Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum

Common Name: Basil, Common Basil


Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum).  This is the common Basil grown from seeds or cuttings. Used as a seasoning herb in many vegetable and meat dishes, or as a key ingredient of pesto and other condiments.

Plant TypeAnnuals
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage patio
Temperaturenot frost tolerant, dislikes cold weather
Flowerswhite, usually removed to produce more leaves
Leaveshighly aromatic leaves that are harvested for their flavor
Dimensions1-2 feet (HS)
Propagationcuttings, seeds
Native Sitetropical Asia
Misc Facts"Genus name comes from the Greek name okimon for an aromatic herb, possibly this one. Specific epithet means princely or royal." (#144)
Author's NotesOver all Basil are relatively easy to grow.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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