Controversy has erupted as USA Boxing introduces new guidelines permitting transgender women to compete against biological women in certain circumstances, reported by Foxnews. OutKick host Riley Gaines expressed her concerns on “Faulkner Focus,” criticizing the policy for compromising the safety of women and questioning its supposed progress.

Riley Gaines emphasized the fundamental understanding that women are more than just a testosterone level and highlighted the potential dangers arising from USA Boxing's updated policies. She argued that the new guidelines, which allow individuals who transitioned from male to female to compete in the female category, glorify men as champions, awarding them titles and prize money for engaging in physical contact sports like boxing.

The OutKick host argued that such developments are not indicative of progress but rather a regressive step, condemning the perceived misogyny in the decision. Gaines raised particular concerns about the safety of women in combat sports, expressing dismay at the prospect of men being celebrated for competing against women.

Under the new rules, transgender boxers must fulfill specific conditions to compete in the female category:

  1. The boxer must identify as female and have completed gender reassignment surgery.
  2. Quarterly hormone testing is required for a minimum of four years, with documented hormone levels provided to the organization.
  3. Testosterone levels must remain below 5 nanomoles per liter 48 months before the first fight, monitored and tested at the boxer's expense. Failure to meet standards results in a 12-month suspension.

As USA Boxing grapples with criticism and concerns, the debate surrounding the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports continues to raise questions about fairness, safety, and the evolving landscape of sports regulations.