Does Timothy Olyphant make your list of best/worst movie hair?


If you’ve watched our Take 5 video with Hitman star Timothy Olyphant—and really, you should: he’s hot and hysterical—you’re already sensing that the actor wasn’t initially psyched to shave his head for the role of Agent 47. Here, in an excerpt from an earlier interview with EW, you learn that acting really is all about the hair. That I should no longer be made to feel guilty for boycotting Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code and Nicolas Cage in Next. And that we should have expected our recent Best and Worst Hair on TV gallery to be that popular. In fact, we’re now taking nominations for those titles in the motion picture category in the comments section below!

EW: Was the shaved head at all a concern for you? It was a bit of an issue for me because I liked your hair.
Olyphant: Yeah. Yeah. Because why?
EW: I liked your hair.
Olyphant: Well, god bless you, I appreciate you saying that. And you’re not alone because the family, they were all very anti-shaved. My wife and the kids. Then, they kinda enjoyed it, I guess. Who doesn’t love walking up and rubbing a bald guy’s head? I think it was a concern because you’re never quite sure the shape of your head until all the hair comes off. Let me put it this way: If it was a concern of mine, I’m quite certain it was a concern of the powers that be. I think they all huddled around, watched the hair come off, and let out a sigh of relief that my head was, in fact, round. Honestly, I figure the studio took a major risk by hiring a guy whowasn’t bald. I refused to shave my hair until the money was in thebank. That’s absolutely true. They were like, “You should shave yourhead to prepare for the role, just to get used to it,” and I was like,”Pay me. Go ahead. Cough it up.” ‘Cause I know what they were gonna do:I was gonna shave my head, and then they were gonna look at it and go,”Eh, no. Maybe we’ll go to somebody else.” That was my hunch. I can’tconfirm whether they would have done that or not because I held strong.
EW: I know your Deadwood contract had a clause that said your facial hair had to be at a certain length by a certain date for filming.
Olyphant: I did a movie with a buddy of mine named Tom Jane years ago [2003’s Dreamcatcher], and he used to tell me, “It’s all about the hair.” I always thought, Ha ha. I know it’s a saying. And then he’d say, “No, I’m serious. It’s all about the hair.” And I have had one job after another that has confirmed that to be a fact….

So, nominate away: Which roles have produced the best and worst hair in cinema?

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