Everything to Know About Fixing Your Scuffed Work Boots

Everything to Know About Fixing Your Scuffed Work Boots

No matter where we work, our construction work boots are destined to receive plenty of scuffs and scratches. Construction and worksites are full of sharp objects, rough surfaces, and all types of equipment that quickly damage work shoes for construction men and women.

Even though our construction boots for men and women, along with our waterproof work shoes, are designed to handle these types of damages, scratches and scuff marks are going to take a toll on our boots over a period of time. Even though our construction boots 2019 and waterproof work boots for men are made to undertake many damages, some scuff marks jeopardize the safety of the boots by weakening the leather. Along with the construction boots being compromised by scuffs, they are very unappealing to look at.

Before tossing those scuffed construction boots in the trash can and spending money on another pair, try out some of the below repair methods to salvage them for another year or two. These methods improve the durability of the boot and help restore the strength and integrity of the boots. These techniques will bring life to the appearance of our construction boots, making us forget all about those ugly scuff marks we started off with.

This repair method consists of the steps below:

  • Preparation
  • Getting rid of small scuff marks
  • Getting rid of large, deep scuff marks
  • Finishing touches


Steps to Repairing Your Boots


Preparing our scuffed boots for repair is an important part of the process. Scuffs and scratches break apart the soft surface of our boots. Small pits and dents are created allowing grime and dirt to set deep within the boot. As the dirt builds up, the opening grows larger and further apart. Sooner or later, the leather breaks apart and forms cracks.

To keep this from happening, the boots must be free of grime and dirt by cleaning them. With a bit of warm water, a soft-bristled brush and some soap, clean off the boots. If dirt is sticking inside the cracks, try using the newspaper to dig it out. Once clean, let the boots dry out completely.

To make the job easy, stuff the boots with towels or newspaper to maintain the form. This stimulates the shaping to mimic what the boot is like when it is on our feet.

Getting Rid of Small Scuff Marks

Scratches and Scuff Marks Removal Guide

For small scuffs and light scratches, this method works well by penetrating the outer surface of the boot. These are the kind of scuffs that take just minutes to get rid of, and there are no lasting damages to the boot. Vinegar, olive oil, and a small soft cloth are all that is necessary to do the job effectively.

Dab the olive oil or vinegar on the cloth and rub it on the boots in a circular pattern. Do this for a few minutes, and put the boots aside for at least 24 hours. Leave excess olive oil or vinegar on the boots, allowing it to soak deeply into the leather. This process causes the leather to swell. Consequently, this keeps scuffs and scratches from being noticeable.

Deep Scuffs and Scratches

More attention is needed on construction boots with deep scratches and scuff marks. This method will not just mask scuffs and scratches, but it repairs them. Using this method, we need to close the cavity of the scratch or scuff by using some strong bonding or super glue.

Using a clear super glue will ensure that the color of the boots is not compromised. With a needle or toothpick tip, fill in the scuff or scratch with super glue. For major tears, use glue on both sides of the tear to bond and close the gap.

Make sure glue is not applied to any location on the boot other than the scuff or scratch. Superglue dries quickly and is tough to remove. The glue removal process can cause further damage to the boot. Once the glue is applied to the scratch or scuff, quickly soak up any excess glue with a paper towel.

This procedure works miracles on your waterproof construction boots or other work shoes for construction men and women. The scuff sand scratches will diminish quickly, and our work boots will be looking as good as new. To improve the appearance a bit more, lightly sand down the glued area with some fine sandpaper. This process smooths the glue to match the surface better.

Finishing Touch

Polishing Work Boots

To finish off either light or deep scuffs and scratches in the boots, we should apply a leather spolish to offer shine and flexibility to the boots.

We no longer have to be embarrassed by scuffs and scratches in our construction boots. By following the steps above, we can make our old, scuffed up work boots look brand new once again!

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