Display Approval on each record on Section Page

Hi Community,

Any  idea how i can display the approval on each record on Section Page, in this way there is no need to open each record, approved it and go back again to section wizard.

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Dear Fulgen,

As far as I understood you - you need to create a test approval record in each section on each record. First of all you need to activate approvals for this section in section wizard. After it is done - there will be a table created in the database called "Object_name"Visa. For example it will be OrderVisa for orders, InvoiceVisa for invoices and so on. After that you will be able to create test approval records for each section using Insert query. Please take a look at the table and see which columns you need to specify (status of visa can be got from VisaStatus table).

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, thanks for your reply

Currently we already have approval on our Section, but this is only available in edit page when you open a specific record. Is there a way to show it on each record in section page,

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Approvals tab and detail sholuld be present on each record of the section and in "Actions" you have "Send for approval action" and clicking on this action you will be able to add a record in this detail. If you don't see this detail for some records then it seems that you have a business rule or some code that prevents this detail from appearing on the page. Please review all rules and the code of the page.

Best regards,


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