THE SPACE: Measunng aut ingred1ents, BeLov'ed

Broo J (11) end Y shgumo Amede (10) shore the jar of flour.

3. TERRIFIC TEACHER An1wenng o question obout the rec1pe, Chef

Delton g1ves some odv1ce to Yishg rmo Amede (10). Dunng a lob.

Dalton can eas1ly walk around and answer any questions her students

have about thetas at hand. 4. CHEFS IN THE MAKI G. Addmg

mg1ed1ents together, lnbol Barzrlay {10) and Yishg rma Amede (10)

make the dough that w1lllater be used to make cmnomon rolls ond

and pim crust. 5. PERFEOING PRACJICE Afterlearmng how to use

the new appltances m a prev1ous doss, Ryan AI ller 112) prepares the

mixer for use by onochmg the coned mrxing part. The mixer Is located

next to the brand new stove where many items con be prepared ct

once. 6. MIXING UP MEMORIES· Wo1 mg together to get the mixer

ready to be used. arper Gerard1 (10) and Jordon Ross (10) put the

mtxer bowl 10 place ,1ke the rest of the new k1tchen, opplrances I· e

the m1xers have been updoted to mdustnol kitchen standards.

7 COOKING UP A STORM Meosunng out mgredients for the dough,

Tyler Bee (' 1) and nbol Borzlay {1 0) make sure t at all rngred1ents

are properly measured and accounted for. Beck and Bam lay measured

out the ingredients ot the new meosunng station before tokmg the

Ingredients to the group work space (All photos by C. Englandet)


scholarship to Alfred University in

New York to study ceramics.

Rambler: When d d you first become

interested n ceromrcs?

Mitch Lamar: I was put info the ceramics

studio for serrrnor on occident sop~JoiT'o•e

year; I was bored so I tried to l\"'lO e

sorne•hrng on the w~eel ond the rest

s hrstory.

R: What was yot.r reoctron when you foJnd

OJ' you got t~Je scholars p to Alfred


Ml: I was •eolly exerted - sti shoe ed

R: What ore yol. loa ing forward to most

about otterd ng college at Alfred?

Ml: I'm lao tng forward to the weather rn

upsta•e New Yor and 1re smo towr


R: Who rs your brggest ospirot on wher rt

comes to ceral\"'lrcs?

ML: I'm lao rg forward to learn rg rew

th ngs and meet ng rew people

Lessons for Life

!.SERIOUS SKIT Students partiCipated'\" an 1nteroct1ve skit where two

of theu fellow students were m an \"awdent\" because of dnnkmg and

dnving. Put on o stretcher, Just n Lam (12) represented o VTC!Im of o

cor occident. 2. DRINKING AND DRMNG DANGERS Students Kyler

Snultz (12) and Lam volunteer to be the mom actors rn the s 1t

olongstde the first responders. The s 1t conSISted of o sr uotlon where

Lam was to en to the hospttof and was reoted for h1s 1n urres susto ned

from o deadly cor occ1dent. 3. EDUCAT:NG lADUE Lao mg t rough the

sou venus, Sop o L1 ( 12) and Enco L e (12) p1c out some rubber

bracelets. After the assembly, students could p1c up o to en to remmd

them of what they learned durrng the presentation ( photos by (


TH S COLOR d s IT'e b

co COIOl



Students bid on fun activities to do with teachers for the lAASA fund.

Ms C

o good a 'lgeon most • F•u \"ld



o ego 3 top oy

o •ound of go I \"They ore lwo of

my lover te teoriJers 1 ot I l-ove

~od w Ladue Fox so d

I. TOP ROPE. Cl1mbing to the top, S

competes 10 a top rope compet1t1on. Th1s ts her first year

climbmg 2. WORKING HIS WAY UP Usrng h1s strength,

places lust rn Men's Intermediate March 30.

\"Ciimbmg is fun because everyone mvolved IS really

supportive: Weller so1d \"In he end It's lUll about gettrng

up the wall.\" 3. MAKING PROGRESS: War mg her way uo

A L hopes to clo1m lust place Boke1 has

medoled in he~ lust yo 11

I. DRESSING UP TO PlAY Wearing hot1 on stage, and

g1ve the oud1ence a Iough \"Each p1ece requues new techmques and mstruments thor

keeps the doss always fresh, • Lo tmon so1d. (photo by G. Goebel) 2. PERFORMING COLLEC'IV£LY

K r and create

musiC at the orchestra conce1t (photo by J Mann) 3. PlAYING JP A STORM On theu mo11mbos,

and R show the oud11nce what they've got. \"My lavonte thmg about

1ght f Pe ,~,s1on Is watchmg the d11ferences m the sk1lllevel of each grade,· Goebel so1d. (phato by G

Gotbel) 4. WATCHING THE DIRECTOR· Ploymg m sync, and K pay onenllon to

cues I 1n t~eu conductor. \"My fovonte po1t of the mght of peiCUSSIOn IS heonng the great muSIC that

the m1ddle schoolers and h1gh schoolers pull together.\" Kmg sord. (photo by G. Goebel) 5. MAKING MUSIC:

Ploymg as a whole, the oiChestro performs at theu concert. \"I will miss sense of fom1ly ond the t1ght kn11

bond we hove rn the orchestra, • M t said. (photo by J Mann) 6. CONCENTRATING ON

STAGE· Toppmg theu own ports, and perform (phcta by G. Goebel)


• • •



Seniors experience last

concert for Orchestra and

Night of Percussion.

Spring concerts for the percuSSIOn and

orchestra prograMs mor the lost rna or

eve'l's for semo•s W1th o·c~estro s concert

Ap~ I 5 and Night of PercuSSIOn Ap• I 1 2

Many sh .. dents ~ad the opportuni'y to

showcase their talents fo~ the ost t1me ·r ~igh


·My favorite port is the senior s it •

said \"It's always reo! y

Iunny and you never know what to expect. •

Ewald has been 1n percuss1on s nee

m1ddle school and has performed many

limes Percussion has influenced Ewald's

wor eth1c.

·r~e thmg I w1 I m1ss most obo1.1t

percussion IS bemg able to ploy w1th so

many talented ord dedicated music1ons.\"

Ewo d s01d.

S1M1 or to Ewald,

has p1oyed boss 1n orchestra fo seven years

and appreciates the close fnends~ ps.

\"I ave seemg how •he arches ro

develops a p1ece from the day we get 11 unt I

the moment we of the career•.\" Hampton

so d \"It s real y neat to see how we grow as

on o•ches'ro and as a forT\"ily througho<.~t

the year •

THIS COLOR describe• me beco sa feel e om a OWl9 per= and

ed •he colo; of ove


wont to

wear, s e what you

wont to wear. It m ght be tot.gh ol

tie begmn ng, but I you reo ly

believe m yOL .. rsel{, there ts 'lo'rtng

t~Jo• cor stop yo<J


By the Numbers

Here ore some facts about 20 18 prom.

hours wos he $ 1 0 0 + 2 ~:~u~l ~:~~e sper• gellmg

the omo1...n of ready for p om

money students Th b e num er o 1 peon \"

spent on the r outf t. court ,5 1 Q

S• dents purchosedJ:: 00 · es 1 5 mlf\"ules •o

p·om 1 c els ~ d ve lo he C. ose Po • Pozo


Students beat the bad weather and take pictures before prom Aprill4.

E:very year, befa•e stJdents make Whe\"l I heard it was gomg to rain I

the1r way to the Prom venue they gather was upset because •he persor's hoJse we

a' Tre Muny, T'le Jewel Bo , The Grand were to ing pic•ures at told us if it roms

Bas r ord various other local ors to take she 1s conce mg • Regroro Horr s 11 11

p ctures 1-Jowever, •he weatrer worried sa1d \"If it would've poured our plans

mary because WOJ d rave beer

the cloudy skies '' canceled •

and scatte·ed The weather's been crazy .uckily. the

showers h I d f s 1es cleared

threa•ened the enoug a rea y, so 0 around 5 p.rT'., so

posslb:'lty of course it had to rain.'' individuals didn't

tokmg pictures. hove to cancel

• wos.,'t -Ande S,ege, ( l l 1 the1r plans No•

SJ'P' sed heaqng orly d1d prom

I was go rg to rain on Saturday,· Anae goers get to to e their pictures 1!-tey got to

S1ege ( 1 ')sad \"The weather's been en1oy the •est of thei• evenmg withoJ! the

c•ozy enough already, so of course it threat of ra n showers

had to •am.\" \"We changed locations to The Muny

Sorr1e stude'l'S already made othe· in order to eep our 1-Jo r and dresses

plans trot woJ d be indoors when tt\"iey dry: Fot1mo S enrf 1121 so1d \"The funnes•

heard the weather forecast. Otrers were thing was the Photo Booth. We had one

worried the ra n w1!h disrupt the r plans. last year but I real y enjoyed this one too.\"

I. lAkiNG THE CROWN After bemg crowned kmg ond Oueen, Kelech1

Ach tefu (12) ond Opeoluwo foto o (12) shore a lender hug. \"II wos on

omazmg feelmg because 1t was o remmder that my classmates respect

and hold me m such a h1gh regard; Achilelu so1d. (photo WUrlfiSY of

Wop Plrotogrophy) 2. PROM PICK·ME·UP: Po11ng lor the camera, Moses

0 a (11) pl(ks up Mox Ba er (12). ·111 e gertmg hype Wlth my

In ends on the dance floor, • Bo er so1d. (phDto by Z W } 3. AMAII G

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Slondmg on stage, Do no lertau ( 11 ), A yo

lui man(' 1}, eta re Englander (11) and Monty RIC ey (11) announce

the P•om court. ·Everyone was cheering so much (we] could hardly

contmue lolking; Lertau so1d. (phDto courtiiS\"( of Wagner Plratogrc ~Y. 4.

ON THE FLOOR Sranding 10 a group, Brandon West (12), Dee

'chats ('2), Kaycee Llfte (12) and W1ll Carr (11) donee fo rhe mus1c

·11oved seemg everyone dressed up ond beout1ful; Llftle so1d. (photo by

l WeUer} 5. MOVING IN COLOR Domg o donee, Chor'1e lo1tman (12)

and Sora Easrlund (12) show off rheu moves. The donee was held ol

Chase Plaza Horel. (photo courtesy of Wogll6f Plrotography) 6. BUST A

MOVE Gathenng an rhe dance floor, studenrs bounce to rhe mus1c. •1

en1aved hangmg our w1th my best friends in the world,· Ev Mur c

(1') said. (photo courtiiS\"( of Wagll6f Plrotograp/ry)


Seniors spend one of their last Seminars

doing various activities Apri/11.


Living :h: FUTURE

Sarah Eisenman ( 12) receives the Faculty Scholarship, leadership and Service Award.

When they called me

for the award, I was in

this state of happy

shock, and I somehow

made it up [to the

tage] to shake Mr.

Griffith's hand. ''

a 1 L1.,en no , l 2)

I. LOUO AND PROUD Smgmg 'Too Good ot Goodbyes· by Som Smilh, Morgan

Taylc! {9) attends the musiC and songwnllng sess1on of the Doy of D10logue os

(yon So or'10) ploys the gu1tor Students choose two sess1ons to attend. (photo

by K. Xu) 2. YOUNG YOGA. Domg the tree pose. Wi Con {11) ond uopodo

Rengsomboon (11) relax through yoga. The floor was decorated with candles ond

mellow musrc played m the boc ground. (photo by (Xu) 3. HEATED At o

downtown protest ogomst gun VlOience. lsobe o Motzun {11) tokes 1n the crowd.

Students carpooled to the protest Apnl 20. (photo by l Weller) 4. THE CYCLE:

Mobng her poster for the protest, Lydia Solomon (12) wntes 'Rompoge, Regret,

Repeat • '[The poster) symbolrzes the cyde of gun v1olence m Amerrco because

there hove been no lasting changes rn regards to gun contror; Solomon s01d.

(photo by K. Xu) 5. SPEAK NOW· Wolkmg with the crowd rn St. Louis, Shelby

Horne {12) and Ande Sregel (11) moke theu vo1ces heard. 'I discumd posSible

solutrons to the Issues of gun v1olence, mental heollh, and bully1ng ot the local

and state level; S1 .gel smd. Then, I wrote o letter to Senator Cloue McCosk1ll.'

(photo by 1. Go'llet 6. STUDENTS SEE: fmtShmg her poster, Groce Lone 110)

draws on eye. S~ p~rt· rot d rn the poster-mobng octiv1ty dunng the Day of

D1ologue. (photo by K. Xu) 7. E OUGH. Wotchmg speo ers present m Downtown

St lours, students reflect on past mass shootmgs and what needs to be done for

the future 'Gun violence rs on 1ssue students should be aware of and toke o

stand ogomst; Emma ass (12) smd. 'W en If's o literal molter of l1fe and

deoth, you really can't afford to opt out of the discussion.' (photo by Sunny Lu}



Standing STRON

Students participate in various activities on the Day of Dialogue to spread awareness on gun violence April 20.

From protest ng at Attor'ley General josh Howley's office

downtowr to mo ing cords fa• fom ies affected by school shootmgs,

Ot.tsrde of school. a group at students o'tended a protest

orgonrzed by Students Demond Actron St. Lot.is. Th s gave s1udents,

Ladue s•udents voiced heir concern

about gJ'l violence on the Day of

D a ague Several cubs suer OS

Roms Agotl\"st Gt.n Violence and Tf·e

Femmts' Cooltton omed toget\"ler to

c•eote octivit;es for students to

port cipote in during the school day

·:ou• clubs] dec ded to do the

combtrotion of the d flerent oc•ivtt.es

''As young people, we have the

ability and obligation to fix the

mistakes of past generations.''

Su~~ny L ( 1 vJ

who ore d rec+ly impoc•ed by the

consequences of gun vrolence

the opportunity to mo e a d flerence.

\"I was msptred by t\"te

student leadership , sow post

Par land, and I wonted to organize

a ufl ed and inclusive student

front against gun v olence in

and the wal out m order to grve st\\Jdents a c\"tonce to to about the

•eceflt tragedy ol Stonerron Doug as • Moone Han c; ( 1 2) sord

St. .au is,· Su.,.,y Lu : 1 0,, a reader of

SDASTL said • As young people, we hove the ob ity and obligoltol\"

to ftx the misto es of post generations. We f'Tlust p•ovide a safer

·we also hope thrs gives stJdents oper tirre •a debate or learn future for everyone around us and for those who w•ll come

about rssJes surrounding sc\"tool sf>oo•ings • after us.·

Ll. vt· ng 1. n p R I D E Students ore selected for their leadership and character to attend Rom Pride breakfast.

I. Sho mg hands w1 Prmr•n. Guf',th,loycee lm ,1 rece1m her Rom Pnde certtlicote. 'Rom Pnde, to me, means going beyond just gomg

to school for academic knowledge but also growmg as a person and developrng character.\" Little sa1d. •t felt spe<ial [gettmg nommoted for Rom

Pnde] lor sure, especially since there's the emphasiS of how one teacher nommoles one student • 2. W1th o congratulatory pat~n-the-bac ,

Zachary Bernste n (12) accepts h1s Ram Pnde award. Behmd htm, Or. Donna Janke congratulates ~ n Bla r (9) on her nommahon. •t was pretty

eXCited to be nommoted for Rom Pnde because a reacher has the obdtty to pu i: one student out of everyone they encountet and to be piC ed was

p1etty cool,· Bernstem s01d. ' Rom Pnde meant to me thor I stmply mode on 1mpoct on our school whether it be btg or small; I shll was able to

show the character that ladue students should hove.' 3. Smiling for multiple cameros in front of them, Rom Pride recipients gather for theu

group ptclure. The students hod just fimshed o breakfast consistmg of vo11ous frutt, bocon, eggs and several other 1tems. They were g1ven thts as o

reward for being nommoted for the occos,on. (on photos by J. Gonze1)

besm beco se



10 the Making

Directors, cast and crew discuss the

process of creating the one acts.

Though 1' to es the ert1re school year to select,

ed1t plan and d reel a OPe oct the w~ole process

culm•no1es If\\ only two flights Stude'l1 d1rectors


deto1lth1s ex1

ens1ve p•ocess and how they

leorred to di•ect ord d rec' well

\"This e'l1

1re 1ourney has mode me real y

opp•ec1ate oil aspects of pJ1

tl'l9 toget~e· o

production,· Borrer• sa1d \"The sen1or d rect1ng

exper ence IS an ePt1re year worth of class, mst·Jcl10n

oPd preparation, yet I still feel : e I can leorP so much

more about this whole process •

Bof-Jnert Heort'ley and Shifrin now o lot fT'Ore

about acting !~an they do about tec'l so they all

spent fT'ore t•me lem'l ng oboJ' ligh•s, so.md and other

techn1cal ele'Tlen's Whi e +he 'ech s de posed a

chollerge for them, they were glad trey were able to

spend so much time lea•n1ng abou it.

\"I wo~Jid wqte down a list of everyth1ng I needed

o get doPe lechmca'ly, so 1hot the process was eos1e•

and more orgon1zed, • Hear1ney sa1d

After leornmg and understanding tech, the

directors were bet1e• able to mstruct their cost and tell

those mvo ved the1r v sion. Desp1te the long hoJ and

the challenges they faced the directors expressed that

the eP*e process was reword ng

\"It s supe• •ewo•ding because I ve been

ont1cipat ng this show for so long • Heartney said.

\"Now I con see rry baby coMe to life.\"

DAy Q F S 1 L E N C E Students remoin silent oil doy April 27 to

show support for the LGBTQ community.

I participated because I'm bisexual

and have LGBTQ friends who

have been bullied for who they are

and who they love. I believe

harmony between straight people

and LGBTQpeople is possible;

we just have to create empathy

for one another.

d 2

I. MIND GAMES. Proctiong the open10g S<ene of 'The Other

, AJ A and

ploy he thoughts rn the morn characters' m10d.

'I loved thew ole process of portrcrpat10g rn the on!Hicts, • Sregel

sard. 'I loved the opportunrty to spread such a powerful message

wrth other talented people • (photo by ( A/'1510) 2. SHAKES-PARODY

Del venng Hamlet's famous speech as a parody versron,

performs 10 t e one acts The one acts too place Apnl

27 and 28 rn the theatre. (photo by J. Ganzer) 3. SPEAKING 0~ ·

Dunng the one oct, '2016: Her Story, Her Vote;


speak out about theu characters' po rtrcal behels 'Dunng the one

ac\"s, I really struggled l10dmg my charocter; Sheley sa1d. 'The

woman I'm playmg IS srmila1 to me n some ways and dtlferent In

others, and rt was challeng10g to f1nd those d11ferences and rnput

them 10ta S<enes.\" (photo by J Ganzer) 4. REHEARSING

RELATIONSHIPS. Pretend10g to be rn love, M ond

practice for the one oct, 'Someth10g Rotten 10 the

State of Denr lk n ne act was duected by

(photo by C.l'ft 5. A1 NG FOR CHANGE. Explarnrng the effect of

1ntoler• e P' ·cal conversot1ons, ond

express the need lor acceptance of all behels.

They performed th1s one act far students dunng school ond ot

nrght (photo by J. Ganrer)


Banding Together

I. A MUSICAL NIGHT Wotchmg mtently, band st~dents

fallow band duector Aaron Lehde's mstructiOns.

2. NOTEWORTHY PERFORMANCE Looking at hrs next note,

pi~ hrs mstrument \"I en1oyed ploymg

solos, • Rmer s01d. \"The feeling of ploymg rn hont of a large

crowd rs ternfymg but also a lot of fun and really

rewordmg.' 3. STUDENT SY CHRONICITY Ploymg t eu

mstruments, and

perform one of theu songs 4. SENIOR ADVICE· At the end of

the bond concert, and

to about theu trme m bond. (oR photos by ( IJunaJn)

Living for Summer '18

A look into how students plan to spend their summer.

Based on 17 6 voluntary responses


Work: · 'M coni 'll.. .,g my researc'l at Wosf.U

rneasJnng porlrculate matter concen\"a rons wrth

robots I tf. ., rl s good probleM so vmg

expe•rence and real world experrence:

1 ravel: \"I'm gong on a USY tnp to Ber n

PragL.e Polard ard Israel USY rs MY jew ~

yoJtn group, O'ld +hm rt s 11rportant lor

somone MY age ard jew sf. +o go to Israel •

Rei : \"I Ike sri' .,g by tf.e poo afld hangmg

OL.I w11h My hends. I Ma e sure my surP.rner rs

frlled wr'n res' and relaxatron because I wor

ha·d du•mg the scf>ool year •

Education: • At SuMme· Sc erce Progra:\"'' Ill

use math phys -s ard prog'a'Tlr'Hng to tree

asterords rr l!le s ·y I M pu'lnped •o mee' new

fnends and spend f,ve wee s rr Co ora do •

Volunteer: \"I volunteer at the ladJe Early

Cl'rrldhood Certer every SUrT\"'lner You get

assrgned 'o a c assroom ond rang OL.~ wrtn

toddlers I love rds and rt s super fun •

'THIS COLOR d sc \"'e

also deep



0 The overage



pre-sea sol'


5 number of

g ofT1es the

boy s

vors 'Y

tenm$ team

ploy$ o

$eo son







3 3

on both ju'l or

va•s ty and varsi•y.

1. SPORTSMANSHIP .ust n Lam (12) and Just n Chen ('2)

sho e hands (photo by l Welkr) 2. RUNNING FORWARD:

~e x H ( l) spnnts to return the ball. Hu was one of 10

varsrty tenms players. (photo by N Kolishman) 3. GAME FACE:

A ex Kempparnen (12) prepares to hrtthe boll. \"I love tenms

because II can be very relaxrng and competrtrv rt tl rme

lime; Kempparnen s01d. (photo by N Kohshtror 4. EYES ON

THE BALL Edward Wu (12) prepares to return tire bot Ia his

opponent Aprrl19 The varsrty team played Krrkwood High

School. \"I love tenms not only because rts a stress reliever,

but also because of the euphonc feelrng alter I slop a

backhand angle drop-shot; Jeremy Ouyang (1 0). (photo by A.

HoefBf) 5. SIDE TO SIDE: Ready to hit the boll, E•JC lhu (1 2)

spnnts across the court. For I e varsrty team, erght out of the

10 players were senrorsthis year. {photo by A HoefBf)

6. SWtNGI G THROUGH: Alter hrt1rng the ball, Aaron Umen

(1 2) watches hrs return. Umen has decided to anend college

for tenms rn the fall and rs glad to hove played lor ladue.\"l

hove always been competrtive and to be able to compete lor

the team and for Ladue as a whole rs a huge honor and I wdl

miss II next year,· Umen sord. (photo by l Weller)

Looking ORWARfJ

Alex Kemppamen (12) discusses how he

plans to make his last season the best.

TI-er ~ber

of p e seO$On

proc• e$

mrssed d ue

to •o n

Rambler: ILw _ng ha~e y1.. been p aing tennis?

Alex K mppainen: I ~-jove been playmg for aboL.t

lour years, since my freshmen year.

R: What w II you m ss about enms?

AK: I wtll del nttely I'T'iss the f.tendships and


R: What hove you leo•ned from tennis t~at you wtll

carry on through l.le?

AK: I learned to Ia e the match one po rl at a I me

so I guess take I fe one step at a t me


Playing through the

R A I N Tennis team overcomes

numerous rained out

practices during pre-season.

Since the tenn1s season started in

February, the weather was cons ster ly cold

ard rainy, causmg cancellat ons of many

proct1ces Even trot..gr players lost several

practices and opportun lies to better the1'

s lis on the co~;rt, hey d1dn't let •hot h1rder

the1r season.

\"Whenever 11 wal.id ra1n or be too cold

outs1de to p1oy tenro1s, we would go nside at

the MAC (Missoun Atrletic Center) to ploy

on the 1!1door co.J•Is, • S ey Jhorn d or o

1 '2 1 sa1d \"Howeve~ wren we CO.J dn't go

ins1de, I would go to •he JCC and wor 01.1 to

mo e sure '1\"'1 still being oct ve a rod m

shape •

Wh1 e Dharmdhor o contmued to ploy

even when pract1ces were rained 0..11, Ryor

lo'T' (' 2 had a d ffe•ent deology when

came to m ssed pract ces from •am.

\"I reassured myse f •hat 11-te otl)er team

d,d not get to practice ether.\" Lam said. \"On

missed practices due to rain, I normally do

not war on my tenn1s s dis but instead to e a

day to relax before ploymg again the nex'


Working for an ACE

Mfg' a 1sto

1mprove as a tenn1s

playe• •

Ard ew r• E>nd 9)

\"My goal is to go

out and win the

mos matches


jocksor Bry f' 0)

\"My goal .s

better and reo

to now if the sport

s nght ~or me.\"

Ben om r Goe e 19)

\"THIS COLOR deler beco


Zoch BernstP.in (12 returns after

a shoulder injury kept him benched

for the start of the season.

Chee• rg from the Sodel nes,

watered as his team played o1 every game Bernstein

went throl.lgh months of phys1col therapy after a

shol.llder n1ury kept h m of! the lacrosse fie d despite

bemg named one of the three captains of •he varsity

team h1s sen1or year The in t..ry only pt..shed h m to

war harder to rejom his team

\"11 was rea ly hard being out for a whole year

because, I sill went to every pract ce and game, and

wa•crmg your team play and no• being able to help

out was a very difficult thi'lg 'o do: Be•nstein said.

However, Apri 6, Bernstein was able to lead h1s

team fo• the firs• t1rre this season, ogamst lafayette

H gh Sc.hoo The returr of thei• third captam renewed

t'leir spirt The team's posilivity mproved due to h1s

return and avera I love of the game

\"It felt amazing to be boc after months of

physical therapy ord 11 all mode it worth it espec o'ly

when you're able to mo e change for the team

Bernstein said.



Captain !IX Hampton ( shores his experience with the team and his legacy.

Rambler: Who 1s the bes• po•l o bemg


Max Hamp i e watching •he team

grow and eadmg fr )m the frort.

R: What do yo<J rope to leave behmd after

you grodt..ote?

MH: I hope to leave behind a good example

of what a leader and copto1n oaks Ike.


I. 3 ON I Oerenomg, and

coll1de slicks. The players teamed up ogomst a

smgle lafayette player 2. LAST LINE Pushmg bock,

me es a lost dJtch effort to protect h1s goal agomst O'Fallon semor

Gars 11s a mJdf,elder so he falls back to help

the goolre when needed. 3. HIGH FLYING: Throwmg the boll,

launches the ball down field H1s Iorge basket allows

h1m to blot more bolls m goal. 4. MAKING A WALL Sh1eldmg the

goal, holds the defender bock. He used h1s long

defense slick to eep lofoyette from progressmg 5. MATCH GAME

Motchmg speeds. blocks O'Fallon's

from getting open. The leom practices th1s sk1ll ol every

pracllce. 6. HUGGING IT OUT: Embroong, VorsJty lacrosse celebrates

then wm ogomst O'Fallon. The team won the March 27 game 13·

10. 7. SUPPORT SQUAD Huggmg 11 out,

and keep each ather

pos111ve Oesp1te a 1os1ng score, the players always try to keep each

other mot,vated. \"Mt favonte port of lacrosse IS hovmg the ball m

my slick and bemg able to control the speed of the game m the

current moment· Bernstein so1d. (oO photos by At Ward)

8. LOOKING AROUND: Survey ng the

f1eld, OSSel5eS

the S1tuat1an m order to me e h s

next move ago nst lafayette Ma\"h

6. He foo ed for the locot10n of the

boll before choosmg to run ouoss

the f eld • Mt odv1ce to younger

players would be to olw~ wor on

your st ck 1 1lls constantly Once your

conf1dent m catchmg and throwmg

the boll then, you open up o whole

new level of ploy.\" Bernstem said.

(photo by M. Ward}

iving witli ALS

Players shore their pre-game rituals and good-luck charms.

\"THIS COLO de bes m be<:o se o o e


Running as CAPTAIN

'' As a captain it

is super fun

and rewarding

to work with

this team.


Suffian (ll) ''

Living in the G Q A L

Q&A with varsity gr• J r Worth ( 11

Rambler: How long hove yot.

a g ocrosse goalie?

Jordon Worth: I hove been

p oy• g e my freshman


R: What IS the best po•• of

p10ftng lacrosse goo re?

JW: do not hove to ro'l

d g the gofl'les.

R: W a• do you do for train rg?

JW: Whenever we run ploys or shooting d• lis at

a e, tho's when I get in Ire most goal t me o'ld it is

pretty IT'uch my t•o fling, whic~ s good because t rs i e

a real game s tuot O'lS

R: What IS one goo you rove for thrs yeo•?

JW: A goal I hove for thrs year rs to urprove my reaction

ime wh,le 1n the goal ol\"d maybe even get o shutout


I. TEAMING UP TOGETHER: The vors1ty coach talks stralegt

Wtth the team durmg o lime out. The team has managed Ia

defeat Webster Groves H1gh School and Clayton H1gh School

tw1ce (photo by A Hoefer) 2. MAKING HIS!ORY. Kaylon

Buckner ( 12) shoots the wtnning goal to break the Mtssoull

record ogmnsl O'fallon Apnl 26 Buckner comm11ted lo

diVISion 1 lacrosse al Arizona Stole Umv1ersty lor the loll of

2018. (photo by M. Kerner) 3. ON THE MOVE Mary Gerdrng

(11) makes her way towards the goal Gerdrng has been

playmg on vorstty louosse srnce her freshmen yeor (photo by

A Hoefer) 4. DEFEND! G HER UN£ Jumor vors1ty player

Mocy Kerner (9) altempts to steal the ball from her John

Bourroughs opponent. The Junou Vorstty ream has two new

coaches th1s year (photo by l ~ )



Koylon Buckner (12' breaks the

Missouri record for most gaols scored

in o high school girls' lacrosse career. Records

Ma ng h o•y, Buckner b•o e the all-1ime career scari'lg record

April 26 at the Ladue F1fth Grade Cen•er, winning •he game l 0-9

agamst O'Fallon Buc r>er s new record reacJ.ed 340 goals w'lle the

prev1ous record was 333.

\"I+ fel• real y good becat.se 11 was somethmg trot showed oil of

my hard work has pard off, and my teammates we•e supe• excited as

well wh1ch made t! all worth I,· Bt.ckner so1d

Her teamMates have been ploymg w11h he• anywhere froM

ore to four yea•s and were e c ted •o shore th1s 'T'Oment w1th her TI'Jey

were ecstahc wren she scored •he record brea trg goa

\"W hen she broke the reco•d I feh very happy and exc1ted for

rer.\" Marga et Loc'l'T'oel er ( l l) Said \"I know how I'Jo•d slle works,

a'ld tt was amazmg fo• her to get to ac.hieve t'lat goo .\"

The team had a coupre surpr.ses ,., store for her when she scored

as a way to show the r support. They got 'ler a lot of food and flowers

as we1•

Af•er the garPe we got her coo 1e c.a es, flowers a kana ice

'rt.ck and then the team went to Spor'sl\"'lans and bashed.\" So a\"

~r edmon ( l ') s01d

5. PUTTING UP A FIGHT Sa h Fned an (11) races for the boll agamst t e ROlkwood

Summrt opponent. fnedman has been playmg lauasse smce before hrgh sthoal. \"I really

love everyone an the team because everyone IS really funny and passranate about t e

sport; fnedmon said. \"I also love how oggressrve ond mtense games get· (photo by A.

Hoefer) 6. AND SHE'S Off· Courtney Chnst {11) breo s through Clayton's defense Apnl

12 .odue beat Clayton 19 to 4. ·our team IS very close, we are I e fomrly so rt makes

every proctrce ond game more speual; Chnst sard. \"Game days are the best because we

all get very exoted and put our best efforl forward, even If we lose, we st I hove a

posrtrve ottrtude hod o great trme • (photo by M. Kemer)

\"Betng a freshMan on varsity ts a

great hono• 0'1d a lot of fun. I

a so rave people who ore li e

btg sisters to me •

Mogg e owto\" (9

\"Bemg a freshman on varsity s a

great opportunt'y because I con

becoi'T'e a be ter player by

ployrng w1th the t.pperclassmen •

Zoe luc er (9

\"I really i e being a f•eshman on

varsi'y because I have rret so

many other people f•om

d ffe1ent g•odes.\"

Groce Hensley (9)

\"THIS COLOR d .c bes \"1e co and ch


I. ITAM HUDDLE Grclmg around the prtcher's

mound, the team drscusses how to rmprove therr

next ploy Many of the players, rncludrng

hove enroyed team bondmg octivrhes

thor strengthen the team's ploys. (photo by f

f 12. SAFE!: Slrdrng onto the bose,

secures hrs spot on the bose. \"Thrs

year we hove occomplrshed gettmg second place

rn th Wood Bot Tournament,·

sord (photo 6y M. Ward} 3. CATCHER TO PITCHER

Alter cotchrng the boll at orne plate,

throws the boll towards Leary rn

hopes of recervrng on out. Sounders ond leary

the p cher, hove grown closer thrs season due to

therr need to war together durrng ploys. (photo

byE f ) 4. THAT'S AN OUT: Prtching towards

the batter, Leary throws a lost boll. \"Thu year IS

unrque because we don't have any superstar

toler.• to bo~ on,· so1d

\"That means everyone has to step up and I think

Irs mo rng oil of us get better: (photo by M.

Ward) 5. HOMERU Preporrng to hrt, Berrne

stands strorght up wrtb proper form. Berrne has

sa d he IS gomg to mrss the team and ploymg

next year. ·My expenence on the baseball team

has been great; Berme sord. \"I'm o oys hovrng

a great lime and our team IS really good.\" (photo

by f f 16. SUPPORTING THE TEAM: Wotchrng

hrs teammates on the !reid,

shows support and cheers. Several of the teo

bond ng act ·es that t e players have enjoy

rnclude team droners and bus trrps to

tournaments. (photo by f fwe\"l 7. YOUNG

PITCHES T rowrng towards home bose,

hopes lor another out. The team

lost therr mom prtcher lost year, so coach Garrett

has been restmg to see who pitches well. \"The

best rhmg about thrs season 1s gettrng to ploy so

much baseball wrth my teammates who I'm

lrrends wrtb off and on the field;

sard \"lh1s season Is drflerent because w•

hod a rough start but now we're wrnning a lot r

games and do ng really well: (photo 6y f


\"Be g o copra rs about in\"-.,.~

eod ~3 by exomp e ord

how rg o• ers ~ow to wor~

ho•d •

s lun •o wo'

and cf>eer em o I on I

be ng o e • teach t

g v s e o apport ty to

us w~ot I ~ave lear ed rn my

prev o s yeo·s to h p my

teammates •


BONDING Over the Game

Jumors Drew Sounders and Alex Leary shore tt u erect r asp cher a d c cher

Rambler: Who have you bonded Wll'l

the rrost th1s year?

Alex leary: Drew Sounders becaJse

~Je's the catcher so I p1tch to h m We

t\"iave goiter much closer th1s year

R: What has •I been ke to play w1th


Drew Saunders: It's fun wo• mg witr

h m He's o good player w1th good


The baseball team bonds over the song \"Sweet Caroline,\" and

explains why it's considered a good luck charm for the team.

_,we. . ~arot e ~~-.~d .ne~ eve

seemed so good I d be relined to

bel eve trey never would, but now loo

ot t\"le n1g\"lt and 1t don t see'l' too lonely·

With a strong and ded1co ed team il

s no surpnse that the merrbers are close

Befo·e every rome go.,..e the baseball

team p oys the so'lg \"Sweet Corol1'le to

but d motivat O'l and c.on'idence

\"last year Casey McCrae er sorg 11

r the loc er room before every game

sad \"We decided to eep

t gomg ths yeo•.\"

Be~1d~w f w- J be g ... aM_ww _ve

song it also brings an overall roy to the teafY'I

The boys agree that the songs' beat IS what

rna es it such a great pre game trod lion

\"It was a great song last year and we all

get hyped up wrile singl'lg all the words

toge•he• before games,· Leary s01d

The team 1S exc11ed to eep the trod lion

go ng and severo membe•s, mcluding

' rope ,. stays a tradl1


\"It's 0 claSSIC SO'lg aSSOCIOied wilt'!

baseball and I hope tl carr es on becaJse it's o

good song Kovala sa1d

Dashing to the AS E 1111

[A a sophomore on

Varsity), I play left

field. My favorite

thing is making

diving catche

during a




Women t~e Water

Female players share the r thoughts on what

it's like to ploy in o mole-dominated sport.

\"I w sh More g~rls

would ploy wo•er polo

because it'd be rrore

fun bJ1 the guys ore

p•el'y cool ond we re

all a foMI y.\"

\"So'T'ehMes g1rls don I

get gc~o~ded as ho•d

becoJse other ploye•s

thi\"l we're weaK.,

which IS wrong.\"

\"Water polo 1s pretty

fu'l o'ld it's a great

e perienc.e to p1oy a

coed sport I've •eolly

enjoyed it so for.\"

\"Gir s bond rrore on

the team and we hove

a huge advantage

because the boys on

the o1her teams ore

ofro1d to toJch 1..s.\"

Winning the

Varsity takes first at Founders' Cup tournament.

Vo•s ty players jufT'Iped ou• of tre pool o1 the so1..nd of the lost

buzzer, with a final score of 10-5 ago nst Par way West, and

congrotulo•ed each o her on the

wm of Founde•s' Cup Apr 7 West

was ro\"l ed fourth 1n he state and

LodJe's wm secured their spot as

number two

was m crorge of running the doc for some of the othe•

team's go'T'es

\"It was a big relief to wm

Fo1..nders Cup.\"

said. \"I hod

complete conf1dence that our team

was go ng to w n; t was 1..st a

mo•ter of execut rg our offense ord

deferse and ploymg to our

full ob1 y •

' I had complete confidence that

our team was going to win; it

was just a matter of executing

our offense and defense and

playing to our full ability.

v rdo

ihe tournament ron smoo•Hy

I~ on s to everyone helping OJ1, •

Yon so1d \"We he ped assure that

all the games started on t1me.\"

The team's c ose

re otionsh1p helped the tournofT'Ient

be a success and a so secJ•ed

their wins As one of tre early


tournaments, Fo<.~nders' CJp set tre

tone for the rest of the season.

\"Winn1'lg Founders'

Ladue hosted the tournomert o\"d every team mer.1ber

Cup was o demonstration of ilow

good we could be and how ho•d we need 1o wor to contmue

our s1..ccess • so1d \"We hope to ploy to our full

helped potentiolt'lroJgt\"io<.~' th1s season • r some way throughout the •hree days.


I. CHEERS FOR !HE CHAMPIONS. Holdmg up the trophy from

Founders' Cup, vorsrty celebrates theu wm • My lovonte part of

Founders' Cup was hold ng up the rophy wrth my teammates and

realizing how lor we had came; A said. (photo

courtesy of A. Fredman) 2. RESTING POIENIIAL Calculatmg hrs next

move, Sterlrng seeks out the teammates he's gamg to pass the ball

to The varsrty team rs made up ol ollsemors except lor one,

, and they all lead the team. (photo my Ward.)

3. HANDS UP loo mg ot the referee, from De Smet

Apnl 6. \"I usually get e1ected for grobbmg someone underwater ond pullmg them under; Roskm s01d

{photo by K.Xu) 4. GO GOALIE Genmg reodv to biO< he boll, tumps out of the

water whrle hrs teammates watch \"I've been o goalre all four years [of hrgh schooiL\" Bezzant sard. \"I

started because we had no goalres butlthmk rl wor ed out very well.\" (photo by K. XJJ) 5. MAKI G A

SPLASH Catchmg the boll, prepares for hrs next move ogornst Clayton Apnlll.

ladue won ogomst Clayton 1().2 \"I am gomg to mrss bemg around oil of the guys next year: lambre

sod (photo by K. XJJ) 6. ENDING STRONG At the end of the game, ladue plovers sha e hands wrth

opponents from De Smet Thrs wm secured theu place to linals m the Founders' Cup tournament. (photo

by K. XJJ) 7. PUSH FORWARD: Movmg the boll m front of hrm, Yon trres to score ogomst SLUH Apnll7.

SLUH won against ladue 12·5. (photo by M. Ward)

SElTI Standards

The team reveals thelf p1cks for vanous superlatives.

Living ;h~ Shot Xov

When I'm shooting the

ball, I try to target where

the goalie isn't. I hope

l>oppy pe $Oil

to improve on my

defense in the

next few years and

if our team works

hard and focuses,

we will make

it to State.

de bes 'l1e beco se t 5 a happy olor and a



nee of having to move practice locations due to construction .

s torced to move

... ., ... Prn• of the boys,

c~Jo le'lged abo<.~t the

red it a rougr part of the season

\"I thtr trac being ripped up ts good it w II make

t be• er,\" Wassie sa1d. \"[However]l don't li e the tearT'

being spli• up.\"

~esp1te the Move several of the boys thm tre new

trac WI resu I l'l better opportJn lies for Ladue trac team.

Many, li e Dale Cr esso'l ( 11). w•sr they got to see thetr

• eammates every day a1 practice

\"I rrtss be rg w11h 'T'Y throwe• and d stance runne•s

because I was able to see them grow as my ea'T'mates,\"

Chesson said. \"I tHnk [•he 'lew track] will be a good

addition beca.Jse we w1 I be able to host home Meets •

Overa I, the changes have not stopped the boys ~rom

havmg a good seasor. Patr1ck Hensley ( 12) bel eves I has

nat af~ected his perfarrrance

\"It 1s a change but i' has not ep+ me frorr losing stgrt

a'ld focus on my •hrowing,\" Hensley satd.

Going for the 30LD

Boys state what they wish to achieve in each of their individual events this season.



5. BA~Y GOT !RACK Concentrating on momtommg his form, Grant

6rulond (9) competes m o race. !he meet ogornst Chomrnode too

place Apul I 2 6. EYE 0 THE PRIZE: Just before releosmg hrs

1 elm, Kyle Sdr lhng (12) leans boc to hrs center of grOVIty. •My

fovoute event to compete In is JDvelin; Nrcholos frocco (10) said

·:1 He rt J because rt really rs rust the only throwmg rmplement you

see fly out your hand and land o long drstonce JUSt to strr m the

ground. • 7. !All 'THE LEAD: As he overcomes o competrtor from

Webster Groves, Collin Oar (10) to es the lead dunng a rare Apul

17. \"My fovoute port about competrng rn meets1s seemg all the

schools that are there; Mason Player (10) sord. •[I like) rust

tal rng to the other teams • (aD photos by K. Xu)

I. HAND OFF At the meet agamst Chammade, Moman Cosby (9)

passes the baton to Brandon Esprnoza ( 1 0) dunng the relay race

\"The best per'! of track rs the day to doy memones you mo e wrth

your team mot frrsrrr es winnmg medals,· Kelechl

Achrlefu (12) rd. 2. IP rN !HE AIR. Competmg m the long jump,

Yoseph Wass troles on where he wonts hrs feel to

land. ·My fovonte event 1s tuple Jump because I feel ccccmplrshed

end powerful whenever I do rt; Kyle Gyowoh (9) smd. \"(But] QUite

frankly [I also feel] o lrttle sandy What con I soy, I'm o jumper:

3. THE lAST LEG: focusmg on hrs finollop of the race, Stephen

!rang (9) competes Apnl I 2 ot the Chommode meet. \"[Dur•ng the

fmollop of on event I feel] focused on fmlshmg [and] less on my

body at that pomt; Benromm Avrgod (12) sord. 4. SOARIN, FLYIN'

Alter dearmg the bar, loch Hearst (10) prepares to land hrs vault

·My fovoute port [about pole voultmg) would hove to be I e team,·

Kryon Harder (12) sord ·we've hod o lot of new people tom th1s

year and (we) hove all gotten a lot closer: (an photos by K Xu)

DASHIN' Superlatives

LEADER ili~ Pack


s wno , .. , to be coptorn.

Being a captain is being a leader by

both example and vocally. It's by

doing whats right and representing

Ladue as best we can on the

football field, in school, and even

outside of school.


2) ''

THIS COLOR d bes rne beco se I love 'T1Y lr e




Makin' RACk'S

Jdn 1 ,, , explains her experience on

the track team as a student with a disability.

Ramo . w y d d you de~.-rde to jOin rne I 01.. teorrl Iris yeo·?

Ida Chen: I decided to jot'l +he track team because I do no' ge'

rr~uc'1 of a chance to e ercise durmg tre sciJoo wee and don''

h e exe•crsing a ollm gererol so I thoJg~' that troc would oc'

as a md of rr~ot vat Ol' to eep octrve

R: How hove people he ped you succeed on +he team?

IC: People hove helped me succeed by u'lderstondi'lg +hot I hove

a disobil y and ther rr10 ing rr~odificotions to meet my needs

R: What advice would you give 'o others with disobi it es who

wont to join sports leoll's?

IC: My odvrc e to othe•s wi'r drsobrli1ies is to rove confrdence tn

yourself ol'd no' let other people around yo1.1 tal you out of it

You never 'lOW wrol happens unless you try

R: What rs your favor te port about bemg O'l the troc tea-r?

IC: My favorite port s the encourogemel't from my team ll'embers

and 'low I get to spefld more lime wrth friends.

due •o ro•n

or etes beat school records vors mee s' s yeo

I. GRAB AND GO: Handing off the baton, A e Ste 1 , and

E erso B et• ( 0 compete In a relay The relay team cansrsted

ofBornen, K a Crawford 1 }, P s Ha t 9 ond Stern.

2. LIKE THE WINO: Keeprng her heod down, Crawford begms to sprrnt

ot a meet agamst Chamrnade. The meet took place Aprrl12

3. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Supporting each other wuh words

of encouragement, ev M z n ( 12 • Rase C gh ( 1 ), A

F cco ( 1 ), do Chen {11) ond Be Ia Saxton ( 1') run the 1OOm.

·:The team! rs I• e a family because we spend so much trme

together; E y n '11) sord. ·we pretty much tell each other

everythrng • 4. LIVING IN THE MOMENT Focusmg on her goal, L y

Fr (9 prepares to throw the 1avelrn as lotos she can. •My

fovorrte port obouttrock rs probably the meets; L ~ Be y ( 1'

•It's o great way to see how all of our hard work hos pard off.·

5. JUST kEEP RUNNING. At a meet agornst Went1vrlle Holt, Gr ce

Ch cone (11) concentrates an keepmg o steady pace durmg the

BOOm. •The best part of track 11 going to the meets ond cheerrng

everyone on,· Chrcotne so rd. 6. UP AND OVER· To ensure she clears

the bar, So tho F scher (9 uses the momentum of her run and

contorts her body. The meet ogomst Wentmlle Holt too place

March 31 (oil photos by KXu)



Greatest Hurdles

Do It for the


Coaches provide athletes

with a sweet incentive to

break their personal record.

:Se*ting o new personal

t•ack is 'lever easy Athletes feel it

req.J res hard war focus and above

all motival1on Tl,a~·s why the 1rac

coaches dec1ded 1o pr e t~Je e

reward of givmg a

athlete for set 1ng a


\"(The thought of

ca'ldy bar] made f'lle

mt..ch harder *o set a n

Sar1o a F e 9

got •he candy bar I n

hard wo•k [would] pay

Over the course of

more than 75 a•hletes mnnrllnl

a personal record ard

ba•. Each student would be

recogmzed a the weekly mee'ing in

order to al ow peers 10 celebrate w•th

the r teammate

\"When I received my ca'ldy bar I

fe t happy because I was glad tfJot I

got a •ewa•d Jor the hard wor that

put r, • C Dov 1 said \"The

support of my teammates and hav1ng

them cheer me on when the coach

called my naf'lle made the exper,ence

ext•emely mef'llorable.\"

\"THIS COLOR d ..:: bes me beco se o gen olor




:e I og , . fa

dreo~T~ed of bemg a profess1o'lol golfer Fourleefl

years Ia er Kromer IS one step c oser •o that dream as

he prepares to ot•end col ege or1 a go f scholorsh p.

\"I procl ce as muct) as I possibly con which, is

about every day o! the wee ; Kromer said \"It sounds

excess ve but I en1oy every m rt.le of 1 •

Ever though Kromer e'l oys p1oclicmg he stil

oc nowledges there 1s o diff,cult component of golf

desp1te whol others might thin .

\"It's really dtff ct.lt •o eep hi•ti'lg good shots

even after he bod ones r'lertol lo..tghress is a huge

facto•.\" Kromer sotd

Desptle the d fftc..t ty that comes o ong wi+ the

spo•l of gol{, Kromer has deve oped a pass on and o

dnve to not O!'lly s<.~cceed h1mself but succeed as o

member of o team

\"Pioymg competitive golf for o team and trymg to

w•r has really mode me wor harder,· Kromer so1d

Living for the LOGOS

Team members share thelf favorite golf brand and why they think its far from sub par.


S • • s E N I o R Rambler sits down with senior Daniel Song (12) Wl n g 1 n g to talk bout his experiences throughout his golf career.



Rambler What has oeer your favor •e pori abo • th s port culo ~eo r?

My favor te par• of tn s season my 1 d place I msr a t e Webster c. p twas a

cold tough day b 't put toge•her a good rou\":l a d I om very happy wtth • at result

R What ts he most valuob e In g you rove eor'led 1 om b 1g a m oer o' the .odue

go t a ?

Tr,e m:>st val ao e tf. rg tho• I hove leo ned fro Lad e oil tf. deo a ev n

wf>en ~oMeth ng doo~n t go my way o the course I om ao e to ave o fro tho

m sto es a d focus on pas 1 v 'Y ro' er than get stuc tn a negot ve m nds •

R How ts go ' dtfforent 1 o other sports?

Go I ~ d fferer• from a o' er spar's be a e a• the d of 1 day s o o the

!ld v duo I every otiJer sport your teorrmotes ore • ght t ere w yo lor Ire wllo e

gaMe a nd you feed off of e a ch otrer !l golf you a o eoc ~ tn your owr zone and you

focus or max z \"3 your own p ·formorce 1:> contr bure to tre •eo

I. HELPFUL TOOLS. oa Melson (1') uses a p01r of binoculars to

Get o better vtsual of the hole (photo by C. fnglondet) 2. SUPER

SCORER Wriltng down hts score lor thor porltculor hole. Fran

Goebel ('O) eeps trotk of hrs personolstots. (photo by C fnglandet)

J. EYES ON 1HE PRIZE Wotchrng for hts golf boll to land. Hod ey

Kromer (11) patiently watts to see how many strokes he w1ll have to

to e to get hrs ball in the hole. (photo by Z. WeUet) 4. FROM HAZARD

TO GREEN: Attemptrng to get out of the hazard, Stephen

Bowen (11) swmgs and successfully gels htS boll bock an the green.

Hazards ore small sand pits that make golf courses more dtHtcult.

(photo by C. Englander) 5. HOPING FOR A HOLE IN ONE: Compet1 1on

watches as Melson attempts to get hrs boll back on the green. Ladue

competed ogornst Ookvtlle rn thrs po 1culor match. (photo by (

Englander) 6. STROKE Focusrng on hts putt, Andrew Burton (9}

watches os hiS ball goes towards the hole (photo by C Englander)

7. PATIENT PUTT: Crouchrng down to get o better vtew of the hole,

Ktomer scouts out how for he w•ll hove to putt to get hrs boll rn the

hole. (photo by C Engkndet) 8. BIRDIE BUDDIES N teammates Max

Bowen (9) ond Wrll Balmstark (9) support each w•th other as they

compete ogornst Ookv•lle. (Photo by B. Howe)

Marvelous MATCH Scores

Rambler tokes a look at the team's best match scores.

VARS TY ~ ,.

~ .• -~ -··

~ -.->: :'

t. ~;_;:~ ~:~;:··,._ ..


pe sono ty


JW: Yes, as

R: Wl,o• is yo1..r fovoote

JW: My favo• te part abou mo

to ha11g out wtlh ol the funny and happy g rls.

R: Why did you choose this sport to fTianoge?

J F: I went 1o most of the soccer games because my sis1er s the

best vars1'y goa e and a' the Ttmbe• and game Ire jV gi•'s as ed

me to manage a'ld I accepted


eco e

I. DRIBBLE DRIBBlE· Af er dribbling down the f~eld, A prepares Ia k1c the ball. \"(II e)

the people I play w11h ond the relationships we formosa ream,· Zheng sa1d. 2. BAll SAVER Drop

kKkmg the boll, gool1e ~ gets the boll away from her goal. \"II• e the feeling of

the adrenaline rush when I save the ball; Muhammad said. 3. DEFENSE, DEFENSE Ploymg defense,

R onempls to k•ck the ball away from her opponent. She plays m•df1eld lor the ream

(photos by M Ward) 4. 3, 2, I GO· Rocmg lor the boll, beats her opponent In the boc

holds boc her gnlro g•ve Ott a chance at the boll. (photo by N Kalishman) 5.

SEND IT Wmding up to bck the boll, sends 1t to the oppos1te end of the f1eld

Nounhe1m has been on vors1ty for three years and has started every game so for th1s season 6.

THROWI~G VARSIIY: lnboundmg the boll, looks for an open player She and

R are the on~ two freshman who are swrngmg varsity 7. LEI'S GO OFFENSE With

behmd her, tokes the boll around a defender. Nselel tned to pur herself

m Irani of the defender to get a dear break. (pillltos by M. Ward}




COLORING the Numbers Some highlights of girls

soccers ongoing seoson.

3 goalies switch off halves and play

for the girls varsity soccer team. 1 3 years since the

team has beaten

Webster Groves


From March 23 to April 18, the team

scored 2 4 goals.

2 freshman are swinging

varsity this year out of

13 girls


The team's current season

record, stopping April 1 8 is



Varsity soccer beats

no. l ranked Webster

Groves 2-0 Aprill2.

ror the t rst t me 1n l 3 years, Ire varstty

soccer team beat Webster Groves It is the

fnst ltme they have ever beaten the no l

team in the metro area

\"It was a really big win for our program,

one of the biggest wtns in our gtrls soccer

program's history •


The g• s were a' very exct•ed wtth thetr

w·u, They thought they war ed real y well

together as o team

\"We outworked the o her team, and

that starts w1t1J OJ' so 1d defense, who d1dn't

a1 ow Webster's two best players to ge'

shots off.\" sa d \"Our

offense challenged Webster's defer.se which

led to a penalty ktc for JS and another goal

as well.\"

At the begmnmg of the game, Aronberg

gave the gHs some advice to boost their

confiderce, something he often does before

a b1g match.

• Aronberg wan led us to believe that we

could win and not 1ust th r 'oh, this IS

Webster, if we lose by two we'l be happy,'\"


THIS COLOR d sa 'Tie bee.;, se I e \"JW and soo


RECORD 14-0-7 4/ 3

P •way (eiii!GI 72 W 4/ 5

DtSmer 8-l w 4/ 6 Timberklnd

~W46hamH n

S.l W 4 6St Do KS·l W,

4/7 Ft lu wall West S.l W

4/7 franas Howell (enflal S.'

W 4/71Mrquefle 4S I. 4/'2

Un erslfy Ory 7·2 W 4/' 3

H man ~ W 4/' 3 Jefferwn

Oty ~ W 4/ 7 Clayton 6-3 W,

4/'8 luldbe~ 1 8 l; 4/19

l wood 5-4 W. 4/20 Jefferwn ----l!iill~.-­ Ory I 2 W 4/2 8unaug s 1 8

., 4/2 Lrndbergh 4 5 ., 4/24

Cham ode 4 5 ., 4/25

rquefle 3-6., 4/26 SlU 4 5

4/27 Lafayene 7·2 W


Front Row: F xl (ll), (f!c Zhu (12), Ryan

Mrll ccond Row: Shrey D ornrdhor o (i2), Alex

Ker 12 ustrn lorn (12), Justrn Chen ( 12). Back

Row: Edward Wu ( 12), Aaron Urn en (12), Jeremy

Ouyr g 1 0), Coach Junker

Front Row: Arr Gottesman (9), Ben1omin Goe e (9), Jacob

Stalker (9). Donovon Moore (11). Joson L (10), Ryan

-\"'\"\"\"!1!'!!1111~ lam (9), Akshoy C v1 dr Matthew levy (9), Joseph

~-/.:;;;1==1 Berglund ( 1 0). econd Row: Bryce DeGraw (1 0), Andrew

_;;;::~~=~ fruend (9), Jock· Bry 1 Ayushyo Atmoni (1D). Matthew

• Mrozek ( 11 ). Dovrd Zhong 1 ), Daniel lung ( 1 0), Arr

r#'\"~--.t--1 Horwrtz (9). Back Row; Coach Webb, Moses

=~!-... --1 Schrndler (11), R· p P• (II), Joshua Horowrtz (11), John

Chrrsten (I D), John Yeldhom (9), Mrchoel Roflelson (10),

Wrlliom Stoppenbeck (10), Coach lao.

Front Row: Wr iom Gorskr (12), Julian Peng (12), Ardon

Marl y 12 Zr ory Bernstein (12), Maxwell Hampton (12),

Doug! ,f P hernck ( 12), Matthew

l ann 2 econd Row: iustovo Vazquez ( 1 0), Robert

Murphy 0 Jock M• ll), !homos Gerdrng (II),

Trrpp lochmoeller Rrch (9), Colby Brandt (9), Sam

Addi5on (9). Third Row: Coach Brugermon, Ethan

Deutsch (9), Coil 1 '

1 .y 1), Cameron lrtz (10), Frnnion

0' eel (10), Jackson Gallemore (II), Joshua Krttner (11),

Bloke Berg (11), Coach Callaham Back Row: Coach

Moloshoc Stewart Dove {9), Tyler Deutsch (9), Samuel

Gallemore (9), Oylon Stem (9), Jock Vonlondrnghom (9),

..../\"- .--........,........,- = Hamson Trelz (10), Ethan Wilkrns (10), Coach Stryler

Front Row: Gu tov1 Vr . , ez (10), Robert Murphy (10),

Com itz ), Frnnron O'Neal {10). Trrpp

lochmaeller (1' ), Jackson Gal' Noah Rrch (9),

Colby Brandt (9), Sam Addrson 9 cond Row: Coach

Brugermon, Ethan Deutsch (9), 11 •y (10), Dylan

Stern (9 ~~ Kr ner (ll), Ethan Wi rns (10), Coach

Collohor Back Row: Coach Moloshoc , Stewart Dove (9),

Tyler D 1 ·h 19 muel Gallemore (9), Jock

Vanlandingham (9), Hamson Trelz (10), Coach Stryler


RECORD 44-1 4/4

Par •flY Ctntral 211-212 W

4/16 Webster Grms

Touraoment 14th, 4/17

Po1lway West262·303 W, 4/19

Webster Gr!l'les 263-265 W,

4/24 lalayetft 267256 I;

4/26 Wlntfoeld 175-'95 W


3f, , \"\"'A( demy 3-11\"

3/30 Car Jesu Acade 2 11 \"

3/31 We ster G 11 145 W

3/31 l wood 712 I; 4f4

Westmaster 12·16 I; 4/8

Clayton 13-3 W 4/11

Morquene 6-17 I, 4/12 Ooyton

19-4 W 4/' I 51 Joseph's

laldemy 13-16 I, 4/19

Bunoug s 5-7 I, 4/23 Pa,lway

West \" 12 I; 4/26 O'fallon

lownsh p 10.9 W

RECORD 4-0-6 3/26

Ro1hr HI ()./ '- 3/28

Cor •• u 1.1. d my 1-13 I, 4/4

Westmmster 4-3 W 4/11

Marquant 2-8 I; 4/12 Ooyton

I' 1 W 4/'7 St Joseph's

Academy I 1 I, 4/19 Burroughs

5·6 I; 4/20 Cloyron II· W.

4/23 Pa1kwoy West 5-4 W.

4/26 O'fa !on •ownsh p '·6,

Front Row: Adam Poger (9), Had ey Kramer (I 1), W1ll1am

B,·· . (II). Akash Upadhyay (9), Chase Faster (I I)

econd Row: Noah Melson (I I). Domel S. 2

Arye·, c~ Dohtyo (10), Brennan Kalish (I 1). Back Row:

Coach Clawson, Stephen Bowen (II), Coach Ba r

Front Row: Darren Teh (9), Ja n Wehrle (I 1), Palnck

B1 J.,, 9), Will1om Boumslor (9}, Andrew Burton (9)

ccond Row: Maxwell Bowen (9), Evan Srnger (10),

Frr Goebel (I D), Ben1omrn Re1ll (9) Back Row: Coac

Clawson, John Stelek (JI), Clor Klllner (11), Ethan

Cohen (9), Coach Bosler.

Front Row: Hannah Suffiar (I 1). Margarellawton (9),

J1 rd1 Wr 11 Sarah Fuedman (I I). Kaylon Buckner ( 12)

ccond Row: .arty R1ch (I 2), Groce Hensley (9},

F ·~ 1 0), Ahce Buchf1e d (I I). Margaret

loc • Mary Gerdmg (I 1 ), Meghon Huber (II).

Back Row: Yael Hahn (9), Courtney Chnst (I 1), Zoe

Zuc er 19 Con• Smilh, Coach Westerholt, Katie

Muchmc (12), Oumnlon Colvert (9), Sarah Ash or (II).

Front Row: M• y Kerner 19 All~e Poush (9), EJ,zobeth

Smnett ccond Row: V1V1enne Reed (9), Schuyle1

Wolf (101 Arlela1de B1tt11g (9 l CJD Marlin Alberdi(IO}.

Margarel Edwa1ds (10}, Elizabeth Howe (10}. Dorothy

lochmoeller (9),1sabe le Shepard (10) Back Row:

Isabella Elzem (9), Harper Gero1d1 (10), Mod1son Rottler (10}.

Coach Mac, Ava Bmmonn (9), Katheune luCJer (10),leyla

Kiknodze (9).



SlA ~·

So ., •••


Parkway Wesl 9~

W; ~/6

rgh 7-10 l. 4/9 Par way

West 7-8 l. 4/10 SLUH 2·3 I;

4/11 OeSmtr ~ l. •Ill

P · •ay South 9-8 W. •111

P · way Cenlial 3-4 W, 4/19

p ' way Central 0 w. •ns

Affton r•~ W, •126 Affton ~~~~-~ 13-2 w I=

Wr 11 Rowe (12).

econd Row:

CoochCiay,JarkHaselharst(12). .wAI n(12),Joel

Hsr 2 Alexander Sterhng {12), Drxon Benoni ( 12).

Back Row: Coach Jagodzm1ki, Coach Tohull, Corter

Lor AI xander Bendus 1 (12), Rerd Rogers (12),

Brandon Murdock (12).

Front Row: DoVJd Sr t '9 >amuel Helmkamp! (9),

Harry Cher 9), Amy Pumm (9), Kelo Munnerlyn (12), Joanna

Jurgi 11 Ho11iet Bezzant (10), Manoreldeen Fa1ors (9).

econd Row: (ooch Cloy, Benromm Wong (9), Alexander

Krosn11fl 1 ). Maxwell Homtlton (9), Benjomm Rose (9), Lu e

Poge (11 Th11mr B 111, Alexander Ye (9), Teo

Kelalov 9 Back Row: Coach Jogodzmskr, Lawrence Hadley 101 Robr Esoyr (10), Leopolda Bochrcchio (9),

Noah Unger (10), Dante! Volobuev (10), Coach Tohull.

Front Row: John Moehde (11 ). Brandon West (11 ). John Bru 2 lockian Taylor (12), James Beune (12, Ker ft

Cantors ( 11 ), Cullen Durbm (12), Mason Perkms ( 12). Back

Row: Coach Chatmon, Govyn Dockery (10), Drew Harz (1

P•rt· ·k Kovolok (11), Benjomtn Cedergreen (12), Jon·Dovrd

Gunther (12), Henry Mcintosh (10), Cameron Stern (11),

Alexander Leary (11), Nrcholos Strebler (10), Coach Go11ett.

uel Patterson (10), Connor Boldt (9),

John Mr kler (9 1 Daniel Diringer (9), Alexander Strentjes (9),

Zu /lrt ew 19 Connorlevrne (9), Benjamin Brsig (9).

Ba k Row: C ch Hrll, Iyter Durbm (9), Jacob Shelton (9),

Jereny Dr rM 9 Ad om Ozimkrewru (9), Hans Mueller ( 1 0),

Ardon Sample (9), Jacob Tackes (lO),luke Wagnon (10), Maxwell Webb (10), Brendan Kelly (10}. Coach Saxton.



RECORD 6-4-0 3/27

l w 3/28

KllkWOOG t-4 ~ 3/30

lrmberland 0·1> ., ~/2 Sr

Charles 3-2 W ~/3 Ursu ne

Atademr 0.2 ~ ~~~ Po iw

West O.S l; ~/1> Vi Ia 2·' W.

~/lC Panan\" e ·~ W ~/11

Websrtr Groves 0-C •, 41'3

MKDS 2.() W, ~/17 Par wor

(entrol 0-C I, ~/18 West imler

'.() W ~/23Lilrerty 0.1 l, ~/2S

Wesrm nsrer 1·' I, ~/27

Wtstm nsrer 1-1 I. 4/27 Ft

lumwoh South 0.7 l

Front Row: M .gt Sheldon (12), Carlos Puyo (10),

Kotl ryr ~ 12 econd Row: Modyson

Esprnoso (111 Co11 •r ro (11), Hope Shmony (11),

Notolio Rrtter (12), Koylee Rrgdon (9), Madison Boss (9),

Anno Zheng (12), Soroh Cook (12), Taylor On (10), Elrzobeth

loynd (10). Third Row: Grace Hardester (11), J I an

Mann (11), Emrly Ingram ('1), ModtSOn MIron (11), Kodr

Smith (11), Kolifa Muhammad (12), Av Koon 2 Mcka a

Bommer (11), Er,zobeth Ingram (9). Back Row: (arotJna

Rrner (12), Ryley Arnold (11), Modele W zr kr 11),

Abrgarl Small (11 ). Coach Haley, Coach Aronberg, Coach

Ourhom, Kothenne Mobbs (12), Soroh Nselel (10), Mary

ounherm (12), Sophie Isaacs (II).


Scan this QR code

to view senior

graduation pictures

starting May 24.


ClASS Of 2018: Throwmg theu arms 10 the 011,

groduolrng seniors pose next to the ladue Horton

Wotkrns High School s1gn. ·rhese four yeors rn

h1gh school hove fought me so much obout

f11endsh1p, teamwork ond delermmollon: Kathryn

Xu (12) s01d. •1 can't w01t to see where college

leads me: (photo by C Eng/onder)

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