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NetBank Business: Consolidating a created batch of payments into a single debit
This function allows you to create a batch of payments and consolidate the batch into a single debit. A single debit description and total will appear on your statement, ie a consolidated amount and total for the entire batch. This menu option will be available only if your access rights allow you to create a new batch of payments.

Accessing the Batch payments screen

1 Follow this path through the main menu to access the Batch payments screen:
Transactions > Payments > Create Batch Payments

The Batch payments screen

2 The Batch payments screen is displayed. This screen is made up of four sections. The first section, at the top of the screen displays the current daily and monthly payment limits, used daily and monthly payment limits as well as the available daily and monthly payment limits for this profile.

3 The second section is the Batch information section.

4 Use the scrollbar to view the rest of the screen.

5 The third section is the Capture payments section.

6 The fourth section is the List of payments section in which all the payments in the batch can be found.

7 Up to 10 000 entries can be captured in a batch.

Creating a batch of payments

8 First capture a batch description in the Batch description field.

9 Batch payments may be future-dated. Enter the date or select it from the calendar provided. Your available payment limit will be taken into account on the day that the payment is processed (the onus is on the client to ensure that sufficient funds are available on the action date).

10 Specify that the account from which the payment will be made will be a single-debit-account if not selected by default in the Debit account/s field.

11 Select the account from which the payment must be made in the From account dropdown list in the Batch information section of the screen. Please note that you will be able to select only an account for which you have capture rights.

12 Indicate whether or not you would like to have a single debit description and total on your statement, ie a consolidated amount and total for the entire batch, by selecting either the Yes or No radio button next to the Single debit item.

13 If you select the Yes radio button, all the My statement description (DR) fields for all the transactions in the batch will become inactive and the Description field next to the radio buttons will become active.

14 If you select the No radio button, your statement will reflect each and every transaction in the batch and their amounts.

15 In the Description field enter the description you would like to see on your statement for the single debit or consolidated total. It is possible to edit all the My statement description (DR) fields for all the transactions in the batch.

16 Specify the Payment type by selecting the relevant radio button.

Note: If you choose Same-day the payment is processed and value is given on the day it is submitted to Bankserv, ie on the action date.

A one day-dated payment type is a service that requires the data to reach Bankserv in one working day before the action date.

A two-day dated payment type is a service that requires the data to reach Bankserv in two working days before the action date.

A Real time payment is a single payment which is settled in real time.

  If you decide to process the batch in 1-day dated, 2-day dated or Real-time payment (1 hour) payments, you will be presented with a warning message. You will have to read and acknowledge the rules and cutoff times regarding these payment types.

17 In the Payment to field, you must select the type of payment you would like to make. You can choose between the My beneficiary list, Bank-approved beneficiary or the Once-off radio button. Depending on your selection, the Capture Payments section of the screen will change.

18 If you choose the option My beneficiary list, you can select a beneficiary from any of your beneficiary lists.

Note: The beneficiary dropdown list will be in alphabetical order.

19 Select the beneficiary to whom you wish to make a payment from the Beneficiary name or the Beneficiary reference number dropdown lists.

20 Capture the My statement description (DR) and the Beneficiary statement description (CR) if required.

Note: If you do not capture anything in these fields, they will automatically contain your beneficiary's account details and your account details respectively.

21 Tick the Payment notification checkbox if you want to send a payment notification to the beneficiary.

22 Capture the payment amount in the Amount field.

Note: If you do not want to capture a specific value the default value of 9999999999 must be visible in the field.

23 Once you have completed this section, click on the Add payment to list below button.

24 The entries you have captured will appear in the List of payments section of the screen. You may now continue to capture payments in this way and add them to the list of payments, thus increasing the number of payments in the batch.

Note: Click on any transaction row in the List of payments table to open a slide-in window  to the right of the screen that will contain the transaction details where you can edit the entry.

The rest of the process is the same as that followed when creating a batch of payments for a single-debit-account. Click here to view the Creating a batch of payments for a single-debit-account flow (start from item 33).