
I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, advised by Prof. Tarek Abdelzaher. Prior to UIUC, I received my bachelor's degree in Electrical& Electronics Engineering and Physics (Double Major) from Koc University, and M.S. in the Department of Computer Science at UIUC, advised by Sibin Mohan.

I specialize in Machine Learning for Distributed IoT Systems, particularly in Physics-Informed AI for IoT. My work centers on utilizing signal processing and domain-specific knowledge to construct robust Foundation models for handling time-series and event-driven data. Additionally, I address security aspects of Cyber-Physical and IoT Systems.

Highlight research themes:

(1) Physics-Informed AI for Distributed IoT Systems.

  • Physics-Informed Machine Learning for IoT
  • Robustness for IoT Sensing

(2) Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on IoT and Cyber Physical Systems.

  • ML-based Misbehavior Detection in Vehicular Networks (V2X)
  • Stealthy Sensor Spoofing Attacks on UAV systems