Why hasn’t the series ‘Trap / Tuzak’ been canceled yet?

Trap / Tuzak

Trap / Tuzak

The Turkish television industry has found a new way to exist independently of ratings thanks to the series “Trap / Tuzak”. The TV show did not receive the expected success in Turkey, with an unsuccessful script leading to a decrease in the number of views and low ratings.

However, the duo of Akın Akınözü and Benju Soral turned out to be in demand abroad, especially in South America. At the Content Americas exhibition held in Miami in January, there was great interest in the “Trap” series from television channels throughout Latin America, thanks to millions of foreign fans of Akın Akınözü.

Despite the fact that the series is not successful in the rating system, it continues to stay on the air thanks to foreign sales, which may signify the beginning of a new movement for projects that are stuck in ratings and end quickly. Projects aimed at foreign countries can be created without being tied to ratings and provide Turkish producers with additional income.

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