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July 29, 2019

Word of the Day: Addlepated

1 CQ

Word of the Day : July 29, 2019

addlepated \AD-ul-pay-tud\ adjective


1 : being mixed up : confused

2 : eccentric

Did You Know?

In Middle English an adel eye was a putrid egg. The stench of such an egg apparently affected the minds of some witty thinkers, who hatched a comparison between the diminished, unsound quality of an adel eye (or addle egg as it came to be called in modern English) and an empty, confused head—or pate. "Your owne imagination, which was no lesse Idle, then your head was addle all that day," wrote one 17th-century wit at play with the words idle and addle. Today, addle is often found in combination with words referring to one's noggin, as in addlepated, addlebrained, and addle-headed.

Aired July 29, 2019

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