FATOLA Timothy




There are several things in life that do not respect personalities, they only respond to right commands. For example, no matter how huge or rich you are, a door wont open for you if you don’t have the right key. Another thing is that ‘WHEN LIFE IS VOID OF PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENTS, FRUSTRATION IS BOUND TO SET IN REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE’.

There are certain laws and principles that govern outcomes of events and human endeavors and the critical part of this truth is that our knowledge or ignorance of these laws and principles can’t change the effects they have on our lives. As a matter of fact, even God is bound by His principles which are covenants. For example, there will always be day and night, sunshine, rain, snow etc regardless of what men do. This makes it imperative and critical for everyone to discover principles that govern life, GROWTH, and developments we desire.

We must understand that nothing happens by accident or chance in life; the truth is, ‘ONLY ACCIDENTS HAPPEN BY ACCIDENTS’. Every event in life is as a result of an action or reaction to an action performed. Newton’s 3rd laws of motion which states that ‘an object will continue in a state or continuous motion unless an external force acted on it’ buttresses this truth. Let this always be at the back of your mind, ‘NOTHING GROWS ON ITS OWN, IT REQUIRES RIGHT EFFORTS’

I want to share few laws and principles that facilitate growth and success in life.


John C. Maxwell says ‘No one improves by accident”.

We must understand that growth of any kind just like personal growth doesn’t happen naturally. We must take responsibility for growth and take critical steps to figure out and come up with plan for growth; just like you don’t expect a child that doesn’t feed to grow or malnourished children to be healthy, don’t expect any meaningful growth and development in your life just by mere adding years to years on earth if you don’t have learning culture. It is pathetic that people have eating plan but no growth plan. As a child, I used to think that one will get rich as he/she grows older, but as I grow older I discovered how wrong I was.

Japan after the 2nd World war came to a conclusion or submission on how to rebuild their nations from the ruins of the war. They said to themselves for us to build this great country and be a force to reckon with again, we must submit ourselves to what they called ‘KAIZEN’ which means Constant and Never ending Improvement. It is not a surprise today that a country where their soil is not suitable for agricultural purposes because of the Hiroshima bombing can provide good food for their citizens, country with no deposits of iron ore is a home of some of the largest producer of cars in the world and has robust economy in spite of the adverse effects of the war on the country.

Israel is another country that comes to mind, they have no oil or major mineral deposits yet their GDP is more than most Arab nations put together that has oil reserves and gold. The major resource of Israel is intelligence which can be acquired via continuous learning.

The second law I would like to share with you is LAW OF NO RETURN:

Major changes that had occurred in people’s life happened when they reach a point of no return and make a critical decision about their lives. At this point, he/she was ready to give everything it takes to make it in life without looking back.

Jim Rohn says at age 25, he told himself ‘I don’t want to live like this anymore. I have had it being broke. I have had it being embarrassed. I have had it with lying.” then he decided to turn his life around and live the kind of life he desired.

You experience a turn around when you say to yourself ‘Enough is enough’. Israel said to themselves ‘NEVER AGAIN’ as a nation after the highest massacre of Jews in history after the World war. There is nothing that initiates a great change in one’s life like this kind of decision.

To be contd…

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